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a guest
Oct 13th, 2018
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  1. Items:
  2. Kits:
  3. Enabled: true
  4. Name: '&aKit Selector &7(Right Click)'
  5. Item: CHEST
  6. Slot: 0
  7. Menu: true
  8. Commands:
  9. Commands:
  10. - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
  11. - 'console: This command is run from the console, you can use %player%'
  12. - 'player: This command is run from the player, you can use %player%'
  13. Enabled: false
  14. Leave:
  15. Enabled: true
  16. Name: '&aReturn to Hub &7(Right Click)'
  17. Item: WATCH
  18. Slot: 8
  19. BungeeCord:
  20. Server: Hub
  21. Enabled: true
  22. Commands:
  23. Commands:
  24. - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
  25. - 'console: This command is run from the console, you can use %player%'
  26. - 'player: This command is run from the player, you can use %player%'
  27. Enabled: false
  28. HitSound:
  29. Sound: BLAZE_HIT
  30. Pitch: 1
  31. Enabled: true
  32. ArrowHitMessage:
  33. Message: '%prefix% &b%player% &7is on &c%health%&7.'
  34. Enabled: true
  35. ArrowReturn:
  36. ItemName: '&eReturnable Arrow'
  37. NoSpace: '%prefix% &cYou must have at least one slot open in your inventory for
  38. you to receive your arrow for your successful shot.'
  39. Enabled: true
  40. KitAlreadySelectedSound:
  42. Pitch: 1
  43. Soups:
  44. Sound: EAT
  45. Pitch: 1
  46. GiveSoupOnKill:
  47. Enabled: true
  48. NoSpace: '%prefix% &cCould not give you Soup for your kill because your inventory
  49. is full.'
  50. Kill:
  51. Commands:
  52. Commands:
  53. - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
  54. - 'console: These commands are run by the console, you can use the %killer% variable
  55. for the killer name'
  56. - 'player: These commands are run by the player, you can use the %killer% variable
  57. for the killer name'
  58. Enabled: true
  59. Death:
  60. Title:
  61. Title: '&c&lYOU DIED!'
  62. Subtitle: '&7You will respawn in %seconds% seconds.'
  63. Message: '%prefix% &7Respawning...'
  64. Sound:
  66. Pitch: 1
  67. Enabled: false
  68. Commands:
  69. Commands:
  70. - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
  71. - 'console: These commands are run by the console, you can use the %victim% variable
  72. for the player who died'
  73. - 'player: These commands are run by the player, you can use the %victim% variable
  74. for the player who died'
  75. Enabled: true
  76. Messages:
  77. Player: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was killed by &b%killer%&7.'
  78. Shot: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7was shot by &b%shooter%&7.'
  79. Fall: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7fell to their doom.'
  80. Void: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from the void.'
  81. Fire: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died from fire.'
  82. Explosion: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7blew up.'
  83. Unknown: '%prefix% &b%victim% &7died.'
  84. Enabled: true
  85. Respawn:
  86. Commands:
  87. Commands:
  88. - 'console: All commands in this plugin have PlaceholderAPI support'
  89. - 'console: These commands are run by the console, you can use the %player% variable
  90. for the player name'
  91. - 'player: These commands are run by the player, you can use the %player% variable
  92. for the player name'
  93. Enabled: true
  94. PlayerTracker:
  95. Tracker: '&ePlayer Tracker'
  96. Message: '&b&lTarget: &3%nearestplayer% &b&lDistance: &3%distance%'
  97. NoneOnline: '&cNo Players Online'
  98. Other:
  99. ClearPotionEffectsOnJoin: true
  100. ClearInventoryOnJoin: true
  101. ForceSurvivalOnJoin: true
  102. KeepWeatherAtSunny: true
  103. PreventBlockBreaking: true
  104. PreventBlockPlacing: true
  105. PreventHunger: true
  106. PreventItemDropping: true
  107. PreventItemDurabilityDamage: true
  108. PreventChestOpen: true
  109. GiveItemsOnClear: true
  110. PreventFallDamage: false
  111. Spawn:
  112. Time: 5
  113. Enabled: true
  114. World: Hollow
  115. X: -50
  116. Y: 72
  117. Z: 50
  118. Yaw: -100.776375
  119. Pitch: 25.499819
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