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Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. You are Katherine, a peasant living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pitchfork
  2. and a nothing else. You wake up and begin working in the fields. You see your
  3. sister, who is still alive, but she has been cursed with a bad back. She can
  4. no longer work on the farm. Your mother died when you were young, so you take
  5. care of yourself
  6. > Ask the village stonemason for help building a tower to heaven
  8. The village stonemason asks if you want him to build a tower to heaven. He says
  9. he will need some stone, which you could give him. You agree and he takes you
  10. to his home where he shows you how to make a simple wooden structure
  11. > Become leader of a group of quarry workers to gather stone
  13. You lead a group of quarry workers to gather stones from the nearby mountains.
  14. The mountain people are very happy that you are helping them out, as they get
  15. more jobs done. They also tell you about their culture
  16. > Ignore their culture. Just take the stone back home.
  18. You ignore their culture and return home with your new stone. You feel great!
  19. You can now start your own business. You decide to name it after yourself "Katherine's
  20. Stone" because you think its so cool.
  21. > Convince the village stonemason to lay the foundations of the tower for free.
  23. You convince the village stonemason to lay the foundation of the tower for free.
  24. You are very grateful to him and he gives you a large amount of money. You spend
  25. it all on food and drink. You then go back to work on the tower
  26. > Conduct a massive pro-tower propaganda campaign in the neighboring villages.
  28. You conduct a massive pro-tower propaganda campaign in the neighboring villages.
  29. Everyone is impressed by your skills and respect you. Your reputation grows.
  30. You begin to get offers of jobs from other villagers who want to hire you. Soon
  31. you have enough money to buy a small house and start your own business
  32. > Put the unemployed workers of Larion to work on your tower. Propagandize yourself as the savior of the kingdom's economy.
  34. You put the unemployed workers of Larion to work on your tower. You propogate
  35. your own self-importance as the savior of the kingdom's economy. You soon have
  36. a lot of work to do and a lot of money to spend
  37. > Climb the tower yourself, and enter Heaven.
  39. You climb the tower yourself, and enter Heaven. You see angels singing praises
  40. to God. It feels so good! You don't know what to say or do except thank God.
  42. Afterwards, you realize that you are still alive..
  43. > Lead an invading army into Heaven itself.
  45. You lead an invading army into Heaven itself. You march through the gates and
  46. slaughter everyone inside. You even kill one of the archangels himself. You
  47. are such a hero! You feel like you've won the war against evil
  48. > Become God.
  50. You become God. You conquer the world and rule over it with an iron fist. You
  51. have no fear of death. Everything is perfect. You are the greatest being ever
  52. created. You are the creator of everything. You are the god of this universe.
  53. You are the creator of everything
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