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Apr 29th, 2022
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  1. "the foreign mormon, and the foreign mason, propagated the foreign myth that, for example, the foreign japanese look and talk a certain way. the foreign mormons were also behind, so to speak, the foreign myth of countries and nations, foreign or not, somehow, 'magically' not existing. the foreign mormons wanted to pretend that people, foreign or not, were debased drug using, disease ridden, whatever. separately, for example, the ancient civilizations, and nations, whether foreign or not really, and obviously, exist. the foreign laughing, joking foreign enemy mason foreign and the butt boy, q- f- foreign mormon, extremely antisemitic, extremely manhater, foreign soldier troop foreign mormon foreigners were 'born' to, obviusly, create, if they could, much confusion, especially trying to cause a lot of doubt of whether 1) those countries and nations still exist 2) trying to make light of the fact that the foreign mormon was created a foreign mormmon, not magically and mythologically made a mormon by baptism. the foreign mormon, like the foreign enemy, laughing or not, foreign mason were born as foreign blood enemies to Us. We are Us. We are not foreign enemy combatant soldiers foreigners. (by the way, like the foreign mason, the foreign mormons were some of the really biggest holocaust and genocide and exterminated foreign victims, exterminated foreign victims. and about all of the foreign, for example, mormon militaries were holocausted and exterminated many years ago, and about all of the foreign enemy mason governments foreigners were holocausted and exterminated years ago.) I am a loyal, and proud Papa family boy man Papa."
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