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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. Corporate greed and lobbying power has deformed the definition and purpose of copyright and you guys are the example that this deformity is spreading to the population unbeknownst to you.
  3. Copyright's original purpose was never intended to protect a creation for the gain or even security of its creator; but to encourage derivative works from the creator on a base-creation and to, further down the line, from others has parody/satire, hommage, or other derivative purpose.
  5. Copyright has it stands makes it hard for content-creators to make something that vaguely resembles another without being in direct contact with another creator or having to spend weeks and a lot of money through legal means. Copyright has it stands also discourages satire, copying in the context of pedagogy, practice and training, it makes it hard to build a digital historical archive (ex: a tv station building a digital archive of old videos they had or produced in the 1930's), it makes it harder to buy sheetmusic of contemporary/modern classical/orchestral pieces unless the creator himself cleanly writes the score and gets it published (which is rare)... heck, it even makes it hard for the creator of its own content to make derivative work without having to jump through certain hoops.
  7. More so, this state of copyright is the root of all these absurd and misunderstood copyright bills and political projects. It's to the point where in certain countries, such as Canada, there are universities and national [historical] TV stations who will have to get rid of their digital archives, as they say they are "infringing on copyrights".
  9. ----
  12. There's a difference between Intellectual Property and Copyright. The deformed definition of the latter is the issue. It's a problem around the world because of how it was warped first in the US (and not mentioning how American lobbyists and politicians are often the ones pushing for these wrongfully-based copyright reforms).
  14. Copyright is not the enforcement of Intellectual Property protection.
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