

Mar 13th, 2023
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  1. getgenv().Settings = {
  2. Main = {
  3. Enable = true,
  5. HoldKey = false,
  6. ToggleKey = true,
  8. UseKeyBoardKey = true,
  9. KeyBoardKey = Enum.KeyCode.Q, -- https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/enums/KeyCode
  11. UseMouseKey = false,
  12. ThirdPerson = true,
  13. FirstPerson = true,
  15. AutoPingSets = true,
  17. UseCircleRadius = true,
  18. DisableOutSideCircle = true,
  20. UseShake = true,
  21. ShakePower = 1,
  23. CheckForWalls = true
  24. },
  25. Check = {
  26. CheckIfKo = true, -- This Is For Da Hood
  27. DisableOnTargetDeath = true,
  28. DisableOnPlayerDeath = true
  29. },
  30. Horizontal = {
  31. PredictMovement = true,
  32. PredictionVelocity = 0.17221418
  33. },
  34. Smooth = {
  35. Smoothness = true,
  36. SmoothnessAmount = 1,
  37. SmoothMethod = Enum.EasingStyle.Circular,
  38. SmoothMethodV2 = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut
  39. },
  40. Part = {
  41. AimPart = "Head",
  42. CheckIfJumpedAimPart = "HumanoidRootPart",
  43. CheckIfJumped = true,
  44. GetClosestPart = false
  45. },
  46. Resolver = {
  47. UnderGround = false,
  48. UseUnderGroundKeybind = true,
  49. UnderGroundKey = Enum.KeyCode.C,
  50. DetectDesync = true,
  51. Detection = 75,
  53. UseDetectDesyncKeybind = true,
  54. DetectDesyncKey = Enum.KeyCode.V,
  55. SendNotification = true
  56. },
  57. Visual = {
  58. Fov = true,
  59. FovTransparency = 1,
  60. FovThickness = 1,
  61. FovColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 185, 0),
  62. FovRadius = 360
  63. },
  64. Spoofer = {
  65. MemorySpoofer = true,
  66. MemoryTabColor = Color3.fromRGB(211, 88, 33),
  67. MemoryMost = 85000,
  68. MemoryLeast = 80000,
  70. PingSpoofer = true,
  71. PingTabColor = Color3.fromRGB(211, 88, 33),
  72. PingMost = 2000,
  73. PingLeast = 1000
  74. }
  75. }
  77. -- // Locals
  79. local Players, Uis, RService, Inset, CurrentCamera =
  80. game:GetService("Players"),
  81. game:GetService("UserInputService"),
  82. game:GetService("RunService"),
  83. game:GetService("GuiService"):GetGuiInset().Y,
  84. game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
  86. local Client = Players.LocalPlayer;
  88. local Mouse, Camera = Client:GetMouse(), workspace.CurrentCamera
  90. local Circle = Drawing.new("Circle")
  92. local CF, RNew, Vec3, Vec2 = CFrame.new, Ray.new, Vector3.new, Vector2.new
  94. local OldAimPart = getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart
  96. local AimlockTarget, MousePressed, CanNotify = nil, false, false
  98. getgenv().UpdateFOV = function()
  99. if (not Circle) then
  100. return (Circle)
  101. end
  102. Circle.Color = Settings.Visual.FovColor
  103. Circle.Visible = Settings.Visual.Fov
  104. Circle.Radius = Settings.Visual.FovRadius
  105. Circle.Thickness = Settings.Visual.FovThickness
  106. Circle.Position = Vec2(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y + Inset)
  107. return (Circle)
  108. end
  110. RService.Heartbeat:Connect(UpdateFOV)
  112. -- // Functions
  114. getgenv().WallCheck = function(destination, ignore)
  115. local Origin = Camera.CFrame.p
  116. local CheckRay = RNew(Origin, destination - Origin)
  117. local Hit = game.workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(CheckRay, ignore)
  118. return Hit == nil
  119. end
  121. getgenv().WTS = function(Object)
  122. local ObjectVector = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Object.Position)
  123. return Vec2(ObjectVector.X, ObjectVector.Y)
  124. end
  126. getgenv().IsOnScreen = function(Object)
  127. local IsOnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Object.Position)
  128. return IsOnScreen
  129. end
  131. getgenv().FilterObjs = function(Object)
  132. if string.find(Object.Name, "Gun") then
  133. return
  134. end
  135. if table.find({"Part", "MeshPart", "BasePart"}, Object.ClassName) then
  136. return true
  137. end
  138. end
  140. getgenv().GetClosestBodyPart = function(character)
  141. local ClosestDistance = 1 / 0
  142. local BodyPart = nil
  143. if (character and character:GetChildren()) then
  144. for _, x in next, character:GetChildren() do
  145. if FilterObjs(x) and IsOnScreen(x) then
  146. local Distance = (WTS(x) - Vec2(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude
  147. if (Circle.Radius > Distance and Distance < ClosestDistance) then
  148. ClosestDistance = Distance
  149. BodyPart = x
  150. end
  151. end
  152. end
  153. end
  154. return BodyPart
  155. end
  157. getgenv().WorldToViewportPoint = function(P)
  158. return Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(P)
  159. end
  161. getgenv().WorldToScreenPoint = function(P)
  162. return Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Camera, P)
  163. end
  165. getgenv().GetObscuringObjects = function(T)
  166. if T and T:FindFirstChild(getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart) and Client and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  167. local RayPos =
  168. workspace:FindPartOnRay(RNew(T[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Position, Client.Character.Head.Position))
  169. if RayPos then
  170. return RayPos:IsDescendantOf(T)
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end
  175. getgenv().GetNearestTarget = function()
  176. local AimlockTarget, Closest = nil, 1 / 0
  178. for _, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  179. if (v.Character and v ~= Client and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
  180. local Position, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  181. local Distance = (Vec2(Position.X, Position.Y) - Vec2(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude
  182. if Settings.Main.CheckForWalls then
  183. if
  184. (Circle.Radius > Distance and Distance < Closest and OnScreen and
  185. getgenv().WallCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, {Client, v.Character}))
  186. then
  187. Closest = Distance
  188. AimlockTarget = v
  189. end
  190. elseif Settings.Main.UseCircleRadius then
  191. if
  192. (Circle.Radius > Distance and Distance < Closest and OnScreen and
  193. getgenv().WallCheck(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, {Client, v.Character}))
  194. then
  195. Closest = Distance
  196. AimlockTarget = v
  197. end
  198. else
  199. if (Circle.Radius > Distance and Distance < Closest and OnScreen) then
  200. Closest = Distance
  201. AimlockTarget = v
  202. end
  203. end
  204. end
  205. end
  206. return AimlockTarget
  207. end
  209. -- // Use KeyBoardKey Function
  211. Uis.InputBegan:connect(
  212. function(input)
  213. if
  214. input.KeyCode == Settings.Main.KeyBoardKey and Settings.Main.UseKeyBoardKey == true and
  215. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  216. AimlockTarget == nil and
  217. getgenv().Settings.Main.HoldKey == true
  218. then
  219. pcall(
  220. function()
  221. MousePressed = true
  222. AimlockTarget = GetNearestTarget()
  223. end
  224. )
  225. end
  226. end
  227. )Uis.InputEnded:connect(
  228. function(input)
  229. if
  230. input.KeyCode == Settings.Main.KeyBoardKey and getgenv().Settings.Main.HoldKey == true and
  231. Settings.Main.UseKeyBoardKey == true and
  232. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  233. AimlockTarget ~= nil
  234. then
  235. AimlockTarget = nil
  236. MousePressed = false
  237. end
  238. end
  239. )
  241. Uis.InputBegan:Connect(
  242. function(keyinput, stupid)
  243. if
  244. keyinput.KeyCode == Settings.Resolver.UnderGroundKey and getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  245. Settings.Resolver.UseUnderGroundKeybind == true
  246. then
  247. if Settings.Resolver.UnderGround == true then
  248. Settings.Resolver.UnderGround = false
  249. if getgenv().Settings.Resolver.SendNotification then
  250. game.StarterGui:SetCore(
  251. "SendNotification",
  252. {
  253. Title = "Sanky Box",
  254. Text = "Disabled UnderGround Resolver",
  255. Icon = "rbxassetid://11394475200",
  256. Duration = 1
  257. }
  258. )
  259. end
  260. else
  261. Settings.Resolver.UnderGround = true
  262. if getgenv().Settings.Resolver.SendNotification then
  263. game.StarterGui:SetCore(
  264. "SendNotification",
  265. {
  266. Title = "Sanky Box",
  267. Text = "Enabled UnderGround Resolver",
  268. Icon = "rbxassetid://11394475200",
  269. Duration = 1
  270. }
  271. )
  272. end
  273. end
  274. end
  275. end
  276. )
  278. Uis.InputBegan:Connect(
  279. function(keyinput, stupid)
  280. if
  281. keyinput.KeyCode == Settings.Resolver.DetectDesyncKey and getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  282. Settings.Resolver.UseDetectDesyncKeybind == true
  283. then
  284. if Settings.Resolver.DetectDesync == true then
  285. Settings.Resolver.DetectDesync = false
  286. if getgenv().Settings.Resolver.SendNotification then
  287. game.StarterGui:SetCore(
  288. "SendNotification",
  289. {
  290. Title = "Sanky Box",
  291. Text = "Disabled Desync Resolver",
  292. Icon = "rbxassetid://11394475200",
  293. Duration = 1
  294. }
  295. )
  296. end
  297. else
  298. Settings.Resolver.DetectDesync = true
  299. if getgenv().Settings.Resolver.SendNotification then
  300. game.StarterGui:SetCore(
  301. "SendNotification",
  302. {
  303. Title = "Sanky Box",
  304. Text = "Enabled Desync Resolver",
  305. Icon = "rbxassetid://11394475200",
  306. Duration = 1
  307. }
  308. )
  309. end
  310. end
  311. end
  312. end
  313. )
  315. Uis.InputBegan:Connect(
  316. function(keyinput, stupid)
  317. if
  318. keyinput.KeyCode == Settings.Main.KeyBoardKey and Settings.Main.UseKeyBoardKey == true and
  319. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  320. AimlockTarget == nil and
  321. getgenv().Settings.Main.ToggleKey == true
  322. then
  323. pcall(
  324. function()
  325. MousePressed = true
  326. AimlockTarget = GetNearestTarget()
  327. end
  328. )
  329. elseif
  330. keyinput.KeyCode == Settings.Main.KeyBoardKey and Settings.Main.UseKeyBoardKey == true and
  331. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  332. AimlockTarget ~= nil
  333. then
  334. AimlockTarget = nil
  335. MousePressed = false
  336. end
  337. end
  338. )
  340. -- // Use MouseKey Function
  342. Uis.InputBegan:connect(
  343. function(input)
  344. if
  345. input.UserInputType == Settings.Main.MouseKey and Settings.Main.UseMouseKey == true and
  346. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  347. AimlockTarget == nil and
  348. getgenv().Settings.Main.HoldKey == true
  349. then
  350. pcall(
  351. function()
  352. MousePressed = true
  353. AimlockTarget = GetNearestTarget()
  354. end
  355. )
  356. end
  357. end
  358. )Uis.InputEnded:connect(
  359. function(input)
  360. if
  361. input.UserInputType == Settings.Main.MouseKey and getgenv().Settings.Main.HoldKey == true and
  362. Settings.Main.UseMouseKey == true and
  363. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  364. AimlockTarget ~= nil
  365. then
  366. AimlockTarget = nil
  367. MousePressed = false
  368. end
  369. end
  370. )
  372. Uis.InputBegan:Connect(
  373. function(keyinput, stupid)
  374. if
  375. keyinput.UserInputType == Settings.Main.MouseKey and Settings.Main.UseMouseKey == true and
  376. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  377. AimlockTarget == nil and
  378. getgenv().Settings.Main.ToggleKey == true
  379. then
  380. pcall(
  381. function()
  382. MousePressed = true
  383. AimlockTarget = GetNearestTarget()
  384. end
  385. )
  386. elseif
  387. keyinput.UserInputType == Settings.Main.MouseKey and Settings.Main.UseMouseKey == true and
  388. getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and
  389. AimlockTarget ~= nil
  390. then
  391. AimlockTarget = nil
  392. MousePressed = false
  393. end
  394. end
  395. )
  397. -- // Main Functions. RunService HeartBeat.
  399. task.spawn(
  400. function()
  401. while task.wait() do
  402. if MousePressed == true and getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true then
  403. if AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character then
  404. if getgenv().Settings.Part.GetClosestPart == true then
  405. getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart = tostring(GetClosestBodyPart(AimlockTarget.Character))
  406. end
  407. end
  408. if getgenv().Settings.Main.DisableOutSideCircle == true and AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character then
  409. if
  410. Circle.Radius <
  411. (Vec2(
  412. Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(AimlockTarget.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).X,
  413. Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(AimlockTarget.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Y
  414. ) - Vec2(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)).Magnitude
  415. then
  416. AimlockTarget = nil
  417. end
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  421. end
  422. )
  424. RService.Heartbeat:Connect(
  425. function()
  426. if getgenv().Settings.Main.Enable == true and MousePressed == true then
  427. if getgenv().Settings.Main.UseShake == true and AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character then
  428. pcall(
  429. function()
  430. local TargetVelv1 = AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart]
  431. TargetVelv1.Velocity =
  432. Vec3(TargetVelv1.Velocity.X, TargetVelv1.Velocity.Y, TargetVelv1.Velocity.Z) +
  433. Vec3(
  434. math.random(-getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower, getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower),
  435. math.random(-getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower, getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower),
  436. math.random(-getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower, getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower)
  437. ) *
  438. 0.1
  439. TargetVelv1.AssemblyLinearVelocity =
  440. Vec3(TargetVelv1.Velocity.X, TargetVelv1.Velocity.Y, TargetVelv1.Velocity.Z) +
  441. Vec3(
  442. math.random(-getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower, getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower),
  443. math.random(-getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower, getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower),
  444. math.random(-getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower, getgenv().Settings.Main.ShakePower)
  445. ) *
  446. 0.1
  447. end
  448. )
  449. end
  450. if getgenv().Settings.Resolver.UnderGround == true and AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character then
  451. pcall(
  452. function()
  453. local TargetVelv2 = AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart]
  454. TargetVelv2.Velocity = Vec3(TargetVelv2.Velocity.X, 0, TargetVelv2.Velocity.Z)
  455. TargetVelv2.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vec3(TargetVelv2.Velocity.X, 0, TargetVelv2.Velocity.Z)
  456. end
  457. )
  458. end
  459. if
  460. getgenv().Settings.Resolver.DetectDesync == true and AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character and
  461. AimlockTarget.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Velocity.magnitude >
  462. getgenv().Settings.Resolver.Detection
  463. then
  464. pcall(
  465. function()
  466. local TargetVel = AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart]
  467. TargetVel.Velocity = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
  468. TargetVel.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
  469. end
  470. )
  471. end
  472. if getgenv().Settings.Main.ThirdPerson == true and getgenv().Settings.Main.FirstPerson == true then
  473. if
  474. (Camera.Focus.p - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude > 1 or
  475. (Camera.Focus.p - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude <= 1
  476. then
  477. CanNotify = true
  478. else
  479. CanNotify = false
  480. end
  481. elseif getgenv().Settings.Main.ThirdPerson == true and getgenv().Settings.Main.FirstPerson == false then
  482. if (Camera.Focus.p - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude > 1 then
  483. CanNotify = true
  484. else
  485. CanNotify = false
  486. end
  487. elseif getgenv().Settings.Main.ThirdPerson == false and getgenv().Settings.Main.FirstPerson == true then
  488. if (Camera.Focus.p - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p).Magnitude <= 1 then
  489. CanNotify = true
  490. else
  491. CanNotify = false
  492. end
  493. end
  494. if getgenv().Settings.Main.AutoPingSets == true and getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity then
  495. local pingvalue = game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValueString()
  496. local split = string.split(pingvalue, "(")
  497. local ping = tonumber(split[1])
  498. if ping > 190 then
  499. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.206547
  500. elseif ping > 180 then
  501. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.19284
  502. elseif ping > 170 then
  503. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.1923111
  504. elseif ping > 160 then
  505. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.1823111
  506. elseif ping > 150 then
  507. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.171
  508. elseif ping > 140 then
  509. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.165773
  510. elseif ping > 130 then
  511. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.1223333
  512. elseif ping > 120 then
  513. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.143765
  514. elseif ping > 110 then
  515. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.1455
  516. elseif ping > 100 then
  517. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.130340
  518. elseif ping > 90 then
  519. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.136
  520. elseif ping > 80 then
  521. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.1347
  522. elseif ping > 70 then
  523. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.119
  524. elseif ping > 60 then
  525. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.12731
  526. elseif ping > 50 then
  527. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.127668
  528. elseif ping > 40 then
  529. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.125
  530. elseif ping > 30 then
  531. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.11
  532. elseif ping > 20 then
  533. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.12588
  534. elseif ping > 10 then
  535. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity = 0.9
  536. end
  537. end
  538. if getgenv().Settings.Check.CheckIfKo == true and AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character then
  539. local KOd = AimlockTarget.Character:WaitForChild("BodyEffects")["K.O"].Value
  540. local Grabbed = AimlockTarget.Character:FindFirstChild("GRABBING_CONSTRAINT") ~= nil
  541. if AimlockTarget.Character.Humanoid.health < 1 or KOd or Grabbed then
  542. if MousePressed == true then
  543. AimlockTarget = nil
  544. MousePressed = false
  545. end
  546. end
  547. end
  548. if
  549. getgenv().Settings.Check.DisableOnTargetDeath == true and AimlockTarget and
  550. AimlockTarget.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  551. then
  552. if AimlockTarget.Character.Humanoid.health < 1 then
  553. if MousePressed == true then
  554. AimlockTarget = nil
  555. MousePressed = false
  556. end
  557. end
  558. end
  559. if
  560. getgenv().Settings.Check.DisableOnPlayerDeath == true and Client.Character and
  561. Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and
  562. Client.Character.Humanoid.health < 1
  563. then
  564. if MousePressed == true then
  565. AimlockTarget = nil
  566. MousePressed = false
  567. end
  568. end
  569. if getgenv().Settings.Part.CheckIfJumped == true and getgenv().Settings.Part.GetClosestPart == false then
  570. if AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character then
  571. if AimlockTarget.Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then
  572. getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart = getgenv().Settings.Part.CheckIfJumpedAimPart
  573. else
  574. getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart = OldAimPart
  575. end
  576. end
  577. end
  578. if
  579. AimlockTarget and AimlockTarget.Character and
  580. AimlockTarget.Character:FindFirstChild(getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart)
  581. then
  582. if getgenv().Settings.Main.FirstPerson == true then
  583. if CanNotify == true then
  584. if getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictMovement == true then
  585. if getgenv().Settings.Smooth.Smoothness == true then
  586. local Main =
  587. CF(
  588. Camera.CFrame.p,
  589. AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Position +
  590. AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Velocity *
  591. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity
  592. )
  594. Camera.CFrame =
  595. Camera.CFrame:Lerp(
  596. Main,
  597. getgenv().Settings.Smooth.SmoothnessAmount,
  598. Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,
  599. Enum.EasingDirection.InOut
  600. )
  601. else
  602. Camera.CFrame =
  603. CF(
  604. Camera.CFrame.p,
  605. AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Position +
  606. AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Velocity *
  607. getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictionVelocity + Vector3
  608. )
  609. end
  610. elseif getgenv().Settings.Horizontal.PredictMovement == false then
  611. if getgenv().Settings.Smooth.Smoothness == true then
  612. local Main =
  613. CF(
  614. Camera.CFrame.p,
  615. AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Position
  616. )
  617. Camera.CFrame =
  618. Camera.CFrame:Lerp(
  619. Main,
  620. getgenv().Settings.Smooth.SmoothnessAmount,
  621. getgenv().Settings.Smooth.SmoothMethod,
  622. getgenv().Settings.Smooth.SmoothMethodV2
  623. )
  624. else
  625. Camera.CFrame =
  626. CF(
  627. Camera.CFrame.p,
  628. AimlockTarget.Character[getgenv().Settings.Part.AimPart].Position
  629. )
  630. end
  631. end
  632. end
  633. end
  634. end
  635. end
  636. end
  637. )
  641. local PerformanceStats = game:GetService("CoreGui"):WaitForChild("RobloxGui"):WaitForChild("PerformanceStats")
  643. local MemLabel
  644. local color,
  645. color1,
  646. color2,
  647. color3,
  648. color4,
  649. color5,
  650. color6,
  651. color7,
  652. color8,
  653. color9,
  654. color10,
  655. color11,
  656. color12,
  657. color13,
  658. color14,
  659. color15,
  660. color16,
  661. color17,
  662. color18,
  663. color19
  664. for I, Child in next, PerformanceStats:GetChildren() do
  665. if Child.StatsMiniTextPanelClass.TitleLabel.Text == "Mem" then
  666. MemLabel = Child.StatsMiniTextPanelClass.ValueLabel
  667. color = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_0
  668. color1 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_1
  669. color2 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_2
  670. color3 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_3
  671. color4 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_4
  672. color5 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_5
  673. color6 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_6
  674. color7 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_7
  675. color8 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_8
  676. color9 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_9
  677. color10 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_10
  678. color11 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_11
  679. color12 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_12
  680. color13 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_13
  681. color14 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_14
  682. color15 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_15
  683. color16 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_16
  684. color17 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_17
  685. color18 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_18
  686. color19 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_19
  687. break
  688. end
  689. end
  690. MemLabel:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(
  691. function()
  692. if Settings.Spoofer.MemorySpoofer == true then
  693. MemLabel.Text = math.random(Settings.Spoofer.MemoryLeast, Settings.Spoofer.MemoryMost) / 100 .. " MB"
  694. color.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  695. color1.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  696. color2.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  697. color3.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  698. color4.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  699. color5.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  700. color6.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  701. color7.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  702. color8.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  703. color9.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  704. color10.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  705. color11.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  706. color12.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  707. color13.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  708. color14.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  709. color15.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  710. color16.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  711. color17.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  712. color18.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  713. color19.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.MemoryTabColor
  714. end
  715. end
  716. )
  718. local PingLabel
  719. for I, Child in next, PerformanceStats:GetChildren() do
  720. if Child.StatsMiniTextPanelClass.TitleLabel.Text == "Ping" then
  721. PingLabel = Child.StatsMiniTextPanelClass.ValueLabel
  722. color = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_0
  723. color1 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_1
  724. color2 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_2
  725. color3 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_3
  726. color4 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_4
  727. color5 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_5
  728. color6 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_6
  729. color7 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_7
  730. color8 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_8
  731. color9 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_9
  732. color10 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_10
  733. color11 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_11
  734. color12 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_12
  735. color13 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_13
  736. color14 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_14
  737. color15 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_15
  738. color16 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_16
  739. color17 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_17
  740. color18 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_18
  741. color19 = Child.PS_AnnotatedGraph.PS_BarFrame.Bar_19
  742. break
  743. end
  744. end
  745. PingLabel:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(
  746. function()
  747. if Settings.Spoofer.PingSpoofer == true then
  748. local textrandom = math.random(Settings.Spoofer.PingLeast, Settings.Spoofer.PingMost) / 100
  749. PingLabel.Text = textrandom .. " ms"
  750. color.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  751. color1.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  752. color2.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  753. color3.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  754. color4.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  755. color5.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  756. color6.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  757. color7.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  758. color8.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  759. color9.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  760. color10.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  761. color11.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  762. color12.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  763. color13.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  764. color14.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  765. color15.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  766. color16.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  767. color17.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  768. color18.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  769. color19.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Spoofer.PingTabColor
  770. if game.PlaceId == 9825515356 then
  771. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MainEvent:FireServer("GetPing", textrandom)
  772. end
  773. end
  774. end
  775. )
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