
42 & 43

Aug 31st, 2019
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  1. [page 42]
  3. [a panel of fragmented black bubbles. writing at the top says "...? did dusty say something?"]
  4. [the fragments continue down the page a bit, opening up into a big, white puff of smoke. inside the smoke, messy writing reads "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"]
  5. [lick shoots up, eyes wide open.
  6. lick (in their thoughts): "what?"
  7. dusty: "lick? lick, snap out of it."]
  8. [lick sits up, rubbing their eye with a paw.
  9. lick: "uh... sorry. i'm... here."
  10. dusty: "hey, welcome back fuzzface. look outside."]
  11. [looking through the windshield, tall, sheer mountains flank the train on either side.
  12. lick: "whoa."
  13. dusty: "yeah."
  14. [zoomed out from the train, chugging along in mid-air through the valley.
  15. lick: " long have we been going?"
  16. dusty: "at least a few hours."]
  17. [lick is shocked, ears back.
  18. lick (thinking): "hours?"]
  19. [they squeeze their eyes shut, and then open them again. they stare blankly out the window.]
  20. [a view of the train's front wheel spinning busily, the sheer cliff faces a bit close for comfort.
  21. lick: "um... can we steer the train at all?"]
  23. [page 43]
  25. [dusty replies dryly.
  26. dusty: "i dunno. trains don't really have turning controls because they're supposed to, y'know. be on a track."
  27. lick: "well..."]
  28. [a panel showing the train floating over the craggy ground, demonstrating the lack of tracks.]
  29. [lick seems thoughtful, paw held up to their chin.
  30. lick: "...what if *you're* supposed to turn the train?"]
  31. [dusty scoffs.
  32. dusty: "that's silly. you think i can steer thousands of pounds of metal with, what? magic lamp powers?"
  33. lick: "your 'magic lamp powers' started this box. maybe if you just believed in yourself hard enough..."
  34. dusty: "alright, stop. now you're just being ridicu--"
  35. [CRASH! the train suddenly veers into the rock face on the right, sparks flying.]
  36. [a horrible SCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR noise pierces the air as the train grinds against the cliff.
  37. lick: "what-- what just happened?!"]
  38. [dusty is frantic.
  39. dusty: "i don't know! i just thought about turning and it--"]
  40. [the train gently turns back toward the middle of the valley.
  41. dusty: "--okay. see? it's okay."]
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