Guest User

Teszt-graph PP

a guest
Feb 21st, 2018
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Pascal 0.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. uses graph, wincrt;
  2. var gd,gm: smallint;
  3. begin
  4. gd := detect;
  5. gm := detect;
  6. initgraph(gd,gm,'');
  7. if graphresult<>grok then
  8. begin
  9. writeln('Hiba a grafika inicializalasanal.');
  10. delay(1000);
  11. halt;
  12. end;
  13. setcolor(white);
  14. setlinestyle(solidln,3,1);
  15. ellipse(500,500,0,360,180,160);
  16. setfillstyle(solidfill,white);
  17. floodfill(499,499,white);
  18. setcolor(black);
  19. ellipse(450,450,0,360,36,46);
  20. ellipse(550,450,0,360,36,46);
  21. line(414,450,486,450);
  22. line(514,450,586,450);
  23. setfillstyle(solidfill,black);
  24. floodfill(450,460,black);
  25. floodfill(550,460,black);
  26. setfillstyle(solidfill,white);
  27. setcolor(white);
  28. circle(450,450,10);
  29. circle(550,450,10);
  30. floodfill(452,452,white);
  31. floodfill(552,452,white);
  32. setcolor(black);
  33. line(414,450,486,450);
  34. line(514,450,586,450);
  35. setlinestyle(solidln,3,3);
  36. ellipse(500,560,200,340,50,30);
  37. setlinestyle(solidln,3,1);
  38. ellipse(450,370,250,360,40,34);
  39. ellipse(550,390,175,270,40,14);
  40. setcolor(white);
  42. readkey;
  43. closegraph;
  44. end.
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