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Trails in the Sky SC post Loewe conversations

a guest
Nov 27th, 2015
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  1. -Estelle-
  2. Loewe: Estelle Bright, I owe you a debt I don't think I can ever repay.
  4. Estelle: Er, huh?
  6. Loewe: With both Renne and Joshua here. You’ve done all sorts of things I never could yet made it look so trivial.
  7. And you’ve guided so many other people to this point...
  9. Estelle: You know, if you’re making fun of me, we can totally throw down again. Just saying.
  10. --------------------------
  11. -Schera-
  12. Loewe: Scherazard Harvey. It was a privilege to face against you; the bite of your
  13. whip is worthy of the name Silver Streak. Let me apologize for making light of you at the castle previously.
  15. Schera: Well, well! Didn’t anticipate having THIS conversation when I woke up this morning.
  16. Though…if I may. Did you…know Luciola well at all?
  18. Loewe: Ah. Yes, we were on fairly good terms. Corrupt as the Enforcers are, she
  19. was a rare element. A woman who never lost sight of who she had been.
  20. I will pray for her safety, if it would not offend you.
  22. Schera: Oh…! Yes…thank you.
  24. ----------------------------------
  25. -Kloe-
  26. Loewe: Princess Klaudia…Well, Crown Princess now, I think?
  27. Do you remember what I said atop Grancel Castle, I wonder?
  29. Kloe: I do. A ‘nation is like an enormously complex orbment.’
  30. I believe your words then are absolutely true. But…I can’t believe that the world simply works
  31. like a machine, or SHOULD do so. I want to find a way for the world to work so that people
  32. can be people, even as they drive forward such a great engine. I know it sounds foolish and naïve, but…
  34. Loewe: Not at all. If you’re that certain of your convictions, I have nothing with which to gainsay you.
  35. I hope you do find the way you seek.
  37. Kloe: Thank you very much.
  39. ----------------------------------
  40. -Olivier-
  42. Loewe: And Prince Olivert… Is it not a bit careless to leave behind your Vander escort?
  43. Your life does not belong to just you, after all.
  45. Olivier: Mm, ‘tis all a matter of priorities, kinsman. After all, the Arseille is both the
  46. ace up our sleeve and our lifeline. Repairing and protecting it protects my own person as well.
  48. Loewe: Very uncommon wisdom and courage, for nobility. Royalty seems like such a waste for your talents.
  50. Olivier: In this, we’re agreed.
  52. ----------------------------------
  53. -Tita-
  54. Loewe: Tita Russell…you never cease to amaze me. To think you’d actually manage to come
  55. all this way, as young and fragile as you are. Something to be said for the recklessness of youth, I suppose.
  57. Tita: H-hey…! Aww, I really am selfish, huh?
  59. Loewe: Haha. It was a joke, and meant in good humor. It’s true that there are a great many
  60. who care about you, however. Always be mindful of danger for their sake. You would hurt
  61. far more than yourself if anything were to happen to you.
  63. Tita: O-okay!
  65. ----------------------------------
  66. -Agate-
  67. Loewe: And Agate Crosner. Your blade strikes with conviction and force now, rather than empty rage.
  68. You’ve managed to find your reason for fighting now, I assume?
  70. Agate: Uh, yeah, I guess…Wait, where do you get off soundin’ all self-righteous like that?!
  71. Soundin’ like the old man at this point.
  73. Loewe: Ha, I’m honored to be compared to the Divine Blade.
  75. ----------------------------------
  76. -Zane-
  77. Loewe: Zane the Immovable…my apologies for the slight during the tournament. Walter spoke often of you.
  78. If possible, I’d like to ask for a chance to have an honest match with you at some point.
  80. Zane: Oh! Well, that’s flattering. I still have much to learn before I master the Taito style, however.
  81. When I’ve achieved that, then we shall have our match.
  83. Loewe: Hah! I look forward to it.
  85. ----------------------------------
  86. -Kevin-
  87. Loewe: And you…Hm…
  89. Kevin: Uh? Something on my face, chief?
  91. Loewe: No. You’re Kevin Graham, yes? Would you happen to know a woman named Rufina?
  93. Kevin: *!* …Where did you get that name?
  95. Loewe: So she WAS a Gralsritter. I thought so. I fought a bowgun-wielding churchwoman similar
  96. to yourself several years ago. That was one of the few other times I’ve been so thoroughly matched. Is she still well?
  98. Kevin: …No. Unfortunately she died in an accident. Was about four years back.
  100. Loewe: I see. I mourn the church’s loss then. She was a person of character.
  102. Estelle: (Who are they talking about?)
  104. ----------------------------------
  105. -Julia-
  106. Loewe: Julia Schwartz… you are quite skillful, both with a sword and a ship. You realize yours
  107. is the first ship to ever escape the full force of the Glorious’ guns unscathed?
  109. Julia: I’m not as skilled as all that. You brought down the Arseille shortly after, remember?
  111. Loewe: Hah, it was a cheap shot, not a difference in ability, Captain. If anything, your ability
  112. to land safely in such an event should be commended.
  114. Julia: I’ll take that as a compliment.
  116. ----------------------------------
  117. -Vander-
  118. Leowe: And you would be the young lion of the Vanders. You certainly live up to your
  119. family’s name as the finest fighters in Erebonia.
  121. Vander: I fear I’ve yet to make any real accomplishments as a warrior. I would be plenty
  122. happy to simply reach a level of swordsmanship as good as yours.
  124. Leowe: Hah. If we have time in the future, perhaps we should match blades in a more friendly sense.
  126. ----------------------------------
  127. -Josette-
  128. Loewe: Though, what might you be doing here? You’re the daughter of a former baron, are you not, Josette Capua?
  130. Josette: That’s up to me, isn’t it?! First off, I got something against you for using us! And I still want to get you back for it!
  132. Loewe: It was the colonel and Weissman who used you, but…Ah, well. My apologies.
  134. Josette: Er…
  136. Loewe: Did you not want me to apologize?
  138. Josette: Uh, no! Thanks…? (Wait a sec. I feel like I just got tricked…)
  140. ----------------------------------
  141. -Olivier & Vander-
  142. Loewe: And of course…Olivert Reise Arnor and a scion of the Vander family.
  143. I understand you’ve been investigating the Hamel incident for the past year or so.
  145. Olivier: Oh, goodness. It seems I really am naked before the society!
  147. Vander: If you were worried about that, stop doing things that make you stand out. You realize
  148. my guts froze over when you bragged about sneaking into a jaeger camp dressed as you are.
  150. Olivier: Ahaha! Ah, Mueller, someday I shall make you understand the value of theater.
  152. Loewe: Erm… Regardless. I must admit, I don’t understand why you’re concerned with such things. You are a
  153. noble at the top of the imperial food chain. It would be far easier for you to remain quiet and ignore what happened.
  155. Olivier: With some irony, I believe our motivations are similar, my countryman. To avert our eyes from the
  156. nasty things, and accept an easy, yet false peace…Perhaps some men are satisfied doing that,
  157. but I cannot allow such a thing to happen. Not without challenge. Though, admittedly, my aim was
  158. not quite as grand or ambitious as shattering the world’s delusions. I’ll be satisfied knowing
  159. I’ve shed some light on the things that need it most.
  161. Loewe: Hah…good luck to both of you then. And have a care, or several. Remember, your most
  162. dangerous enemies won’t always be the ones obviously baring fangs at you.
  164. Vander: You needn’t remind me.
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