

Apr 23rd, 2019
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  1. -----SETTINGS--------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --Supples--
  3. local ManaID = 237 --- Which mana potions are you using?
  4. local MinMana = 10 --- How many mana potions until you leave the hunt.
  5. local MaxMana = 20 --- How many mana potions you begin the hunt with.
  6. local ManaPrice = 80 --- What is the price of your selected mana potions?
  8. local HealthID = 23374 --- Which health potions are you using?
  9. local MinHealth = 300 --- How many health potions until you leave the hunt.
  10. local MaxHealth = 1200 --- How many health potions you begin the hunt with.
  11. local HealthPrice = 190 --- What is the price of your selected mana potions?
  13. local ArrowID = 7368 ---- Normal Spear ID is 3277 . Royal Spear ID is 7378
  14. local ArrowPrice = 100 ---- Normal Spear is 9gp, Royal Spear is 15gp (Note: If you use Royal Spears, change the spear ID in support > equipment manager and change spears in looter to floor, or not to loot at all).
  15. local MaxArrow = 300 ---- Spear amount to refill too.
  16. local MinArrow = 100 ---- Minimum Spears to exit the cave
  18. local SoftBoots = true --- Do you want to use softboots? 'true' or 'false'
  20. --CAP--
  21. local MinCap = 0 --- Leaves spawn when character reaches this cap.
  23. --BP SETUP--
  24. local MainBp = "backpack of holding" ----- Main Backpack
  25. local GoldBp = "golden backpack" ---- Backpack to put gold in
  26. local LootBp = "deepling backpack" ---- Potion Bp
  27. local AmmoBp = "zaoan chess box" ---- Potion Bp
  29. -----END OF SETTINGS-------------------------------------------------------
  30. -----DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO--------------------
  32. registerEventListener(WALKER_SELECTLABEL, "onWalkerSelectLabel")
  33. local info = [[
  34. --------------------
  35. --------------------
  36. ---------RP---------
  38. ]]
  39. print([[
  41. --------------------
  42. ---------RP---------
  43. --------------------]])
  44. wait(30000)
  46. --FUNCTIONS--
  47. function SellItems(item) -- item = item ID
  48. wait(300, 1700)
  49. Self.ShopSellItem(item, Self.ShopGetItemSaleCount(item))
  50. wait(900, 1200)
  51. end
  53. function NpcConv(...)
  54. for _, str in ipairs(arg) do
  55. wait((tostring(str):len() / 125) * 60000 * math.random(1.1, 1.8))
  56. Self.SayToNpc(str)
  57. end
  58. end
  60. function buyitems(item, count)
  61. count = tonumber(count) or 1
  62. repeat
  63. local amnt = math.min(count, 100)
  64. if(Self.ShopBuyItem(item, amnt) == 0)then
  65. return printf("ERROR: failed to buy item: %s", tostring(item))
  66. end
  67. wait(200,500)
  68. count = (count - amnt)
  69. until count <= 0
  70. end
  72. Self.ReachDepot = function (tries)
  73. local tries = tries or 3
  74. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  75. local DepotIDs = {3497, 3498, 3499, 3500}
  76. local DepotPos = {}
  77. for i = 1, #DepotIDs do
  78. local dps = Map.GetUseItems(DepotIDs[i])
  79. for j = 1, #dps do
  80. table.insert(DepotPos, dps[j])
  81. end
  82. end
  83. local function gotoDepot()
  84. local pos = Self.Position()
  85. print("Depots found: " .. tostring(#DepotPos))
  86. for i = 1, #DepotPos do
  87. location = DepotPos[i]
  88. Self.UseItemFromGround(location.x, location.y, location.z)
  89. wait(1000, 2000)
  90. if Self.DistanceFromPosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) >= 1 then
  91. wait(5000, 6000)
  92. if Self.DistanceFromPosition(location.x, location.y, location.z) == 1 then
  93. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  94. return true
  95. end
  96. else
  97. print("Ktos blokuje dostep do depo. Probuje dojsc do innej skrzynki.")
  98. end
  99. end
  100. return false
  101. end
  103. repeat
  104. reachedDP = gotoDepot()
  105. if reachedDP then
  106. return true
  107. end
  108. tries = tries - 1
  109. sleep(100)
  110. print("Nie moge z depozytowac itemkow. " .. tries .. " probuje jeszcze raz.")
  111. until tries <= 0
  113. return false
  114. end
  116. Map.GetUseItems = function (id)
  117. if type(id) == "string" then
  118. id = Item.GetID(id)
  119. end
  120. local pos = Self.Position()
  121. local store = {}
  122. for x = -7, 7 do
  123. for y = -5, 5 do
  124. if Map.GetTopUseItem(pos.x + x, pos.y + y, pos.z).id == id then
  125. itemPos = {x = pos.x + x, y = pos.y + y, z = pos.z}
  126. table.insert(store, itemPos)
  127. end
  128. end
  129. end
  130. return store
  131. end
  133. Self.ReachNpc = function(name, tries)
  134. local npc = Creature.GetByName(name)
  135. if (npc:DistanceFromSelf() > 3) then
  136. tries = tries or 15
  137. repeat
  138. local nposi = npc:Position()
  139. Self.UseItemFromGround(nposi.x, nposi.y, nposi.z)
  140. wait(1500)
  141. tries = tries - 1
  142. until (npc:DistanceFromSelf() <= 3) or (tries == 0)
  143. end
  144. end
  146. function Self.ShopSellItemsDownTo(item, count)
  147. wait(300, 1700)
  148. Self.ShopSellItem(item, Self.ShopGetItemSaleCount(item))
  149. wait(900, 1200)
  150. end
  152. setTargetingEnabled(true)
  153. setLooterEnabled(true)
  155. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  156. function onWalkerSelectLabel(labelName)
  157. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. if (labelName == "Backpacks") then
  159. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  160. Self.CloseContainers()
  161. Self.OpenMainBackpack(true):OpenChildren({GoldBp, true},{LootBp, true},{AmmoBp, true})
  162. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  163. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. elseif (labelName == "HuntHardcore") then
  165. print("Hunt Hardcore TRUE/FALSE") Walker.ConditionalGoto((HuntHardcore) and (Self.ItemCount(237) > MinMana) and (Self.ItemCount(7642) > MinHealth), "HuntHardcore", "NoHardcore")
  166. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. elseif (labelName == "StaminaCheck") then
  168. Walker.Stop()
  169. if (Self.Stamina() < 850) then
  170. print("Low Stamina Go Offline Training")
  171. Walker.Goto("CheckOffline")
  172. else
  173. print("Go To Hunt")
  174. Walker.Goto("PotionCheck")
  175. end
  176. Walker.Start()
  177. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. elseif (labelName == "CheckSoft") then
  180. Walker.Stop()
  181. if ((SoftBoots == true) and (Self.ItemCount(6530) > 1)) then
  182. print([[Worn Soft boots =2 1, lets go refill..]])
  183. Walker.Goto("RefillSoft")
  184. else
  185. print([[Skip softs.]])
  186. Walker.Goto("DoneSoft")
  187. end
  188. wait(1500,2000)
  189. Walker.Start()
  191. elseif (labelName == "SoftBank") then
  192. Walker.Stop()
  193. wait(1500,2000)
  194. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  195. wait(1500,2000)
  196. Self.SayToNpc("withdraw 22000")
  197. wait(1500,2000)
  198. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  199. wait(1500,2000)
  200. Walker.Start()
  203. elseif (labelName == "ToThais") then
  204. Walker.Stop()
  205. Creature.Follow("Captain Gulliver")
  206. wait(1500,2000)
  207. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  208. wait(1500,2000)
  209. Self.SayToNpc("thais")
  210. wait(1500,2000)
  211. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  212. wait(1500,2000)
  213. Walker.Start()
  215. elseif (labelName == "ToVenore") then
  216. Walker.Stop()
  217. Creature.Follow("Captain Bluebear")
  218. wait(1500,2000)
  219. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  220. wait(1500,2000)
  221. Self.SayToNpc("venore")
  222. wait(1500,2000)
  223. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  224. wait(1500,2000)
  225. Walker.Start()
  227. elseif (labelName == "SoftBoots") then
  228. Walker.Stop()
  229. wait(1500,2000)
  230. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  231. wait(1500,2000)
  232. Self.SayToNpc("Soft Boots")
  233. wait(1500,2000)
  234. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  235. Self.SayToNpc("Soft Boots")
  236. wait(1500,2000)
  237. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  238. wait(1500,2000)
  239. Walker.Start()
  241. elseif (labelName == "BackToThais") then
  242. Walker.Stop()
  243. Creature.Follow("Captain Fearless")
  244. wait(1500,2000)
  245. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  246. wait(1500,2000)
  247. Self.SayToNpc("thais")
  248. wait(1500,2000)
  249. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  250. wait(1500,2000)
  251. Walker.Start()
  253. elseif (labelName == "BackToOramond") then
  254. Walker.Stop()
  255. Creature.Follow("Captain Bluebear")
  256. wait(1500,2000)
  257. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  258. wait(1500,2000)
  259. Self.SayToNpc("oramond")
  260. wait(1500,2000)
  261. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  262. wait(1500,2000)
  263. Walker.Start()
  265. elseif (labelName == "Quest") then
  266. Walker.Stop()
  267. Creature.Follow("Terrence")
  268. wait(1500,2000)
  269. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  270. wait(1500,2000)
  271. Self.SayToNpc("Taking the Rot Out")
  272. wait(1500,2000)
  273. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  274. wait(1500,2000)
  275. Walker.Start()
  277. elseif (labelName == "TalkQuest") then
  278. Walker.Stop()
  279. Creature.Follow("Terrence")
  280. wait(1500,2000)
  281. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  282. wait(1500,2000)
  283. Self.SayToNpc("Taking the Rot Out")
  284. wait(1500,2000)
  285. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  286. wait(1500,2000)
  287. Walker.Start()
  289. elseif (labelName == "RootQuest") then
  290. Walker.Stop()
  291. Creature.Follow("Chavis")
  292. wait(1500,2000)
  293. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  294. wait(1500,2000)
  295. Self.SayToNpc("food")
  296. wait(1500,2000)
  297. Self.SayToNpc("root")
  298. wait(1500,2000)
  299. Walker.Start()
  301. elseif (labelName == "Scores") then
  302. Walker.Stop()
  303. Creature.Follow("Doubleday")
  304. wait(1500,2000)
  305. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  306. wait(1500,2000)
  307. Self.SayToNpc("scores")
  308. wait(1500,2000)
  309. Self.SayToNpc("Yes")
  310. wait(1500,2000)
  311. Walker.Start()
  313. elseif (labelName == "ToPortHope") then
  314. Walker.Stop()
  315. wait(1500,2000)
  316. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  317. wait(1500,2000)
  318. Self.SayToNpc("Port Hope")
  319. wait(1500,2000)
  320. Self.SayToNpc("Yes")
  321. wait(1500,2000)
  322. Walker.Start()
  324. elseif (labelName == "PHtoVenore") then
  325. Walker.Stop()
  326. wait(1500,2000)
  327. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  328. wait(1500,2000)
  329. Self.SayToNpc("venore")
  330. wait(1500,2000)
  331. Self.SayToNpc("Yes")
  332. wait(1500,2000)
  333. Walker.Start()
  335. elseif (labelName == "GryzzlyAdams") then
  336. Walker.Stop()
  337. wait(1500,2000)
  338. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  339. wait(1500,2000)
  340. Self.SayToNpc("tasks")
  341. wait(1500,2000)
  342. Self.SayToNpc("Yes")
  343. wait(1500,2000)
  344. Walker.Start()
  346. elseif (labelName == "HydraTask") then
  347. Walker.Stop()
  348. wait(1500,2000)
  349. Self.SayToNpc("bye")
  350. wait(1500,2000)
  351. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  352. wait(1500,2000)
  353. Self.SayToNpc("tasks")
  354. wait(1500,2000)
  355. Self.SayToNpc("hydras")
  356. wait(1500,2000)
  357. Self.SayToNpc("yes")
  358. wait(1500,2000)
  359. Walker.Start()
  361. elseif (labelName == "ToWest") then
  362. Walker.Stop()
  363. wait(1500,2000)
  364. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  365. wait(1500,2000)
  366. Self.SayToNpc("west")
  367. wait(1500,2000)
  368. Self.SayToNpc("Yes")
  369. wait(1500,2000)
  370. Walker.Start()
  372. elseif (labelName == "ToEWast") then
  373. Walker.Stop()
  374. wait(1500,2000)
  375. Self.SayToNpc("hi")
  376. wait(1500,2000)
  377. Self.SayToNpc("east")
  378. wait(1500,2000)
  379. Self.SayToNpc("Yes")
  380. wait(1500,2000)
  381. Walker.Start()
  383. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  384. elseif (labelName == "Bank") then
  385. local withdrawManas = (MaxMana-Self.ItemCount(ManaID))*ManaPrice
  386. local withdrawHealths = (MaxHealth-Self.ItemCount(HealthID))*HealthPrice
  387. local withdrawArrows = (MaxArrow-Self.ItemCount(ArrowID))*ArrowPrice
  388. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  389. Self.SayToNpc({"hi", "deposit all", "yes"}, 65)
  390. if (withdrawHealths > 0) then
  391. Self.SayToNpc({"withdraw " .. withdrawHealths, "yes"}, 65)
  392. end
  393. if (withdrawManas > 0) then
  394. Self.SayToNpc({"withdraw " .. withdrawManas, "yes"}, 65)
  395. end
  396. if (withdrawArrows > 0) then
  397. Self.SayToNpc({"withdraw " .. withdrawArrows, "yes",}, 65)
  398. end
  399. Self.SayToNpc({"hi", "withdraw 1000", "yes"}, 65)
  400. wait(1500,2000)
  401. Self.SayToNpc({"balance"}, 65)
  402. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  403. sleep(math.random(600, 1100))
  404. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. elseif (labelName == "PotionCheck") then
  406. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  407. if (Self.ItemCount(ManaID) < MaxMana) or (Self.ItemCount(HealthID) < MaxHealth) or (Self.ItemCount(ArrowID) < MaxArrow) then
  408. print("Failed buying pots - Trying again")
  409. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  410. gotoLabel("Oramond Demons")
  411. else
  412. print("GoToHunt")
  413. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  414. gotoLabel("GoToHunt")
  415. end
  417. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. elseif (labelName == "PotionBuy") then
  419. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  420. print("## Kupuje Potiony ##.")
  421. if (Self.ItemCount(ManaID) < MaxMana or Self.ItemCount(HealthID) < MaxHealth) then
  422. Self.SayToNpc({"hi", "flasks", "yes", "yes", "trade"}, 65)
  423. sleep(math.random(600, 1100))
  424. if (Self.ItemCount(ManaID) < MaxMana) then
  425. Self.ShopBuyItem(ManaID, (MaxMana - Self.ItemCount(ManaID)))
  426. sleep(math.random(600, 1100))
  427. end
  428. if (Self.ItemCount(HealthID) < MaxHealth) then
  429. Self.ShopBuyItem(HealthID, (MaxHealth - Self.ItemCount(HealthID)))
  430. sleep(math.random(600, 1100))
  431. end
  432. sleep(math.random(600, 1100))
  433. end
  434. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  435. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  436. elseif (labelName == "DepositItems") then
  437. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  438. Self.ReachDepot()
  439. Self.DepositItems(
  440. {5906, 0}, -- spider silk
  441. {9660, 0}, -- spider silk
  442. {3030, 0}, -- spider silk
  443. {238, 4}, -- spider silk
  444. {7643, 0}, -- iron ore
  445. {3034, 0}, -- spider silk
  446. {5880, 0}, -- iron ore
  447. {3032, 0}, -- small emerald
  448. {3033, 0}, -- strand of medusa hair
  449. {9057, 0}, -- snake skin
  450. {10304, 0}, -- winged tail
  451. {9057, 0}, -- snake skin
  452. {5944, 0}, -- winged tail
  453. {9694, 0}, -- snake skin
  454. {5944, 0}, -- winged tail
  455. {3033, 0}, -- snake skin
  456. {3033, 0}, -- winged tail
  457. {5954, 0}, -- winged tail
  458. {6499, 0}, -- winged tail
  459. {21168, 1}, -- winged tail
  460. {3063, 1}, -- mercenary sword
  461. {823, 1}, -- terra legs
  462. {3320, 1}, -- terra mantle
  463. {3381, 1}, -- crown armor
  464. {3436, 1}, -- medusa shield
  465. {21177, 1}, -- medusa shield
  466. {10282, 0}, -- hydra head
  467. {9667, 0}, -- hydra head
  468. {9632, 0}, -- ancient stone
  469. {3369, 1}, -- ancient stone
  470. {8063, 1}, -- ancient stone
  471. {3354, 1}, -- ancient stone
  472. {3428, 1}, -- ancient stone
  473. {7393, 1}, -- ancient stone
  474. {3048, 1}, -- ancient stone
  475. {8896, 2}, -- ancient stone
  476. {9302, 1}, -- sackred tree amulet
  477. {3033, 0}, -- stone skin amulet
  478. {5906, 0}, -- spider silk
  479. {9660, 0}, -- spider silk
  480. {3030, 0}, -- spider silk
  481. {238, 4}, -- spider silk
  482. {3034, 0}, -- spider silk
  483. {5880, 0}, -- iron ore
  484. {3032, 0}, -- small emerald
  485. {3033, 0}, -- strand of medusa hair
  486. {9057, 0}, -- snake skin
  487. {10304, 0}, -- winged tail
  488. {9057, 0}, -- snake skin
  489. {5944, 0}, -- winged tail
  490. {9694, 0}, -- snake skin
  491. {5944, 0}, -- winged tail
  492. {3033, 0}, -- snake skin
  493. {3033, 0}, -- winged tail
  494. {5954, 0}, -- winged tail
  495. {9058, 0}, -- winged tail
  496. {6499, 0}, -- winged tail
  497. {9058, 0}, -- winged tail
  498. {6553, 0}, -- winged tai
  499. {21168, 1}, -- winged tail
  500. {3063, 1}, -- mercenary sword
  501. {7407, 1}, -- winged tail
  502. {823, 1}, -- terra legs
  503. {3320, 1}, -- terra mantle
  504. {3381, 1}, -- crown armor
  505. {3436, 1}, -- medusa shield
  506. {21177, 1}, -- medusa shield
  507. {10282, 0}, -- hydra head
  508. {9667, 0}, -- hydra head
  509. {9058, 0}, -- hydra head
  510. {9632, 0}, -- a
  511. {3369, 1}, -- ancient stone
  512. {8063, 1}, -- ancient stone
  513. {3354, 1}, -- ancient stone
  514. {3428, 1}, -- ancient stone
  515. {7393, 1}, -- ancient stone
  516. {3048, 1}, -- ancient stone
  517. {8896, 2}, -- b
  518. {3360, 1}, -- ancient stone
  519. {7386, 1}, -- ancient stone
  520. {10438, 1}, -- ancient stone
  521. {7388, 1}, -- ancient stone
  522. {8057, 1}, -- ancient stone
  523. {7430, 1}, -- ancient stone
  524. {10438, 1}, -- ancient stone
  525. {7388, 1}, -- ancient stone
  526. {3554, 1}, -- ancient stone
  527. {8896, 2}, -- b
  528. {9302, 1}, -- sackred tree amulet
  529. {3033, 0}, -- stone skin amulet
  530. {3029, 0}, -- zaoan sword
  531. {10313, 0}, -- zaoan sword
  532. {3281, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  533. {3041, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  534. {7382, 1}, -- stone skin amulet
  535. {5884, 0}, -- stone skin amulet
  536. {10282, 0}, -- stone skin amulet
  537. {3428, 1}, -- zaoan sword
  538. {3061, 0}, -- guardian halberd
  539. {7414, 1}, -- royal helmet
  540. {238, 2}, -- royal helmet
  541. {239, 2}, -- royal helmet
  542. {3039, 1}, -- royal helmet
  543. {3370, 1}, -- royal helmet
  544. {3364, 1}, -- royal helmet
  545. {8061, 1}, -- royal helmet
  546. {3081, 1}, -- stone skin amulet
  547. {3342, 1}, -- zaoan sword
  548. {7402, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  549. {3366, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  550. {7413, 1}, -- royal helmet
  551. {3392, 1}, -- royal helmet
  552. {7301, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  553. {5741, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  554. {7416, 1}, -- royal helmet
  555. {3392, 1}, -- royal helmet
  556. {8082, 1}, -- royal helmet
  557. {3364, 1}, -- royal helmet
  558. {7412, 1}, -- royal helmet
  559. {5801, 1}, -- royal helmet
  560. {3354, 1}, -- royal helmet
  561. {8074, 1}, -- spellbook of mind control
  562. {3414, 1}, -- dragon slayer
  563. {3420, 1}, -- boots of haste
  564. {3065, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  565. {3371, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  566. {3364, 1}, -- royal helmet
  567. {7452, 1}, -- royal helmet
  568. {9058, 0}, -- royal helmet
  569. {3392, 1}, -- royal helmet
  570. {3369, 1}, -- royal helmet
  571. {8082, 1}, -- royal helmet
  572. {8061, 1}, -- royal helmet
  573. {10304, 0}, -- royal helmet
  574. {7456, 1}, -- royal helmet
  575. {8898, 1}, -- royal helmet
  576. {7419, 1}, -- royal helmet
  577. {7421, 1}, -- royal helmet
  578. {3028, 0}, -- royal helmet
  579. {3281, 1}, -- royal helmet
  580. {7427, 1}, -- royal helmet
  581. {3033, 1}, -- royal helmet
  582. {3071, 1}, -- royal helmet
  583. {3354, 1}, -- royal helmet
  584. {8074, 1}, -- spellbook of mind control
  585. {3414, 1}, -- dragon slayer
  586. {3420, 1}, -- boots of haste
  587. {7382, 1}, -- boots of haste
  588. {10316, 0}, -- boots of haste
  589. {3029, 0}, -- zaoan sword
  590. {10313, 0}, -- zaoan sword
  591. {3281, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  592. {7382, 1}, -- stone skin amulet
  593. {5884, 0}, -- stone skin amulet
  594. {10282, 0}, -- stone skin amulet
  595. {3428, 1}, -- zaoan sword
  596. {3061, 0}, -- guardian halberd
  597. {7414, 1}, -- royal helmet
  598. {238, 2}, -- royal helmet
  599. {239, 2}, -- royal helmet
  600. {3039, 1}, -- royal helmet
  601. {3370, 1}, -- royal helmet
  602. {3364, 1}, -- royal helmet
  603. {8061, 1}, -- royal helmet
  604. {3081, 1}, -- stone skin amulet
  605. {10390, 1}, -- zaoan sword
  606. {3315, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  607. {3366, 1}, -- guardian halberd
  608. {7413, 1}, -- royal helmet
  609. {3392, 1}, -- royal helmet
  610. {8082, 1}, -- royal helmet
  611. {3364, 1}, -- royal helmet
  612. {7412, 1}, -- royal helmet
  613. {5801, 1}, -- royal helmet
  614. {3354, 1}, -- royal helmet
  615. {8074, 1}, -- spellbook of mind control
  616. {3414, 1}, -- dragon slayer
  617. {3420, 1}, -- boots of haste
  618. {7382, 1}, -- boots of haste
  619. {7368, 3}, -- boots of haste
  620. {7418, 1} -- noble axe
  621. )
  622. sleep(math.random(600, 1100))
  623. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  624. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  625. elseif (labelName == "Check") then
  626. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  627. if (Self.Cap() > MinCap and Self.ItemCount(HealthID) > MinHealth) and (Self.ItemCount(ArrowID) > MinArrow) and (Self.Stamina() > 960) then
  628. print("Hunt Again..:")
  629. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  630. gotoLabel("Hunt")
  631. else
  632. gotoLabel("Refill")
  633. print("Go to refill")
  634. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  635. end
  636. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  637. elseif (labelName == "TargetingOff") then
  638. setTargetingEnabled(false)
  639. print("&Targeting Wylaczony !&")
  640. wait(900, 1200)
  642. elseif (labelName == "Looteroff") then
  643. setLooterEnabled(false)
  644. print("&Looter OFF!&")
  645. wait(900, 1200)
  647. elseif (labelName == "LooterOn") then
  648. setLooterEnabled(true)
  649. print("&Looter ON !&")
  650. wait(900, 1200)
  651. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  652. elseif (labelName == "CheckSoftHunt") then
  653. Walker.Stop()
  654. if ((SoftBoots == true) and (Self.ItemCount(6530) > 0)) then
  655. print([[Exit cave for repair softs]])
  656. Walker.Goto("Refill")
  657. else
  658. print([[Softs good]])
  659. Walker.Goto("Check")
  660. end
  661. wait(1500,2000)
  662. Walker.Start()
  663. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  664. elseif (labelName == "TargetingOn") then
  665. setTargetingEnabled(true)
  666. print("&Targeting Wlaczony !&")
  667. wait(900, 1200)
  669. elseif (labelName == "LooterOff") then
  670. setLooterEnabled(false)
  671. print("Looter Off")
  672. wait(900, 1200)
  673. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  674. elseif (labelName == "LooterOn") then
  675. setLooterEnabled(true)
  676. print("Looter On")
  677. wait(900, 1200)
  678. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  679. elseif (labelName == "BoltBuy") then
  680. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  681. wait(900, 1200)
  682. Self.SayToNpc({"Hi", "Trade"}, 65)
  683. wait(900, 1200)
  684. Self.ShopBuyItem(ArrowID, (MaxArrow - Self.ItemCount(ArrowID)))
  685. wait(900, 1200)
  686. Self.ShopBuyItem(ArrowID, (MaxArrow - Self.ItemCount(ArrowID)))
  687. wait(900, 1200)
  688. Self.ShopBuyItem(ArrowID, (MaxArrow - Self.ItemCount(ArrowID)))
  689. wait(900, 1200)
  690. Self.ShopBuyItem(ArrowID, (MaxArrow - Self.ItemCount(ArrowID)))
  691. wait(900, 1200)
  692. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  693. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  694. elseif (labelName == "Check1") then
  695. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  696. if (Self.Cap() > MinCap and Self.ItemCount(HealthID) > MinHealth) and (Self.ItemCount(ArrowID) > MinArrow) and (Self.Stamina() > 960) then
  697. print("**Expienie Wznowione !**")
  698. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  699. else
  700. gotoLabel("Refill")
  701. print("**Wracam Do Miasta !**")
  702. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  703. end
  704. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  705. elseif (labelName == "Check2") then
  706. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  707. if (Self.Cap() > MinCap and Self.ItemCount(HealthID) > MinHealth) and (Self.ItemCount(ArrowID) > MinArrow) and (Self.Stamina() > 960) then
  708. print("**Expienie Wznowione !**")
  709. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  710. else
  711. gotoLabel("ToCheck1")
  712. print("**Sprawdzam Supple !**")
  713. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  714. end
  715. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  716. elseif (labelName == "Check3") then
  717. setWalkerEnabled(false)
  718. if (Self.Cap() > MinCap and Self.ItemCount(HealthID) > MinHealth) and (Self.ItemCount(ArrowID) > MinArrow) and (Self.Stamina() > 960) then
  719. print("**Expienie Wznowione !**")
  720. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  721. else
  722. gotoLabel("ToCheck3")
  723. print("**Sprawdzam Supple !**")
  724. setWalkerEnabled(true)
  725. end
  726. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  727. elseif (labelName == "StaminaCheck") then
  728. Walker.Stop()
  729. if (Self.Stamina() < 960) then
  730. os.exit()
  731. else
  732. Walker.Goto("CheckSoft")
  733. end
  734. Walker.Start()
  735. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  736. elseif (labelName == "SellGlooth") then
  737. Walker.Stop()
  738. Self.SayToNpc({"Hi", "Trade"}, 65)
  739. wait(100, 150)
  740. SellItems(21171)
  741. wait(100, 120)
  742. SellItems(21167)
  743. wait(100, 120)
  744. SellItems(21179)
  745. wait(100, 120)
  746. SellItems(21178)
  747. wait(100, 120)
  748. SellItems(21170)
  749. wait(100, 120)
  750. SellItems(21168)
  751. wait(100, 120)
  752. SellItems(21168)
  753. wait(100, 120)
  754. SellItems(21169)
  755. wait(100, 120)
  756. SellItems(21165)
  757. wait(100, 120)
  758. SellItems(21164)
  759. wait(100, 120)
  760. SellItems(21180)
  761. wait(100, 120)
  762. SellItems(21183 )
  763. wait(100, 120)
  764. Walker.Start()
  766. elseif (labelName == "SellRares") then
  767. Walker.Stop()
  768. Self.SayToNpc({"Hi", "Trade"}, 65)
  769. wait(100, 150)
  770. SellItems(21196)
  771. wait(100, 120)
  772. SellItems(21103)
  773. wait(100, 120)
  774. SellItems(21193)
  775. wait(100, 120)
  776. SellItems(21182)
  777. wait(100, 120)
  778. Walker.Start()
  779. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. end
  781. end
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