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A rapid descent into a locked-down dystopia

a guest
Oct 8th, 2022
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  1. The outrage will fade and it will be tolerated.
  3. - 2003: Apple iPod with non-replaceable battery. Thankfully roasted by Casey Neistat. Little did the people know back then, this horror would be the norm in mobile phones in little more than over a decade.
  4. - 2007: Apple releases iPhone without replaceable battery or MicroSD support. Back then, the back cover could still be opened with little effort, but in the following years, "little efford" turned into a glue seal. "Unibody", ugh.
  5. - 2010: iPhone 4 introduces "fasionable premium" fragile glass backs to the smartphone world. No technical/practical benefits.
  6. - 2011, 2012: Mass storage access (including for MicroSD) gradually removed from Android by Google and vendors.
  7. - 2013: Sony and HTC jump on non-replaceable battery bandwagon with Xperia Z and HTC One M7.
  8. - 2014: Android 4.4 forcibly disables write access to MicroSD cards for all user-installed apps including file managers "for our protection".
  9. - 2014: Around that time, laptops started having batteries that can not be externally removed, only with screws opening the complete bottom part, which also exposes other parts.
  10. - 2015: Samsung releases Galaxy S6. No MicroSD and no user-replaceable battery. Broken phone? All data gone. Don't like slow charging? Too bad, your battery will die quickly. But hey, it allows for a [slimmer phone](
  11. - 2016: Android 6.0 introduces "adopted storage" feature for MicroSD cards, defeating all benefits (modularity, external data recovery, immediate reuse in new device). Thankfully just optional, but I bet my _rse Google would love to have it mandatory.
  12. * 2016 (Android 6.0): Task managing to third-party apps restricted.
  13. - 2016: Apple removes 3.5mm headphone plug because it is "old-fasioned" (if "new"/"modern" means less freedom, I prefer "old").
  14. - 2017: LG joins non-replaceable battery bandwagon with their G6 smartphone.
  15. * 2017 (Android 7.0): Read access to USB-On-The-Go devices disabled entirely through the main storage API.
  16. - 2018 (Android 9.0): Granting permissions to apps from outside the Google Play Store (through APK files) requires restarting the app for each permission.
  17. * 2018 (Android 9.0): Call recording disabled for user-installed apps. .
  18. - 2019: [scoped storage]( Certain access requires approval by Google "to protect us".
  19. - May 2019: Malfunction in the Mozilla Firefox "add-on signing" (Microsoft-resembling tyranny that exists "to protect users") forcibly disables all extensions.
  20. - 2019: iPhone 12 locks out "unofficial"/"non-genuine" replacement parts. Operating system refuses to boot upon detection of such.
  21. - 2020: The typical laptop has a non-replaceable battery and no proper full-sized SD card slot, only difficult-to-handle and lower-capacity MicroSD. Also lacks write protection switch. (Mounting as read-only depends on a functioning file system driver, which often does not work: [NTFS](, [exFAT](
  22. - circa 2020: Xiaomi violates a sacred consumer right by forcing a one-week wait before users are able to unlock the bootloader. Ideally, Xiaomi would be banned like Huawei until they stop this abuse.
  23. - 2021: Galaxy S21 without MicroSD after it was brought back with the S7 in 2016.
  24. - 2021: Windows 11 and TPM ("trusted" platform module). Microsoft: "no, you can't use non-Microsoft operating systems".
  25. - 2022: Android 12 restricts battery statistics.
  26. - 2022: Firefox performeance analysis tool is moved to an online service, meaning it can have downtimes and be deprecated. ("New: Firefox Profiler is now integrated into Developer Tools. […] For a limited time, you can access the original Performance panel via Advanced settings"). What's next?.
  27. - 2022: Android 13 ["patches" a loophole, making third-party file managers less useful](
  28. - 2022: Android 13 imposes [API restrictions on "sideloaded" (APK-installed) apps](
  29. - 2022: First eSIM (euphemSIM)-only iPhone. Non-replaceable SIM cards. As history shows, other vendors will follow.
  31. Are we noticing something already?
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