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- A better essay than Antandrus could ever write.
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- Wikipedia severely glorifies circumcision, a surgery that destroys 90% of penile sensitivity. Wikipedia says it does not affect sensitivity. Circumphile administrators like James Heilman and Jayjg and Avraham make sure only circumphiles get to edit the circumcision article, only circumphile sources are allowed, and only circumphiles get to vote in administrator elections.
- The administrators get to decide who gets to decide who is an administrator. Do only I see the vicious cycle?
- Jimmy Wales could have prevented the glorification of circumcision but didn't. It suggests he wants it this way. Perhaps he is circumcised himself and does not want to acknowledge the inconvenient reality that he has a bodily defect. Especially in the intimate area.
- See . Translate the following page to english for more info: .
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- Many projects start as noble but then get cucked. This includes Mozilla, Wikipedia, Android OS.
- Google really does not want people to record calls, even though there are ethical purposes for it:
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- In 2020, iOS and in 2021 Android got an orange and a green dot indicator for the microphone, meaning you can no longer use Android or iOS to disprove false ____ accusations.
- May Horst Arnold, victim of false ____ accusation, rest in peace.
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- Google has a long history of crippling freedom on Android. It started in 2014 when they killed microSD write access "for security reasons" (if so, why didn't they also write-protect internal storage? Ah yes, they want to sell Google drive storage.). MicroSD is superior because if the phone breaks, microSD does not lose data. This is why MicroSD will never ever be obsolete, even if smartphones have 10 TB of internal storage.
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- Thank you for mentioning Mozilla's add-on kill switch evilness. Here is another one: Mozilla replaced the performance analysis tool with "Firefox Profiler", an online service. Because it is online-dependent, it can shut down any time without warning. It can be disabled at any time, and is not available if Mozilla's servers have downtime or are overwhelmed.
- Why online services can not be trusted on the long term: "You can't control your data in the cloud" by Karl Voit:
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- "Freedom-loving" Mozilla made it difficult to add custom search engines.
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- Mozilla made this video in 2019: ID: VkK6rDcEEhU
- Title: Diversity and Inclusion at Mozilla: Sharing Our 2019 Results
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- In 2019, Google made the pull-to-refresh anti-feature mandatory on Chrome for Android. It was optional in 2015 - 2019, but an optional anti-feature is a ticking time bomb for a mandatory anti-feature. Do we see a pattern here? The same was with Mozilla add-on signing (glorified kill switch).
- Pull-to-refresh causes accidental refreshes because it is a screen-sized refresh button. Pull-to-refresh prevents fast upscrolling because it triggers accidentally. Pull-to-refresh is one of those things that are well-intended, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
- Many people complained on Google forums, but Google ignored it.
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- A good thing Mozilla has done: They denied H.265 support until it becomes patent-free:
- A good thing Google has done: significantly contributing to VP8, VP9, AV1.
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- Smartphone manufacturers enforced non-replaceable batteries upon us. Next, physical SIMs will be sacrificed for eSIM.
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- In 2017, Mozilla switched from plain JSON to MOZLZ4 (non-standard LZ4 format) to auto-save sessions, arguing that it prevents SSD from being worn down. Even then, no need to use a nonstandard MOZLZ4. Mozilla should have used standard LZ4.
- Yet they have not removed video caching to disk, a feature that was useful when computers had 2 GB of RAM. Video caching to disk wears down SSD far more.
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- In 2021, Chrome and Firefox ditched FTP (file transfer protocol).
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- More and more countries require real-life identification for SIM card activation "to protect us from the bad guys":
- Even Sweden hopped on that bandwagon.
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- Popular mobile web browsers still lack the ability to export user data. Why that is a problem: Read "The sad state of personal data and infrastructure":
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- March 2022: GHacks found out that each Firefox download has a unique identifier.
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- Firefox subreddit blacklisted GHacks URL. GHacks has many articles critical of Mozilla.
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- Microsoft nearly enforced secure boot on Windows 11. Why that is a problem? Watch the videos by Jody Bruchon on Windows 11.
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- Many mobile apps have data lock-in, such as web browsers.
- This means those saved pages and history can not be backed up or transferred to a new device. The saved pages can only be viewed on that one app on that one phone for the lifespan of that one phone.
- Another problem: If your phone runs out of space, you can't move those pages to an external hard drive or USB stick or wherever. You are forced to delete them.
- Imagine the camera app saved pictures and videos in a locked-in directory.
- You could not move them out of your phone, only view them inside the pre-installed camera app for the lifespan of that one phone and delete them when you run out of space.
- Ludicrous, wouldn't it be?
- Data lock-in would be considered unacceptable on camera apps, yet it is acceptable on web browsers?
- This data lock-in is something that severely annoyed people about Samsung S Browser / Samsung Internet. Me and other people were unable to get our saved pages out. When we switch phones, we can not take the saved pages with us.
- These are problems from the times of answering machines, where the only way to "back up" their contents was recording them from an external audio recorder. It is 2024 now. User data must be portable.
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