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THE BIG DEBUNK: "male privilege checklist"

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Jun 30th, 2024
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  5. The vast majority of those points are invalid.
  7. ----
  9. "My odds of being hired for a job, when competing against female applicants, are probably skewed in my favor. The more prestigious the job, the larger the odds are skewed."
  11. But you don't have the privilege of staying at home.
  13. Working isn't a privilege. Not working is.
  15. Working is a necessity to be able to pay the bills and to be attractive to a female.
  17. "I can be confident that my co-workers won’t think I got my job because of my s[language filter]ex – even though that might be true."
  19. Why would you even care?
  21. "If I am never promoted, it’s not because of my s[language filter]ex."
  23. Redundant to first two.
  25. "If I’m a teen or adult, and if I can stay out of prison, my odds of being r[language filter]aped are relatively low." - you might not be r[language filter]aped, but you can still be punched.
  27. "If I have children but do not provide primary care for them, my masculinity will not be called into question." - you still have to provide secondary care, i.e. money.
  29. "If I have children and a career, no one will think I’m selfish for not staying at home." - like said in the beginning, working is a necessity, not a privilege.
  31. "If I seek political office, my relationship with my children, or who I hire to take care of them, will probably not be scrutinized by the press." - very rare. What percentage of the population ever gets to hold political office?
  34. "My elected representatives are mostly people of my own s[language filter]ex. The more prestigious and powerful the elected position, the more this is true."
  36. Not anymore.
  38. "As a child, I could choose from an almost infinite variety of children’s media featuring positive, active, non-stereotyped heroes of my own s[language filter]ex"
  40. Nowadays, males are emasculated on TV all the time.
  42. "As a child, chances are I got more teacher attention than girls who raised their hands just as often." - any proof for this?
  44. In my school class, females got more teacher attention by far.
  46. "I can turn on the television or glance at the front page of the newspaper and see people of my own s[language filter]ex widely represented, every day, without exception." - but those people are not myself, so how does it matter? Why would I care?
  48. I don't watch television anyway. Much of the stuff there is garbage.
  50. "If I’m careless with my financial affairs it won’t be attributed to my s[language filter]ex." - oh yes, it will.
  52. "Even if I sleep with a lot of women, there is no chance that I will be seriously labeled a “s[language filter]lut,” nor is there any male counterpart to “s[language filter]lut-bashing.”"
  54. Oh yes, it is called "v[language filter]irgin-shaming". Most men don't even get the opportunity to "sleep with a lot of women" due to being undesirable because they are under either below 6 feet or balding or have some other undesirable trait they didn't choose.
  56. Know that women perceive two classes of men. Premium men (reproduction-worthy) and regular men (at most useful for paying the bills).
  58. "I do not have to worry about the message my wardrobe sends about my s[language filter]exual availability or my gender conformity." - good luck going outside in a dress as a man. Not that I would.
  60. "If I buy a new car, chances are I’ll be offered a better price than a woman buying the same car."
  62. Even if this were true, men have to buy more expensive cars to be desirable to females in the first place.
  64. "If I’m not conventionally attractive, the disadvantages are relatively small and easy to ignore." - Easy to ignore? You sure about that? Couldn't be further from reality.
  66. Be unattractive and you are excluded from being able to find a romantic partner.
  68. Men have to struggle to build value to be acceptable to a woman, where as a woman gets to stand at the "finish line" and pick the winner. Yeah, what a privilege men have.
  70. "I can be loud with no fear of being called a shrew. I can be aggressive with no fear of being called a b[language filter]itch." - you will still be called loudmouth or a crybaby.
  72. "I can ask for legal protection from violence that happens mostly to men without being seen as a selfish special interest" - oh, really? where can you ask for it?
  74. In the meantime, organizations and hotlines that help females exist in abundance.
  76. "I can be confident that the ordinary language of day-to-day existence will always include my s[language filter]ex" - redundant to the point with the newspaper.
  78. "mailman, chairman, freshman" - why would I care whether a man or a woman delivers the mail?
  80. "I will never be expected to change my name upon marriage or questioned if I don’t change my name." - but in case of a divorce, you lose half your belongings and you get to pay for a child you can rarely see, if at all.
  82. Marriage in its current form is a mouse trap for men. It's a romance scam run by bureaucrats to extract resources from naive men.
  84. "If I have a wife or live-in girlfriend, chances are we’ll divide up household chores so that she does most of the labor, and in particular the most repetitive and unrewarding tasks." - you know what is unrewarding? Having to fight through work to be able to make a living while the woman gets to comfortably stay home, and the woman gets to take the money.
  86. "If I have children with a wife or girlfriend, chances are she’ll do most of the childrearing, and in particular the most dirty, repetitive and unrewarding parts of childrearing." - and who has to earn the money for it? Who has to pay for it? Who provides shelter? You know who.
  88. "Magazines, billboards, television, movies, p[language filter]ornography, and virtually all of media is filled with images of s[language filter]cantily-clad w[language filter]omen intended to appeal to me s[language filter]exually" - isn't that something a women can be proud of?
  90. Didn't women want to be "represented more"? Here is your representation.
  92. "In general, I am under much less pressure to be thin than my female counterparts are" - but you are under pressure to be tall. And you don't get to choose your height.
  94. "I have the privilege of being unaware of my male privilege." - and women are largely unaware of their privileges. Just like anyone with privileges.
  96. To women who complain about "glass ceilings":
  97. You think there is a glass ceiling above you?
  98. Men who are shorter than 6 foot have a glass ceiling in the dating world.
  99. And you (woman) still have the option of motherhood and being taken care of by your man.
  100. Just shut up about "glass ceilings" already.
  102. [My additions are released into public domain. Feel free to spread the word.]
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