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Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: matchre("Necromancer", "Thief|Ranger|Necromancer") && (92 > 39) && (0)
  2. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  3. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: !matchre("Necromancer", "Thief|Ranger|Necromancer") || (92 < 39) || (!0)
  4. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  5. ubercombat.cmd(11050): setvariable firetype poach
  6. [ubercombat]: poach
  7. ubercombat.cmd(11053): matchwait
  9. You slip quietly from your hiding place, convinced that you successfully poached your target.
  10. Your attempt is slightly hindered by your triangular sipar.
  11. < Moving as a single sinuous force, you poach a barbed arrow at a bristle-backed peccary. A bristle-backed peccary fails to evade, only partially avoiding the impact.
  12. The arrow lands a heavy strike that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.
  14. ubercombat.cmd(322): action triggered: .* lodges itself
  15. ubercombat.cmd(322): action commands: var ammolodged 1
  16. ubercombat.cmd(322): setvariable ammolodged 1
  17. The barbed arrow lodges itself savagely into the bristle-backed peccary!
  18. A bristle-backed peccary flops in a porky heap, squealing one last time before passing into oblivion.
  19. ubercombat.cmd(330): action triggered: ^\[You're .*balanced?\]
  20. ubercombat.cmd(330): action commands: var newdead 1
  21. ubercombat.cmd(330): setvariable newdead 1
  22. ubercombat.cmd(304): action triggered: adeptly balanced
  23. ubercombat.cmd(304): action commands: put #var balance 2
  24. [You're adeptly balanced]
  25. [Roundtime 1 sec.]
  27. R>
  28. Learned: Bow, Missile Mastery
  30. ubercombat.cmd: match goto return
  31. ubercombat.cmd(22328): passing label: RETURN
  32. ubercombat.cmd(22329): delay 0.0001
  33. ubercombat.cmd(22330): return
  34. ubercombat.cmd(2762): math: ATTACKNUMBER add 1
  35. ubercombat.cmd(2762): math result: ATTACKNUMBER=4
  36. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (4 > 2)
  37. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  38. ubercombat.cmd(2763): goto RANGEDTRAINXP
  39. ubercombat.cmd(2766): delay 0.0005
  40. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: matchre(tolower("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary."), "((?:which|that) appears dead|\(dead\))")
  41. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  42. ubercombat.cmd(2768): gosub CHECKDEAD
  43. ubercombat.cmd(3817): delay 0.0005
  44. ubercombat.cmd(3819): setvariable newdead 1
  45. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (0) && ("Empty" != "Empty")
  46. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  47. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: !matchre(tolower("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary."), "(adult wyvern|angiswaerd hatchling|antelope|adder skeleton|arbelog|armadillo|armored warklin|arzumos|asaren celpeze|badger|barghest|basilisk|\bbear\b|beisswurm|\bbison\b|black ape|blight ogre|blood warrior|bloodfish|bone wyvern|\bboa\b|\bboar\b|bobcat|boobrie|brocket deer|burrower|caiman|caracal|carcal|cave troll|cinder beast|cougar|\bcrab\b|crayfish|belly crocodile|\bdeer\b|dobek moruryn|eidolon steed|faenrae stalker|firecat|\bfrog\b|gargoyle|goblin|grass eel|\bgrub\b|gryphon|\bhawk\b|ice adder|isundjen conjurer|jackal|juvenile wyvern|kartais|kobold|la'heke|larva|la'tami|leucro|\blizard\b|marbled angiswaerd|merrows|\bmoda\b|\bmoth\b|mottled westanuryn|musk hog|\bpard\b|peccary|pivuh|poloh'izh|pothanit|prereni|\bram\b|retan dolomar|rock troll|scaly seordmaor|scavenger troll|(?<![kk]ashika|[pp]iruati) serpent|endrus serpent|shadow beast|shadow mage|shalswar|shark|ship's rat|silverfish|sinuous elsralael|skunk|s'lai scout|sleek hele'la|sluagh|snowbeast|snow hawk|\bsow\b|spider|spirit dancer|steed|storm bull|suw bizar|murky puddle|trollkin|umbral moth|\bunyn\b|viper|vulture|vykathi harvester|vykathi soldier|warcat|\bwasp\b|\bwolf\b|\bworm\b|warklin mauler|xala'shar conjurer|young wyvern|snow goblin|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|bone amalgam|bone warrior|elpalzi (bowyer|deadeye|dissident|fomenter|hunter|incendiary|instigator|malcontent|malcontent|partisan|rebel|sharpshooter|toxophilite)|flea-ridden beast|putrefying shambler|revivified mutt|shambling horror|skeletal peon|transmogrified oaf|ashu hhinvi|atik'et|banshee|bloodvine|bucca|cabalist|charred husk|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|\bcrag\b|creeper|cutthroat|black slime|dragon fanatic|dragon priest|dragon priest assassin|dragon priest intercessor|dryad|dummy|dusk ogre|dyrachis|eviscerator|faenrae assassin|fendryad|fire maiden|folsi immola|footpad|frostweaver|gam chaga|forest geni|gidii|goblin shaman|graverobber|guardian|gypsy marauder|\bimp\b|juggernaut|kelpie|kra'hei|kra'hei hatchling|lipopod|lun'shele hunter|madman|malchata|mountain giant|nipoh oshu|\bnyad\b|orc bandit|orc clan chief|orc raider|orc reiver|orc scout|pile of rubble|pirate|river sprite|ruffian|scout ogre|screamer|sentinel|shadow master|shadoweaver|sky giant|sleazy lout|sprite|swain|swamp troll|telga moradu|\bthug\b|trekhalo|tress|umbramagii|velver|\bvine\b|vykathi builder|vykathi excavator|wood troll|young ogre|zealot|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|revivified mutt|shylvic|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|skeleton kobold headhunter|skeleton kobold savage|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wind hound|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|lachmate|ice archon|(alabaster|andesite|breccia|dolomite|marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|pile of broken ice|nyad|moneygrubber|skinflint|tightwad|pinchfist|voidspawn|xala'shar magus|xala'shar thrall|xala'shar vanquisher|xala'shar archer|xala'shar archimage|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar overseer|xala'shar shredder|clan-chief|teardrinker|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|nimbus|some/* fine ash|dryad priestess|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|asketian harbinger|asketian herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \s+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|asketian harbinger|asketian herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \s+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad) ((?:which|that) appears dead|\(dead\))")
  48. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  49. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: matchre(tolower("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary."), "(adult wyvern|angiswaerd hatchling|antelope|adder skeleton|arbelog|armadillo|armored warklin|arzumos|asaren celpeze|badger|barghest|basilisk|\bbear\b|beisswurm|\bbison\b|black ape|blight ogre|blood warrior|bloodfish|bone wyvern|\bboa\b|\bboar\b|bobcat|boobrie|brocket deer|burrower|caiman|caracal|carcal|cave troll|cinder beast|cougar|\bcrab\b|crayfish|belly crocodile|\bdeer\b|dobek moruryn|eidolon steed|faenrae stalker|firecat|\bfrog\b|gargoyle|goblin|grass eel|\bgrub\b|gryphon|\bhawk\b|ice adder|isundjen conjurer|jackal|juvenile wyvern|kartais|kobold|la'heke|larva|la'tami|leucro|\blizard\b|marbled angiswaerd|merrows|\bmoda\b|\bmoth\b|mottled westanuryn|musk hog|\bpard\b|peccary|pivuh|poloh'izh|pothanit|prereni|\bram\b|retan dolomar|rock troll|scaly seordmaor|scavenger troll|(?<![kk]ashika|[pp]iruati) serpent|endrus serpent|shadow beast|shadow mage|shalswar|shark|ship's rat|silverfish|sinuous elsralael|skunk|s'lai scout|sleek hele'la|sluagh|snowbeast|snow hawk|\bsow\b|spider|spirit dancer|steed|storm bull|suw bizar|murky puddle|trollkin|umbral moth|\bunyn\b|viper|vulture|vykathi harvester|vykathi soldier|warcat|\bwasp\b|\bwolf\b|\bworm\b|warklin mauler|xala'shar conjurer|young wyvern|snow goblin|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|bone amalgam|bone warrior|elpalzi (bowyer|deadeye|dissident|fomenter|hunter|incendiary|instigator|malcontent|malcontent|partisan|rebel|sharpshooter|toxophilite)|flea-ridden beast|putrefying shambler|revivified mutt|shambling horror|skeletal peon|transmogrified oaf|ashu hhinvi|atik'et|banshee|bloodvine|bucca|cabalist|charred husk|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|\bcrag\b|creeper|cutthroat|black slime|dragon fanatic|dragon priest|dragon priest assassin|dragon priest intercessor|dryad|dummy|dusk ogre|dyrachis|eviscerator|faenrae assassin|fendryad|fire maiden|folsi immola|footpad|frostweaver|gam chaga|forest geni|gidii|goblin shaman|graverobber|guardian|gypsy marauder|\bimp\b|juggernaut|kelpie|kra'hei|kra'hei hatchling|lipopod|lun'shele hunter|madman|malchata|mountain giant|nipoh oshu|\bnyad\b|orc bandit|orc clan chief|orc raider|orc reiver|orc scout|pile of rubble|pirate|river sprite|ruffian|scout ogre|screamer|sentinel|shadow master|shadoweaver|sky giant|sleazy lout|sprite|swain|swamp troll|telga moradu|\bthug\b|trekhalo|tress|umbramagii|velver|\bvine\b|vykathi builder|vykathi excavator|wood troll|young ogre|zealot|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|revivified mutt|shylvic|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|skeleton kobold headhunter|skeleton kobold savage|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wind hound|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|lachmate|ice archon|(alabaster|andesite|breccia|dolomite|marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|pile of broken ice|nyad|moneygrubber|skinflint|tightwad|pinchfist|voidspawn|xala'shar magus|xala'shar thrall|xala'shar vanquisher|xala'shar archer|xala'shar archimage|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar overseer|xala'shar shredder|clan-chief|teardrinker|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|nimbus|some/* fine ash|dryad priestess|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|asketian harbinger|asketian herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \s+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent|revivified mutt|shylvic|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal peon|skeletal sailor|skeleton|blue ghast|xala'shar vindicator|xala'shar slayer|dark spirit|boggle|emaciated umbramagus|fiend|gargantuan bone golem|olensari mihmanan|plague wraith|asketian harbinger|asketian herald|faenrae assassin|ghoul raven|snaer hafwa|soul|spectral pirate|spectral sailor|wind wretch|blood wraith|death spirit|telga orek|spirit|ur hhrki'izh|wir dinego|zombie|zombie nomad|asketian harbinger|skorik nadhar|wind hag|black zephyr|misenseor resuscitant|yeehar|zombie kobold headhunter|revenant conscript|revenant zombie|zombie goblin|fell hog|drowned \s+|dryad|nyad|zombie stomper|zombie mauler|zombie head-splitter|tortured soul|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad) ((?:which|that) appears dead|\(dead\))")
  50. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  51. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("None" != "None") && (3 = 0)
  52. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  53. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("Necromancer" = "Necromancer") && (toupper("ON") = "ON") || ("Necromancer" = "Necromancer") && (0 = 1)
  54. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  55. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ((1) && (30 < 34)) || ((1) && (30 < 34)) || (("Necromancer" = "Necromancer") && (toupper("ON") = "ON"))
  56. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  57. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: matchre(tolower("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary."), "(adult wyvern|angiswaerd hatchling|antelope|adder skeleton|arbelog|armadillo|armored warklin|arzumos|asaren celpeze|badger|barghest|basilisk|\bbear\b|beisswurm|\bbison\b|black ape|blight ogre|blood warrior|bloodfish|bone wyvern|\bboa\b|\bboar\b|bobcat|boobrie|brocket deer|burrower|caiman|caracal|carcal|cave troll|cinder beast|cougar|\bcrab\b|crayfish|belly crocodile|\bdeer\b|dobek moruryn|eidolon steed|faenrae stalker|firecat|\bfrog\b|gargoyle|goblin|grass eel|\bgrub\b|gryphon|\bhawk\b|ice adder|isundjen conjurer|jackal|juvenile wyvern|kartais|kobold|la'heke|larva|la'tami|leucro|\blizard\b|marbled angiswaerd|merrows|\bmoda\b|\bmoth\b|mottled westanuryn|musk hog|\bpard\b|peccary|pivuh|poloh'izh|pothanit|prereni|\bram\b|retan dolomar|rock troll|scaly seordmaor|scavenger troll|(?<![Kk]ashika|[Pp]iruati) serpent|endrus serpent|shadow beast|shadow mage|shalswar|shark|ship's rat|silverfish|sinuous elsralael|skunk|S'lai scout|sleek hele'la|sluagh|snowbeast|snow hawk|\bsow\b|spider|spirit dancer|steed|storm bull|suw bizar|murky puddle|trollkin|umbral moth|\bunyn\b|viper|vulture|vykathi harvester|vykathi soldier|warcat|\bwasp\b|\bwolf\b|\bworm\b|warklin mauler|Xala'shar conjurer|young wyvern|snow goblin|eidolon steed|enraged tusky|ghoul|ghoul crow|giant blight bat|gremlin|grendel|lach|mastiff|mey|misshapen germish'din|bone wyvern|ice adder|mutant togball|reaver|squirrel|zombie kobold headhunter|shadow hound|sinister maelshyvean heirophant|skeletal kobold headhunter|skeletal kobold savage|blight bat|umbral moth|zombie kobold savage|zombie nomad|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent) ((which|that) appears dead|\(dead\))")
  58. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  59. ubercombat.cmd(3835): gosub SKIN_SUB
  60. ubercombat.cmd(3857): delay 0.0001
  61. ubercombat.cmd(3858): setvariable arrangecount 0
  62. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("yew shortbow" != "Empty") && ("Empty" != "Empty") && ("BOW" != "OFFHAND") && !contains("Empty", "NULL")
  63. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  64. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("yew shortbow" != "Empty") && ("Empty" != "Empty") && ("BOW" = "OFFHAND") && !contains("yew shortbow", "NULL")
  65. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  66. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (!1)
  67. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  68. ubercombat.cmd(3868): eval: ritual.critter tolower("bristle-backed peccary")
  69. ubercombat.cmd(3868): eval result: ritual.critter=bristle-backed peccary
  70. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("Necromancer" = "Necromancer") && (0 = 1)
  71. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  72. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("Necromancer" = "Necromancer") && (toupper("ON") = "ON") && (30 = 34) && (28 = 34)
  73. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  74. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("Necromancer" = "Necromancer") && (toupper("ON") = "ON") && !matchre("a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary", "Ashu hhinvi|boggle|bone amalgam|clay archer|clay mage|clay soldier|clockwork assistant|gam chaga|glass construct|granite gargoyle|lachmate|lava drake|marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|(marble|obsidian|quartzite|rock) guardian|rough-hewn doll|ice archon|mechanical mouse|beltunumshi|origami bird|origami cow|origami dragon|origami duck|origami goblin|guardian|origami grasshopper|origami hat|origami mouse|origami sprite|origami yak|origami paper|granite gargoyle|lava drake|black marble gargoyle|quartz gargoyle|gargoyle|endrus serpent")
  75. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  76. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (1) && (0 = 1)
  77. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  78. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (1) && !contains("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary.", "arisen") || (1) && (0 = 0)
  79. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  80. ubercombat.cmd(3884): evalmath: necro.weapon_average 22 + 17 + 2 + 0 + 15 + 5 + 15 + 0 + 3 + 14 + 21 + 16 + 4 + 24
  81. ubercombat.cmd(3884): evalmath result: necro.weapon_average=158
  82. ubercombat.cmd(3885): evalmath: necro.weapon_average 158 / 14
  83. ubercombat.cmd(3885): evalmath result: necro.weapon_average=11.2857142857143
  84. necro.weapon_average = 11.2857142857143
  85. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: 9 < 30
  86. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  87. ubercombat.cmd(3887): setvariable necro.weapon_average 34
  88. necro.weapon_average after TM check = 34
  89. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (34 >= 32) && (26 >= 32) && (34 > 27)
  90. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  91. ubercombat.cmd(3892): gosub TARGET_RITUAL
  92. ubercombat.cmd(3932): setvariable ritual_skin pelt
  93. ubercombat.cmd(3933): eval: .critter_dead_position indexof("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary.", bristle-backed peccary which appears dead)
  94. ubercombat.cmd(3933): eval result: .critter_dead_position=42
  95. ubercombat.cmd(3935): eval: .critter_until_first_dead substr("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary.", 0, 42)
  96. ubercombat.cmd(3935): eval result: .critter_until_first_dead=You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b
  97. ubercombat.cmd(3937): eval: .critter_ritual_target count("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b", bristle-backed peccary)
  98. ubercombat.cmd(3937): eval result: .critter_ritual_target=1
  99. ubercombat.cmd(3939): math: .critter_ritual_target add 1
  100. ubercombat.cmd(3939): math result: .critter_ritual_target=2
  101. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: contains("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b", "arisen bristle-backed peccary")
  102. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  103. ubercombat.cmd(3942): setvariable TR.got_skins 0
  104. ubercombat.cmd(3943): setvariable TR.count_skins 0
  105. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: contains("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b", bristle-backed peccary pelt)
  106. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  107. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (0 = 1)
  108. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  109. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (0 = 1)
  110. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  111. ubercombat.cmd(3951): gosub Necro.Ordinal 2
  112. ubercombat.cmd(3957): setvariable ordinal 2
  113. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("2" = "1")
  114. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  115. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("2" = "2")
  116. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  117. ubercombat.cmd(3959): setvariable ordinal second
  118. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "3")
  119. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  120. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "4")
  121. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  122. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "5")
  123. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  124. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "6")
  125. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  126. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "7")
  127. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  128. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "8")
  129. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  130. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "9")
  131. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  132. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "10")
  133. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  134. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "11")
  135. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  136. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "12")
  137. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  138. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "13")
  139. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  140. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "14")
  141. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  142. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "15")
  143. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  144. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "16")
  145. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  146. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "17")
  147. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  148. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "18")
  149. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  150. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "19")
  151. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  152. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "20")
  153. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  154. ubercombat.cmd(3978): return
  155. ubercombat.cmd(3952): setvariable .critter_ritual_target second
  156. ubercombat.cmd(3955): return
  157. ubercombat.cmd(3893): gosub PRESERVE
  158. ubercombat.cmd(4024): delay 0.0001
  159. ubercombat.cmd(4025): setvariable LOCATION PRESERVE_1
  160. ubercombat.cmd(4026): passing label: PRESERVE_1
  161. ubercombat.cmd(4027): pause 0.1
  162. ubercombat.cmd(4040): matchwait
  163. perform preserve on second bristle-backed peccary
  164. You bend over the peccary's corpse to make one long, continuous cut with your ritual knife that just barely pierces into it. Unseen energies seep into the creature's fluids, suspending the corpse in unnatural stasis for a time.
  165. ***Init detected, long lurk 120 seconds! + regular
  166. Roundtime: 4 sec.
  167. R>
  168. Learned: Thanatology, First Aid
  170. R>
  171. You feel fully rested.
  173. R>
  174. ubercombat.cmd: match goto return
  175. ubercombat.cmd(22328): passing label: RETURN
  176. ubercombat.cmd(22329): delay 0.0001
  177. ubercombat.cmd(22330): return
  178. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (1) && (92 > 19) && !contains("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary.", "arisen") && (0 = 0) && (0 = 0)
  179. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  180. ubercombat.cmd(3894): goto NECRO_ARISE
  181. ubercombat.cmd(3925): setvariable Nec.Ritual arise
  182. ubercombat.cmd(3926): gosub TARGET_RITUAL
  183. ubercombat.cmd(3932): setvariable ritual_skin pelt
  184. ubercombat.cmd(3933): eval: .critter_dead_position indexof("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary.", bristle-backed peccary which appears dead)
  185. ubercombat.cmd(3933): eval result: .critter_dead_position=42
  186. ubercombat.cmd(3935): eval: .critter_until_first_dead substr("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a bristle-backed peccary which appears dead, a bristle-backed peccary and a bristle-backed peccary.", 0, 42)
  187. ubercombat.cmd(3935): eval result: .critter_until_first_dead=You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b
  188. ubercombat.cmd(3937): eval: .critter_ritual_target count("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b", bristle-backed peccary)
  189. ubercombat.cmd(3937): eval result: .critter_ritual_target=1
  190. ubercombat.cmd(3939): math: .critter_ritual_target add 1
  191. ubercombat.cmd(3939): math result: .critter_ritual_target=2
  192. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: contains("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b", "arisen bristle-backed peccary")
  193. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  194. ubercombat.cmd(3942): setvariable TR.got_skins 0
  195. ubercombat.cmd(3943): setvariable TR.count_skins 0
  196. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: contains("You also see a bristle-backed peccary, a b", bristle-backed peccary pelt)
  197. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  198. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (0 = 1)
  199. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  200. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (0 = 1)
  201. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  202. ubercombat.cmd(3951): gosub Necro.Ordinal 2
  203. ubercombat.cmd(3957): setvariable ordinal 2
  204. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("2" = "1")
  205. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  206. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("2" = "2")
  207. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  208. ubercombat.cmd(3959): setvariable ordinal second
  209. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "3")
  210. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  211. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "4")
  212. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  213. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "5")
  214. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  215. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "6")
  216. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  217. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "7")
  218. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  219. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "8")
  220. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  221. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "9")
  222. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  223. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "10")
  224. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  225. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "11")
  226. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  227. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "12")
  228. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  229. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "13")
  230. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  231. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "14")
  232. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  233. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "15")
  234. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  235. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "16")
  236. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  237. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "17")
  238. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  239. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "18")
  240. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  241. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "19")
  242. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  243. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("second" = "20")
  244. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  245. ubercombat.cmd(3978): return
  246. ubercombat.cmd(3952): setvariable .critter_ritual_target second
  247. ubercombat.cmd(3955): return
  248. ubercombat.cmd(3927): gosub NECRO_RITUAL
  249. ubercombat.cmd(4046): math: RitualLoop add 1
  250. ubercombat.cmd(4046): math result: RitualLoop=1
  251. [ubercombat]: Perform arise on second bristle-backed peccary
  252. ubercombat.cmd(4048): pause
  254. You kneel over the peccary's corpse and carefully carve a ritual design across a handspan of its body. You stand up satisfied that you have prepared it to arise as one of the undead.
  255. Roundtime: 10 sec.
  256. R>
  257. Learned: Thanatology
  259. R>
  260. * Trying inexpertly, a bristle-backed peccary uses its tusks like dueling blades, twisting violently at you. You dodge, barely stepping to one side.
  261. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  262. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  263. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  264. ubercombat.cmd(326): action triggered: ^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.|^You .* at melee range\.|^You are already at melee
  265. ubercombat.cmd(326): action commands: var Melee.Range 1
  266. ubercombat.cmd(326): setvariable Melee.Range 1
  267. ubercombat.cmd(305): action triggered: nimbly balanced
  268. ubercombat.cmd(305): action commands: put #var balance 3
  269. [You're nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]
  270. R>
  271. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Chain Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  273. R>
  274. The bristle-backed peccary begins to advance on you!
  275. The bristle-backed peccary is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
  276. R>
  277. * With inexpert timing, a bristle-backed peccary lowers its head, tilts it to one side, and slashes its curved tusks at you. You dodge, just stepping out of harm's way.
  278. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  279. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  280. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  281. ubercombat.cmd(326): action triggered: ^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.|^You .* at melee range\.|^You are already at melee
  282. ubercombat.cmd(326): action commands: var Melee.Range 1
  283. ubercombat.cmd(326): setvariable Melee.Range 1
  284. ubercombat.cmd(305): action triggered: nimbly balanced
  285. ubercombat.cmd(305): action commands: put #var balance 3
  286. [You're nimbly balanced and in better position.]
  287. R>
  288. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Chain Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  290. * Attacking inexpertly, a bristle-backed peccary uses its tusks like dueling blades, twisting violently at you. You barely block with a triangular sipar stamped with the emblem of Saint Aesetani in gold.
  291. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  292. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  293. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  294. ubercombat.cmd(326): action triggered: ^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.|^You .* at melee range\.|^You are already at melee
  295. ubercombat.cmd(326): action commands: var Melee.Range 1
  296. ubercombat.cmd(326): setvariable Melee.Range 1
  297. ubercombat.cmd(305): action triggered: nimbly balanced
  298. ubercombat.cmd(305): action commands: put #var balance 3
  299. [You're nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]
  300. R>
  301. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Chain Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  303. ubercombat.cmd(4049): pause 0.5
  304. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (1 > 5)
  305. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  306. ubercombat.cmd(4051): return
  307. ubercombat.cmd(3928): gosub ARISE
  308. ubercombat.cmd(6989): passing label: ARISE_PREPARE
  309. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: !matchre("ManifestForce|CallfromBeyond|NecroticReconstruction|ReversePutrefaction|QuickenEarth|HeightenPain|SiphonVitality|ConsumeFlesh|Devour|PetrifyingVisions|EyesofBlind|Obfuscation|RiteofContrition|AcidSplash|Vivisection|ViscousSolution|ResearchersInsight|UniversalSolvent|ButchersEye|CalcifiedHide|PhilosophersPreservation|SpitefulRebirth|IvoryMask|CovetousRebirth|ClearVision", "CallfromBeyond")
  310. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  311. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("None" != "None")
  312. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  313. ubercombat.cmd(6992): pause
  314. >
  315. * Trying inexpertly, a bristle-backed peccary lowers its head, tilts it to one side, and slashes its curved tusks at you. You evade, stepping aside in the nick of time.
  316. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  317. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  318. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  319. ubercombat.cmd(326): action triggered: ^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.|^You .* at melee range\.|^You are already at melee
  320. ubercombat.cmd(326): action commands: var Melee.Range 1
  321. ubercombat.cmd(326): setvariable Melee.Range 1
  322. ubercombat.cmd(305): action triggered: nimbly balanced
  323. ubercombat.cmd(305): action commands: put #var balance 3
  324. [You're nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]
  325. >
  326. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Chain Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  328. ubercombat.cmd(6993): pause 0.1
  329. ubercombat.cmd(6995): pause 0.2
  330. prepare cfb 30
  331. ubercombat.cmd(6996): delay 1
  332. You mutter a foul-sounding phrase to yourself while preparing the Call from Beyond spell.
  333. >
  334. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  335. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  336. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  337. The bristle-backed peccary closes to pole weapon range on you!
  338. >
  339. * With inept movements, a bristle-backed peccary uses its tusks like dueling blades, twisting violently at you. You barely block with a triangular sipar stamped with the emblem of Saint Aesetani in gold.
  340. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  341. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  342. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  343. ubercombat.cmd(326): action triggered: ^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.|^You .* at melee range\.|^You are already at melee
  344. ubercombat.cmd(326): action commands: var Melee.Range 1
  345. ubercombat.cmd(326): setvariable Melee.Range 1
  346. ubercombat.cmd(305): action triggered: nimbly balanced
  347. ubercombat.cmd(305): action commands: put #var balance 3
  348. [You're nimbly balanced and in better position.]
  349. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: ("Call from Beyond" = "None")
  350. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: False
  351. ubercombat.cmd(6998): passing label: ARISE_LOOP
  352. ubercombat.cmd(6999): pause 0.1
  353. >
  354. Learned: Evasion, Shield Usage, Defending, Light Armor, Chain Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor
  356. ubercombat.cmd(7001): pause 0.2
  357. release symb
  358. But you haven't prepared a symbiosis!
  359. >
  360. ubercombat.cmd: if evaluate: (3 > 0)
  361. ubercombat.cmd: if returned: True
  362. ubercombat.cmd(7003): pause 0.2
  363. attack left
  365. < Driving in like a master combatant, you punch your brass knuckle at a bristle-backed peccary. A bristle-backed peccary fails to evade, mainly avoiding the blow.
  366. The knuckle lands a heavy strike that thumps painfully on the toes of the left foot.
  367. ubercombat.cmd(328): action triggered: ^.* closes to pole weapon range on you\!|^You retreat back to pole range\.|^You .* at pole range\.|^You .* at pole weapon range\.|^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.
  368. ubercombat.cmd(328): action commands: var Pole.Range 1
  369. ubercombat.cmd(328): setvariable Pole.Range 1
  370. ubercombat.cmd(326): action triggered: ^You close to melee range on .*\.|^.* closes to melee range on you\!|^\[You're .*\.\]$|^You .* at melee range\.|^.* you at melee range\.|^You .* at melee range\.|^You are already at melee
  371. ubercombat.cmd(326): action commands: var Melee.Range 1
  372. ubercombat.cmd(326): setvariable Melee.Range 1
  373. ubercombat.cmd(305): action triggered: nimbly balanced
  374. ubercombat.cmd(305): action commands: put #var balance 3
  375. [You're nimbly balanced and in good position.]
  376. [Roundtime 2 sec.]
  377. ubercombat.cmd(7004): pause 0.2
  378. R>
  379. Learned: Brawling, Melee Mastery
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