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Novutera, Invicta

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Jul 19th, 2019
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  1. In the world and specifically within the United States of America, there is generally a subconscious anti-Black sentiment, based solely upon collective Eurocentric views towards Blacks in a spectrum ranging from near-mythological fictional scientific racialism designed to dehumanize, to fallacious stereotypes of Black character, to assumption of one's (ill) intent and even caricatures of their phenotypical features to insinuate that something is wrong and unnatural about them, stemming from the past three centuries of brutality and dominance when European conquering was at its highest. The victors truly do write the narrative and this conquering allowed them to shape the world, prevent resistance and revolt to their rule, keep that sweet capitalist greed-based revenue from cotton and other crops coming and influence schools of anti-Black political thought throughout the world for centuries to come. Vae victis, vae victis.
  3. The actions of Whites during this era are not wrong or historical cheap shots because they were White and their victims were Black. Conquest is a part of nature. There is no anti-White agenda to paint their actions as exclusively heinous for owning slaves. Africans and Arabs owned slaves. During the Barbary slave trade, pirated took European slaves and made eunuchs of their men and raped the women many times over and bred with them. The actions of Whites during this era was not an exclusive wrong because "humanity is a long history of people conquering others and they merely were better at it."
  5. The actions of Whites and specifically 1600s - 1800s American, Anglo-Saxon Protestant Whites were wrong because they associated the race and genetics of the people they conquered with the reason they lost and failed to resist the system engineered against them, during slavery, colonization and later apartheids. It constructed a hypothetical and unprovable narrative of inferiority that has far-reaching consequences, inspiring further discrimination, visible to this very day. Blacks in America are permanent second class citizens.
  7. The Whites are completely nonchalant, cold and aloof to the damage they have created as a people. They respond to the aftermath of this damage their ancestors and grandparents brought with overt condemnation, citing some sort of genetic and racial inadequacy as to the motivating factor as to why their victims are acting less than exemplary.
  9. In actuality, the current state of American Blacks is like that of an abused child who lashes out after finally having enough and breaking down and the state of American Whites, for the most part, like that of an abusive parent with narcissistic personality disorder who can do no wrong, surprised their child is acting out in tantrums, is completely dysfunctional and unstable and they are conceited enough to feel offended they have to even witness such a tantrum when they are the sole inspiration and architects of the situation they find themselves faced with, in the present day.
  11. The dehumanization of Blacks during this era of White supremacy (and tactical advantage due to controlling the narrative) was seen as ordained by God and part of the natural order. In actuality, it was just a mere narrative used to justify Black oppression because they needed a workforce who couldn't run away like the Irish indentured bondservants, a workforce that was resistant to European diseases unlike the Amerindians whom they first attempted to enslave, that was uneducated, ignorant, disenfranchised and whom the general population of Whites could not empathize with and pity enough to speak out against the practice of chattel enslavement of African-descendant persons by the regimes that led them.
  13. All of the rape, murder, torture, bloodshed, propaganda, rhetoric, lies and racial terrorism for spices, tobacco, sugar cane, cotton and a cheap workforce that would pay for itself in no time and it wound us costing everything than mere servitude. Racial bigotry towards persons of African descent and African chattel enslavement created a positive feedback loop, reinforcing one another, rationalizing atrocities and justifying lies. This is why it is wrong and why American whites were criticized for it.
  15. The Whites of yesteryear beat this idea into the people they owned. The Whites after them propagated it. The Whites of today turn to it and believe it when their bike gets stolen or they get cucked by a football player. One has to wonder, even to this day, how severe this damage truly is and the effect it still has on Blacks today. It is a low blow that does damage to this very day to the people who descended from their slaves. America's chattel slavery and the general European conquest of Africa in general associated "Black" with the slave, ordained to be below the God-preferred Whites, at all times, closer to monkeys and animals than human and unworthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness they wanted for their own kind. And because of Hypodescent, they see us as Black. 100%. All day. So one must ask, what is all this still doing to us as a people?
  17. To this very day, it is likely the sole reason or one of many reasons cops are more likely to shoot Blacks and part-Blacks first and foremost, before dialogue. Well, that and the high violent crime rates. If that is not seemingly the case by now, mixed people like Tony Robinson Jr., Jason Washington and Jeremy Lake would still be alive, as well as Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray and Eric Garner. Darsell Obregon would have never had the police called on her for taking cover during the rain, neither would the two men in the Starbucks. With all this anti-Black and anti-Part Black "negrophobia," hatred and resentment, could this even be a subconscious reason why Blacks hate each other more than anyone can hate anyone and possibly why Black-on-Black homicide is so severe? Could apathy and self-loathing of their Blackness be a contributing factor to why Blacks kill each other, don't like each other, don't trust each other and can not work together? Could this be why we hybrids have no culture or feel no association to one another? Who knows? Even if it is, no one cares enough to do anything.
  19. During this era, and occurring only in the United States Of America, those who were part-Black mixed-race people were "Black enough" to be sold as slaves due to the concept of Hypodescent, also known as the "One Drop Rule." Not only was this view sociological but for a significant time in American history, it was codified into law. What is Hypodescent exactly? Hypodescent, also known as the "One Drop" view, is a sociological viewpoint that says those who have Black DNA are belonging to the Black race and are neither mixed-race nor belonging to any other race. They are just black. Just like that. This amoral sociological view is how many who were mixed-race children of the plantation were kept, sold, raped, tortured and murdered as slaves, due to the systemic oppression of our kind, the denial of their mixed-race identity and the rejections from the scores of the White slave masters who were their immediate and direct blood relatives in many cases. In many cases, some of these mixed-race slaves were virtually White from the strength of their European admixture. To this very day, this viewpoint still exists and only in the United States Of America, the sole nation of its birth and practice, does Hypodescent thrive, in the 21st century.
  21. Be you a complainant on a police report or a patient in the ER or an applicant for a job, you will be classified as Black. People will judge you for your black admixture and discriminate against you. Meanwhile, a Hapa, Castizo, or any other mixed-race person who has no Black admixture will always be seen by White Americans as mixed-race. Hypodescent was beaten and ingrained into Black slaves so much that Blacks today even propagate Hypodescent toward mixed-race people who are part-Black. What the end result from all of this ultimately equates to is a mixed-race child in America, who is bullied by both Black kids and White kids, is told he/she is Black regularly, attacking truth and their objectively factual identity, doesn't know their father because he either skipped out due to their mother being Black and them only wanting sex with a "sister" or skipped out due to being a thug who didn't have time for kids and left them with a White mother who was disowned by her parents and can not relate to the struggles of her child, let alone maintain their hair properly. This child feels unwanted and winds up on the news for some workplace/school shooting after being demoralized with life, antisocial and depressed, suicidal and then dead or recklessly degenerate and in jail in an attempt to fit in with the hood culture and prove how "gangsta" and Black they are, due to the cultivation of their own culture being suppressed by Whites who would dare to go so far as to deny the realities of their genetics being indicative of their being mixed-race because of some crackpot 1800s racial caste system theory to prevent hybrid slaves from running and to line their pockets with the birth of more slaves.
  23. If you are part-Black and mixed-race, try telling someone White in America that. Good luck. You'll likely be seen as "high yellow" or "light-skinned." Blacks have had it so programmed into them from the era of our people's collective enslavement by Jewish cotton merchants and White Anglo-Saxon Protestants that from generation to generation as if encoded in the DNA via genetic memories, they too will call you "high yellow," or "light-skinned" with "good hair" and go the extra mile by throwing in "halfbreed" or "you think you better than us," just for claiming more than one race in your ethnic identity which is an objective fact of your biology as a racial composite of two or more races. Meanwhile, mixed people born to non-Black "model minority" immigrants and Whites get to skate right past all that.
  25. Being part-Black make cops think you are more likely to have a criminal record or a weapon on your person. Being part-Black makes society think you are stupid or have ill intentions. Being part-Black makes the world think you will rob them or rape them or kill them. Do you know why? Because being Black makes people think about these things. And, if you think that people in an anti-hybrid/anti-Black nation like the U.S.A. will not do part-Black mixed people this way when they have already done so much damage to our kind and do Blacks this way, you are lying, delusional, coping or purely refusing to see to see the obvious issue.
  27. Part-Black mixed-race people are getting the short end of the stick in the United States. Our voices are silenced yet many of us are screaming loudly and as time passes on many more of us will resist and scream. We are denied an identity and told that since we are part-Black, we can not be mixed. If someone can be half-White and not White, someone can be part Black and not Black. When you mix blue and yellow or green and red, you get a result that is neither blue, yellow, green or red. Hypodescent is wrong. It is paper genocide. You are saying an entire people do not and can not exist and then you, the American, are shocked when you wind up with a Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer on the news who could not take it anymore. We have allowed this and then fallen for American indoctrination until we ourselves believe these lies because we are ignorant to the reality of alternatives to these conditions we are forced to endure. No one is running up to Mestizos and calling them Indians. No one is running up to Hapas and calling them Asian, yet they approach Blasians, Mulattoes, and Quadroons at breakneck speeds, telling them they can't be mixed when these people are biased against us and not even genetically like us, therefore rendering them incapable and disqualifying them from telling us what we are and what we are not, ethnically speaking.
  29. All the time, Blacks join the causes of others. If there is anti-gay, misgendering or anti-Hispanic sentiments from Americans, anti-global warming sentiments from Americans or anything about the rich elites robbing the plebeians, the Blacks run into it headfirst to support someone else during their plight. Even in the cases of anti-Zionism or anti-Judaism, even though Jews were a majority of the cotton merchants who dealt in human cargo and owned our kind like animals. We are also guilty of this practice ourselves, forsaking our interests to go shout for someone else's justice and peace and it gets us nowhere.
  31. Best of all, to add lemon juice and salt to open wounds, no one reciprocates. In a place like r/mixedrace, people will allege to have positive intentions to come together and to revel in the joys of being mixed but this couldn't be further from the truth. A place like this purports camaraderie, fraternity, unity, and shared pride in being mixed-race. Yet, why is it, it reads off like a support group for discrimination and every five minutes, some poor mulatto or Blasian is talking about how they were mislabeled by someone, how no one accepts them, how they feel no one understands them, how depressed they are or how their grandparents don't interact with them.
  33. There is a disconnect in these types of communities between those mixed with Black and those not mixed with Black. Those mixed with Black will be more likely to be shot by the police. Those mixed with Black will be more likely pre-judged, based on their phenotype. Those mixed with Black will likely see their partner disowned by their parents for dating them. Those mixed with Black will always be seen as second-class citizens or less than mankind Those mixed with Black will always be seen as irate, entitled and with a chip on their shoulder. And those who are mixed-race in America and not mixed with Black will not. We will always have to prove ourselves in America.
  35. In 1988, this nation could have gotten biracial and multiracial categories added to forms in every field. The Whites resisted and the Blacks feared political fragmentation and power loss. To hell with what we wanted even though there are five million of us in the United States and fifty-five million globally. If these other mixed-race people with no Black admixture care so much for the camaraderie of mixed-race people, why don't all the part-Black mixed-race people stage a protest about this raw deal we are getting (only part-Black mixed people face Hypodescent in America) and all the various non-Black admixed mixed-race people can show up and stand in solidarity with us so our rights can be respected? Because they aren't part-Black and it isn't their problem. As long as they aren't like us, they will never face the treatment we do. And, as long as they do not face what we face, it will never be their problem, nor will they be motivated to care. We have to, as a people grow a spine and speak for ourselves because no one else will. If not you, who? No one speaks for or defends our identity but us. That is why a separate board on a progressive forum like Reddit had to be created. C'est la vie.
  37. Sources:
  50. The Devil and the One Drop Rule: Racial Categories, African Americans, and the U.S. Census - Christine B. Hickman
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