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a guest
Nov 27th, 2017
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text 48.28 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /lib/
  3. stderr
  4. _fini
  5. __deregister_frame_info
  6. memset
  7. memmove
  8. _Jv_RegisterClasses
  9. strncmp
  10. _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
  11. fwrite
  12. __register_frame_info
  13. fprintf
  14. _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
  15. __errno_location
  16. memcpy
  17. strlen
  19. listen
  20. ioctl
  21. abort
  22. connect
  23. sscanf
  24. strcmp
  25. recvfrom
  26. malloc
  27. strcat
  28. fflush
  29. strcpy
  30. strrchr
  31. fclose
  32. perror
  33. __ctype_b
  34. strchr
  35. strncasecmp
  36. bind
  37. ftell
  38. strncpy
  39. send
  40. fgets
  41. strtoul
  42. fread
  43. socket
  44. getsockopt
  45. setsockopt
  46. fputs
  47. localtime
  48. sendto
  49. free
  50. atoi
  51. stat
  52. accept
  53. strerror
  54. fopen
  55. select
  56. gmtime_r
  57. sprintf
  58. shutdown
  59. strtol
  60. fseek
  62. gettimeofday
  63. pthread_mutex_lock
  64. pthread_mutex_unlock
  65. pthread_mutex_destroy
  66. pthread_create
  67. pthread_self
  68. pthread_mutex_init
  69. pthread_detach
  72. strtod
  73. __isnan
  74. __isnanf
  76. settimeofday
  77. fgetc
  78. semop
  79. vsnprintf
  80. htonl
  81. htons
  82. gethostbyname_r
  83. fcntl
  84. shmat
  85. inet_aton
  86. __fgetc_unlocked
  87. msgctl
  88. pipe
  89. access
  90. shmget
  91. shmdt
  92. putchar
  93. strncat
  94. inet_ntoa
  95. recv
  96. mktime
  97. rand
  98. fscanf
  99. ntohl
  100. getline
  101. semget
  102. ntohs
  103. shmctl
  104. msgrcv
  105. usleep
  106. wait
  107. dup2
  108. __xpg_strerror_r
  109. __uClibc_main
  110. stime
  111. strftime
  112. signal
  113. popen
  114. semctl
  115. __assert
  116. remove
  117. execl
  118. kill
  119. strstr
  120. vfork
  121. msgsnd
  122. inet_addr
  123. pclose
  124. msgget
  125. _edata
  126. __bss_start
  127. __bss_start__
  128. __bss_end__
  129. __end__
  130. _end
  131. :->K
  132. @H
  133. VUUUxM
  134. !1C ,
  135. OnvifAccess
  136. err in cacle redirection stdout.
  137. %s %d: Command disconnect
  138. err in dup STDOUT.
  139. %s %d: fd = %d
  140. %s %d
  141. %s %d : A stupid connect!ip = %s, port = %d
  142. ///////%s %d : ..........fd = %d
  143. %s %d: Accept fd < 0
  144. libDebugOutput.c
  145. %s %s %d: Create socket error. errno = %d
  146. %s %s %d: Set SO_REUSEADDR error. errno = %d
  147. %s %s %d: Bind error. errno = %d
  148. create tcp connect success %d,start listen...
  149. %s %s %d: Start listen error. errno = %d
  150. SendRecvSocketThread
  151. ListenSocketThread
  152. SetupNetwork
  153. %s %d: %s has already init!
  154. %s %d: source %d is wrong!
  155. %s %d: gShmId %d has something wrong!
  156. WatchDog time =
  157. %lu
  158. libWatchDogInit
  159. WatchDogStatusWrite
  160. WatchDogDataWrite
  161. WatchDogDataRead
  162. SOAP-ENV
  165. SOAP-ENC
  173. wsdd
  176. /bin/sh
  177. %s %d:execute cmd [%s] failed! ret = %d
  178. eth0
  179. urn:uuid:39ade894-2df3-50b2-a205-%s
  181. SOAP-ENV:Sender
  182. d:MatchingRuleNotSupported
  183. The matching rule specified is not supported
  187. %s %d UDP Socket Open error: bind socket error
  189. %s %d not a legal multicast address
  190. %s %d setsockopt:IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
  191. route add -net netmask %s
  192. %s %d route modify, cmd = %s
  193. ServerSoap.version = %d
  194. %s %d fault add to multicast
  195. %s %d send onvif probe msg end.......discovery_state=%d
  196. down
  197. %s LINK %s
  198. %s %d: DstStr = %s
  199. onvif://
  200. onvif://
  201. onvif://
  202. onvif://
  203. onvif://
  204. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsdd="" xmlns:tdn="" ><SOAP-ENV:Header><wsa:MessageID>%s</wsa:MessageID><wsa:To>urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery</wsa:To><wsa:Action></wsa:Action></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><wsdd:Hello><wsa:EndpointReference><wsa:Address>%s</wsa:Address></wsa:EndpointReference><wsdd:Types>dn:NetworkVideoTransmitter</wsdd:Types><wsdd:Scopes>%s</wsdd:Scopes><wsdd:XAddrs>http://%s:%d/onvif/device_service </wsdd:XAddrs><wsdd:MetadataVersion>1</wsdd:MetadataVersion></wsdd:Hello></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
  205. ..hello...ret=%d......
  206. %s %d = %d, port = %d
  207. %s %d Onvif is not enable, do not open Onvif Search
  208. -----------------------------------------------
  209. Onvif_Discovery is running...
  210. Aug 23 2017
  211. V1.0
  212. Version: %s Build %s %s
  213. 08:54:24
  214. -----------------------------------------------
  215. hello error
  216. %s %d send onvif hello msg end...
  217. dn:NetworkVideoTransmitter
  218. NetworkVideoDisplay
  219. %s %d
  220. ter:ActionNotSupported
  221. SOAP-ENV:Receiver
  222. The requested does not exist.
  223. ter:InvalidOperation
  224. %s %d: _IPAddr = %s
  225. http://%s:%d/onvif/device_service
  226. http://%s/onvif/device_service
  227. %s %d: ProbeMatches.ProbeMatch->Scopes->__item %p %d
  228. %s %d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  229. %s %d ProbeMatches.ProbeMatch->Scopes->__item = %s
  230. %s %d bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
  231. %s %d return 1
  232. %s %d Ok Ok Ok
  233. %s %d return 2
  234. http://
  235. %s %d return 3
  236. [%d] soap error: %d, %s, %s
  237. discovserver.c
  238. %s %s %d
  239. @@ONVIF_NOTSUPPORTED_FUNC %s %d, path=%s
  240. The requested action is optional and is not implemented by the device.
  241. Optional Action Not Implemented
  242. Command_System
  243. udp_open
  244. add_to_multicast
  245. gs_probe
  246. GetSpecialSysScope
  247. ONVIF_Discovery_Init
  248. Probe
  249. SOAP_ENV__Fault
  250. __wsdd__Hello
  251. __wsdd__Bye
  252. __wsdd__Probe
  253. __wsdd__ProbeMatches
  254. __wsdd__Resolve
  255. __wsdd__ResolveMatches
  256. __dn__Hello
  257. __dn__Bye
  258. __dn__Probe
  259. onvif_filemng.c
  260. %s %s %d: Buffer = NULL!
  261. /param/onvif.cfg
  262. %s %d : ONVIF_SYS_FILE = %s
  263. %s %s %d: Can't open %s
  264. %s %s %d: filelen != sizeof(OnvifSysInfo)
  265. %s %s %d: File %s read length is not equal to sizeof(OnvifSysInfo)
  266. %s %s %d: Can't create %s
  267. %s %s %d: File %s write length is not equal to sizeof(OnvifSysInfo)
  268. FileInit
  269. RGlobal
  270. WGlobal
  271. SOAP-ENV:Fault
  272. wsdd:Hello
  273. wsdd:Bye
  274. wsdd:Probe
  275. wsdd:ProbeMatches
  276. wsdd:Resolve
  277. wsdd:ResolveMatches
  278. dn:Hello
  279. dn:Bye
  280. dn:Probe
  281. -wsdd:Hello
  282. -wsdd:Bye
  283. -wsdd:Probe
  284. -wsdd:ProbeMatches
  285. -wsdd:Resolve
  286. -wsdd:ResolveMatches
  287. -dn:Hello
  288. dn:HelloResponse
  289. -dn:Bye
  290. dn:ByeResponse
  291. -dn:Probe
  292. dn:ProbeMatches
  293. SOAP-ENV:Header
  294. SOAP-ENV:Fault
  295. xsd:byte
  296. xsd:int
  297. xsd:unsignedInt
  298. wsdd:FaultCodeType
  299. wsa:FaultSubcodeValues
  300. wsa:RelationshipTypeValues
  301. wsdd:AppSequenceType
  302. wsdd:SigType
  303. wsdd:SecurityType
  304. wsdd:ScopesType
  305. wsdd:ResolveMatchType
  306. wsdd:ResolveMatchesType
  307. wsdd:ResolveType
  308. wsdd:ProbeMatchType
  309. wsdd:ProbeMatchesType
  310. wsdd:ProbeType
  311. wsdd:ByeType
  312. wsdd:HelloType
  313. wsa:Relationship
  314. wsa:ServiceNameType
  315. wsa:ReferenceParametersType
  316. wsa:ReferencePropertiesType
  317. wsa:EndpointReferenceType
  318. wsdd:FaultCodeOpenType
  319. wsdd:UriListType
  320. wsdd:QNameListType
  321. wsa:FaultTo
  322. wsa:ReplyTo
  323. wsa:From
  324. wsa:RelatesTo
  325. xsd:QName
  326. xsd:string
  327. wsa:ReplyAfter
  328. wsa:EndpointReference
  329. wsa:Action
  330. wsa:To
  331. wsa:MessageID
  332. SOAP-ENV:
  333. byte
  334. unsignedInt
  335. wsdd:MatchingRuleNotSupported
  336. wsa:InvalidMessageInformationHeader
  337. wsa:MessageInformationHeaderRequired
  338. wsa:DestinationUnreachable
  339. wsa:ActionNotSupported
  340. wsa:EndpointUnavailable
  341. wsa:Reply
  342. dn:Probe
  343. -dn:Probe
  344. dn:Bye
  345. -dn:Bye
  346. dn:Hello
  347. -dn:Hello
  348. wsdd:ResolveMatches
  349. -wsdd:ResolveMatches
  350. wsdd:Resolve
  351. -wsdd:Resolve
  352. wsdd:ProbeMatches
  353. -wsdd:ProbeMatches
  354. wsdd:Probe
  355. -wsdd:Probe
  356. wsdd:Bye
  357. -wsdd:Bye
  358. wsdd:Hello
  359. -wsdd:Hello
  360. InstanceId
  361. SequenceId
  362. MessageNumber
  363. Scheme
  364. KeyId
  365. Refs
  366. wsdd:Sig
  367. MatchBy
  368. wsdd:Types
  369. wsdd:Scopes
  370. wsdd:XAddrs
  371. wsdd:MetadataVersion
  372. wsdd:ResolveMatch
  373. -sizeProbeMatch
  374. wsdd:ProbeMatch
  375. faultcode
  376. faultstring
  377. faultactor
  378. detail
  379. SOAP-ENV:Code
  380. SOAP-ENV:Reason
  381. SOAP-ENV:Node
  382. SOAP-ENV:Role
  383. SOAP-ENV:Detail
  384. xml:lang
  385. SOAP-ENV:Text
  386. SOAP-ENV:Value
  387. SOAP-ENV:Subcode
  388. -any
  389. fault
  390. wsdd:AppSequence
  391. RelationshipType
  392. -anyAttribute
  393. PortName
  394. wsa:Address
  395. wsa:ReferenceProperties
  396. wsa:ReferenceParameters
  397. wsa:PortType
  398. wsa:ServiceName
  404. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  405. >XXX?456789:;<=XXXXXXX
  406. XXXXXX
  407. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123
  409. nbsp
  410. iexcl
  411. cent
  412. pound
  413. curren
  414. brvbar
  415. sect
  416. copy
  417. ordf
  418. laquo
  419. macr
  420. plusmn
  421. sup2
  422. sup3
  423. acute
  424. micro
  425. para
  426. middot
  427. cedil
  428. sup1
  429. ordm
  430. raquo
  431. frac14
  432. frac12
  433. frac34
  434. iquest
  435. Agrave
  436. Aacute
  437. Acirc
  438. Atilde
  439. Auml
  440. Aring
  441. AElig
  442. Ccedil
  443. Egrave
  444. Eacute
  445. Ecirc
  446. Euml
  447. Igrave
  448. Iacute
  449. Icirc
  450. Iuml
  451. Ntilde
  452. Ograve
  453. Oacute
  454. Ocirc
  455. Otilde
  456. Ouml
  457. times
  458. Oslash
  459. Ugrave
  460. Uacute
  461. Ucirc
  462. Uuml
  463. Yacute
  464. THORN
  465. szlig
  466. agrave
  467. aacute
  468. acirc
  469. atilde
  470. auml
  471. aring
  472. aelig
  473. ccedil
  474. egrave
  475. eacute
  476. ecirc
  477. euml
  478. igrave
  479. iacute
  480. icirc
  481. iuml
  482. ntilde
  483. ograve
  484. oacute
  485. ocirc
  486. otilde
  487. ouml
  488. divide
  489. oslash
  490. ugrave
  491. uacute
  492. ucirc
  493. uuml
  494. yacute
  495. thorn
  496. yuml
  497. Host not found
  498. Try Again
  499. No Recovery
  500. No Data
  501. No Address
  502. Created
  503. Accepted
  504. Non-Authoritative Information
  505. No Content
  506. Reset Content
  507. Partial Content
  508. Multiple Choices
  509. Moved Permanently
  510. Found
  511. See Other
  512. Not Modified
  513. Use Proxy
  514. Temporary Redirect
  515. Bad Request
  516. Unauthorized
  517. Payment Required
  518. Forbidden
  519. Not Found
  520. Method Not Allowed
  521. Not Acceptable
  522. Proxy Authentication Required
  523. Request Time-out
  524. Conflict
  525. Gone
  526. Length Required
  527. Precondition Failed
  528. Request Entity Too Large
  529. Request-URI Too Large
  530. Unsupported Media Type
  531. Requested range not satisfiable
  532. Expectation Failed
  533. Internal Server Error
  534. Not Implemented
  535. Bad Gateway
  536. Service Unavailable
  537. Gateway Time-out
  538. HTTP Version not supported
  539. 7bit
  540. 8bit
  541. binary
  542. quoted-printable
  543. base64
  544. ietf-token
  545. x-token
  546. quot
  547. apos
  548. xml
  549. encoding=
  550. iso-8859-1*
  551. latin1*
  552. utf-8*
  553. &#%lu;
  554. xop:Include
  555. %s[%d
  556. xsd:anyType
  557. xsd:ur-type
  558. WSAStartup failed
  559. TCP/UDP IP error %d
  560. TCP init failed in tcp_connect()
  561. socket failed in tcp_connect()
  562. setsockopt SO_LINGER failed in tcp_connect()
  563. setsockopt failed in tcp_connect()
  564. setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed in tcp_connect()
  565. setsockopt SO_SNDBUF failed in tcp_connect()
  566. setsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed in tcp_connect()
  567. setsockopt TCP_KEEPIDLE failed in tcp_connect()
  568. setsockopt TCP_KEEPINTVL failed in tcp_connect()
  569. setsockopt TCP_KEEPCNT failed in tcp_connect()
  570. setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed in tcp_connect()
  571. setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_TTL failed in tcp_connect()
  572. setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF failed in tcp_connect()
  573. get proxy host by name failed in tcp_connect()
  574. get host by name failed in tcp_connect()
  575. connect failed in tcp_connect()
  576. Timeout
  577. https:*
  578. TCP init failed in soap_bind()
  579. socket failed in soap_bind()
  580. setsockopt failed in soap_bind()
  581. setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed in soap_bind()
  582. setsockopt SO_SNDBUF failed in soap_bind()
  583. setsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed in soap_bind()
  584. setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed in soap_bind()
  585. get host by name failed in soap_bind()
  586. bind failed in soap_bind()
  587. listen failed in soap_bind()
  588. select failed in soap_poll()
  589. no master socket in soap_accept()
  590. accept failed in soap_accept()
  591. %u.%u.%u.%u
  592. setsockopt SO_LINGER failed in soap_accept()
  593. setsockopt failed in soap_accept()
  594. setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed in soap_accept()
  595. setsockopt SO_SNDBUF failed in soap_accept()
  596. setsockopt SO_RCVBUF failed in soap_accept()
  597. setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed in soap_accept()
  598. HTTP/
  599. POST
  600. PUT
  601. GET
  602. DELETE
  603. OPTIONS
  604. HEAD
  605. HTTP Error
  606. Host
  607. http://
  608. Content-Type
  609. application/dime
  610. multipart/related
  611. multipart/form-data
  612. boundary
  613. start
  614. action
  615. Content-Length
  616. Content-Encoding
  617. deflate
  618. gzip
  619. Transfer-Encoding
  620. chunked
  621. Connection
  622. keep-alive
  623. close
  624. Authorization
  625. Proxy-Authorization
  626. Basic *
  627. WWW-Authenticate
  628. Proxy-Authenticate
  629. realm
  630. Expect
  631. 100-continue
  632. HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
  633. SOAPAction
  634. Location
  635. X-Forwarded-For
  636. DELETE
  637. CONNECT
  638. POST
  639. http:*
  640. httpg:
  641. %s %s:%d HTTP/%s
  642. %s %s HTTP/%s
  643. %s /%s HTTP/%s
  644. %s:%d
  645. gSOAP/2.8
  646. User-Agent
  647. Basic
  648. %s:%s
  649. "%s"
  650. 200 OK
  651. 202 Accepted
  652. HTTP/%s %s
  653. Status
  654. HTTP/%s %d %s
  655. gSOAP Web Service
  656. Basic realm="%s"
  657. 405 Method Not Allowed
  658. SOAP-ENV:Sender
  659. 400 Bad Request
  660. 500 Internal Server Error
  661. Server
  662. ()<>@,;:\"/[]?={}#!$&'*+
  663. xmlns:xop="" href
  664. href
  665. cid:
  666. %.9G
  667. %.17lG
  668. cid:id%d
  669. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  670. xmlns
  671. xmlns:%s
  672. SOAP-ENC:id
  673. xsi:type
  674. SOAP-ENC:position
  675. SOAP-ENV:role
  676. SOAP-ENV:actor
  677. true
  678. SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand
  679. SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle
  680. SOAP-ENC:Array
  681. SOAP-ENC:itemType
  682. SOAP-ENC:arraySize
  683. SOAP-ENC:offset
  684. SOAP-ENC:arrayType
  685. SOAP-ENC:ref
  686. #_%d
  687. xsi:nil
  688. SOAP-RPC:result
  689. xmlns:SOAP-RPC
  690. :result
  691. xmlns:
  692. wsu:Id
  693. xsi:null
  694. SOAP-ENC:root
  697. wsdl:required
  698. &#x9;
  699. &#xA;
  700. &#xD;
  701. &amp;
  702. &lt;
  703. &gt;
  704. &quot;
  705. ![CDATA[
  706. amp;
  707. quot;
  708. apos;
  709. :int
  710. :short
  711. :byte
  712. %lld
  713. :integer
  714. :positiveInteger
  715. :negativeInteger
  716. :nonPositiveInteger
  717. :nonNegativeInteger
  718. :long
  719. -INF
  720. +INF
  721. :float
  722. :double
  723. :decimal
  724. :unsignedLong
  725. :unsignedInt
  726. :unsignedShort
  727. :unsignedByte
  728. %llu
  729. xml:
  730. xmlns:_%d
  731. %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
  732. 1969-12-31T23:59:59Z
  733. %d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d%31s
  734. %4d%2d%2dT%d:%d:%d%31s
  735. %4d%2d%2dT%2d%2d%2d%31s
  736. %d:%d
  737. :dateTime
  738. Content-ID
  739. Content-Location
  740. Content-Disposition
  741. name
  742. Content-Description
  743. Content-Transfer-Encoding
  744. Content-Type:
  745. Content-Transfer-Encoding:
  746. Content-ID:
  747. Content-Location:
  748. Content-Description:
  749. <SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
  750. application/xop+xml; charset=utf-8; type="application/soap+xml"
  751. application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
  752. application/xop+xml; charset=utf-8; type="text/xml"
  753. text/xml; charset=utf-8
  754. --%s
  755. Content-Type: %s
  756. Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
  757. Content-ID: %s
  758. SOAP-ENV:Envelope
  759. Envelope
  762. Body
  763. SOAP-ENV:Body
  764. soap.udp:
  765. text/html; charset=utf-8
  766. application/soap+xml
  767. text/xml
  768. application/xop+xml
  769. multipart/related; charset=utf-8; boundary="%s"; type="
  770. "; start="
  771. ; start-info="
  772. ; action="%s"
  773. Validation constraint violation: %s%s in element '%s'
  774. Validation constraint violation: %s%s
  775. SOAP-ENV:Client
  776. Client fault
  777. Server fault
  778. tag name or namespace mismatch
  779. data type mismatch
  780. Well-formedness violation
  781. No tag: no XML root element or missing SOAP message body element
  782. SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand
  783. The data in element '%s' must be understood but cannot be handled
  784. SOAP-ENV:VersionMismatch
  785. Invalid SOAP message or SOAP version mismatch
  786. SOAP-ENV:DataEncodingUnknown
  787. Unsupported SOAP data encoding
  788. namespace error
  789. User data error
  790. Fatal error
  791. Method '%s' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized
  792. Data required for operation
  793. HTTP GET method not implemented
  794. HTTP PUT method not implemented
  795. HTTP method not implemented
  796. Out of memory
  797. Memory overflow or memory corruption error
  798. Header line too long
  799. Array index out of bounds
  800. nil not allowed
  801. multiple elements (use the SOAP_XML_TREE flag) with duplicate id
  802. SOAP-ENC:DuplicateID
  803. missing id for ref
  804. SOAP-ENC:MissingID
  805. incompatible object type id-ref
  806. Message too large for UDP packet
  807. An HTTP processing error occurred
  808. An HTTP NTLM authentication error occurred
  809. OpenSSL not installed: recompile with -DWITH_OPENSSL
  810. Plugin registry error
  811. DIME format error or max DIME size exceeds SOAP_MAXDIMESIZE
  812. DIME href to missing attachment
  813. DIME version/transmission error
  814. End of DIME error
  815. MIME format error
  816. MIME href to missing attachment
  817. End of MIME error
  818. Zlib/gzip not installed for (de)compression: recompile with -DWITH_GZIP
  819. missing required attribute
  820. prohibited attribute present
  821. occurrence violation
  822. content range or length violation
  823. Maximum number of open connections was reached (no define HAVE_POLL): increase FD_SETSIZE
  824. UTF content encoding error
  825. Stopped: no response sent or received (informative)
  826. End of file or no input:
  827. HTTP Error: %d %s
  828. Error %d
  829. SOAP-ENV:Server
  830. SOAP-ENV:Receiver
  831. Operation interrupted or timed out
  832. (%d%cs recv delay)
  833. (%d%cs send delay)
  834. Error: soap struct state not initialized
  835. SOAP 1.
  836. Error
  837. no subcode
  838. [no reason]
  839. [no detail]
  840. %s%d fault: %s [%s]
  841. "%s"
  842. Detail: %s
  843. Error: soap struct not initialized
  844. %s%c
  845. <!-- ** HERE ** -->
  847. SOAP-ENV:Fault
  849. -wsdd:Hello
  851. -wsdd:Bye
  853. -wsdd:Probe
  855. -wsdd:ProbeMatches
  857. -wsdd:Resolve
  859. -wsdd:ResolveMatches
  861. -dn:Hello
  862. wsdd:ResolveType
  863. dn:HelloResponse
  865. -dn:Bye
  866. dn:ByeResponse
  868. -dn:Probe
  869. wsdd:ProbeMatchesType
  870. dn:ProbeMatches
  871. DEBUG %s-%d: Start DevDescovery...
  872. /tmp/SearchDeBug
  874. %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S
  875. [ %s, %d ] %s=> DD_TASKSTATE_FAILED
  876. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Socket error. rebulid...
  877. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Socket error. rebulid...
  879. [ %s, %d ] %s=> DD_TASKSTATE_WAIT
  880. DEBUG1 %s-%d: DD_InitNetworkInfo failed
  881. [ %s, %d ] %s=> DD_InitNetworkInfo failed
  882. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Create socket failed!
  883. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Create socket failed!
  884. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Set socket SO_BROADCAST failed!
  885. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Set socket SO_BROADCAST failed!
  886. DEBUG1 %s-%d: setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR error
  887. [ %s, %d ] %s=> setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR error
  888. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Bind rsockfd failed..!
  889. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Bind rsockfd failed..!
  890. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Set socket unblock failed!
  891. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Set socket unblock failed!
  892. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Start Write DEBUG_ERR File
  893. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Start Write DEBUG_ERR File
  894. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Create pipe fail
  895. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Create pipe fail
  896. DEBUG1 %s-%d: Create therad fail
  897. [ %s, %d ] %s=> Create therad fail
  898. DEBUG1 %s-%d: DD_StartServer fail
  899. [ %s, %d ] %s=> DD_StartServer fail
  900. DEBUG %s-%d: add new task success!
  901. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_ProcSearchDev
  903. searching..
  904. 13141314
  905. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_HannelServerEvent.......
  906. DEBUG1 %s-%d: DD_ProcServer quit......
  907. [ %s, %d ] %s=> DD_ProcServer quit......
  908. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_ProcModifyDevNetConfig
  909. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_ProcModifyDevNetConfig task state = %d
  910. DEBUG %s-%d: pModifyResp...........
  911. DEBUG %s-%d: response state-%d len-%d
  912. DEBUG %s-%d: CheckNetworkType eth0
  913. DEBUG %s-%d: CheckNetworkType wlan0
  914. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_HannelServerEvent
  915. DEBUG %s-%d: pIfname = %s
  916. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucDhcpEnable = %d
  917. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucIpAddr = %s
  918. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucNetmaskAddr = %s
  919. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucGatewayAddr = %s
  920. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucDnsAddr1 = %s
  921. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucMacAddr = %s
  922. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_ProcSearchDev Send to local network, sizeof(DSC_SEARCH_RESPONSE_INFO) = %d, len = %d
  923. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_HannelServerModify
  924. DEBUG %s-%d: ipadd is %s
  925. DEBUG %s-%d: netmask is %s
  926. DEBUG %s-%d: gateway is %s
  927. DEBUG %s-%d: dns is %s
  928. DEBUG %s-%d: mac is %s
  929. DEBUG %s-%d: %p--- name=%s, passwd=%s
  930. DEBUG %s-%d: task state is %d-%p-%d
  931. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_ModifyLocalNetConfig----%p
  932. eth0
  933. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ulMemberIsValid = %lu
  934. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ucIpAddr = %s
  935. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ucNetmaskAddr = %s
  936. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ucGatewayAddr = %s
  937. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ucDnsAddr1 = %s
  938. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ucMacAddr= %s
  939. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ulHttpPort = %lu
  940. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->networkInfo.ucDhcpEnable = %d
  941. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->devInfo.ucPasswd = %s
  942. DEBUG %s-%d: //////////net////////////////////////////
  944. DEBUG %s-%d: IPaddr is invalid!
  955. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_CheckNetworkIsValid %p
  956. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_CheckDevInfoIsValid %p
  957. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucUsername = %s
  958. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucPassword = %s
  959. DEBUG %s-%d: DD_InitNetworkInfo
  960. wlan0
  961. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ulHttpPort = %d
  962. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ulRtspPort = %d
  963. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ulPrivatePort = %d
  964. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucDevName = %s
  965. %s %d DevInfo.ucPlatformType = %d
  966. SearchDevType
  967. CustomToolCfg
  968. /opt/app/config/CustomTools.cfg
  970. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucDevType = %s
  971. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucFirmwareVersion = %s
  972. DEBUG %s-%d: pInfo->ucP2pSerialNum = %s
  973. DD_StartDiscoveryThread
  974. DD_CreateUDPSokcet
  975. discovery
  976. DD_AddNewTask
  977. DD_ProcSearchDev
  978. DD_ProcServer
  979. DD_ProcModifyDevNetConfig
  980. CheckNetworkType
  981. DD_HannelServerEvent
  982. DD_HannelServerModify
  983. DD_FoundNewDev
  984. DD_ModifyDevNetConfigResponse
  985. DD_ModifyLocalNetConfig
  986. DD_CheckNetworkIsValid
  987. DD_CheckDevInfoIsValid
  988. DD_InitUserInfo
  989. DD_InitNetworkInfo
  990. DD_InitDevInfo
  991. DD_InitPlatformInof
  992. DD_InitPlatformInof
  993. :2*"
  994. <4,$
  995. >6.&
  996. @80(
  997. 91)!
  998. ;3+#
  999. =5-%
  1000. ?7/'
  1001. 91)!
  1002. :2*"
  1003. ;3+#
  1004. <4,$?7/'
  1005. >6.&
  1006. =5-%
  1007. (3-!0,1'8"5.*2$
  1008. Unknown camera !
  1009. Camera dev is not initialize, initialize first!
  1010. Cmd not match!cmd = %d, pCameraAccess[%d].Camera_command = %d
  1011. The Onvif cmd is not support now!
  1012. %s,%d
  1013. %s,%d.
  1014. %s,%d!
  1015. %s,%d..
  1016. :::%s:::%d::::
  1017. CameraGetAudioProperty
  1018. CameraSetAudioProperty
  1019. CameraGetUpGradeFileSaveName
  1020. CameraCheckUpGradeFile
  1021. CameraGetSaveFilePath
  1022. CameraSetSysRebootProperty
  1023. CameraGetSysRebootProperty
  1024. CameraSetP2PProperty
  1025. CameraGetP2PProperty
  1026. CameraGetDateTimeProperty
  1027. CameraSetDateTimeProperty
  1028. CameraGetEncodingScope
  1029. CameraGetChannelScope
  1030. CameraGetStreamProperty
  1031. CameraSetStreamProperty
  1032. CameraSetPTZProperty
  1033. CameraGetPTZProperty
  1034. CameraSetPTZSerialProperty
  1035. CameraGetPTZSerialProperty
  1036. CameraSetCruiseLineProperty
  1037. CameraGetCruiseLineProperty
  1038. CameraStorageOption
  1039. CameraGetStorageInfo
  1040. CameraSetArgeementProperty
  1041. CameraSetAlarmProperty
  1042. CameraGetAlarmProperty
  1043. CameraSetRegularRecordProperty
  1044. CameraGetRegularRecordProperty
  1045. CameraSetRegularSNAPProperty
  1046. CameraGetRegularSNAPProperty
  1047. CameraGetAlarmScope
  1048. CameraSetLDCProperty
  1049. CameraGetLDCProperty
  1050. CameraSetROIProperty
  1051. CameraGetROIProperty
  1052. CameraSetVideoCoverExProperty
  1053. CameraGetVideoCoverExProperty
  1054. CameraRecvFileEnd
  1055. CameraGetSysCommonProperty
  1056. CameraSetSysCommonProperty
  1057. CameraGetP2PInfo
  1058. CameraGetSysRebootExProperty
  1059. CameraSetSysRebootExProperty
  1060. CameraGetPlayBackQueryFiles
  1061. CameraGetIOProperty
  1062. CameraSetIOProperty
  1063. CameraGetSuitableEncodingProperty
  1064. CameraGetEncodingPropertyEx
  1065. CameraSetEncodingPropertyEx
  1066. CameraGetFishEyeProperty
  1067. CameraSetFishEyeProperty
  1068. CameraGetOsdPropertyEx
  1069. CameraSetOsdPropertyEx
  1070. CameraGetAlarmPropertyEx
  1071. CameraSetAlarmPropertyEx
  1072. CameraGetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1073. CameraSetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1074. CameraGetAbnormalEventProperty
  1075. CameraSetAbnormalEventProperty
  1076. CameraGetNetPropertyEx
  1077. CameraSetNetPropertyEx
  1078. CameraSetPreviewModeConfig
  1079. CameraSetPptpProperty
  1080. CameraGetPptpProperty
  1081. CameraSetSecuritySettings
  1082. CameraGetSecuritySettings
  1083. OnvifAccess
  1084. %s %d
  1085. VideoData720P/Data%04d.txt
  1086. VideoData720P_Sub/Data%04d.txt
  1087. /opt/app/config/CustomTools.cfg
  1088. RtpAlarmEnable
  1089. CustomToolCfg
  1090. %s %d: Common_Reboot
  1091. /bin/sh
  1092. %s %d:execute cmd [%s] failed! ret = %d
  1093. reboot_count = %d
  1094. sync;reboot -f
  1095. %s %d, reboot end
  1096. %s %d errno %s
  1097. %s %d: Common_FactoryDefault
  1098. /param/sysenv.cfg
  1099. rm %s
  1100. /param/sysenvcopy.cfg
  1101. /param/logfile.log
  1102. /param/onvif.cfg
  1103. /param/sysenv_ex.cfg
  1104. rm /param/sysenvcopy.cfg /param/sysenv.cfg /param/logfile.log
  1105. sync;sync
  1106. %s %d: Common_Upgrade
  1107. %s %d: 222222222223333333333333332Common_Upgrade
  1108. echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  1109. killall -9 HWatchDog
  1110. %s %d: =========ret = %d
  1111. %s %d: index = %d Resolution = %s
  1112. BCIF
  1113. QCIF
  1114. SVGA
  1115. QVGA
  1116. SVCD
  1117. QQVGA
  1118. 1080P
  1119. 1_3M
  1120. 720P
  1121. %s %d: index = %d Not Support Resolution = %s
  1122. %s %d: index = %d w = %d h = %d
  1123. %s %d: pSysInfo index = %d w = %d h = %d
  1124. %s %d:index = %d value = %d
  1125. %s %d: iEncoding = %d iBitrate = %d, iSamplerate = %d
  1126. eth0
  1127. http://%s:%d/snap.jpg
  1128. %s %d: pSysInfo->lan_config.nDNRModel = %d
  1129. %s %d: pSysInfo->lan_config.ucElectronicAntiShakeEnable = %d
  1130. %s %d: Bright = %d Color = %d Contrast = %d Sharp = %d
  1131. %s %d ImageConfig->ucElectronicAntiShakeEnable = %d
  1132. onvif://
  1133. onvif://
  1134. onvif://
  1135. onvif://
  1136. onvif://
  1137. onvif://
  1138. %s %d: rtsp port = %d
  1139. rtsp://%s/%d
  1140. rtsp://%s:%d/%d
  1141. %s %d: mobileport = %d
  1142. wlan0
  1143. %s %d Dns %s is invalid
  1144. %s %d pDnsAddr = %s
  1145. %s %d: pNtpAddr = %s
  1146. %s %d: pHostname = %s
  1147. %s %d: This is Chinese
  1148. %s %d: ret = %d
  1149. %s %d: adr_inet.sin_addr.s_addr = %d
  1150. %s %d: dhcpStatue = %d
  1151. %s,%d
  1152. %s,%d:setMac(%s)
  1153. %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X
  1154. %s %d: pUserParam->strAcount[0].user = %s
  1155. %s %d: pUserParam->strAcount[0].authority = %d
  1156. %s %d: pUserParam->strAcount[0].password = %s
  1157. AdminUser
  1158. 1111111111111111 type=%d
  1159. CustomCompanyName
  1160. HeroSpeed
  1161. 16CV300
  1162. IMX290
  1163. /etc/udev/
  1164. /opt/app/bin/ptz.conf
  1165. %s %d
  1166. %s %d: pDevInfo->szManufacturer = %s
  1167. %s %d: pDevInfo->szModel = %s
  1168. %s %d: pDevInfo->szFirmwareVersion = %s
  1169. %s %d: pDevInfo->szSerialNumber = %s
  1170. %s %d: pDevInfo->szHardwareId = %s
  1171. killall -9 WatchDog AVServer DeviceSearch SystemServer freep2p_server newp2p_server HikServer xiongmai_server AVRecord WpaServer
  1172. %s %d: killall -9 applications failed!!!
  1173. %s %d: echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches failed!!!
  1174. reboot -f
  1175. /tmp/upGradeFile.FLS
  1176. %s %d: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d
  1177. CustomComboName
  1178. H265:1920x1080;H264:1920x1080;MJPEG:1920x1080;@H265:1920x1080,H265:720x480;H264:1920x1080,H264:720x480;MJPEG:1920x1080,MJPEG:720x480;@H265:1920x1080,H265:720x480,H265:352x288;H264:1920x1080,H264:720x480,H264:352x288;MJPEG:1920x1080,MJPEG:720x480,MJPEG:352x288;
  1179. %s %d index = %d, Resolutions->sizeResolutions = %d
  1180. %s %d Resolutions->Resolutions[%d].width = %d
  1181. %s %d Resolutions->Resolutions[%d].height = %d
  1182. %s %d: PtzControl.ucCh = %d
  1183. %s %d: Stop
  1184. %s %d: Left speed %d
  1185. %s %d: Right speed %d
  1186. %s %d: Up speed %d
  1187. %s %d: Down speed %d
  1188. %s %d: Left Up speed %d
  1189. %s %d: Left Down speed %d
  1190. %s %d: Right Up speed %d
  1191. %s %d: Right Down speed %d
  1192. %s %d: Zoom wide speed %d
  1193. %s %d: Zoom tele speed %d
  1194. %s %d: Zoom stop %d
  1195. %s %d: Focus far %d
  1196. %s %d: Focus near speed %d
  1197. %s %d: Focus stop %d
  1198. %s %d: iris open
  1199. %s %d: iris close
  1200. %s %d: PresetSet No %d Name %s
  1201. %s %d: PresetClear %d
  1202. %s %d: PresetGoto %d
  1203. %s %d: Start Tour %d
  1204. %s %d: Stop Tour %d
  1205. %s %d: HomeGoto
  1206. %s %d: HomeSet
  1207. %s %d:OnekeyFocus
  1208. %s %d:Initlens
  1209. %s %d:Correction ret = %d
  1210. PTZ%04d
  1211. %s %d:
  1212. %s %d: ucCH = %d ucType = %d,pMDProperty->ucSensitivity = %d, pMDProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1213. %s %d: pMDProperty->ucBlock[%d] = 0x%x
  1214. %s %d:[%d] x1 = %d, x2 = %d , x3 = %d, x4 = %d
  1215. %s %d: ucCH = %d ucEnable = %d ucType = %d,ucSensitivity = %d
  1216. %s %d: pVideoCoverProperty->ucBlock[%d] = 0x%x
  1217. ucCH = %d, ucMirrorMode = %d, ucOSDVisiable = %d
  1218. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.username = %s
  1219. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.password = %s
  1220. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.servier_ip = %s
  1221. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.sender_email = %s
  1222. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.receiver_email = %s
  1223. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.receiver_email1 = %s
  1224. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.receiver_email2 = %s
  1225. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.authentication = %d
  1226. %s %d: pSysInfo->smtp_config.ucSmtpTestStatus = %d
  1227. %s %d pSmtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1228. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1229. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulPort = %lu
  1230. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulAnonymity = %lu
  1231. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulEncryptionType = %lu
  1232. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulTime = %lu
  1233. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulAccessory = %lu
  1234. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ulAccessoryType = %lu
  1235. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucUserName = %s
  1236. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucPasswd = %s
  1237. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucServerAddr = %s
  1238. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucSendAddr = %s
  1239. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucRecverAddr1 = %s
  1240. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucRecverAddr2 = %s
  1241. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucRecverAddr3 = %s
  1242. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucTheme = %s
  1243. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1244. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucSmtpTestEnable = %d
  1245. %s %d: pSmtpProperty->ucAlarmDuration = %d
  1246. %s %d pFtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1247. %s %d pFtpProperty->ucFtpTestStatus = %d
  1248. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ulEnable = %d
  1249. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucServerAddr = %s
  1250. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ulPort = %lu
  1251. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucUserName = %s
  1252. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucPasswd = %s
  1253. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucPath = %s
  1254. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucAnonymousEnable = %d
  1255. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucAutoCoverEnable = %d
  1256. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucAttfileformat = %d
  1257. %s %d: pFtpProperty->ucFtpTestEnable = %d
  1258. MagicNum: %lu, MagicNumConfig: %lu
  1259. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulLanguage = %lu
  1260. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulStartNo = %lu
  1261. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulNum = %lu
  1262. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulStartTime = %lu
  1263. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulEndTime = %lu
  1264. %s %d: pLogGrepInfo->ulGrepType = %lu
  1265. /tmp/VideoStatus.txt
  1266. %s %d: =========================
  1267. %s %d: pLogInfo->totleNum = %d, pLogInfo->suitableNum = %d
  1268. %s %d: read Log fail
  1269. %s %d: index = %d
  1270. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucStorageType = 0x%x
  1271. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucPackingModel = %d
  1272. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucLackSpaceModel = %d
  1273. %s %d: pStorageProperty->ucPackingValue.ucPackingSize = %d
  1274. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucCh = %d
  1275. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1276. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucServerType = %d
  1277. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucServerIp = %s
  1278. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ulServerPort = %lu
  1279. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucDomainName = %s
  1280. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucDefaultDomainName = %s
  1281. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucUserName = %s
  1282. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucPasswd = %s
  1283. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ucAlias = %s
  1284. %s %d: pDDNSProperty->ulAlivePeriod = %lu
  1285. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucCn = %d
  1286. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1287. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucOutputVolume = %d
  1288. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucInputVolume = %d
  1289. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucInputModel = %d
  1290. %s %d:pAudioProperty->ucOutputModel = %d
  1291. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ucSSID = %s
  1292. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ucSSIDPasswd = %s
  1293. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ulStrength = %d
  1294. %s %d: pWifiInfo->ulIsScane = %d
  1295. %s %d: %2d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ##
  1296. settimeofday failed
  1297. %s %d: index = %d value = %d
  1298. %s %d: ***************Common_SetPTZProperty*********
  1299. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucFocusingModel = %d
  1300. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucApertureMode = %d
  1301. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucApertureVal = %d
  1302. %s %d: pPTZProperty->ucStep = %d
  1303. %s %d: ***************Common_GetPTZProperty*********
  1304. %s,%d:pStorageIn->ucCh = %d, pStorageIn->ucStorageType = 0x%x
  1305. killall -9 AVRecord WatchDog
  1306. fuser -mk /media/SDcard
  1307. umount /media/SDcard
  1308. mkfs.exfat /dev/mmcblk[0-9]p[0-9]
  1309. mount -o rw,errors=continue /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/SDcard
  1310. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/app/lib
  1311. killall -9 AVRecord;/opt/app/bin/AVRecord &
  1312. killall -9 WatchDog;/opt/app/bin/WatchDog &
  1313. %s,%d End
  1314. %s,%d:pStorageOption->ucStorageType = 0x%x
  1315. %s,%d:pStorageOption->ucOptType = %d
  1316. %s,%d Start SD format
  1317. %s %d: pArgeementProperty->ucCh = %d, pArgeementProperty->ucEnable = %d,pArgeementProperty->ucArgType = %d
  1318. %s %d:pProperty->usPort = %d
  1319. %s %d:pProperty->usPort = %d, pProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1320. %s %d:pProperty->usPort = %d,pProperty->ucAuthentication = %d
  1321. %s %d:pProperty->usHttpsPort = %d
  1322. %s,%d:[guanfa]ucArgType = %d
  1323. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_ALL.......................................
  1324. %s,%d:rtspPro usPort = %d
  1325. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_HK.......................................
  1326. %s,%d:HikPro usPort = %d, enable = %d
  1327. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_PRIVATE.......................................
  1328. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_ONVIF.......................................
  1329. %s,%d:onvifPro usPort = %d, enable = %d
  1330. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_HTTP.......................................
  1331. %s,%d:httpPro usPort = %d
  1332. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_HTTPS.......................................
  1333. %s,%d:httpsPro usPort = %d
  1334. %s,%d:ARG_AGREEMENT_XM.......................................
  1335. %s,%d:xmPro usPort = %d, enable = %d
  1336. %s,%d:ucArgType = 0x%x
  1337. %s %d:ucCh = %d, ucAlarmType = %d, ucDuration = %d, ucEnable = %d
  1338. %s,%d *********************avi****************
  1339. %s,%d *********************jpg****************
  1340. %s,%d *********************message****************
  1341. %s %d:ucCh = %d, ucAlarmType = %d
  1342. %s,%d *********************snapshoot****************
  1343. %s,%d pRegularRecordProperty->weekScop.ucScopeModel = %d
  1344. %s,%d pRegularRecordProperty->videoRecord.ucEnable = %d
  1345. %s,%d pRegularRecordProperty->weekScop.dayScope[%d].ucSocpeMode = %d
  1346. [%d][%d]:beginHour.ucHour = %d, beginHour.ucMinute = %d,endHour.ucHour = %d,endHour.ucMinute = %d
  1347. %s %d:ucCh = %d, ucShootInterval = %d
  1348. %s %d: snapshoot.ucEnable = %d, snapshoot.ucStorageType = %d, snapshoot.ucVideoStreamType = %d, snapshoot.ucValidWeek = %d, snapshoot.ucShootNum = %d,snapshoot.ucSingalShootInterval = %d
  1349. [%d][%d]:beginHour.ucHour = %d, beginHour.ucMinute = %d, biginHour.ucSecond = %d,endHour.ucHour = %d,endHour.ucMinute = %d, endHour.ucSecond = %d
  1350. %s %d: ucCh = %d
  1351. %s,%d pAlarmScope->ucSnapshootScope = 0x%x, pAlarmScope->ucMessageScope = 0x%x
  1352. %s %d:ucCh = %d
  1353. %s %d:ucViewType = %d
  1354. %s %d:lCenterXOffset = %d
  1355. %s %d:lCenterYOffset = %d
  1356. %s %d:ulRatio = %d
  1357. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.ucViewType = %d
  1358. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.lCenterXOffset = %d
  1359. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.lCenterYOffset = %d
  1360. %s %d:pSysInfo->Ldc_config.ulRatio = %d
  1361. %s %d:ucEnable = %d
  1362. %s %d:ucBgFrameRate = %d
  1363. %s %d:ucCH = %d
  1364. %s %d:transportInfo.ucType = %d
  1365. %s %d:transportInfo.ucPackSize = %d
  1366. %s %d:ulTotleSize = %d
  1367. %s %d:%s
  1368. %s %d:ucLanguageType = %d
  1369. %s %d:ucStandbyTime = %d
  1370. %s %d:ucDevName = %s
  1371. %s %d:ucSensitivity = %d
  1372. %s %d:ucDelimitType = %d
  1373. %s %d: pMDProperty->ucBlock[%d] = 0x%08X
  1374. %s %d: sizeof(ulBlock[32]) = %d
  1375. %s %d pSysInfo->motion_config.motionenable = %d
  1376. /opt/app/config/sysenv_custom.cfg
  1377. /opt/app/www/plugin/HsWebPlugin.exe
  1378. %s,%d.
  1379. %s %d DSTinfo->ucEnDST = %d
  1380. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTType = %d
  1381. %s %d DSTinfo->offsetTime = %d
  1382. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucMonth = %d
  1383. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucweekDay = %d
  1384. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucWeekNumber = %d
  1385. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTStart.ucHour = %d
  1386. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucMonth = %d
  1387. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucweekDay = %d
  1388. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucWeekNumber = %d
  1389. %s %d DSTinfo->ucDSTEnd.ucHour = %d
  1390. DSTinfo->ucEnDST =%d
  1391. DSTinfo->ucDSTType =%d
  1392. DSTinfo->offsetTime =%d
  1393. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1394. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucRebootModel = %d
  1395. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucDay = %d
  1396. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucHour = %d
  1397. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucMinute = %d
  1398. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucSecond = %d
  1399. %s %d:pSysRebootExProperty->ucWeekData = %d
  1400. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucEnable = %d
  1401. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucRebootModel = %d
  1402. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucDay = %d
  1403. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucHour = %d
  1404. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucMinute = %d
  1405. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucSecond = %d
  1406. %s %d:pSysInfo->autoreboot_config.ucWeekData = %d
  1407. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucAddr = %d
  1408. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucDataBit = %d
  1409. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucStopBit = %d
  1410. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucCheckType = %d
  1411. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ucProtocol = %d
  1412. %s %d: pPTZSerialProperty->ulBaudRate = %d
  1413. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucAddr = %d
  1414. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucDataBit = %d
  1415. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucStopBit = %d
  1416. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucCheckType = %d
  1417. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ucProtocol = %d
  1418. %s %d: pPTZSerialPropertyOut->ulBaudRate = %d
  1419. open %s error
  1420. read upgrate header error return is %d
  1421. ic type is %s,sensor type is %s
  1422. Device type error!!!
  1423. len: %d ugHeader.upgrateDataLen: %d
  1424. upgrateDataLen error
  1425. Main
  1426. ps | grep %s
  1427. pidNum: %d
  1428. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->ucCh = %d
  1429. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->ucChStreamMode = %d
  1430. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucEncodingType = %d
  1431. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucPicQuality = %d
  1432. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucStreamType = %d
  1433. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucProfile = %d
  1434. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].usWidth = %d
  1435. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].usHeight = %d
  1436. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucFrameRate = %d
  1437. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucBitRate = %d
  1438. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucKeyFrameInterval = %d
  1439. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucBitrateType = %d
  1440. %s %d: pEncodingPropertyEx->Video[%d].ucVideoType = %d
  1441. %s %d pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucStreamMode = %d
  1442. %s,%d pSysInfo->Video_Encoding_Config[0][0].Video[0].ucFrameRate = %d
  1443. %s %d: pFishEyeProperty->ucStreamMode = %d
  1444. %s %d: pFishEyeProperty->ucInstallMode = %d
  1445. %s %d: pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucStreamMode = %d
  1446. %s %d: pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucInstallMode = %d
  1447. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucCh = %d
  1448. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucIndex = %d
  1449. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1450. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ucEnable = %d
  1451. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ucPresetPointIndex = %d
  1452. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ucStep = %d
  1453. %s,%d pCruiseLineProperty->ucPoints[%d].ulDwelltime = %d
  1454. %s,%d i = %d, ucEnable = %d
  1455. %s,%d i = %d, iPanPos = %d
  1456. %s,%d i = %d, iTiltPos = %d
  1457. %s,%d pCruiseLinePropertyIn->ucCh = %d
  1458. %s,%d pCruiseLinePropertyIn->ucIndex = %d
  1459. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdNameVisiable = %d
  1460. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdDateVisiable = %d
  1461. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdWeekVisiable = %d
  1462. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdTimeFormat = %d
  1463. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdDateFormat = %d
  1464. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdDisplayMode = %d
  1465. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdFontSizeMode = %d
  1466. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdTime_X_Coordinate = %d
  1467. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdTime_Y_Coordinate = %d
  1468. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdText_X_Coordinate = %d
  1469. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdText_Y_Coordinate = %d
  1470. %s %d pSysInfo->Osd_Config_Ex[0].ucOsdText = %s
  1471. %s,%d NULL
  1472. %s %d: pPtzInfo[0].ucCh = %d
  1473. %s %d: PtzInfo[0].ucZoomPos = %d
  1474. %s %d: PtzInfo[0].iPanpos = %d
  1475. %s %d: PtzInfo[0].iTiltPos = %d
  1476. %s %d: pPtzInfo[1].ucCh = %d
  1477. %s %d: PtzInfo[1].ucZoomPos = %d
  1478. %s %d: PtzInfo[1].iPanpos = %d
  1479. %s %d: PtzInfo[1].iTiltPos = %d
  1480. %s %d: pPtzInfo[2].ucCh = %d
  1481. %s %d: PtzInfo[2].ucZoomPos = %d
  1482. %s %d: PtzInfo[2].iPanpos = %d
  1483. %s %d: PtzInfo[2].iTiltPos = %d
  1484. %s %d: pPtzInfo[3].ucCh = %d
  1485. %s %d: PtzInfo[3].ucZoomPos = %d
  1486. %s %d: PtzInfo[3].iPanpos = %d
  1487. %s %d: PtzInfo[3].iTiltPos = %d
  1488. %s %d: pPtzInfo->ucCh = %d
  1489. %s %d: pPtzInfo->iPanpos = %d
  1490. %s %d: pPtzInfo->iTiltPos = %d
  1491. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->ucAlarmType = %d
  1492. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1493. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1494. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1495. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1496. %s %d pAlarmPropertyEx->process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1497. %s %d pAlarmPropertyIn->ucAlarmType = %d
  1498. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].ucAlarmType = %d
  1499. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1500. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1501. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1502. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1503. %s %d pSysInfo->Alarm_Config_Ex[0].process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1504. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->ucEnable = %d
  1505. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->ucSensitivity = %d
  1506. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1507. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1508. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1509. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1510. %s %d pCoverAlarmProperty->process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1511. %s %d ucArea[%d].x1 = %d, ucArea[%d].y1 = %d
  1512. %s %d ucArea[%d].x2 = %d, ucArea[%d].y2 = %d
  1513. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.ucEnable = %d
  1514. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.ucSensitivity = %d
  1515. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1516. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1517. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1518. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1519. %s %d pSysInfo->VideoCoverAlarm_Config.process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1520. %s %d ucArea[%d].x1, ucArea[%d].y1 = %d
  1521. %s %d ucArea[%d].x2, ucArea[%d].y2 = %d
  1522. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->ucAbnormalType = %d
  1523. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1524. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1525. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1526. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1527. %s %d pAbnormalEventProperty->process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1528. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d]ucAbnormalType = %d
  1529. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmSmtpEnable = %d
  1530. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmFtpEnable = %d
  1531. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmCloudEnalbe = %d
  1532. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmRecordEnable = %d
  1533. %s %d pSysInfo->Abnormal_Config[%d].process.ucAlarmIOEnable = %d
  1534. %s %d pAbnormalEventPropertyIn->ucAbnormalType = %d
  1535. %s %d no this type!
  1536. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucEnDHCP = %d
  1537. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPAddrTestEnable = %d
  1538. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPAddrStatus = %d
  1539. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPV4 = %s
  1540. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucSubNetMaskV4 = %s
  1541. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucGatewayV4 = %s
  1542. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucDNS1Ip = %s
  1543. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucDNS2Ip = %s
  1544. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPV6Mode = %d
  1545. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->iMaxTransUnit = %d
  1546. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucIPV6 = %s
  1547. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->iSubNetMaskV6 = %d
  1548. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucGatewayV6 = %s
  1549. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucMulticast = %s
  1550. %s %d pNetPropertyEx->ucMacIp = %d
  1551. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucEnDHCP = %d
  1552. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPAddrTestEnable = %d
  1553. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPAddrStatus = %d
  1554. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPV4 = %s
  1555. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucSubNetMaskV4 = %s
  1556. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucGatewayV4 = %s
  1557. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucDNS1Ip = %s
  1558. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucDNS2Ip = %s
  1559. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPV6Mode = %d
  1560. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.iMaxTransUnit = %d
  1561. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucIPV6 = %s
  1562. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.iSubNetMaskV6 = %d
  1563. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucGatewayV6 = %s
  1564. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucMulticast = %s
  1565. %s %d pSysInfo->Net_Config_Ex.ucMacIp = %d
  1566. %s,%d pSysInfo->FishEye_Config.ucStreamMode = %d
  1567. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpEnable = %d
  1568. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpMTU = %d
  1569. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpEncryptionType = %d
  1570. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpDialStatus = %d
  1571. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpUserName = %s
  1572. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucPptpPasswd = %s
  1573. ppp0
  1574. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpEnable=%d
  1575. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpMTU=%d
  1576. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpEncryptionType=%d
  1577. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpDialStatus=%d
  1578. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpUserName=%s
  1579. #####%s%d PptpProperty->ucPptpPasswd=%s
  1580. %s %d:################
  1581. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucQustionIndex=%d
  1582. #####%s%d pSysInfo->ucSaftyEmail=%s
  1583. Common_Init
  1584. Common_Reboot
  1585. Command_System
  1586. ParamChangeToRestartThread
  1587. ParamChangeToRestart
  1588. Common_FactoryDefault
  1589. Common_Upgrade
  1590. Common_SetResolution
  1591. Common_SetResolution2
  1592. Common_SetBitRate
  1593. Common_SetBitRateCtl
  1594. Common_SetFrameRate
  1595. Common_SetVideoProfile
  1596. Common_SetAudioConfig
  1597. Common_GetImageConfig
  1598. Common_SetImageConfig
  1599. Common_GetStreamUri
  1600. Common_GetMobilePort
  1601. Common_SetDNS
  1602. Common_GetDNS
  1603. Common_SetNTP
  1604. Common_SetHostname
  1605. Common_GetGateway
  1606. Common_GetDhcpStatue
  1607. Common_SetMacAddr
  1608. Common_DelUser
  1609. Common_SetUser
  1610. Common_CreateUser
  1611. Common_GetDeviceInformation
  1612. Common_SetDeviceInformation
  1613. Common_GetUpGradeaveFileName
  1614. Common_SetDateTime
  1615. Common_GetResolutionsAvailable
  1616. Common_ControlPtz
  1617. Common_GetPtzPosition
  1618. Common_SetMotionDectionProperty
  1619. Common_SetVideoCoverProperty
  1620. Common_GetSmtpProperty
  1621. Common_SetSmtpProperty
  1622. Common_GetFtpProperty
  1623. Common_SetFtpProperty
  1624. Common_GetLogInfo
  1625. Common_GetLogEventInfo
  1626. Common_DeleteLogFile
  1627. Common_SetStorageProperty
  1628. Common_SetDDNSProperty
  1629. Common_GetAudioProperty
  1630. Common_SetAudioProperty
  1631. Common_GetWifiList
  1632. Common_AddWifiNet
  1633. Common_DelWifiNet
  1634. Common_WifiConnect
  1635. Common_WifiDisconnect
  1636. Common_SetSysRebootProperty
  1637. Common_GetSysRebootProperty
  1638. Common_SetP2PProperty
  1639. Common_GetP2PProperty
  1640. Common_SetTimeProperty
  1641. Common_GetTimeProperty
  1642. Common_SetStreamProperty
  1643. Common_GetStreamProperty
  1644. Common_GetChannelScope
  1645. Common_GetEncodingScope
  1646. Common_SetEncodingType
  1647. Common_SetEncodingEnable
  1648. Common_SetPTZProperty
  1649. Common_GetPTZProperty
  1650. Common_GetStorageInfo
  1651. SDCard_Format
  1652. Common_StorageOption
  1653. Common_SetArgeementProperty
  1654. Common_GetArgeementProperty
  1655. Common_SetAlarmProperty
  1656. Common_GetAlarmProperty
  1657. Common_SetRegularRecordProperty
  1658. Common_GetRegularRecordProperty
  1659. Common_SetRegularSNAPProperty
  1660. Common_GetRegularSNAPProperty
  1661. Common_GetAlarmScope
  1662. Common_SetLDCProperty
  1663. Common_GetLDCProperty
  1664. Common_SetROIProperty
  1665. Common_GetROIProperty
  1666. Common_SetVideoCoverExProperty
  1667. Common_GetVideoCoverExProperty
  1668. Common_RecvFileEnd
  1669. Common_SetSysCommonProperty
  1670. Common_GetSysCommonProperty
  1671. Common_GetP2PInfo
  1672. Common_SetMotionDetectionExProperty
  1673. Common_GetMotionDetectionExProperty
  1674. Common_GetCloudBindInfo
  1675. Common_SetCloudBindInfo
  1676. Common_GetCloudStateInfo
  1677. Common_CheckUpgradeFile
  1678. Common_SetDSTInfo
  1679. Common_GetDSTInfo
  1680. Common_SetSysRebootExProperty
  1681. Common_GetSysRebootExProperty
  1682. Common_GetPlayBackQueryFile
  1683. Common_SetPtzSerialProperty
  1684. Common_GetPtzSerialProperty
  1685. Common_SetIOProperty
  1686. Common_GetIOProperty
  1687. Common_GetSuitableEncodingProperty
  1688. Common_SetEncodingPropertyEx
  1689. Common_GetEncodingPropertyEx
  1690. Common_SetFishEyeProperty
  1691. Common_GetFishEyeProperty
  1692. Common_SetCruiseLineProperty
  1693. Common_GetCruiseLineProperty
  1694. Common_SetOsdPropertyEx
  1695. Common_GetOsdPropertyEx
  1696. Common_GetPtzInfo
  1697. Common_SetPtzInfo
  1698. Common_SetAlarmPropertyEx
  1699. Common_GetAlarmPropertyEx
  1700. Common_SetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1701. Common_GetVideoCoverAlarmProperty
  1702. Common_SetAbnormalEventProperty
  1703. Common_GetAbnormalEventProperty
  1704. Common_SetNetPropertyEx
  1705. Common_GetNetPropertyEx
  1706. Common_SetProviewConfig
  1707. Common_SetPptpProperty
  1708. Common_GetPptpProperty
  1709. Common_SetSmartEncEnable
  1710. Common_Set_Video_Force_IFrame
  1711. Common_SetSecuritySettings
  1712. Common_GetSecuritySettings
  1713. onvif://
  1714. onvif://
  1715. onvif://
  1716. onvif://
  1717. onvif://
  1718. onvif://
  1719. onvif://
  1720. %s %d: ParseLen1 %d
  1721. ResolutionString[i][j] %s
  1722. ffff///////%s %d: %d: %d %d
  1723. socket
  1724. ioctl
  1725. /etc/resolv.conf
  1726. nameserver %s
  1727. nameserver
  1728. %s %08lX %08lX %8X
  1729. iface = %s, ifname = %s
  1730. /proc/net/route
  1731. %d.%d.%d.%d
  1732. socket error
  1733. net_get_hwaddr: ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR
  1734. ParseResolution
  1735. Semaphore id:%d
  1736. Sem init
  1737. Semaphore Set Value:%d
  1738. Sem Wait operation
  1739. Semaphore Wait
  1740. Sem Post operation
  1741. Semaphore Post
  1742. Sem kill
  1743. Kill Semaphore id:%d
  1744. inifile.c
  1745. file !=((void *)0)
  1746. buf !=((void *)0)
  1747. i < 1024*16
  1748. buf!=((void *)0)
  1749. section != ((void *)0) && strlen(section)
  1750. key != ((void *)0) && strlen(key)
  1751. value != ((void *)0)
  1752. size > 0
  1753. file !=((void *)0) &&strlen(key)
  1754. [%s]
  1755. %s=%s
  1756. [%s]
  1757. %s=%s
  1758. %s=%s
  1759. load_ini_file
  1760. parse_file
  1761. read_profile_string
  1762. write_profile_string
  1763. %s %d NULL
  1764. %s %d Ipaddr is invalid
  1765. %u.%u.%u.%u
  1766. %s %d ipaddr %d.%d.%d.%d
  1767. %s %d Ipaddr is invalid, n[0] = %d, please input [1-223]
  1768. %s %d Ipaddr is invalid, n[3] = %d, please input [1-254]
  1769. %s %d Netmask is invalid
  1770. %s %d Gateway is invalid, i = %d
  1771. check_network_address_string
  1772. check_ipv4_address
  1773. check_subnet_mask_address
  1774. check_gateway_address
  1775. libIpCheckValid
  1776. %s %d: %s has already init!
  1777. %s %d: source %d is wrong!
  1778. %s %d: status %d is wrong!
  1779. %s %d: gShmId %d has something wrong!
  1780. libAlarmProcessInit
  1781. AlarmDataWrite
  1782. AlarmDataRead
  1783. shared memory size %d
  1784. shared memory id:%d
  1785. pSysConfig:%p
  1786. control systemdata SFIELD_SET_DNS
  1787. Error:Invalid Parameter
  1788. Error:Share Memory init fail
  1789. Error:No more memory to create semaphore
  1790. Error:Msg_Init fail
  1791. Creat queue id:%d
  1792. queue id:%d
  1793. Kill queue id:%d
  1794. Error: Not enough memory!!
  1795. Error: Sem_Creat init faill!!
  1796. Error: SemRelease: Invalid Semaphore handler
  1797. Error: SemWait: Invalid Semaphore handler
  1798. Error: DestroySem: Invalid Semaphore handler
  1799. Error: Sem_kill faill!!
  1800. [Trace]: %s
  1801. [Debug]: %s
  1802. [Error]: %s
  1803. [Warn]: %s
  1804. [Info]: %s
  1805. eth0
  1806. eth0
  1807. GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)
  1808. GCC: (Hisilicon_v500_20170104) 4.9.4 20150629 (prerelease)
  1809. aeabi
  1810. ARM926EJ-S
  1811. .shstrtab
  1812. .interp
  1813. .hash
  1814. .dynsym
  1815. .dynstr
  1816. .rel.dyn
  1817. .rel.plt
  1818. .init
  1819. .text
  1820. .fini
  1821. .rodata
  1822. .eh_frame
  1823. .init_array
  1824. .fini_array
  1825. .jcr
  1826. .dynamic
  1827. .got
  1828. .data
  1829. .bss
  1830. .comment
  1831. .ARM.attributes
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