

Jul 11th, 2020
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  1. 0 gosub 2
  2. 1 end
  3. 2 '
  4. 3 uaCmdLine$ = dir$
  5. 4 dumperSleep% = 0.003
  6. 5 printArrLen% = 0
  7. 6 if len(argv$(1)) then dumperSleep% = val(argv$(1))
  8. 7 if len(argv$(2)) then printFileName$ = argv$(2) : gosub 31 : return
  9. 8 gosub 12
  10. 9 gosub 42
  11. 10 gosub 52
  12. 11 return
  13. 12 '
  14. 13 delimiter$ = " "
  15. 14 piaArrLen% = 0
  16. 15 gosub 17
  17. 16 return
  18. 17 '
  19. 18 tstr$ = ""
  20. 19 for piaIdx% = 1 to len(uaCmdLine$)
  21. 20 if mid$(uaCmdLine$, piaIdx%, 1) = delimiter$ then goto 25
  22. 21 tstr$ = tstr$ + mid$(uaCmdLine$, piaIdx%, 1)
  23. 22 if piaIdx% = len(uaCmdLine$) then goto 25
  24. 23 next piaIdx%
  25. 24 return
  26. 25 '
  27. 26 if len(tstr$) = 0 then goto 23
  28. 27 piaArrLen% = piaArrLen% + 1
  29. 28 piaArr$(piaArrLen%) = tstr$
  30. 29 tstr$ = ""
  31. 30 goto 23
  32. 31 '
  33. 32 if len(printFileName$) = 0 then print "%glob: file not found" : return
  34. 33 if pos(" " + dir$ + " ", " " + printFileName$ + " ") = 0 then print "%glob: file not found" : return
  35. 34 open printFileName$, as #1
  36. 35 '
  37. 36 if eof(1) = -1 then goto 39
  38. 37 input# 1, a$: print a$: sleep dumperSleep%
  39. 38 goto 35
  40. 39 '
  41. 40 close #1
  42. 41 return
  43. 42 '
  44. 43 for i% = 1 to piaArrLen%
  45. 44 if not pos("exe gam .a2 .c8 .vt ", right$(piaArr$(i%), 3) + " ") then gosub 47
  46. 45 next
  47. 46 return
  48. 47 '
  49. 48 print "%dumper '" + piaArr$(i%) "'"
  50. 49 input "? ", inputText$
  51. 50 if inputText$ = "" then printArr$(printArrLen%) = piaArr$(i%) : printArrLen% = printArrLen% + 1
  52. 51 return
  53. 52 '
  54. 53 for i% = 1 to printArrLen% - 1
  55. 54 printFileName$ = printArr$(i%)
  56. 55 print "[dumper ";printFileName$;"]" : sleep 0
  57. 56 gosub 31
  58. 57 print "%print complete ";printFileName$ : sleep 0
  59. 58 print : sleep 0
  60. 59 sleep 1
  61. 60 next
  62. 61 return
  63. 62
  64. renumber
  65. save _dumper.bas
  66. q
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