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Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBCustomDataSet.pas" IBX/IBX.IBCustomDataSet.pas
  2. 3943c3943
  3. < Old := PName.ToUpper.StartsWith('OLD_'); {do not localize}
  4. ---
  5. > Old := PName.ToUpperInvariant.StartsWith('OLD_'); {do not localize}
  6. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBDatabase.pas" IBX/IBX.IBDatabase.pas
  7. 723c723
  8. < not Params.Text.ToUpper.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize}
  9. ---
  10. > not Params.Text.ToUpperInvariant.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize}
  11. 734c734
  12. < if TempDBParams[i].ToUpper.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize}
  13. ---
  14. > if TempDBParams[i].ToUpperInvariant.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize}
  15. 754c754
  16. < lc_ctype := Params.Values['lc_ctype'].ToUpper; {do not localize}
  17. ---
  18. > lc_ctype := Params.Values['lc_ctype'].ToUpperInvariant; {do not localize}
  19. 756c756
  20. < lc_ctype := Params.Values['isc_dpb_lc_ctype'].ToUpper; {do not localize}
  21. ---
  22. > lc_ctype := Params.Values['isc_dpb_lc_ctype'].ToUpperInvariant; {do not localize}
  23. 760c760
  24. < b := TEncoding.Convert(TEncoding.Default, TEncoding.ANSI, BytesOf(Format(sDefaultCharset, [lc_ctype.ToUpper])));
  25. ---
  26. > b := TEncoding.Convert(TEncoding.Default, TEncoding.ANSI, BytesOf(Format(sDefaultCharset, [lc_ctype.ToUpperInvariant])));
  27. 774c774
  28. < if Params.Text.ToUpper.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize}
  29. ---
  30. > if Params.Text.ToUpperInvariant.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize}
  31. 778c778
  32. < if Params[i].ToUpper.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize }
  33. ---
  34. > if Params[i].ToUpperInvariant.Contains('FILE ') then {do not localize }
  35. 930c930
  36. < pos_of_str := Params[i].ToLower.IndexOf(st);
  37. ---
  38. > pos_of_str := Params[i].ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(st);
  39. 1107c1107
  40. < if Params.Names[i].Trim.ToLower.StartsWith('password') then {do not localize}
  41. ---
  42. > if Params.Names[i].Trim.ToLowerInvariant.StartsWith('password') then {do not localize}
  43. 2566c2566
  44. < ParamName := sl[i].ToLower;
  45. ---
  46. > ParamName := sl[i].ToLowerInvariant;
  47. 2571c2571
  48. < ParamName := sl.Names[i].ToLower;
  49. ---
  50. > ParamName := sl.Names[i].ToLowerInvariant;
  51. 2744c2744
  52. < ParamName := sl[i].ToLower
  53. ---
  54. > ParamName := sl[i].ToLowerInvariant
  55. 2747c2747
  56. < ParamName := sl.Names[i].ToLower;
  57. ---
  58. > ParamName := sl.Names[i].ToLowerInvariant;
  59. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBDatabaseINI.pas" IBX/IBX.IBDatabaseINI.pas
  60. 127c127
  61. < if FDatabase.Params.Names[i].ToLower.StartsWith(Name.ToLower) then
  62. ---
  63. > if FDatabase.Params.Names[i].ToLowerInvariant.StartsWith(Name.ToLowerInvariant) then
  64. 166c166
  65. < if FDatabase.Params.Names[i].ToLower.StartsWith(Name.ToLower) then
  66. ---
  67. > if FDatabase.Params.Names[i].ToLowerInvariant.StartsWith(Name.ToLowerInvariant) then
  68. 183c183
  69. < if FDatabase.Params.Names[i].ToLower.StartsWith(Name.ToLower) then
  70. ---
  71. > if FDatabase.Params.Names[i].ToLowerInvariant.StartsWith(Name.ToLowerInvariant) then
  72. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBExtract.pas" IBX/IBX.IBExtract.pas
  73. 449c449
  74. < i := default.ToUpper.IndexOf('DEFAULT ') + 8;
  75. ---
  76. > i := default.ToUpperInvariant.IndexOf('DEFAULT ') + 8;
  77. 1696c1696
  78. < if qryDomains.FieldByName('RDB$VALIDATION_SOURCE').AsTrimString.ToUpper.StartsWith('CHECK') then {do not localize}
  79. ---
  80. > if qryDomains.FieldByName('RDB$VALIDATION_SOURCE').AsTrimString.ToUpperInvariant.StartsWith('CHECK') then {do not localize}
  81. 2520c2520
  82. < if 'check'.StartsWith(ToValidate.ToLower) then {do not localize}
  83. ---
  84. > if 'check'.StartsWith(ToValidate.ToLowerInvariant) then {do not localize}
  85. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBFilterDialog.pas" IBX/IBX.IBFilterDialog.pas
  86. 171c171
  87. < s := ' ' + AnsiUpperCase(AString) + ' '; {do not localize}
  88. ---
  89. > s := ' ' + UpperCase(AString, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) + ' '; {do not localize}
  90. 175c175
  91. < p := Pos(' ' + AnsiUpperCase(AWord) + ' ', s); {do not localize}
  92. ---
  93. > p := Pos(' ' + UpperCase(AWord, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) + ' ', s); {do not localize}
  94. 896c896
  95. < if AnsiUpperCase(FilterValue) = 'NULL' then {do not localize}
  96. ---
  97. > if UpperCase(FilterValue, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'NULL' then {do not localize}
  98. 976c976
  99. < if AnsiUpperCase(FilterValue) = 'NULL' then {do not localize}
  100. ---
  101. > if UpperCase(FilterValue, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'NULL' then {do not localize}
  102. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBIntf.pas" IBX/IBX.IBIntf.pas
  103. 1700c1700
  104. < if aLibrary.ToLower = IBClientInterface.ToArray[i].Key.ToLower then
  105. ---
  106. > if aLibrary.ToLowerInvariant = IBClientInterface.ToArray[i].Key.ToLowerInvariant then
  107. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBScript.pas" IBX/IBX.IBScript.pas
  108. 345c345
  109. < Token := UpperCase(FTokens[0]);
  110. ---
  111. > Token := UpperCase(FTokens[0], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale);
  112. 413c413
  113. < Token1 := UpperCase(FTokens[1]);
  114. ---
  115. > Token1 := UpperCase(FTokens[1], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale);
  116. 454c454
  117. < (FTokens.Count > 2) and (UpperCase(FTokens[2]) = 'INDEX')) then {do not localize}
  118. ---
  119. > (FTokens.Count > 2) and (UpperCase(FTokens[2], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'INDEX')) then {do not localize}
  120. 467c467
  121. < (UpperCase(FTokens[2]) = 'DIALECT') then {do not localize}
  122. ---
  123. > (UpperCase(FTokens[2], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'DIALECT') then {do not localize}
  124. 589c589
  125. < (UpperCase(FTokens[FTokens.Count - 2]) = 'END') and {do not localize}
  126. ---
  127. > (UpperCase(FTokens[FTokens.Count - 2], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'END') and {do not localize}
  128. 593,596c593,596
  129. < (UpperCase(FTokens[0]) = 'ALTER') and {do not localize}
  130. < (UpperCase(FTokens[1]) = 'TRIGGER') and {do not localize}
  131. < ((UpperCase(FTokens[3]) = 'ACTIVE') or {do not localize}
  132. < (UpperCase(FTokens[3]) = 'INACTIVE')) and {do not localize}
  133. ---
  134. > (UpperCase(FTokens[0], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'ALTER') and {do not localize}
  135. > (UpperCase(FTokens[1], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'TRIGGER') and {do not localize}
  136. > ((UpperCase(FTokens[3], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'ACTIVE') or {do not localize}
  137. > (UpperCase(FTokens[3], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'INACTIVE')) and {do not localize}
  138. 607c607
  139. < NextWord := NextWord.ToUpper.Trim;
  140. ---
  141. > NextWord := NextWord.ToUpperInvariant.Trim;
  142. 609c609
  143. < FTokens.Add(NextWord.ToUpper);
  144. ---
  145. > FTokens.Add(NextWord.ToUpperInvariant);
  146. 665,668c665,668
  147. < ((UpperCase(FTokens[0]) = 'CREATE') or {do not localize}
  148. < (UpperCase(FTokens[0]) = 'ALTER')) and {do not localize}
  149. < ((UpperCase(NextWord) = 'PROCEDURE') or {do not localize}
  150. < (UpperCase(NextWord) = 'TRIGGER')) and {do not localize}
  151. ---
  152. > ((UpperCase(FTokens[0], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'CREATE') or {do not localize}
  153. > (UpperCase(FTokens[0], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'ALTER')) and {do not localize}
  154. > ((UpperCase(NextWord, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'PROCEDURE') or {do not localize}
  155. > (UpperCase(NextWord, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'TRIGGER')) and {do not localize}
  156. 671c671
  157. < if InSpecial and (NextWord.ToUpper = 'END;') then {do not localize}
  158. ---
  159. > if InSpecial and (NextWord.ToUpperInvariant = 'END;') then {do not localize}
  160. 677,680c677,680
  161. < (UpperCase(FTokens[0]) = 'ALTER') and {do not localize}
  162. < (UpperCase(FTokens[1]) = 'TRIGGER') and {do not localize}
  163. < ((UpperCase(FTokens[3]) = 'ACTIVE;') or {do not localize}
  164. < ((UpperCase(FTokens[3]) = 'INACTIVE;'))) then {do not localize}
  165. ---
  166. > (UpperCase(FTokens[0], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'ALTER') and {do not localize}
  167. > (UpperCase(FTokens[1], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'TRIGGER') and {do not localize}
  168. > ((UpperCase(FTokens[3], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'ACTIVE;') or {do not localize}
  169. > ((UpperCase(FTokens[3], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'INACTIVE;'))) then {do not localize}
  170. 682c682
  171. < if UpperCase(NextWord) = 'ACTIVE;' then {do not localize}
  172. ---
  173. > if UpperCase(NextWord, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'ACTIVE;' then {do not localize}
  174. 795,803c795,803
  175. < Result := not ((FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'NO_RESERVE') or {do not localize }
  176. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SET_PAGE_BUFFERS') or {do not localize }
  177. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'PREALLOCATE') or {do not localize }
  178. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'FORCE_WRITE') or {do not localize }
  179. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SQL_DIALECT') or {do not localize }
  180. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SET_GROUP_COMMIT') or {do not localize }
  181. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SWEEP_INTERVAL') or {do not localize }
  182. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'TRANSACTION') or {do not localize }
  183. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'ODS_VERSION_MAJOR')); {do not localize }
  184. ---
  185. > Result := not ((FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'NO_RESERVE') or {do not localize }
  186. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SET_PAGE_BUFFERS') or {do not localize }
  187. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'PREALLOCATE') or {do not localize }
  188. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'FORCE_WRITE') or {do not localize }
  189. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SQL_DIALECT') or {do not localize }
  190. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SET_GROUP_COMMIT') or {do not localize }
  191. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SWEEP_INTERVAL') or {do not localize }
  192. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'TRANSACTION') or {do not localize }
  193. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'ODS_VERSION_MAJOR')); {do not localize }
  194. 829c829
  195. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'USER') then {do not localize}
  196. ---
  197. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'USER') then {do not localize}
  198. 836c836
  199. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'PASSWORD') then {do not localize}
  200. ---
  201. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'PASSWORD') then {do not localize}
  202. 842c842
  203. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper.Contains('PAGE_SIZE') then {do not localize}
  204. ---
  205. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant.Contains('PAGE_SIZE') then {do not localize}
  206. 860,862c860,862
  207. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'WITH') and {do not localize}
  208. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpper = 'ADMIN') and {do not localize}
  209. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+2].ToUpper = 'OPTION') then {do not localize}
  210. ---
  211. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'WITH') and {do not localize}
  212. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpperInvariant = 'ADMIN') and {do not localize}
  213. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+2].ToUpperInvariant = 'OPTION') then {do not localize}
  214. 869,871c869,871
  215. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'DEFAULT') and {do not localize}
  216. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpper = 'CHARACTER') and {do not localize}
  217. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+2].ToUpper = 'SET') then {do not localize}
  218. ---
  219. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'DEFAULT') and {do not localize}
  220. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpperInvariant = 'CHARACTER') and {do not localize}
  221. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+2].ToUpperInvariant = 'SET') then {do not localize}
  222. 877c877
  223. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'NO_RESERVE' then {do not localize}
  224. ---
  225. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'NO_RESERVE' then {do not localize}
  226. 883c883
  227. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SET_GROUP_COMMIT' then {do not localize}
  228. ---
  229. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SET_GROUP_COMMIT' then {do not localize}
  230. 890c890
  231. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SET_PAGE_BUFFERS') then {do not localize}
  232. ---
  233. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SET_PAGE_BUFFERS') then {do not localize}
  234. 897c897
  235. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'PREALLOCATE') then {do not localize}
  236. ---
  237. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'PREALLOCATE') then {do not localize}
  238. 904c904
  239. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'ODS_VERSION_MAJOR') then {do not localize}
  240. ---
  241. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'ODS_VERSION_MAJOR') then {do not localize}
  242. 911c911
  243. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SQL_DIALECT') then {do not localize}
  244. ---
  245. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SQL_DIALECT') then {do not localize}
  246. 918c918
  247. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'SWEEP_INTERVAL') then {do not localize}
  248. ---
  249. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'SWEEP_INTERVAL') then {do not localize}
  250. 925c925
  251. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'TRANSACTION') then {do not localize}
  252. ---
  253. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'TRANSACTION') then {do not localize}
  254. 932c932
  255. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'FORCE_WRITE') then {do not localize}
  256. ---
  257. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'FORCE_WRITE') then {do not localize}
  258. 934c934
  259. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpper = 'ASYNC' then {do not localize}
  260. ---
  261. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpperInvariant = 'ASYNC' then {do not localize}
  262. 936c936
  263. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpper = 'SYNC' then {do not localize}
  264. ---
  265. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpperInvariant = 'SYNC' then {do not localize}
  266. 938c938
  267. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpper = 'DIRECT' then {do not localize}
  268. ---
  269. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i+1].ToUpperInvariant = 'DIRECT' then {do not localize}
  270. 944c944
  271. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'FILE') then {do not localize}
  272. ---
  273. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'FILE') then {do not localize}
  274. 949c949
  275. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper.Contains('LENGTH')) then {do not localize}
  276. ---
  277. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant.Contains('LENGTH')) then {do not localize}
  278. 966c966
  279. < if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'STARTING' then {do not localize}
  280. ---
  281. > if FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'STARTING' then {do not localize}
  282. 971c971
  283. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'AT') then {do not localize}
  284. ---
  285. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'AT') then {do not localize}
  286. 977c977
  287. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'PAGE') then {do not localize}
  288. ---
  289. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'PAGE') then {do not localize}
  290. 989c989
  291. < (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpper = 'LENGTH') then {do not localize}
  292. ---
  293. > (FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[i].ToUpperInvariant = 'LENGTH') then {do not localize}
  294. 1240,1241c1240,1241
  295. < (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[1]) = 'TO') and {do not localize}
  296. < (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[2]) = 'SAVEPOINT')) then {do not localize}
  297. ---
  298. > (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[1], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'TO') and {do not localize}
  299. > (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[2], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'SAVEPOINT')) then {do not localize}
  300. 1245,1246c1245,1246
  301. < (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[2]) = 'TO') and {do not localize}
  302. < (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[3]) = 'SAVEPOINT')) then {do not localize}
  303. ---
  304. > (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[2], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'TO') and {do not localize}
  305. > (UpperCase(FSQLParser.CurrentTokens[3], TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale) = 'SAVEPOINT')) then {do not localize}
  306. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBServices.pas" IBX/IBX.IBServices.pas
  307. 1047c1047
  308. < pos_of_str := Params[i].ToLower.IndexOf(st);
  309. ---
  310. > pos_of_str := Params[i].ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(st);
  311. 1150c1150
  312. < param_name := sl.Names[i].ToLower;
  313. ---
  314. > param_name := sl.Names[i].ToLowerInvariant;
  315. 2192c2192
  316. < sl.Add(UpperCase(S));
  317. ---
  318. > sl.Add(UpperCase(S, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale));
  319. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBTable.pas" IBX/IBX.IBTable.pas
  320. 585c585
  321. < if Name.Trim.ToUpper.Contains('RDB$PRIMARY') then {do not localize} {mbcs ok}
  322. ---
  323. > if Name.Trim.ToUpperInvariant.Contains('RDB$PRIMARY') then {do not localize} {mbcs ok}
  324. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBUpdateSQL.pas" IBX/IBX.IBUpdateSQL.pas
  325. 173c173
  326. < Old := PName.ToUpper.StartsWith('OLD_'); {do not localize}
  327. ---
  328. > Old := PName.ToUpperInvariant.StartsWith('OLD_'); {do not localize}
  329. diff "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\16.0\\source\\IBX/IBX.IBUtils.pas" IBX/IBX.IBUtils.pas
  330. 125c125
  331. < Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value)
  332. ---
  333. > Value := UpperCase(Value, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale)
  334. 130c130
  335. < Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value);
  336. ---
  337. > Value := UpperCase(Value, TLocaleOptions.loInvariantLocale);
  338. 138c138
  339. < Value := Value.ToUpper
  340. ---
  341. > Value := Value.ToUpperInvariant
  342. 148c148
  343. < Value := Value.ToUpper;
  344. ---
  345. > Value := Value.ToUpperInvariant;
  346. 157c157
  347. < Value := Value.ToUpper
  348. ---
  349. > Value := Value.ToUpperInvariant
  350. 167c167
  351. < Value := Value.ToUpper;
  352. ---
  353. > Value := Value.ToUpperInvariant;
  354. 175c175
  355. < Value := Value.Trim.ToUpper
  356. ---
  357. > Value := Value.Trim.ToUpperInvariant
  358. 198c198
  359. < if Result.ToLower.Contains(SWhere) then
  360. ---
  361. > if Result.ToLowerInvariant.Contains(SWhere) then
  362. 378c378
  363. < idx1 := DatabaseName.ToLower.IndexOf('?ssl=true'); {do not localize}
  364. ---
  365. > idx1 := DatabaseName.ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf('?ssl=true'); {do not localize}
  366. 423c423
  367. < idx1 := SSLSection.ToLower.IndexOf(SPF);
  368. ---
  369. > idx1 := SSLSection.ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(SPF);
  370. 427c427
  371. < idx1 := SSLSection.ToLower.IndexOf(SPP);
  372. ---
  373. > idx1 := SSLSection.ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(SPP);
  374. 431c431
  375. < idx1 := SSLSection.ToLower.IndexOf(CCF);
  376. ---
  377. > idx1 := SSLSection.ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(CCF);
  378. 435c435
  379. < idx1 := SSLSection.ToLower.IndexOf(CPPF);
  380. ---
  381. > idx1 := SSLSection.ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(CPPF);
  382. 439c439
  383. < idx1 := SSLSection.ToLower.IndexOf(CPP);
  384. ---
  385. > idx1 := SSLSection.ToLowerInvariant.IndexOf(CPP);
  386. Only in IBX: __history
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