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Dec 15th, 2017
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  1. SirViki - Today at 10:17 PM
  2. Can we resolve this like adults
  3. Normal language, no insults
  4. let's go
  5. what's your deal with me?
  6. i'm all ears abby
  7. im not trying to sound sarcastic right now
  8. just so you know
  9. Piix - Today at 10:19 PM
  10. You think you can just join something Alek and Ilze and I worked hard on. We built something. Cause we no longer wanted astra. You were horrible to Alek and I guess I see it as he shouldn’t forgive so easily
  11. SirViki - Today at 10:19 PM
  12. abby..
  13. he invited me
  14. lol
  15. And yeah, it was just a bump in our friendship
  16. a life lesson we're going to take
  17. to grow stronger together
  18. Alek is my friend
  19. he's been for 3 years
  20. I'm not just gonna go away
  21. Piix - Today at 10:20 PM
  22. But you let people call him hitler and a cunt
  23. SirViki - Today at 10:20 PM
  24. I didn't let them
  25. I told them not to talk about
  26. him
  27. and I continuously said that
  28. but I can't change that because it's their opinion and they're entitled to it
  29. I would never call him hitler
  30. he's one of my best friends
  31. and it's just a bump in our friendship
  32. So can we please
  33. just keep things between us civilized
  34. and normal
  35. i'm not asking to be your friend, because you're obviously not gonna do that
  36. just to be neutral.
  37. Piix - Today at 10:23 PM
  38. I’m just frustrated with you. I’m willing to mend things, but listen here, you have astra but this is our thing. That’s why I’m on the fence.
  39. SirViki - Today at 10:23 PM
  40. I don't have astra.
  41. I'm closing it
  42. I'm done with servers
  43. I'm done with minecraft
  44. I don't want it
  45. Business is tearing me apart
  46. And you guys aren't really being inviting
  47. I've been inviting with all of you
  48. I invited Tyrianis to help make our first server
  49. I invited you to be staff
  50. I invited Qiarah to be staff
  51. and this is what I get in return
  52. Piix - Today at 10:25 PM
  53. And what Alek gets in return is horrible people bullying him by calling him a cunt and hitler
  54. SirViki - Today at 10:25 PM
  55. because people were sucking up to me to screw me over
  56. I was really full of myself
  57. And alek could care less then
  58. Just don't take it seriously
  59. they're kids
  60. they don't know what they're saying in the first place
  61. And I can help with a lot
  62. You said both TY and I are hard-working
  63. Combined thats good..
  64. Why'd you get off.
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