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Apr 13th, 2017
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  1. Go
  2. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ON
  3. GO
  4. INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ([ID], [EventID], [StudyRoleID], [RoleTypeID], [IsDefault], [Name], [AudienceTypeID]) VALUES (67, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, N'Site', 7)
  5. GO
  6. INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ([ID], [EventID], [StudyRoleID], [RoleTypeID], [IsDefault], [Name], [AudienceTypeID]) VALUES (68, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, N'Staff', 7)
  7. GO
  8. INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ([ID], [EventID], [StudyRoleID], [RoleTypeID], [IsDefault], [Name], [AudienceTypeID]) VALUES (69, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, N'Corporate', 7)
  9. GO
  10. INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ([ID], [EventID], [StudyRoleID], [RoleTypeID], [IsDefault], [Name], [AudienceTypeID]) VALUES (70, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, N'Site', 1)
  11. GO
  12. INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ([ID], [EventID], [StudyRoleID], [RoleTypeID], [IsDefault], [Name], [AudienceTypeID]) VALUES (71, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, N'Staff', 1)
  13. GO
  14. INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] ([ID], [EventID], [StudyRoleID], [RoleTypeID], [IsDefault], [Name], [AudienceTypeID]) VALUES (72, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, N'Corporate', 1)
  15. GO
  16. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Event].[RegistrationForm] OFF
  17. GO
  18. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ON
  19. GO
  20. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (1, N'Invitee Information', 3, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)
  21. GO
  22. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (2, N'Personal Information', 1, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 0, N'Please review your information and click “Submit” to complete your registration.', 0, NULL)
  23. GO
  24. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (3, N'Additional Invitation ', 5, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, N'Who else from your site should receive an invitation?', 0, NULL)
  25. GO
  26. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (4, N'Site Information', 2, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)
  27. GO
  28. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (5, N'Healthcare Provider (HCP) Transparency Reporting', 4, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, N'Required entry for US HCPs with prescribing capabilities.', 0, NULL)
  29. GO
  30. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (6, N'Event Function Attendance and Dietary Requests/Restrictions', 7, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, N'Please select the function(s) you will attend', 0, NULL)
  31. GO
  32. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (10, N'Hotel Request', 6, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)
  33. GO
  34. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (12, N'Traveler Information', 10, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)
  35. GO
  36. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (13, N'Air Travel Request', 9, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)
  37. GO
  38. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (14, N'Ground Transportation', 11, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 0, NULL)
  39. GO
  40. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (16, N'Submission', 8, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, N'Please review your information and click “Submit” to complete your registration.', 0, NULL)
  41. GO
  42. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (17, N'Decline Registration', 12, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 1, NULL)
  43. GO
  44. INSERT [Event].[FormSection] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [IsDefault], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [GeneralInfo], [IsDeclineForm], [RegistrationFormID]) VALUES (18, N'Regret Survey', 13, 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 04:08:00.793' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL, 1, NULL)
  45. GO
  46. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Event].[FormSection] OFF
  48. GO
  49. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ON
  51. GO
  52. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (1, N'Salutation', NULL, N'Salutation', 1, 7, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-29 06:55:23.307' AS DateTime), 18, 0, N'Something Just Happened.')
  53. GO
  54. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (2, N'FirstName', 1, N'First Name', 1, 7, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 150, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-29 06:55:23.267' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  55. GO
  56. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (3, N'LastName', 2, N'Last Name', 1, 7, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 150, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-29 06:55:23.290' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  57. GO
  58. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (4, N'EmailAddress', 4, N'Email Address', 1, 7, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 150, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-29 06:55:23.300' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  59. GO
  60. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (5, N'RoleInStudy', 3, N'Role In Study', 1, 7, 1, N'StudyRole', 1, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-01 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-29 06:55:23.297' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  61. GO
  62. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (10, N'MiddleName', 13, N'Middle Name', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.440' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  63. GO
  64. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (11, N'PrimaryCredentials', 11, N'Primary Credentials', 1, 6, 2, N'tlkPrimaryCredential', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.407' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  65. GO
  66. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (12, N'SecondaryCredentials', 12, N'Secondary Credentials', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.423' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  67. GO
  68. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (13, N'JobTitle', 14, N'Job Title', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.440' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  69. GO
  70. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (14, N'Company', NULL, N'Company/Organization', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.457' AS DateTime), 18, 0, NULL)
  71. GO
  72. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (15, N'Address1', NULL, N'Address 1', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 10:03:34.773' AS DateTime), 18, 0, NULL)
  73. GO
  74. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (16, N'Address2', 10, N'Address 2', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.407' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  75. GO
  76. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (18, N'Country', 4, N'Country', 1, 6, 2, N'Country', 1, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.377' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  77. GO
  78. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (19, N'State', 2, N'State', 1, 6, 2, N'State', 1, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.360' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  79. GO
  80. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (20, N'City', 1, N'City', 1, 6, 2, N'City', 1, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.347' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  81. GO
  82. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (22, N'ZipCode', 3, N'Zip Code', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.360' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  83. GO
  84. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (23, N'WorkPhone', 6, N'Work Phone', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.377' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  85. GO
  86. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (24, N'Extension', 5, N'Extension', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.377' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  87. GO
  88. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (25, N'MobilePhone', 9, N'Mobile Phone', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.407' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  89. GO
  90. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (26, N'EmergencyContactName', 7, N'Emergency Contact Name', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.393' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  91. GO
  92. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (27, N'EmergencyContactPhone', 8, N'Emergency Contact Phone', 1, 1, 2, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-27 07:23:32.393' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  93. GO
  94. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (28, N'AdditionalFirstName', -1, N'First Name', 1, 1, 3, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-28 04:09:03.187' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  95. GO
  96. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (29, N'AdditionalLastName', NULL, N'Last Name', 1, 1, 3, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-28 04:09:03.167' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  97. GO
  98. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (30, N'AdditionalEmailAddress', NULL, N'Email Address', 1, 1, 3, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-28 04:09:03.177' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  99. GO
  100. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (31, N'AdditionalRoleInStudy', NULL, N'Role In Study', 1, 6, 3, N'StudyRole', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-28 04:09:03.180' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  101. GO
  102. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (32, N'ProtocolNumber', 3, N'Protocol Number', 1, 1, 4, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:29:24.840' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  103. GO
  104. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (33, N'MedicalSpecialty', NULL, N'Medical Specialty', 1, 6, 4, N'tlkMedicalSpecialty', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-21 10:47:42.163' AS DateTime), 18, 0, NULL)
  105. GO
  106. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (34, N'LicensedToPrescribe', 2, N'Are you licensed to prescribe medications?', 1, 4, 4, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:29:24.827' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  107. GO
  108. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (35, N'StateLicenseNumber', 1, N'State Medical/Professional License Number', 1, 1, 4, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:29:24.827' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  109. GO
  110. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (36, N'StateLicensePractice', 4, N'State of LIcense to Practice', 1, 1, 4, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:29:24.840' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  111. GO
  112. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (37, N'FullNameNPIRegistry', 1, N'Is this your full name as listed int he NPI registry ', 1, 4, 5, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.423' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  113. GO
  114. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (38, N'HCPIdentification', 3, N'HCP Identification (NPI)', 1, 5, 5, N'tlkHCP', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.407' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  115. GO
  116. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (39, N'IdentificationNumber', 4, N'Identification Number', 1, 1, 5, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.410' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  117. GO
  118. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (40, N'ClickFindNPINumber', 5, N'<a href="">Click here to find your NPI Number</a>', 1, 7, 5, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.417' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  119. GO
  120. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (41, N'AgendaItems', 3, N'Agenda events you will be attending', 1, 8, 6, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:38:12.737' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  121. GO
  122. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (42, N'DietaryRestrictions', 1, N'Dietary Restrictions', 1, 5, 6, N'tlkDietaryRequest', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:38:10.867' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  123. GO
  124. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (50, N'HotelRequest', -1, N'Do you want to make a hotel request?', 1, 4, 10, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.540' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  125. GO
  126. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (51, N'CheckInDate', NULL, N'Check in Date', 1, 3, 10, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.460' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  127. GO
  128. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (52, N'CheckOutDate', 7, N'Check Out Date', 1, 3, 10, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.547' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  129. GO
  130. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (53, N'RoomType', NULL, N'Room Type', 1, 5, 10, N'tlkRoomType', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.497' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  131. GO
  132. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (54, N'NonSmokingSmoking', NULL, N'Non-Smoking/Smoking', 1, 5, 10, N'tlkSmokingPreference', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.520' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  133. GO
  134. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (55, N'NotesRequests', NULL, N'Notes/Requests', 1, 9, 10, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.527' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  135. GO
  136. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (56, N'NeedAirTravel', 1, N'Do you need travel arrangements?', 1, 5, 12, N'tlkNeedAirTravel', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.710' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  137. GO
  138. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (57, N'AirTravelExplanation', 2, N'Explain', 1, 9, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.727' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  139. GO
  140. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (58, N'ConfirmName', 3, N'Please confirm your full name is correct as it appears on your passport or government issued identification', 1, 4, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.743' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  141. GO
  142. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (59, N'Gender', 5, N'Gender', 1, 5, 12, N'tlkGender', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.743' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  143. GO
  144. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (60, N'DateOfBirth', 4, N'Date Of Birth', 1, 3, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.743' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  145. GO
  146. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (61, N'RedressNumber', 6, N'Redress Number', 1, 1, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.757' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  147. GO
  148. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (62, N'PassportNumber', 7, N'Passport Number', 1, 1, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.773' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  149. GO
  150. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (63, N'CountryOfIssuance', 8, N'Country of Issuance', 1, 1, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.773' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  151. GO
  152. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (64, N'PassportExpirationDate', 9, N'Passport Expiration Date', 1, 3, 12, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:05.773' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  153. GO
  154. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (65, N'TravelTo', -1, N'Travel to', 1, 7, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.703' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  155. GO
  156. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (66, N'TravelToMeetingFrom', NULL, N'Travel to Meeting from: ', 1, 7, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.670' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  157. GO
  158. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (67, N'ArrivalDateIn', NULL, N'Arrival Date in ', 1, 7, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.677' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  159. GO
  160. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (68, N'TravelFrom', NULL, N'Travel from ', 1, 7, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.683' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  161. GO
  162. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (69, N'TravelFromMeetingTo', NULL, N'Travel from Meeting to: ', 1, 7, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.687' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  163. GO
  164. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (70, N'DepartureDateFrom', NULL, N'Departure Date from ', 1, 7, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.693' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  165. GO
  166. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (71, N'TravelComments', NULL, N'Travel Comments', 1, 9, 13, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.697' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  167. GO
  168. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (72, N'NeedGroundTransportation', -1, N'Do you need ground transportation in [Meeting City]?', 1, 5, 14, N'tlkNeedGroundTransportation', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:45.590' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  169. GO
  170. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (73, N'NeedGroundTransportationExplain', NULL, N'Explain', 1, 9, 14, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:45.557' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  171. GO
  172. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (74, N'GroundTransportationType', NULL, N'Ground Transportation Type', 1, 5, 14, N'tlkGroundTransportationType', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:45.557' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  173. GO
  174. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (75, N'GroundTransportationComments', NULL, N'Please explain any other transportation needs such as wheelchair accessibility, alternative destination', 1, 9, 14, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-20 13:38:45.590' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  175. GO
  176. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (76, N'SubmissionAccept', -1, N'By selecting yes to this, I attest that the information provided by me above is complete and accurate; and that by using Miller Tanner’s website, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this site’s Privacy Policy.', 1, 4, 16, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.660' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  177. GO
  178. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (77, N'MTAPrivacyPolicy', NULL, N'Link to MTA Privacy Policy ', 1, 7, 16, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.653' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  179. GO
  180. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (78, N'DeclineComments', -1, N'Explain', 1, 9, 17, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.960' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  181. GO
  182. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (79, N'ReasonForDecline', 1, N'Is there any particular reason why you cannot attend?', 1, 5, 18, N'tlkDeclineReason', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 09:07:22.200' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  183. GO
  184. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (80, N'ReasonForDeclineComments', 2, N'Explain', 1, 9, 18, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-22 09:07:22.200' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  185. GO
  186. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (86, N'ConfirmInvitee', NULL, N'Confirm', 1, 4, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-06-29 06:55:23.310' AS DateTime), 18, 0, NULL)
  187. GO
  188. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (87, N'DietaryRestrictionsExplain', 2, N'If your specific dietary needs are not listed or there is other information that will assist us in making your experience more comfortable, please explain.', 1, 9, 6, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-19 18:38:10.867' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  189. GO
  190. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (89, N'HotelRequestExplain', NULL, N'Explain', 1, 9, 10, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-04-12 05:29:43.530' AS DateTime), 18, 1, NULL)
  191. GO
  192. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (90, N'FullNameNPIRegistryCustom', 2, N'NPI Registry Name', 1, 1, 5, N'', 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  193. GO
  194. INSERT [Event].[FormItem] ([Id], [Name], [SortOrder], [Label], [IsDefault], [FormItemTypeId], [FormSectionId], [LinkTable], [IsRequired], [MinLength], [MaxLength], [DateCreated], [CreatedBy], [DateModified], [ModifiedBy], [IsActive], [NotifyOffText]) VALUES (91, N'AddAdditionalAttendee', 1, N'Request Addtional Attendee', 1, 4, 3, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'2016-03-07 00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, 1, NULL)
  195. GO
  196. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [Event].[FormItem] OFF
  197. GO
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