
BWR - Changelog 15/07/23

Jul 15th, 2023
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  1. Dead Ringer
  2. + Removed 100% cloak meter consumed on decloak
  3. + -50% cloak meter only consumed with Feign Death is activated at >50% HP
  4. - Reduced cloak regen bonus to +25% (was +100%)
  5. - Removed cloak duration bonus
  6. Last version attempted to make feign more predictable with its recharge more consistent in all uses - when tanking damage in gunfights or escaping near death. This however made the feign ability too spammable especially with the faster recharge, and simply increasing recharge time would make more punishing for it's intended usage. In order to better reward the latter use and discourage the former, it's recharge and duration was tweaked to benefit using it to genuinely feign death with a longer duration and less potential recharge.
  8. Vaccinator
  9. + Increased passive patient damage bonus to +15% (was +10%)
  10. + Increased ubercharge damage resistance to 30% (was 25%)
  11. + Resistance when stacked becomes 50% x2, 65% x3
  12. The medigun's benefits appaered too muted even for how quickly it built uber. This attempt to turn them up should make them more rewarding.
  14. Fists of Steel
  15. - Overheal penalty works passively, no longer increases uber build
  16. Attempting to make the downside more consistent on this weapon and cut back on its bugginess.
  18. Eyelander
  19. + Removed Shield Recharge penalty
  20. The sword's downside appeared to hold it back right off the bat, and its snowball didn't appare to require a huge downside.
  22. Disciplinary Action
  23. - Added No Random Crits
  24. - Added: This weapon holsters 100% slower
  25. Make this weapon decidedly worse for melee combat and require more committment to gain its benefit before you can switch off.
  27. Solemn Vow
  28. - Added No Random Crits
  29. Didn't have apparent downside to make it worse for combat than stock.
  31. Your Eternal Reward
  32. - Removed cloak regen bonus
  33. Appeared to be overtuned with its regen bonus.
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