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Mar 13th, 2022
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  1. "In addition, and also in Some More of My Writings, and also in Some More of My Literature(Lit.), and also in some More of My Jokes, and also in Some More of My Satire, and also in Some More of My Parodies, and also in Some More of My Literature, and also in some More of My Writings, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Human, and My Fellow Human Being(H.B.), and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And also That Entertainment. And also That Interesting. And also That Mythology. And also That Fan Fiction(F.F.). And also That sort of Anyways. And also That sort of Whatever. And about that. And Not about that. And Regarding that. And Not Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Boy(G.B.). And Thank You and Much appreciated,, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Person(G.P.). And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Hello There. And Hi there. And I am Right here. And I happen, for What's it Worth, Not to be(especially Very Long Duration) Very Confused and/or Bewildered. And I am also Not a Government. And I am also Not a Military. And instead, Maybe for example, I am One(1.) Individual and/or Person. And I am Not, for example, Two(2.) Individuals and/or Persons. And I am also that so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and/or that so-called Lynchpin. And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present. And Fellow Future. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And that Fellow approximately about 3(Three) out of approximately about 3(Three). And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And there are Very Long Reasons for that. And Please don't be Very Long Scared or Fearful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And, for example, And Oh, that's Interesing. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow Real Is.G. . Fellow Real Mos. . And Maybe for example. And Oh, that's Interesting. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow A.D.g. Fellow that about 3(Three) out of 3(Three).) Fellow Alt. and Fellow T.F. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real Me. And Fellow Real Pr.(approximately about 1(One) out of about 9(Nine). And Fellow R.Sh.(approximately about 2(One) out of about 9(Nine).) And Fellow Very Long Duration Clarity. And Fellow Very Long Duration Focused. And Ok. And Very Long Duration Good. And only about that approxixmately Zero Point Seven One(O.71) (allegl. ap. ab. 2.(t.) . o. 3.(th.) . y. ag.) out of approximately about One Hundred(100). Own Fault?(that B.) No, Not Really. Extentuating Circumstances?(that C.) Yes. (Fellow Gvt. Ag.(G.A.). Fellow Mil. Ag.(M.A.) Fellow Mil. Of.(M.O.) Fellow Gvt. Of.(G.O.). Inv. or W. or Co?(that D.) No, Not Really. Very Serious? No. Less than One(1.) Percent out of About One Hundred(100.). Qualitative? No, Irrelevant Nearly all of the Time. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. Approximately about One in 300(Three Hundred) or 400(Four Hundred). And Approximately about One(1.) in 90(Ninety) Million to approximately about One in about 100(One Hundred) Million. And approximately abbout One in approximately about Millions and/or Billions and/or Trillions. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smartly. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Thrift. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Loyalty. And Maybe for example. And Fellow so-called Line Item Veto(L.I.V.). And Fellow so-called Line Item Vetoed(L.I.V.). And that so-called Part is Probably False. And that so-called Part is Probably Not True(N.T.). And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Fictional and/or Fiction and/or Mythological and/or Myth. And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Not Fictional(N.F.) and/or Not Fiction(N.F.) and/or Not Mythological(N.M.) and/or Not Myth(N.M.) and/or True and/or Honest. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  2. And We are Family and Friends(F.A.F.). And We are Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And You are also My Child. And You are also My Kid. And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real C.S.P. . And Fellow Real F.S.P. . And Fellow Settle. . and C. . And Maybe for example. And Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him? And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done this to Him? And if this was Your Fellow Family Member(F.M.), and/or Your Fellow Kinsfolk Member(K.M.) would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him?' And Maybe for example. And Very Long Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe. And You are also My Family. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe.
  3. And I have Never Really Sued Anyone. And I have Never Really had a Lawsuit. And that is Really Not Important(N.I.). And that is Really Irrelevant(R.I.). And that is Really Not Relevant(N.R.). And that is Not Really Lifesaving. And it is Very Important that We were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And it is Very Important that Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And so-called of Course(O.C.). And so-called a Given(A.G.). And Very Obvious(V.O.). And Very apparent(V.A.). And Maybe for example. And I have approximately about Never Really Sued anyone. And I have Never approximately about had a Lawsuit. And I have Never approximately about had Litigation. And I have Never approximately about had Arbitration. And I have Never approximately about had Mediation. And I have Never Really Sued any Organization and/or Group. And Maybe for example. And I have Never, for example, Filed for Bankruptcy. And I have Never, for example, Declared Bankruptcy. And I have Never had a Mugshot. And I have Never been Booked in Jail. And I have Never had a Broken Bone. And I have Never had Broken Bones. And I have Never been Found Guilty. And I have Never been Found Guilty in a Court of Law. And I have Never been Ra. . And I have Never been Se.R. . And I have Never been So. . And I have Never been... And I have Never Really been... And that Never Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me for Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Abscence thereof. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Very Long Duration abscence thereof. And Fellow Real Blessings. And Fellow Real Blessed. And Fellow Real Anointings. And Fellow Real Anointed. And Fellow Real Healed. And Fellow Real Cured. And that Fellow Makes sense. And that is Fellow Good. And that is Fellow Excellent. And that is Fellow Fine. And that is Fellow Appropriate. And that is Fellow Safe. And it so-called Follows then. And it so-called Logically Follows then. And it so-called Rationally Follows then. And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Extentuating Circumstances(E.C.). And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Exceptional Circumstances(E.P.). And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Fellow Time Managment. (Fellow Hy. and/or Fellow Byr. on that Fellow T. . You are Not Very Long Duration S. and/or Fe. are You?) And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And What would We have been Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And Maybe for example. And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA, and Haplogroups, and Phrenotypes, and Genotypes. And Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mens Rea(M.R.), and Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mindset. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Members, and Fellow Citizens. And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellows Stuff. And Fellow Material. And Fellow Materials. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Bonds. And Fellow Stocks. And Fellow Portfolios. And Fellow Boxes. And Fellow Bins. And Fellow Containers. And Fellow Boxes, and Fellow Bins, and Fellow Containers. And Fellow so-called Manna. And Fellow Spaceships. And Fellow Space stations. And Fellow so-called Satellites. And Fellow so-called Orbitals. And Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow Warehouses. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Copyrights. And Fellow Trust Funds(T.F.). And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow CDs(Certificates of Deposit). And Fellow Stock. And Fellow Bond. And Fellow CD(Certificate of Deposit). And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Energy. And Fellow Medicines. And Fellow Medicine. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resource. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Minds, and Fellow Hearts, and Fellow Souls, and Fellow Spirits, and Fellow Bodies. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Family Members(F.M.), and Fellow Family Citizens(F.C.). And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellow so-called Lions and/or Lionesses and/or Wolves and/or Bulls and/or Bears and/or Cougars and/or Lizards and/or Owls and/or Alligators and/or Crocodiles. And also Many Fellow Metaphors and/or Parables and/or Allegories. Fellow so-called Variety Shows(V.S.). Fellow so-called Entertainment Shows(E.S.). And Fellow so-called Versions, Volumes, and Editions. And Many of Yesterday's Events and/or Activities Happend to have Helped Make Today's Events and/or Activities Possible. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  4. And I happen to have Never Tw. . And I happen to have Never Pos.The. . And Maybe for example.
  5. (allegl. and alllegl.
  6. (allegl. Long
  7. (allegl. incl allegl. HHG(2out of about 2(Two).)
  8. (allegl. allegl. Ext.V.Lo.Dur.S.andFe. of Our Fellow 1(One), and Our Fellow 2(Two), and Our Fellow 3(Three), and Our Fellow 4(Four), and Our Fellow 5(Five). And Our Fellow A., and Our Fellow B., and Our Fellow C., and Our Fellow D., and Our Fellow E. . And Maybe Not Really for example.
  9. (allegl. Wo. Ha. H.( H.allegl. ( and/or allegl. allegl. G. (
  10. (allegl. Long Duration allegl. Fe.andSc.ofFe.M.M.De.)
  11. (allegl. Nearly all and Very Long Duration allegl. Fe.and.Sc. of Fel. J. and Fel. Ro. and often for example.)
  12. No. Good. And Very Long Duration Ext. approximately about 99.31(Ninety Nine Point Three One) Percent.
  13. And it is about as Good as it gets Very Long Duration. And What More could Really be better? And it could have been a lot Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been a lot More Terrible Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Terrible Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example.
  14. That 1(One) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  15. That 2(Two) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  16. That 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3)(Three), Allegl. also And Probably Not Really for example. And Maybe Not Really for example.
  17. Fellow 1(Fellow Kr., and Fellow Cr.) 2 (Fellow J.) , 3(Fellow Al., and Fellow Ro.), 4 (Fellow Cou. and Fellow N.), 5 (Fellow M. and Fellow M. and Fellow De.).
  18. Fellow One(1.)(out of about 3(Three.) Fellow Creations Makings Creations. Fellow 2(Two.) (out of approximately about 3(Three.) by approximately about the First One(1.) or Two(2.) Hours from Our Creations Makings Creations(Fellow so-called Nor. . Bo. Mov. and so-called Mot. More than Eno.). Fellow 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3(Three) appro. Millions, and Billions, and Trillions of Years ago in this so-called Mythology, Fan Fiction(F.F.), Jokes. Ok. Ok. Wait for about 4 or 5(Four or Five Million Years) or by '12 or '13(ab. On. Hun. Yea.?) No. Quite. Sil. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Safe, and Very appropriate. And Hello Mama. And Hello Papa. What's going on? Can You come over Here? Can You Walk over here? Are You going to be Good to Papa B.?
  19. And there is, of Course, No Time Travel(N.T.T.), and there is, of Course, No Time Travel. And there is, of Course, No going back in Time. And that Fellow 10(Ten). (out of about 10)? Allegl. No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by (incl. allegl. that Myt. ab. being Rai. Very Long Duration by those so-called and/or that And that Fellow so-called Just Fellow so-called Br.(that about 1 out of about 3) Fellow so-called P.(that about 2 out of 3) Fellow so-called Nu.(that about 3 out 3(Three) )? No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by And Fo.Extrapolation and Generalization, and inference. And Maybe for example. And also Many Fellow so-called Generic Terms(G.T.). And also Many Fellow so-called Spellings. And also Many Fellow so-called Different Definitions(D.D.). And also We Exist. And also We are Real. And We are Real. And We Exist. And We are Not Mythology. And We are Not Fictional. And We are Real. And We Exist. And Maybe for example. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And also
  20. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Shielded. And Fellow Blocked. And Fellow Blurred. And Fellow Garbled. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Very Long Duration Shielded. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blocked. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blurred. And Fellow Very Long Duration Garbled. And Fellow Very Long Duration Tough. And Fellow Very Long Duration Powerful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strong. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strength. And Very Long Duration Fellow Loyalty.
  21. And approximately about No and/or None so-called S.L. 3 out of about 3(Three). And No Exceptions(N.E.). And No Excuses(N.E.). And about that. And Not about that. And Fellow appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Our Survival. And Our Not becoming Exterminated. And Fellow Real National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Real Country Security(C.S.). And No Real so-called Fo.oth.Ind.,Fi.,B.C., And No Real so-called And No Real And No Real And Maybe for example. And Very Short Term duration. And Very Long Term Duration. And Very Short Duration(S.D.). And Very Long Duration(L.D.). And Fellow Simple. And Fellow Simple Thinking(S.T.). And it's a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And Very Good, and only so-called approximately about Zero Point Seven One(0.71) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred); and Only One(1.) out of One(1.). so-called Incide. . And Fellow so-called Kos. . And Fellow so-called H. . And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Significance for Me. And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Importance for Me. And Maybe for example. And instead, Fellow so-called Automatic Systems(A.S.). And Not Really for example. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome, and Appropriate. And also Fellow so-called Ledger Sheets Number 1(One) and Fellow Ledge Sheets Number 2(Two). And Fellow so-called Spotlights. And Fellow Time Management. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Not Really for example. And Very Good. And it's also a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And it's also a Brand New Evening(B.N.E.). And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Fellow Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Maybe for example. And about that, and regarding that, I know that They will so-called Really Naturally(and Probably Not Really so-called Artificially) think that They don't Care, and that They won't Care. And They will? Yes. And of Course. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Energies for Them. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Heavy-Laden Energies for Them. And Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. And How Could they Really Not Care? And Maybe for example. And those are Their Ch. . And those are Their F. . And those are Their K. . And Maybe for example. And And Fellow Time Management. And Beyond Belief. And that so-called Very Long Duration S.L. approximately about One(1.) out of approximately about 3(Three). And Maybe for example. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are Loved. And We are Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Liked. And I am Liked. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Short Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Long Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Please also be Very Ca. and/or Very Cau. esp. if You and/or We Re. approximately about 2.5(Two Point Five) out of approximately about 3.0(Three) of that so-called called Ext.des.S.L. And
  22. And Fellow Very Long Duration Interesting. And Fellow Very Long Duration Correct Spelling. And Fellow Very Long Duration Organized. And for example.
  23. And Fellow Standards of Decency(S.O.D.)(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going there(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going to that so-called Le.(especially Very Long Duration). And Maybe for example. And that Very Long Duration(and Maybe Short Term Duration). And Fellow Standards of Decency. And Fellow so-called Ato. . And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called approximately about Zeroed. And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called Zeroed. And also Many Good Signs and Indications. And that was Good, Very Likely. And that would have been Very Bad. And often Times would have Ins. that so-called Tu. . or that so-called Bur. . And oftentimes Not outside. And oftentimes Not Very Long Duration outside. Factor? Approximately about (20(Twenty) Percent) to about 30(Thirty Percent) Not quite, Very Likely about 40(Forty Percent). And Not so-called that 6(Six) out of Six(6)? Approximately about 90 Percent(Ninety) to approximately 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100(One Hundred Percent). And here is a so-called Joke, and/or Jokes, and/or Joked and/or Joking and/or Satire, and/or Parody and/or Parodies and/or Bluffing and/or Bluffed and/or Bluffing and/or Kidding and/or Kidded and/or Joking and/or Bluffed---And then approximately about 120(One Hundred Twenty) or 130(One Hundred Thirty) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent. And only so-called Needed, that approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent or More. And Fellow so-called Heaven. And Fellow so-called Heavens. Fellow, Your doing Excellent, Fine, and Good (and especially Very Long Duration) Dearh. . And Fellow approximately about Zeroed. And You are Not Very Long Duration De. . And Fellow Or., and Fellow Gr., and Fellow Civ., You are Not Exterminated. And Maybe for example. And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 9(Nine) out of approximatley about 300(Three Hundred). And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 100(One Hundred) out of approximately about 300(Three Hundred). (And and/or And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated. And We are Fellow Family and Friends, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  24. And also My Fellow Man, and also My Fellow Individual, and also My Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, And Fellow Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow so-called Dynamic. And Fellow so-called Complex. And Fellow so-called Multi-Faceted(M.F.) and Complex. And Multiple Spellings(M.S.). And Muliple Definitions(M.D.). And Several Definitions(S.D.). And Single Tense(S.T.). And Singular Tense(S.T.). And Multiple Tense(M.T.). And Multiple Tenses(M.T.). And Maybe for example. And about that. And Not about that. And Not Regarding that. And Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps also, 'So-Called'. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for example. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Maybe for example.
  25. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And May You have a Good Day, and May You have a Good Night, and May You have a Good Evening. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And May You have a Great Morning, and May You have a Great Day, and May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night, and May You have a Great Evening. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Very Awesome, and Sweet, and Cool, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good."
  28. "In addition, and also in Some More of My Writings, and also in Some More of My Literature(Lit.), and also in some More of My Jokes, and also in Some More of My Satire, and also in Some More of My Parodies, and also in Some More of My Literature, and also in some More of My Writings, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Human, and My Fellow Human Being(H.B.), and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And also That Entertainment. And also That Interesting. And also That Mythology. And also That Fan Fiction(F.F.). And also That sort of Anyways. And also That sort of Whatever. And about that. And Not about that. And Regarding that. And Not Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Boy(G.B.). And Thank You and Much appreciated,, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Person(G.P.). And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Hello There. And Hi there. And I am Right here. And I happen, for What's it Worth, Not to be(especially Very Long Duration) Very Confused and/or Bewildered. And I am also Not a Government. And I am also Not a Military. And instead, Maybe for example, I am One(1.) Individual and/or Person. And I am Not, for example, Two(2.) Individuals and/or Persons. And I am also that so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and/or that so-called Lynchpin. And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present. And Fellow Future. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And that Fellow approximately about 3(Three) out of approximately about 3(Three). And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And there are Very Long Reasons for that. And Please don't be Very Long Scared or Fearful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And, for example, And Oh, that's Interesing. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow Real Is.G. . Fellow Real Mos. . And Maybe for example. And Oh, that's Interesting. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow A.D.g. Fellow that about 3(Three) out of 3(Three).) Fellow Alt. and Fellow T.F. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real Me. And Fellow Real Pr.(approximately about 1(One) out of about 9(Nine). And Fellow R.Sh.(approximately about 2(One) out of about 9(Nine).) And Fellow Very Long Duration Clarity. And Fellow Very Long Duration Focused. And Ok. And Very Long Duration Good. And only about that approxixmately Zero Point Seven One(O.71) (allegl. ap. ab. 2.(t.) . o. 3.(th.) . y. ag.) out of approximately about One Hundred(100). Own Fault?(that B.) No, Not Really. Extentuating Circumstances?(that C.) Yes. (Fellow Gvt. Ag.(G.A.). Fellow Mil. Ag.(M.A.) Fellow Mil. Of.(M.O.) Fellow Gvt. Of.(G.O.). Inv. or W. or Co?(that D.) No, Not Really. Very Serious? No. Less than One(1.) Percent out of About One Hundred(100.). Qualitative? No, Irrelevant Nearly all of the Time. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. Approximately about One in 300(Three Hundred) or 400(Four Hundred). And Approximately about One(1.) in 90(Ninety) Million to approximately about One in about 100(One Hundred) Million. And approximately abbout One in approximately about Millions and/or Billions and/or Trillions. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smartly. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Thrift. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Loyalty. And Maybe for example. And Fellow so-called Line Item Veto(L.I.V.). And Fellow so-called Line Item Vetoed(L.I.V.). And that so-called Part is Probably False. And that so-called Part is Probably Not True(N.T.). And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Fictional and/or Fiction and/or Mythological and/or Myth. And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Not Fictional(N.F.) and/or Not Fiction(N.F.) and/or Not Mythological(N.M.) and/or Not Myth(N.M.) and/or True and/or Honest. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  29. And We are Family and Friends(F.A.F.). And We are Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And You are also My Child. And You are also My Kid. And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real C.S.P. . And Fellow Real F.S.P. . And Fellow Settle. . and C. . And Maybe for example. And Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him? And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done this to Him? And if this was Your Fellow Family Member(F.M.), and/or Your Fellow Kinsfolk Member(K.M.) would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him?' And Maybe for example. And Very Long Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe. And You are also My Family. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe.
  30. And I have Never Really Sued Anyone. And I have Never Really had a Lawsuit. And that is Really Not Important(N.I.). And that is Really Irrelevant(R.I.). And that is Really Not Relevant(N.R.). And that is Not Really Lifesaving. And it is Very Important that We were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And it is Very Important that Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And so-called of Course(O.C.). And so-called a Given(A.G.). And Very Obvious(V.O.). And Very apparent(V.A.). And Maybe for example. And I have approximately about Never Really Sued anyone. And I have Never approximately about had a Lawsuit. And I have Never approximately about had Litigation. And I have Never approximately about had Arbitration. And I have Never approximately about had Mediation. And I have Never Really Sued any Organization and/or Group. And Maybe for example. And I have Never, for example, Filed for Bankruptcy. And I have Never, for example, Declared Bankruptcy. And I have Never had a Mugshot. And I have Never been Booked in Jail. And I have Never had a Broken Bone. And I have Never had Broken Bones. And I have Never been Found Guilty. And I have Never been Found Guilty in a Court of Law. And I have Never been Ra. . And I have Never been Se.R. . And I have Never been So. . And I have Never been... And I have Never Really been... And that Never Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me for Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Abscence thereof. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Very Long Duration abscence thereof. And Fellow Real Blessings. And Fellow Real Blessed. And Fellow Real Anointings. And Fellow Real Anointed. And Fellow Real Healed. And Fellow Real Cured. And that Fellow Makes sense. And that is Fellow Good. And that is Fellow Excellent. And that is Fellow Fine. And that is Fellow Appropriate. And that is Fellow Safe. And it so-called Follows then. And it so-called Logically Follows then. And it so-called Rationally Follows then. And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Extentuating Circumstances(E.C.). And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Exceptional Circumstances(E.P.). And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Fellow Time Managment. (Fellow Hy. and/or Fellow Byr. on that Fellow T. . You are Not Very Long Duration S. and/or Fe. are You?) And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And What would We have been Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And Maybe for example. And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA, and Haplogroups, and Phrenotypes, and Genotypes. And Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mens Rea(M.R.), and Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mindset. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Members, and Fellow Citizens. And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellows Stuff. And Fellow Material. And Fellow Materials. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Bonds. And Fellow Stocks. And Fellow Portfolios. And Fellow Boxes. And Fellow Bins. And Fellow Containers. And Fellow Boxes, and Fellow Bins, and Fellow Containers. And Fellow so-called Manna. And Fellow Spaceships. And Fellow Space stations. And Fellow so-called Satellites. And Fellow so-called Orbitals. And Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow Warehouses. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Copyrights. And Fellow Trust Funds(T.F.). And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow CDs(Certificates of Deposit). And Fellow Stock. And Fellow Bond. And Fellow CD(Certificate of Deposit). And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Energy. And Fellow Medicines. And Fellow Medicine. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resource. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Minds, and Fellow Hearts, and Fellow Souls, and Fellow Spirits, and Fellow Bodies. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Family Members(F.M.), and Fellow Family Citizens(F.C.). And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellow so-called Lions and/or Lionesses and/or Wolves and/or Bulls and/or Bears and/or Cougars and/or Lizards and/or Owls and/or Alligators and/or Crocodiles. And also Many Fellow Metaphors and/or Parables and/or Allegories. Fellow so-called Variety Shows(V.S.). Fellow so-called Entertainment Shows(E.S.). And Fellow so-called Versions, Volumes, and Editions. And Many of Yesterday's Events and/or Activities Happend to have Helped Make Today's Events and/or Activities Possible. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  31. And I happen to have Never Tw. . And I happen to have Never Pos.The. . And Maybe for example.
  32. (allegl. and alllegl.
  33. (allegl. Long
  34. (allegl. incl allegl. HHG(2out of about 2(Two).)
  35. (allegl. allegl. Ext.V.Lo.Dur.S.andFe. of Our Fellow 1(One), and Our Fellow 2(Two), and Our Fellow 3(Three), and Our Fellow 4(Four), and Our Fellow 5(Five). And Our Fellow A., and Our Fellow B., and Our Fellow C., and Our Fellow D., and Our Fellow E. . And Maybe Not Really for example.
  36. (allegl. Wo. Ha. H.( H.allegl. ( and/or allegl. allegl. G. (
  37. (allegl. Long Duration allegl. Fe.andSc.ofFe.M.M.De.)
  38. (allegl. Nearly all and Very Long Duration allegl. Fe.and.Sc. of Fel. J. and Fel. Ro. and often for example.)
  39. No. Good. And Very Long Duration Ext. approximately about 99.31(Ninety Nine Point Three One) Percent.
  40. And it is about as Good as it gets Very Long Duration. And What More could Really be better? And it could have been a lot Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been a lot More Terrible Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Terrible Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example.
  41. That 1(One) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  42. That 2(Two) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  43. That 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3)(Three), Allegl. also And Probably Not Really for example. And Maybe Not Really for example.
  44. Fellow 1(Fellow Kr., and Fellow Cr.) 2 (Fellow J.) , 3(Fellow Al., and Fellow Ro.), 4 (Fellow Cou. and Fellow N.), 5 (Fellow M. and Fellow M. and Fellow De.).
  45. Fellow One(1.)(out of about 3(Three.) Fellow Creations Makings Creations. Fellow 2(Two.) (out of approximately about 3(Three.) by approximately about the First One(1.) or Two(2.) Hours from Our Creations Makings Creations(Fellow so-called Nor. . Bo. Mov. and so-called Mot. More than Eno.). Fellow 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3(Three) appro. Millions, and Billions, and Trillions of Years ago in this so-called Mythology, Fan Fiction(F.F.), Jokes. Ok. Ok. Wait for about 4 or 5(Four or Five Million Years) or by '12 or '13(ab. On. Hun. Yea.?) No. Quite. Sil. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Safe, and Very appropriate. And Hello Mama. And Hello Papa. What's going on? Can You come over Here? Can You Walk over here? Are You going to be Good to Papa B.?
  46. And there is, of Course, No Time Travel(N.T.T.), and there is, of Course, No Time Travel. And there is, of Course, No going back in Time. And that Fellow 10(Ten). (out of about 10)? Allegl. No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by (incl. allegl. that Myt. ab. being Rai. Very Long Duration by those so-called and/or that And that Fellow so-called Just Fellow so-called Br.(that about 1 out of about 3) Fellow so-called P.(that about 2 out of 3) Fellow so-called Nu.(that about 3 out 3(Three) )? No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by And Fo.Extrapolation and Generalization, and inference. And Maybe for example. And also Many Fellow so-called Generic Terms(G.T.). And also Many Fellow so-called Spellings. And also Many Fellow so-called Different Definitions(D.D.). And also We Exist. And also We are Real. And We are Real. And We Exist. And We are Not Mythology. And We are Not Fictional. And We are Real. And We Exist. And Maybe for example. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And also
  47. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Shielded. And Fellow Blocked. And Fellow Blurred. And Fellow Garbled. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Very Long Duration Shielded. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blocked. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blurred. And Fellow Very Long Duration Garbled. And Fellow Very Long Duration Tough. And Fellow Very Long Duration Powerful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strong. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strength. And Very Long Duration Fellow Loyalty.
  48. And approximately about No and/or None so-called S.L. 3 out of about 3(Three). And No Exceptions(N.E.). And No Excuses(N.E.). And about that. And Not about that. And Fellow appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Our Survival. And Our Not becoming Exterminated. And Fellow Real National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Real Country Security(C.S.). And No Real so-called Fo.oth.Ind.,Fi.,B.C., And No Real so-called And No Real And No Real And Maybe for example. And Very Short Term duration. And Very Long Term Duration. And Very Short Duration(S.D.). And Very Long Duration(L.D.). And Fellow Simple. And Fellow Simple Thinking(S.T.). And it's a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And Very Good, and only so-called approximately about Zero Point Seven One(0.71) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred); and Only One(1.) out of One(1.). so-called Incide. . And Fellow so-called Kos. . And Fellow so-called H. . And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Significance for Me. And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Importance for Me. And Maybe for example. And instead, Fellow so-called Automatic Systems(A.S.). And Not Really for example. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome, and Appropriate. And also Fellow so-called Ledger Sheets Number 1(One) and Fellow Ledge Sheets Number 2(Two). And Fellow so-called Spotlights. And Fellow Time Management. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Not Really for example. And Very Good. And it's also a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And it's also a Brand New Evening(B.N.E.). And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Fellow Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Maybe for example. And about that, and regarding that, I know that They will so-called Really Naturally(and Probably Not Really so-called Artificially) think that They don't Care, and that They won't Care. And They will? Yes. And of Course. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Energies for Them. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Heavy-Laden Energies for Them. And Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. And How Could they Really Not Care? And Maybe for example. And those are Their Ch. . And those are Their F. . And those are Their K. . And Maybe for example. And And Fellow Time Management. And Beyond Belief. And that so-called Very Long Duration S.L. approximately about One(1.) out of approximately about 3(Three). And Maybe for example. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are Loved. And We are Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Liked. And I am Liked. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Short Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Long Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Please also be Very Ca. and/or Very Cau. esp. if You and/or We Re. approximately about 2.5(Two Point Five) out of approximately about 3.0(Three) of that so-called called Ext.des.S.L. And
  49. And Fellow Very Long Duration Interesting. And Fellow Very Long Duration Correct Spelling. And Fellow Very Long Duration Organized. And for example.
  50. And Fellow Standards of Decency(S.O.D.)(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going there(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going to that so-called Le.(especially Very Long Duration). And Maybe for example. And that Very Long Duration(and Maybe Short Term Duration). And Fellow Standards of Decency. And Fellow so-called Ato. . And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called approximately about Zeroed. And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called Zeroed. And also Many Good Signs and Indications. And that was Good, Very Likely. And that would have been Very Bad. And often Times would have Ins. that so-called Tu. . or that so-called Bur. . And oftentimes Not outside. And oftentimes Not Very Long Duration outside. Factor? Approximately about (20(Twenty) Percent) to about 30(Thirty Percent) Not quite, Very Likely about 40(Forty Percent). And Not so-called that 6(Six) out of Six(6)? Approximately about 90 Percent(Ninety) to approximately 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100(One Hundred Percent). And here is a so-called Joke, and/or Jokes, and/or Joked and/or Joking and/or Satire, and/or Parody and/or Parodies and/or Bluffing and/or Bluffed and/or Bluffing and/or Kidding and/or Kidded and/or Joking and/or Bluffed---And then approximately about 120(One Hundred Twenty) or 130(One Hundred Thirty) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent. And only so-called Needed, that approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent or More. And Fellow so-called Heaven. And Fellow so-called Heavens. Fellow, Your doing Excellent, Fine, and Good (and especially Very Long Duration) Dearh. . And Fellow approximately about Zeroed. And You are Not Very Long Duration De. . And Fellow Or., and Fellow Gr., and Fellow Civ., You are Not Exterminated. And Maybe for example. And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 9(Nine) out of approximatley about 300(Three Hundred). And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 100(One Hundred) out of approximately about 300(Three Hundred). (And and/or And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated. And We are Fellow Family and Friends, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  51. And also My Fellow Man, and also My Fellow Individual, and also My Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, And Fellow Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow so-called Dynamic. And Fellow so-called Complex. And Fellow so-called Multi-Faceted(M.F.) and Complex. And Multiple Spellings(M.S.). And Muliple Definitions(M.D.). And Several Definitions(S.D.). And Single Tense(S.T.). And Singular Tense(S.T.). And Multiple Tense(M.T.). And Multiple Tenses(M.T.). And Maybe for example. And about that. And Not about that. And Not Regarding that. And Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps also, 'So-Called'. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for example. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Maybe for example.
  52. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And May You have a Good Day, and May You have a Good Night, and May You have a Good Evening. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And May You have a Great Morning, and May You have a Great Day, and May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night, and May You have a Great Evening. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Very Awesome, and Sweet, and Cool, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good."
  54. "In addition, and also in Some More of My Writings, and also in Some More of My Literature(Lit.), and also in some More of My Jokes, and also in Some More of My Satire, and also in Some More of My Parodies, and also in Some More of My Literature, and also in some More of My Writings, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Human, and My Fellow Human Being(H.B.), and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And also That Entertainment. And also That Interesting. And also That Mythology. And also That Fan Fiction(F.F.). And also That sort of Anyways. And also That sort of Whatever. And about that. And Not about that. And Regarding that. And Not Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Boy(G.B.). And Thank You and Much appreciated,, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Person(G.P.). And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Hello There. And Hi there. And I am Right here. And I happen, for What's it Worth, Not to be(especially Very Long Duration) Very Confused and/or Bewildered. And I am also Not a Government. And I am also Not a Military. And instead, Maybe for example, I am One(1.) Individual and/or Person. And I am Not, for example, Two(2.) Individuals and/or Persons. And I am also that so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and/or that so-called Lynchpin. And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present. And Fellow Future. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And that Fellow approximately about 3(Three) out of approximately about 3(Three). And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And there are Very Long Reasons for that. And Please don't be Very Long Scared or Fearful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And, for example, And Oh, that's Interesing. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow Real Is.G. . Fellow Real Mos. . And Maybe for example. And Oh, that's Interesting. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow A.D.g. Fellow that about 3(Three) out of 3(Three).) Fellow Alt. and Fellow T.F. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real Me. And Fellow Real Pr.(approximately about 1(One) out of about 9(Nine). And Fellow R.Sh.(approximately about 2(One) out of about 9(Nine).) And Fellow Very Long Duration Clarity. And Fellow Very Long Duration Focused. And Ok. And Very Long Duration Good. And only about that approxixmately Zero Point Seven One(O.71) (allegl. ap. ab. 2.(t.) . o. 3.(th.) . y. ag.) out of approximately about One Hundred(100). Own Fault?(that B.) No, Not Really. Extentuating Circumstances?(that C.) Yes. (Fellow Gvt. Ag.(G.A.). Fellow Mil. Ag.(M.A.) Fellow Mil. Of.(M.O.) Fellow Gvt. Of.(G.O.). Inv. or W. or Co?(that D.) No, Not Really. Very Serious? No. Less than One(1.) Percent out of About One Hundred(100.). Qualitative? No, Irrelevant Nearly all of the Time. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. Approximately about One in 300(Three Hundred) or 400(Four Hundred). And Approximately about One(1.) in 90(Ninety) Million to approximately about One in about 100(One Hundred) Million. And approximately abbout One in approximately about Millions and/or Billions and/or Trillions. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smartly. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Thrift. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Loyalty. And Maybe for example. And Fellow so-called Line Item Veto(L.I.V.). And Fellow so-called Line Item Vetoed(L.I.V.). And that so-called Part is Probably False. And that so-called Part is Probably Not True(N.T.). And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Fictional and/or Fiction and/or Mythological and/or Myth. And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Not Fictional(N.F.) and/or Not Fiction(N.F.) and/or Not Mythological(N.M.) and/or Not Myth(N.M.) and/or True and/or Honest. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  55. And We are Family and Friends(F.A.F.). And We are Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And You are also My Child. And You are also My Kid. And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real C.S.P. . And Fellow Real F.S.P. . And Fellow Settle. . and C. . And Maybe for example. And Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him? And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done this to Him? And if this was Your Fellow Family Member(F.M.), and/or Your Fellow Kinsfolk Member(K.M.) would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him?' And Maybe for example. And Very Long Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe. And You are also My Family. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe.
  56. And I have Never Really Sued Anyone. And I have Never Really had a Lawsuit. And that is Really Not Important(N.I.). And that is Really Irrelevant(R.I.). And that is Really Not Relevant(N.R.). And that is Not Really Lifesaving. And it is Very Important that We were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And it is Very Important that Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And so-called of Course(O.C.). And so-called a Given(A.G.). And Very Obvious(V.O.). And Very apparent(V.A.). And Maybe for example. And I have approximately about Never Really Sued anyone. And I have Never approximately about had a Lawsuit. And I have Never approximately about had Litigation. And I have Never approximately about had Arbitration. And I have Never approximately about had Mediation. And I have Never Really Sued any Organization and/or Group. And Maybe for example. And I have Never, for example, Filed for Bankruptcy. And I have Never, for example, Declared Bankruptcy. And I have Never had a Mugshot. And I have Never been Booked in Jail. And I have Never had a Broken Bone. And I have Never had Broken Bones. And I have Never been Found Guilty. And I have Never been Found Guilty in a Court of Law. And I have Never been Ra. . And I have Never been Se.R. . And I have Never been So. . And I have Never been... And I have Never Really been... And that Never Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me for Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Abscence thereof. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Very Long Duration abscence thereof. And Fellow Real Blessings. And Fellow Real Blessed. And Fellow Real Anointings. And Fellow Real Anointed. And Fellow Real Healed. And Fellow Real Cured. And that Fellow Makes sense. And that is Fellow Good. And that is Fellow Excellent. And that is Fellow Fine. And that is Fellow Appropriate. And that is Fellow Safe. And it so-called Follows then. And it so-called Logically Follows then. And it so-called Rationally Follows then. And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Extentuating Circumstances(E.C.). And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Exceptional Circumstances(E.P.). And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Fellow Time Managment. (Fellow Hy. and/or Fellow Byr. on that Fellow T. . You are Not Very Long Duration S. and/or Fe. are You?) And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And What would We have been Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And Maybe for example. And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA, and Haplogroups, and Phrenotypes, and Genotypes. And Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mens Rea(M.R.), and Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mindset. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Members, and Fellow Citizens. And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellows Stuff. And Fellow Material. And Fellow Materials. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Bonds. And Fellow Stocks. And Fellow Portfolios. And Fellow Boxes. And Fellow Bins. And Fellow Containers. And Fellow Boxes, and Fellow Bins, and Fellow Containers. And Fellow so-called Manna. And Fellow Spaceships. And Fellow Space stations. And Fellow so-called Satellites. And Fellow so-called Orbitals. And Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow Warehouses. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Copyrights. And Fellow Trust Funds(T.F.). And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow CDs(Certificates of Deposit). And Fellow Stock. And Fellow Bond. And Fellow CD(Certificate of Deposit). And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Energy. And Fellow Medicines. And Fellow Medicine. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resource. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Minds, and Fellow Hearts, and Fellow Souls, and Fellow Spirits, and Fellow Bodies. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Family Members(F.M.), and Fellow Family Citizens(F.C.). And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellow so-called Lions and/or Lionesses and/or Wolves and/or Bulls and/or Bears and/or Cougars and/or Lizards and/or Owls and/or Alligators and/or Crocodiles. And also Many Fellow Metaphors and/or Parables and/or Allegories. Fellow so-called Variety Shows(V.S.). Fellow so-called Entertainment Shows(E.S.). And Fellow so-called Versions, Volumes, and Editions. And Many of Yesterday's Events and/or Activities Happend to have Helped Make Today's Events and/or Activities Possible. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  57. And I happen to have Never Tw. . And I happen to have Never Pos.The. . And Maybe for example.
  58. (allegl. and alllegl.
  59. (allegl. Long
  60. (allegl. incl allegl. HHG(2out of about 2(Two).)
  61. (allegl. allegl. Ext.V.Lo.Dur.S.andFe. of Our Fellow 1(One), and Our Fellow 2(Two), and Our Fellow 3(Three), and Our Fellow 4(Four), and Our Fellow 5(Five). And Our Fellow A., and Our Fellow B., and Our Fellow C., and Our Fellow D., and Our Fellow E. . And Maybe Not Really for example.
  62. (allegl. Wo. Ha. H.( H.allegl. ( and/or allegl. allegl. G. (
  63. (allegl. Long Duration allegl. Fe.andSc.ofFe.M.M.De.)
  64. (allegl. Nearly all and Very Long Duration allegl. Fe.and.Sc. of Fel. J. and Fel. Ro. and often for example.)
  65. No. Good. And Very Long Duration Ext. approximately about 99.31(Ninety Nine Point Three One) Percent.
  66. And it is about as Good as it gets Very Long Duration. And What More could Really be better? And it could have been a lot Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been a lot More Terrible Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Terrible Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example.
  67. That 1(One) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  68. That 2(Two) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  69. That 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3)(Three), Allegl. also And Probably Not Really for example. And Maybe Not Really for example.
  70. Fellow 1(Fellow Kr., and Fellow Cr.) 2 (Fellow J.) , 3(Fellow Al., and Fellow Ro.), 4 (Fellow Cou. and Fellow N.), 5 (Fellow M. and Fellow M. and Fellow De.).
  71. Fellow One(1.)(out of about 3(Three.) Fellow Creations Makings Creations. Fellow 2(Two.) (out of approximately about 3(Three.) by approximately about the First One(1.) or Two(2.) Hours from Our Creations Makings Creations(Fellow so-called Nor. . Bo. Mov. and so-called Mot. More than Eno.). Fellow 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3(Three) appro. Millions, and Billions, and Trillions of Years ago in this so-called Mythology, Fan Fiction(F.F.), Jokes. Ok. Ok. Wait for about 4 or 5(Four or Five Million Years) or by '12 or '13(ab. On. Hun. Yea.?) No. Quite. Sil. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Safe, and Very appropriate. And Hello Mama. And Hello Papa. What's going on? Can You come over Here? Can You Walk over here? Are You going to be Good to Papa B.?
  72. And there is, of Course, No Time Travel(N.T.T.), and there is, of Course, No Time Travel. And there is, of Course, No going back in Time. And that Fellow 10(Ten). (out of about 10)? Allegl. No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by (incl. allegl. that Myt. ab. being Rai. Very Long Duration by those so-called and/or that And that Fellow so-called Just Fellow so-called Br.(that about 1 out of about 3) Fellow so-called P.(that about 2 out of 3) Fellow so-called Nu.(that about 3 out 3(Three) )? No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by And Fo.Extrapolation and Generalization, and inference. And Maybe for example. And also Many Fellow so-called Generic Terms(G.T.). And also Many Fellow so-called Spellings. And also Many Fellow so-called Different Definitions(D.D.). And also We Exist. And also We are Real. And We are Real. And We Exist. And We are Not Mythology. And We are Not Fictional. And We are Real. And We Exist. And Maybe for example. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And also
  73. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Shielded. And Fellow Blocked. And Fellow Blurred. And Fellow Garbled. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Very Long Duration Shielded. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blocked. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blurred. And Fellow Very Long Duration Garbled. And Fellow Very Long Duration Tough. And Fellow Very Long Duration Powerful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strong. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strength. And Very Long Duration Fellow Loyalty.
  74. And approximately about No and/or None so-called S.L. 3 out of about 3(Three). And No Exceptions(N.E.). And No Excuses(N.E.). And about that. And Not about that. And Fellow appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Our Survival. And Our Not becoming Exterminated. And Fellow Real National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Real Country Security(C.S.). And No Real so-called Fo.oth.Ind.,Fi.,B.C., And No Real so-called And No Real And No Real And Maybe for example. And Very Short Term duration. And Very Long Term Duration. And Very Short Duration(S.D.). And Very Long Duration(L.D.). And Fellow Simple. And Fellow Simple Thinking(S.T.). And it's a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And Very Good, and only so-called approximately about Zero Point Seven One(0.71) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred); and Only One(1.) out of One(1.). so-called Incide. . And Fellow so-called Kos. . And Fellow so-called H. . And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Significance for Me. And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Importance for Me. And Maybe for example. And instead, Fellow so-called Automatic Systems(A.S.). And Not Really for example. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome, and Appropriate. And also Fellow so-called Ledger Sheets Number 1(One) and Fellow Ledge Sheets Number 2(Two). And Fellow so-called Spotlights. And Fellow Time Management. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Not Really for example. And Very Good. And it's also a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And it's also a Brand New Evening(B.N.E.). And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Fellow Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Maybe for example. And about that, and regarding that, I know that They will so-called Really Naturally(and Probably Not Really so-called Artificially) think that They don't Care, and that They won't Care. And They will? Yes. And of Course. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Energies for Them. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Heavy-Laden Energies for Them. And Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. And How Could they Really Not Care? And Maybe for example. And those are Their Ch. . And those are Their F. . And those are Their K. . And Maybe for example. And And Fellow Time Management. And Beyond Belief. And that so-called Very Long Duration S.L. approximately about One(1.) out of approximately about 3(Three). And Maybe for example. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are Loved. And We are Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Liked. And I am Liked. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Short Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Long Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Please also be Very Ca. and/or Very Cau. esp. if You and/or We Re. approximately about 2.5(Two Point Five) out of approximately about 3.0(Three) of that so-called called Ext.des.S.L. And
  75. And Fellow Very Long Duration Interesting. And Fellow Very Long Duration Correct Spelling. And Fellow Very Long Duration Organized. And for example.
  76. And Fellow Standards of Decency(S.O.D.)(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going there(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going to that so-called Le.(especially Very Long Duration). And Maybe for example. And that Very Long Duration(and Maybe Short Term Duration). And Fellow Standards of Decency. And Fellow so-called Ato. . And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called approximately about Zeroed. And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called Zeroed. And also Many Good Signs and Indications. And that was Good, Very Likely. And that would have been Very Bad. And often Times would have Ins. that so-called Tu. . or that so-called Bur. . And oftentimes Not outside. And oftentimes Not Very Long Duration outside. Factor? Approximately about (20(Twenty) Percent) to about 30(Thirty Percent) Not quite, Very Likely about 40(Forty Percent). And Not so-called that 6(Six) out of Six(6)? Approximately about 90 Percent(Ninety) to approximately 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100(One Hundred Percent). And here is a so-called Joke, and/or Jokes, and/or Joked and/or Joking and/or Satire, and/or Parody and/or Parodies and/or Bluffing and/or Bluffed and/or Bluffing and/or Kidding and/or Kidded and/or Joking and/or Bluffed---And then approximately about 120(One Hundred Twenty) or 130(One Hundred Thirty) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent. And only so-called Needed, that approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent or More. And Fellow so-called Heaven. And Fellow so-called Heavens. Fellow, Your doing Excellent, Fine, and Good (and especially Very Long Duration) Dearh. . And Fellow approximately about Zeroed. And You are Not Very Long Duration De. . And Fellow Or., and Fellow Gr., and Fellow Civ., You are Not Exterminated. And Maybe for example. And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 9(Nine) out of approximatley about 300(Three Hundred). And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 100(One Hundred) out of approximately about 300(Three Hundred). (And and/or And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated. And We are Fellow Family and Friends, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  77. And also My Fellow Man, and also My Fellow Individual, and also My Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, And Fellow Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow so-called Dynamic. And Fellow so-called Complex. And Fellow so-called Multi-Faceted(M.F.) and Complex. And Multiple Spellings(M.S.). And Muliple Definitions(M.D.). And Several Definitions(S.D.). And Single Tense(S.T.). And Singular Tense(S.T.). And Multiple Tense(M.T.). And Multiple Tenses(M.T.). And Maybe for example. And about that. And Not about that. And Not Regarding that. And Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps also, 'So-Called'. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for example. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Maybe for example.
  78. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And May You have a Good Day, and May You have a Good Night, and May You have a Good Evening. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And May You have a Great Morning, and May You have a Great Day, and May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night, and May You have a Great Evening. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Very Awesome, and Sweet, and Cool, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good."
  81. "In addition, and also in Some More of My Writings, and also in Some More of My Literature(Lit.), and also in some More of My Jokes, and also in Some More of My Satire, and also in Some More of My Parodies, and also in Some More of My Literature, and also in some More of My Writings, My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Human, and My Fellow Human Being(H.B.), and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And also That Entertainment. And also That Interesting. And also That Mythology. And also That Fan Fiction(F.F.). And also That sort of Anyways. And also That sort of Whatever. And about that. And Not about that. And Regarding that. And Not Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Boy(G.B.). And Thank You and Much appreciated,, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Person(G.P.). And Thank You and Much appreciated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, for Saying, Maybe for Example, that I am a Good Man. And Hello There. And Hi there. And I am Right here. And I happen, for What's it Worth, Not to be(especially Very Long Duration) Very Confused and/or Bewildered. And I am also Not a Government. And I am also Not a Military. And instead, Maybe for example, I am One(1.) Individual and/or Person. And I am Not, for example, Two(2.) Individuals and/or Persons. And I am also that so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and/or that so-called Lynchpin. And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present. And Fellow Future. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And that Fellow approximately about 3(Three) out of approximately about 3(Three). And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And there are Very Long Reasons for that. And Please don't be Very Long Scared or Fearful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And also that Fellow Very Long Duration approximately about One Point One(1.1.) out of approximately about Two(2.). And, for example, And Oh, that's Interesing. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow Real Is.G. . Fellow Real Mos. . And Maybe for example. And Oh, that's Interesting. And Oh, I don't Care. About that. Not about that. Fellow A.D.g. Fellow that about 3(Three) out of 3(Three).) Fellow Alt. and Fellow T.F. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real Me. And Fellow Real Pr.(approximately about 1(One) out of about 9(Nine). And Fellow R.Sh.(approximately about 2(One) out of about 9(Nine).) And Fellow Very Long Duration Clarity. And Fellow Very Long Duration Focused. And Ok. And Very Long Duration Good. And only about that approxixmately Zero Point Seven One(O.71) (allegl. ap. ab. 2.(t.) . o. 3.(th.) . y. ag.) out of approximately about One Hundred(100). Own Fault?(that B.) No, Not Really. Extentuating Circumstances?(that C.) Yes. (Fellow Gvt. Ag.(G.A.). Fellow Mil. Ag.(M.A.) Fellow Mil. Of.(M.O.) Fellow Gvt. Of.(G.O.). Inv. or W. or Co?(that D.) No, Not Really. Very Serious? No. Less than One(1.) Percent out of About One Hundred(100.). Qualitative? No, Irrelevant Nearly all of the Time. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. Approximately about One in 300(Three Hundred) or 400(Four Hundred). And Approximately about One(1.) in 90(Ninety) Million to approximately about One in about 100(One Hundred) Million. And approximately abbout One in approximately about Millions and/or Billions and/or Trillions. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smartly. And Fellow Industrious. And Fellow Thrift. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Loyalty. And Maybe for example. And Fellow so-called Line Item Veto(L.I.V.). And Fellow so-called Line Item Vetoed(L.I.V.). And that so-called Part is Probably False. And that so-called Part is Probably Not True(N.T.). And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Fictional and/or Fiction and/or Mythological and/or Myth. And that so-called Section and/or so-called Part is Probably Not Fictional(N.F.) and/or Not Fiction(N.F.) and/or Not Mythological(N.M.) and/or Not Myth(N.M.) and/or True and/or Honest. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  82. And We are Family and Friends(F.A.F.). And We are Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And You are also My Child. And You are also My Kid. And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And We are also Fellow Father God's People(F.G.P.). And Maybe for example. And Fellow Real C.S.P. . And Fellow Real F.S.P. . And Fellow Settle. . and C. . And Maybe for example. And Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, 'And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him? And if this Was Your Son and/or Your Child, would You have Very Long Duration Done this to Him? And if this was Your Fellow Family Member(F.M.), and/or Your Fellow Kinsfolk Member(K.M.) would You have Very Long Duration Done that to Him?' And Maybe for example. And Very Long Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe. And You are also My Family. And You are also Very Long Duration Immune and/or Safe.
  83. And I have Never Really Sued Anyone. And I have Never Really had a Lawsuit. And that is Really Not Important(N.I.). And that is Really Irrelevant(R.I.). And that is Really Not Relevant(N.R.). And that is Not Really Lifesaving. And it is Very Important that We were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And it is Very Important that Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations were Not Exterminated(N.E.). And so-called of Course(O.C.). And so-called a Given(A.G.). And Very Obvious(V.O.). And Very apparent(V.A.). And Maybe for example. And I have approximately about Never Really Sued anyone. And I have Never approximately about had a Lawsuit. And I have Never approximately about had Litigation. And I have Never approximately about had Arbitration. And I have Never approximately about had Mediation. And I have Never Really Sued any Organization and/or Group. And Maybe for example. And I have Never, for example, Filed for Bankruptcy. And I have Never, for example, Declared Bankruptcy. And I have Never had a Mugshot. And I have Never been Booked in Jail. And I have Never had a Broken Bone. And I have Never had Broken Bones. And I have Never been Found Guilty. And I have Never been Found Guilty in a Court of Law. And I have Never been Ra. . And I have Never been Se.R. . And I have Never been So. . And I have Never been... And I have Never Really been... And that Never Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me. And that Never Really Happened to Me for Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Abscence thereof. And that Very Excellent, Good, and Appropriate Very Long Duration abscence thereof. And Fellow Real Blessings. And Fellow Real Blessed. And Fellow Real Anointings. And Fellow Real Anointed. And Fellow Real Healed. And Fellow Real Cured. And that Fellow Makes sense. And that is Fellow Good. And that is Fellow Excellent. And that is Fellow Fine. And that is Fellow Appropriate. And that is Fellow Safe. And it so-called Follows then. And it so-called Logically Follows then. And it so-called Rationally Follows then. And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Extentuating Circumstances(E.C.). And Maybe also those so-called Very Long Duration Exceptional Circumstances(E.P.). And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Fellow Time Managment. (Fellow Hy. and/or Fellow Byr. on that Fellow T. . You are Not Very Long Duration S. and/or Fe. are You?) And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And What would We have been Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Led to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And What would We have been Very Long Duration Asked to Believe without Proof and/or Evidence? And Maybe for example. And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA, and Haplogroups, and Phrenotypes, and Genotypes. And Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mens Rea(M.R.), and Fellow (often Very Long Duration) Mindset. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Members, and Fellow Citizens. And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellows Stuff. And Fellow Material. And Fellow Materials. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Bonds. And Fellow Stocks. And Fellow Portfolios. And Fellow Boxes. And Fellow Bins. And Fellow Containers. And Fellow Boxes, and Fellow Bins, and Fellow Containers. And Fellow so-called Manna. And Fellow Spaceships. And Fellow Space stations. And Fellow so-called Satellites. And Fellow so-called Orbitals. And Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow Warehouses. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Copyrights. And Fellow Trust Funds(T.F.). And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow CDs(Certificates of Deposit). And Fellow Stock. And Fellow Bond. And Fellow CD(Certificate of Deposit). And Fellow Savings. And Fellow Investments. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Energy. And Fellow Medicines. And Fellow Medicine. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resource. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Safe, and Appropriate. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Mind, and Fellow Heart, and Fellow Soul, and Fellow Spirit, and Fellow Body. And Fellow Minds, and Fellow Hearts, and Fellow Souls, and Fellow Spirits, and Fellow Bodies. And Fellow Genetics, and DNA. And Fellow Family Members(F.M.), and Fellow Family Citizens(F.C.). And Fellow Organizations, and Fellow Groups, and Fellow Civilizations. And Fellow Planets, and Fellow Globes, and Fellow Worlds. And Fellow Warehouses, and Fellow Storehouses. And Fellow A.I. And Fellow Fail Safe(F.S.). And Fellow Systems. And Fellow so-called Stand Alone(S.A.). And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And that Fellow B. . And Fellow Systems. And those approximately about 2(Two) out of approximately about 2(Two)---that Fellow B., and Fellow Systems. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Fellow so-called Lions and/or Lionesses and/or Wolves and/or Bulls and/or Bears and/or Cougars and/or Lizards and/or Owls and/or Alligators and/or Crocodiles. And also Many Fellow Metaphors and/or Parables and/or Allegories. Fellow so-called Variety Shows(V.S.). Fellow so-called Entertainment Shows(E.S.). And Fellow so-called Versions, Volumes, and Editions. And Many of Yesterday's Events and/or Activities Happend to have Helped Make Today's Events and/or Activities Possible. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  84. And I happen to have Never Tw. . And I happen to have Never Pos.The. . And Maybe for example.
  85. (allegl. and alllegl.
  86. (allegl. Long
  87. (allegl. incl allegl. HHG(2out of about 2(Two).)
  88. (allegl. allegl. Ext.V.Lo.Dur.S.andFe. of Our Fellow 1(One), and Our Fellow 2(Two), and Our Fellow 3(Three), and Our Fellow 4(Four), and Our Fellow 5(Five). And Our Fellow A., and Our Fellow B., and Our Fellow C., and Our Fellow D., and Our Fellow E. . And Maybe Not Really for example.
  89. (allegl. Wo. Ha. H.( H.allegl. ( and/or allegl. allegl. G. (
  90. (allegl. Long Duration allegl. Fe.andSc.ofFe.M.M.De.)
  91. (allegl. Nearly all and Very Long Duration allegl. Fe.and.Sc. of Fel. J. and Fel. Ro. and often for example.)
  92. No. Good. And Very Long Duration Ext. approximately about 99.31(Ninety Nine Point Three One) Percent.
  93. And it is about as Good as it gets Very Long Duration. And What More could Really be better? And it could have been a lot Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been a lot More Terrible Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Worse Very Long Duration. And it could have been Much More Terrible Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example.
  94. That 1(One) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  95. That 2(Two) (out of approximately about 3(Three) ), Allegl. also
  96. That 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3)(Three), Allegl. also And Probably Not Really for example. And Maybe Not Really for example.
  97. Fellow 1(Fellow Kr., and Fellow Cr.) 2 (Fellow J.) , 3(Fellow Al., and Fellow Ro.), 4 (Fellow Cou. and Fellow N.), 5 (Fellow M. and Fellow M. and Fellow De.).
  98. Fellow One(1.)(out of about 3(Three.) Fellow Creations Makings Creations. Fellow 2(Two.) (out of approximately about 3(Three.) by approximately about the First One(1.) or Two(2.) Hours from Our Creations Makings Creations(Fellow so-called Nor. . Bo. Mov. and so-called Mot. More than Eno.). Fellow 3(Three) (out of approximately about 3(Three) appro. Millions, and Billions, and Trillions of Years ago in this so-called Mythology, Fan Fiction(F.F.), Jokes. Ok. Ok. Wait for about 4 or 5(Four or Five Million Years) or by '12 or '13(ab. On. Hun. Yea.?) No. Quite. Sil. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Safe, and Very appropriate. And Hello Mama. And Hello Papa. What's going on? Can You come over Here? Can You Walk over here? Are You going to be Good to Papa B.?
  99. And there is, of Course, No Time Travel(N.T.T.), and there is, of Course, No Time Travel. And there is, of Course, No going back in Time. And that Fellow 10(Ten). (out of about 10)? Allegl. No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by (incl. allegl. that Myt. ab. being Rai. Very Long Duration by those so-called and/or that And that Fellow so-called Just Fellow so-called Br.(that about 1 out of about 3) Fellow so-called P.(that about 2 out of 3) Fellow so-called Nu.(that about 3 out 3(Three) )? No, and instead Allegl. a Myt. And also allegl. by And Fo.Extrapolation and Generalization, and inference. And Maybe for example. And also Many Fellow so-called Generic Terms(G.T.). And also Many Fellow so-called Spellings. And also Many Fellow so-called Different Definitions(D.D.). And also We Exist. And also We are Real. And We are Real. And We Exist. And We are Not Mythology. And We are Not Fictional. And We are Real. And We Exist. And Maybe for example. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And also
  100. And also so-called M.W.H.W.M. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Shielded. And Fellow Blocked. And Fellow Blurred. And Fellow Garbled. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Very Long Duration Shielded. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blocked. And Fellow Very Long Duration Blurred. And Fellow Very Long Duration Garbled. And Fellow Very Long Duration Tough. And Fellow Very Long Duration Powerful. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strong. And Fellow Very Long Duration Strength. And Very Long Duration Fellow Loyalty.
  101. And approximately about No and/or None so-called S.L. 3 out of about 3(Three). And No Exceptions(N.E.). And No Excuses(N.E.). And about that. And Not about that. And Fellow appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Our Survival. And Our Not becoming Exterminated. And Fellow Real National Security(N.S.). And Fellow Real Country Security(C.S.). And No Real so-called Fo.oth.Ind.,Fi.,B.C., And No Real so-called And No Real And No Real And Maybe for example. And Very Short Term duration. And Very Long Term Duration. And Very Short Duration(S.D.). And Very Long Duration(L.D.). And Fellow Simple. And Fellow Simple Thinking(S.T.). And it's a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And Very Good, and only so-called approximately about Zero Point Seven One(0.71) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred); and Only One(1.) out of One(1.). so-called Incide. . And Fellow so-called Kos. . And Fellow so-called H. . And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Significance for Me. And They happened to have done approximately about Nothing of Importance for Me. And Maybe for example. And instead, Fellow so-called Automatic Systems(A.S.). And Not Really for example. And Fellow Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome, and Appropriate. And also Fellow so-called Ledger Sheets Number 1(One) and Fellow Ledge Sheets Number 2(Two). And Fellow so-called Spotlights. And Fellow Time Management. And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Sweet, and Awesome. And Not Really for example. And Very Good. And it's also a Brand New Day(B.N.D.). And it's also a Brand New Evening(B.N.E.). And Fellow Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Fellow Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Awesome. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Maybe for example. And about that, and regarding that, I know that They will so-called Really Naturally(and Probably Not Really so-called Artificially) think that They don't Care, and that They won't Care. And They will? Yes. And of Course. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Energies for Them. And those Very Needed and Very Necessary Heavy-Laden Energies for Them. And Maybe for example. Fellow Past. Fellow Present. Fellow Future. And How Could they Really Not Care? And Maybe for example. And those are Their Ch. . And those are Their F. . And those are Their K. . And Maybe for example. And And Fellow Time Management. And Beyond Belief. And that so-called Very Long Duration S.L. approximately about One(1.) out of approximately about 3(Three). And Maybe for example. And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are Loved. And We are Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Liked. And We are Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Loved. And I am Very Long Duration Liked. And I am Liked. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Short Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Long Term Duration Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Please also be Very Ca. and/or Very Cau. esp. if You and/or We Re. approximately about 2.5(Two Point Five) out of approximately about 3.0(Three) of that so-called called Ext.des.S.L. And
  102. And Fellow Very Long Duration Interesting. And Fellow Very Long Duration Correct Spelling. And Fellow Very Long Duration Organized. And for example.
  103. And Fellow Standards of Decency(S.O.D.)(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going there(especially Very Long Duration). And Fellow Not going to that so-called Le.(especially Very Long Duration). And Maybe for example. And that Very Long Duration(and Maybe Short Term Duration). And Fellow Standards of Decency. And Fellow so-called Ato. . And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called approximately about Zeroed. And Fellow Very Long Duration so-called Zeroed. And also Many Good Signs and Indications. And that was Good, Very Likely. And that would have been Very Bad. And often Times would have Ins. that so-called Tu. . or that so-called Bur. . And oftentimes Not outside. And oftentimes Not Very Long Duration outside. Factor? Approximately about (20(Twenty) Percent) to about 30(Thirty Percent) Not quite, Very Likely about 40(Forty Percent). And Not so-called that 6(Six) out of Six(6)? Approximately about 90 Percent(Ninety) to approximately 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100(One Hundred Percent). And here is a so-called Joke, and/or Jokes, and/or Joked and/or Joking and/or Satire, and/or Parody and/or Parodies and/or Bluffing and/or Bluffed and/or Bluffing and/or Kidding and/or Kidded and/or Joking and/or Bluffed---And then approximately about 120(One Hundred Twenty) or 130(One Hundred Thirty) out of approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent. And only so-called Needed, that approximately about 50(Fifty) Percent or More. And Fellow so-called Heaven. And Fellow so-called Heavens. Fellow, Your doing Excellent, Fine, and Good (and especially Very Long Duration) Dearh. . And Fellow approximately about Zeroed. And You are Not Very Long Duration De. . And Fellow Or., and Fellow Gr., and Fellow Civ., You are Not Exterminated. And Maybe for example. And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 9(Nine) out of approximatley about 300(Three Hundred). And Not for example, Very Long Duration approximately about 100(One Hundred) out of approximately about 300(Three Hundred). (And and/or And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated. And We are Fellow Family and Friends, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course.
  104. And also My Fellow Man, and also My Fellow Individual, and also My Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, And Fellow Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Energy Management(E.M.). And Fellow Very Long Duration Time Management(T.M.). And Fellow so-called Dynamic. And Fellow so-called Complex. And Fellow so-called Multi-Faceted(M.F.) and Complex. And Multiple Spellings(M.S.). And Muliple Definitions(M.D.). And Several Definitions(S.D.). And Single Tense(S.T.). And Singular Tense(S.T.). And Multiple Tense(M.T.). And Multiple Tenses(M.T.). And Maybe for example. And about that. And Not about that. And Not Regarding that. And Regarding that. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps also, 'So-Called'. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps for example. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Maybe for example.
  105. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And, of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very Apparent. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Fortresses, and Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have, Maybe for example, Our Fellow Planets, and Our Fellow Worlds. And Maybe for example. And May You have a Good Day, and May You have a Good Night, and May You have a Good Evening. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course approximately about 100(One Hundred) Percent out of approximately about 100 (One Hundred) Percent of the Time. And May You have a Great Morning, and May You have a Great Day, and May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night, and May You have a Great Evening. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, and Very Awesome, and Sweet, and Cool, and Very Excellent, Fine, and Good."
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