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Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. The Kids Are Alt-Right (And We're So Offended By That)
  3. "Some kids out there might actually not be politically correct! WTF?! How dare they??? They might actually think for themselves and ignore CNN propaganda! They might actually hold views I don't agree with - which of course means they're a bunch of dumb Nazis! ALLLLLL conservatives are Nazis! Oh noooo, what are we gonna do, comrades?????
  5. Write a song, that's what! That'll teach them."
  7. The tunes are pretty horrible too. What a lame, child-like song. Even Green Day might have second thoughts about releasing such a kindergarten tune as an "anthem". But hey, it's the "message" that counts, right? Alt-right? Oh dear me: such CLEVER play on words from little old me. Well, no, I can't take the credit, it's Greg's AMAZING invention. How the hell did that genius poet ever come up with that! Right... Alt-right. All-right... Alt-right. Sooo amazing. Damn, poets as gifted as Greg don't just fall from trees. (But when they do, they fall straight on their heads, and then become preachy punksters convinced they have all the answers.)
  9. Yes, it's the message that counts, not the music (which sucks). People need to hear about this awful imaginary plague that's taken over 15% of American youth, this awful tendency to not fall in line, to not vote and act as our Masters are telling us. How dare they not be like the other 85%!
  11. Madonna, Green Day, Machine Head, Rage Against the Martinsheen, System of a Dud, Pop-Korn, Ducksie Chicks... it's on! It's WAR... again. The enemy is gaining in strength... again. We must destroy them before they reach 15.1%. Have your limo drivers bring you to the nearest studio where you can write and record new protest songs, my fellow limousine liberals! Our way MUST prevail! Our message of peace must be hammered home by even more violent street protests if need be! Mordooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr! Saruman, get the Orc armies ready! Freedom must be CRUSHED!
  13. On a slightly more serious note... Of course nobody in their right mind (not alt-right mind, tee hee hee) supports the extreme Right (which may I remind you behaves pretty much like the extreme Left in most things). The trouble is, very often moderate Right-leaning people get tagged as Nazis and as "alt-Right" by the extreme Left who make no distinction between a conservative and a Nazi. (Reversely, moderate liberals are being mistaken for Marxists by some conservatives.) It's an anti-Right song - any Right. It's an anti-ALL-Right song. It's a song that pretends to be pro-freedom and pro-equality but is actually the opposite: but it's nothing we haven't seen before countless times. Didn't every Marxist revolution start with empty sloganeering about equality and freedom - only to end in misery and persecution?
  15. This is nothing more than a sanitized, corporitized, Establishment-approved whine-song about how wicked everyone who isn't "with us" is. Didn't Stalin once say "if you're not with us, you're against us"? That's Greg and his band in a nutshell.
  17. Speaking of which, Greg, being an extremist himself, pretty much a Communist, really shouldn't be going around taking the high moral ground. Would he ever write a "protest song" if he could step into a time-machine and travel to the Soviet Union, a song about gulags for example? No, I guess he wouldn't. How about modern-day Cuba? That requires no time-machine! No, he isn't interested, Castro's bizarre monarchist-Marxist hybrid suits him fine, he has no problem with political persecution when it is done "in the name of Utopia and a perfect worker paradise". Selective righteousness is the name of the game. He is an ideology-driven selective-justice "do-gooder", and these are of course hypocrites. Limo hypocrites. Limo Communists. (Sort of like Putin, very ironically. Putin used to be a Limo Communist too, back in the 80s.)
  19. This inane song will bite them in the ass. Perhaps it already has.
  21. And maybe now even the most dedicated BR fans will finally realize that Bad Religion never were punk (at least not in attitude) to begin with. They never went "against the grain" as they so pompously declared, quite to the contrary. If writing a song that 90% of all medial outlets would happily promote is "rebellion", then the Teletubbies must be punk too.
  23. I am waiting...
  25. I said I am WAITING!
  27. I am waiting for the Teletubby albums to get the punk tab too. Please don't make me wait. It's unfair if they don't get it. I'm all for equal treatment, equality for all (baby music).
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