
Healer Questions.

Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. Beech,Snap,I will usually be on all Week including Weekends but if something comes up i will usually say so on chat but if I'm am needed I will most likely be flexible,{Rp Example}Snap licked a paw and swiped it over her ear.She looked around the Mountains and shook out her fur,purring.Snap walked around getting to know her surroundings,her tail tip flicking to and fro.Her ear twitched and swung around as she heard a mouse,crouching down she sneaked and wriggled her haunches and pounced on it.Her claw unsheathed and they sank into its fur as it slowly die but before it started to suffer,she killed it with a lethal bite.{Rp Example Over},I want to be Healer of Emberpack because i feel like it will be good practice for friendship and I could help the pack,I know you might think this is just a reason to get a higher rank but it isn't I know how stressful this job can be and some people just kinda don't bother with their cats who have this chance they just ignore their job not noticing anything,but I will be as flexible as I can and I promise that if i get this spot that i will take it very seriously and not just blow it off like some people do.
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