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- "Mom---And also Thank You, and Much appreciative, for Sharing this Very Good Bible Verse(B.V.), and this Very Good Bible Chapter(B.C.). And I am also Very Glad, and Very Happy, for example, that We have Our Fellow Trust Funds, and Our Fellow Copyrights. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And it was also Very Good Visiting Grandpa Sid, and Grandma Carolyn in their Semi-Retirement Community the other day, and also Saying Hello to One of the Uniformed Workers there by the Desk there who, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, Talked about Having Worked for a Government, and said that, Yes, I could Use Their Liquid Hand Sanitizer Cleaner, and I said Thank You, and Picked Up My Coat from by My Shin, and Visited Grandpa and Grandma. And, for example, Very Good Foods, Drinks, and Television Shows. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And that couldn't Not have been a Better Day, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And May You have a Good Day, and a Good Evening.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member, and Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolk Member, and Your Friend, and Your Kid, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
- "Mom---And also Thank You, and Much appreciative, for Sharing this Very Good Bible Verse(B.V.), and this Very Good Bible Chapter(B.C.). And I am also Very Glad, and Very Happy, for example, that We have Our Fellow Trust Funds, and Our Fellow Copyrights. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And it was also Very Good Visiting Grandpa Sid, and Grandma Carolyn in their Semi-Retirement Community the other day, and also Saying Hello to One of the Uniformed Workers there by the Desk there who, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, Talked about Having Worked for a Government, and said that, Yes, I could Use Their Liquid Hand Sanitizer Cleaner, and I said Thank You, and Picked Up My Coat from by My Shin, and Visited Grandpa and Grandma. And, for example, Very Good Foods, Drinks, and Television Shows. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And that couldn't Not have been a Better Day, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And May You have a Good Day, and a Good Evening.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member, and Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolk Member, and Your Friend, and Your Kid, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
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