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a guest
Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. >> FacebookApp.first.set_to_feature("photo_contest_config")
  2. FacebookApp Load (5.0ms) SELECT * FROM `social_net_apps` WHERE ( (`social_net_apps`.`type` = 'FacebookApp' ) ) LIMIT 1
  3. FacebookApp Exists (1.0ms) SELECT `social_net_apps`.id FROM `social_net_apps` WHERE (`social_net_apps`.`api_key` = '312137fcf34c020f950f64bc69734d89' AND `social_net_apps`.id <> 1) AND ( (`social_net_apps`.`type` = 'FacebookApp' ) ) LIMIT 1
  4. FacebookApp Exists (1.0ms) SELECT `social_net_apps`.id FROM `social_net_apps` WHERE (`social_net_apps`.`secret` = '90fcdf1bf234baef3189decf0daba2de' AND `social_net_apps`.id <> 1) AND ( (`social_net_apps`.`type` = 'FacebookApp' ) ) LIMIT 1
  5. FacebookApp Exists (1.0ms) SELECT `social_net_apps`.id FROM `social_net_apps` WHERE (`social_net_apps`.`fb_app_id` = '62644015797' AND `social_net_apps`.id <> 1) AND ( (`social_net_apps`.`type` = 'FacebookApp' ) ) LIMIT 1
  6. FacebookApp Update (1.0ms) UPDATE `social_net_apps` SET `general_settings` = NULL WHERE `id` = 1
  7. => nil
  8. >> feature = PhotoContestConfig.last
  9. PhotoContestConfig Load (1.0ms) SELECT * FROM `features` WHERE ( (`features`.`type` = 'PhotoContestConfig' ) ) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1
  10. => #<PhotoContestConfig id: 317, type: "PhotoContestConfig", campaign_id: 6, general_settings: {}, player_settings: nil, facebook_campaign_config_settings: nil, created_at: "2009-11-16 08:01:16", updated_at: "2009-11-16 08:02:37", state: "inactive">
  11. >> feature.initialize_settings!("cinemax")
  12. PhotoContestConfig Update (1.0ms) UPDATE `features` SET `general_settings` = '--- \n:require_previous_entry_message: Sorry! You must fill out the sweepstakes entry form\n before you can submit a photo.\n:share_feature_user_message: I just entered the Cinemax Holiday Sweater Contest to\n win a chance share my hilarious holiday sweater with the Cinemax audience.\n:title_required: false\n:upload_label: Select an image file on your computer\n:allow_feature_entries: true\n:too_many_entries_message: Sorry! You can only submit the entry form once, but be\n sure to submit your photos to the Photo Flashes to earn extra entries.\n:num_top_entries: 4\n:photo_submit_label: Upload\n:one_entry_per_contest: false\n:signup_fields: \n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingEntryId \n optional: true\n label: Entry ID\n reporting_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: content_item_id\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingContest \n optional: true\n label: Contest\n reporting_field: true\n confirmation_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_contest\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingPhotoUrl \n optional: true\n label: Photo URL\n reporting_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: url\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingSocialNetworkUserId \n optional: true\n label: Social Network User ID\n reporting_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: social_net_user_id\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: false\n label: First Name\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_first_name\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: false\n label: Last Name\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_last_name\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: false\n label: Date of Birth<br />(mm/dd/yyyy)\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_dob\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::Zip \n optional: false\n label: Zip Code\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: zip\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::Phone \n optional: false\n label: Phone Number\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: phone\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: true\n label: Alt. Phone\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_alt_phone\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::Email \n optional: false\n label: E-mail\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: email\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ConfirmEmail \n optional: false\n label: Confirm E-mail\n reporting_field: false\n confirmation_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: confirm_email\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomCheckbox \n optional: false\n label: Please e-mail me with special offers and updates from Cinemax\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: true\n field_type: checkbox\n field: custom_fields_offers\n default: checked\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: false\n:num_images_per_contest_list_item: 3\n:over18: true\n:entry_confirm_message: Thanks for entering! Be sure to submit more entries for the\n \'Cinemax Holiday Sweater Contest,\' and invite your friends to become fans of the\n Cinemax page.\n:dynamic_images: \n :medium_square: \"100\"\n :medium: 180x99999\n :large: 356x235\n :thumbnail: 75x75\n:share_photo_message_prompt: \"Tell your friends about the \\xd2Cinemax Holiday Sweater \\\n Contest and their chance to be on TV!\"\n:tab_layout: cinemax\n:over18_message: Sorry! You must be at least 18 to be eligible to enter the Cinemax\n Holiday Sweater Contest. Please see Official Rules for details.\n:share_photo_user_message: Check out my holiday sweater photo on the Cinemax fan page. Cinemax\n will pick their favorite photos and put the winners on TV over the holiday break. Are\n you in?\n:require_previous_entry: true\n', `updated_at` = '2009-11-25 11:22:04', `player_settings` = NULL, `facebook_campaign_config_settings` = NULL WHERE `id` = 317
  13. PhotoContestConfig Load (3.0ms) SELECT id FROM `features` WHERE (`features`.`campaign_id` = 6) AND ( (`features`.`type` = 'PhotoContestConfig' ) )
  14. SQL (1.0ms) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `features` WHERE (`features`.`campaign_id` = 6) AND ( (`features`.`type` = 'PhotoContestConfig' ) )
  15. Player Load (0.0ms) SELECT `players`.* FROM `players` INNER JOIN player_features ON = player_features.player_id WHERE ((`player_features`.feature_id = 317))
  16. FacebookCampaignConfig Load (0.0ms) SELECT `facebook_campaign_configs`.* FROM `facebook_campaign_configs` INNER JOIN facebook_campaign_config_features ON = facebook_campaign_config_features.facebook_campaign_config_id WHERE ((`facebook_campaign_config_features`.feature_id = 317))
  17. FeatureSubscription Load (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `feature_subscriptions` WHERE (`feature_subscriptions`.`feature_id` = 317 AND `feature_subscriptions`.`subscription_type` = 'stream') LIMIT 1
  18. => true
  19. >> feature.initialize_settings!("cinemax")
  20. PhotoContestConfig Update (1.0ms) UPDATE `features` SET `general_settings` = '--- \n:require_previous_entry_message: Sorry! You must fill out the sweepstakes entry form\n before you can submit a photo.\n:share_feature_user_message: I just entered the Cinemax Holiday Sweater Contest to\n win a chance share my hilarious holiday sweater with the Cinemax audience.\n:title_required: false\n:upload_label: Select an image file on your computer\n:allow_feature_entries: true\n:too_many_entries_message: Sorry! You can only submit the entry form once, but be\n sure to submit your photos to the Photo Flashes to earn extra entries.\n:num_top_entries: 4\n:photo_submit_label: Upload\n:one_entry_per_contest: false\n:signup_fields: \n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingEntryId \n optional: true\n label: Entry ID\n reporting_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: content_item_id\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingContest \n optional: true\n label: Contest\n reporting_field: true\n confirmation_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_contest\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingPhotoUrl \n optional: true\n label: Photo URL\n reporting_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: url\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ReportingSocialNetworkUserId \n optional: true\n label: Social Network User ID\n reporting_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: social_net_user_id\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: false\n label: First Name\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_first_name\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: false\n label: Last Name\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_last_name\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: false\n label: Date of Birth<br />(mm/dd/yyyy)\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_dob\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::Zip \n optional: false\n label: Zip Code\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: zip\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::Phone \n optional: false\n label: Phone Number\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: phone\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomString \n optional: true\n label: Alt. Phone\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: custom_fields_alt_phone\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::Email \n optional: false\n label: E-mail\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: email\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::ConfirmEmail \n optional: false\n label: Confirm E-mail\n reporting_field: false\n confirmation_field: true\n default_enabled: false\n field_type: string\n field: confirm_email\n custom: false\n optional_enabled: true\n- !ruby/object:SignupFields::CustomCheckbox \n optional: false\n label: Please e-mail me with special offers and updates from Cinemax\n reporting_field: false\n default_enabled: true\n field_type: checkbox\n field: custom_fields_offers\n default: checked\n custom: true\n optional_enabled: false\n:num_images_per_contest_list_item: 3\n:over18: true\n:entry_confirm_message: Thanks for entering! Be sure to submit more entries for the\n \'Cinemax Holiday Sweater Contest,\' and invite your friends to become fans of the\n Cinemax page.\n:dynamic_images: \n :medium_square: \"100\"\n :medium: 180x99999\n :large: 356x235\n :thumbnail: 75x75\n:share_photo_message_prompt: \"Tell your friends about the \\xd2Cinemax Holiday Sweater \\\n Contest and their chance to be on TV!\"\n:tab_layout: cinemax\n:over18_message: Sorry! You must be at least 18 to be eligible to enter the Cinemax\n Holiday Sweater Contest. Please see Official Rules for details.\n:share_photo_user_message: Check out my holiday sweater photo on the Cinemax fan page. Cinemax\n will pick their favorite photos and put the winners on TV over the holiday break. Are\n you in?\n:require_previous_entry: true\n', `updated_at` = '2009-11-25 11:29:33', `player_settings` = NULL, `facebook_campaign_config_settings` = NULL WHERE `id` = 317
  21. FeatureSubscription Load (0.0ms) SELECT * FROM `feature_subscriptions` WHERE (`feature_subscriptions`.`feature_id` = 317 AND `feature_subscriptions`.`subscription_type` = 'stream') LIMIT 1
  22. => true
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