Guest User


a guest
Feb 20th, 2020
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  1. - Define screen rounded corner
  2. - Remove unused media and audio files
  3. - FOD: adjust nit value used based on screen brightness
  4. - FOD: use 630nit fod value
  5. - Remove aidl
  6. - Props: group display and graphics props better
  7. - proprietary-files: rename and move camera sounds
  8. - Overlay: change some vibrator values
  9. - Add system_root mount point in recovery fstab
  11. - Battery drain (introduced in previous update) fixed
  13. - Allow limiting edge lighting repeats
  14. - Fix dummy deviceKey is not correct if real device with dummy addr exist
  15. - Changing app classification logic from manifest-based to WLC-based
  16. - ActivityManager: Fix NPE in ProcessRecord
  17. - Crash occured due to null pointer exception
  18. - Keyguard: Fix failed unlock attempt dialog button
  19. - Don't disable GPS in Doze until the device is stationary
  20. - Try to rebind disconnected wallpaper service for 10 seconds
  21. - Make smart actions icon to respect dark theme setting
  22. - Force a garbage collection after lockscreen verification
  23. - Keyguard should be dismissed if there is no trusted device
  24. - Fix AnimatedImageDrawables using ByteBuffers
  25. - Fix crash after destroyed
  26. - Make emergency notification dismissable
  27. - Issue a warning when the user switching dialog times out
  28. - Ignore null package names on AppIdleHistory writes
  29. - Fix for Surface#lockHardwareCanvas lockups
  30. - Clamp brightness thresholds to the maximum brightness
  31. - Fix Jank when factory resetting
  32. - Fix on ActivityManagerService.LocalService.getCurrentUserId()
  33. - Fix Settings creating too many threads unexpectedly
  34. - Process: Use audio-app cpuset if available
  35. - ART: ARM64: Improve FP IsInfinity intrinsic
  36. - Dialer: Fix leaked ServiceConnection in CallRecorderService
  37. - Add a dark theme slice
  38. - Battery icon is too large
  39. - Sync dimen from SystemUI
  40. - Screensaver: Tint button to match system theme
  41. - Settings: Add platform and RAM to Model & Hardware
  42. - Fix for User edit info dialog during rotation
  43. - Settings: Avoid rendering hidden preferences
  44. - Whitelist LiveDisplay permissions
  45. - Set scrolling friction to 0.006f
  46. - Fix black image wallpaper issue
  47. - Refine battery saver footer string
  48. - FODCircleView: Fix position if cutout is hidden
  49. - FODCircleView: Fix position on keyguard if cutout is hidden
  50. - SystemUI: Update keyguard indication margin when fod is in use
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