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a guest
Aug 20th, 2018
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  2. ; Retrieves saved clipboard information since when this script last ran
  3. Loop C:\tmp\clipvar*.txt
  4. {
  5. clipindex += 1
  6. FileRead clipvar%A_Index%, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
  7. FileDelete %A_LoopFileFullPath%
  8. }
  9. maxindex := clipindex
  10. OnExit ExitSub
  12. ; Clears the history by resetting the indices
  13. ^+NumpadClear::
  14. ^+Numpad5::
  15. tooltip clipboard history cleared
  16. SetTimer, ReSetToolTip, 1000
  17. maxindex = 0
  18. clipindex = 0
  19. Return
  21. ; Scroll up and down through clipboard history
  22. ^+WheelUp::
  23. if clipindex > 1
  24. {
  25. clipindex -= 1
  26. }
  27. thisclip := clipvar%clipindex%
  28. clipboard := thisclip
  29. tooltip %clipindex% - %clipboard%
  30. SetTimer, ReSetToolTip, 1000
  31. Return
  32. ^+WheelDown::
  33. if clipindex < %maxindex%
  34. {
  35. clipindex += 1
  36. }
  37. thisclip := clipvar%clipindex%
  38. clipboard := thisclip
  39. tooltip %clipindex% - %clipboard%
  40. SetTimer, ReSetToolTip, 1000
  41. Return
  43. ; Add clipboard contents to the stack when you copy or paste using the keyboard
  44. ~^x::
  45. ~^c::
  46. Sleep 500
  47. clipindex += 1
  48. clipvar%clipindex% := clipboard
  49. thisclip := clipvar%clipindex%
  50. tooltip %clipindex% - %thisclip%
  51. SetTimer, ReSetToolTip, 1000
  52. if clipindex > %maxindex%
  53. {
  54. maxindex := clipindex
  55. }
  56. Return
  58. ; Clear the ToolTip
  59. ReSetToolTip:
  60. ToolTip
  61. SetTimer, ReSetToolTip, Off
  62. return
  64. ; Saves the current clipboard history to hard disk
  65. ExitSub:
  66. SetFormat, float, 06.0
  67. Loop %maxindex%
  68. {
  69. zindex := SubStr("0000000000" . A_Index, -9)
  70. thisclip := clipvar%A_Index%
  71. FileAppend %thisclip%, C:\tmp\clipvar%zindex%.txt
  72. }
  73. ExitApp
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