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a guest
Jan 22nd, 2020
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  1. options:
  2. przycisk: stone_button
  3. behind_block: sponge
  4. radius: 3
  5. swiat: world
  6. min-x: 350
  7. max-x: 1500
  8. min-y: 70
  9. max-y: 100
  10. min-z: 350
  11. max-z: 1500
  13. on rightclick on {@przycisk}:
  14. block behind target block is {@behind_block}::
  15. loop all players in radius {@radius} of event-block:
  16. add loop-player to {_lista::*}
  17. add player to {_lista::*}
  18. set {_targetx} to a random integer between {@min-x} and {@max-x}
  19. set {_targety} to a random integer between {@min-y} and {@max-y}
  20. set {_targetz} to a random integer between {@min-z} and {@max-z}
  21. set {_loc} to location at (%{_targetx}%, %{_targety}%, %{_targetz}%) of world "{@swiat}"
  22. loop {_list::*}:
  23. teleport loop-value at {_loc}
  24. on place:
  25. if player is holding a sponge:
  26. if player doesn't have permission "stawianie.sponge":
  27. cancel event
  28. send "&7Nie mozesz stawiac gabki!"
  29. stop
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