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a guest
Jan 16th, 2019
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  1. #
  2. #Console initialized.
  3. #Using breakpad minidump system 740/13673.849.DC
  4. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  5. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  6. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  7. #Loading VPK file hashes for pure server operation.
  8. #Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive"
  9. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'server_pre_shutdown' unknown.
  10. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'game_newmap' unknown.
  11. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'finale_start' unknown.
  12. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_start' unknown.
  13. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'round_end' unknown.
  14. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'difficulty_changed' unknown.
  15. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'player_death' unknown.
  16. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'hltv_replay' unknown.
  17. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'player_connect' unknown.
  18. #CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'player_disconnect' unknown.
  19. #GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
  20. #GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
  21. #GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
  22. Failed to load gamerulescvars.txt, game rules cvars might not be reported to management tools.
  23. Server is hibernating
  24. Loaded authkey from webapi_authkey.txt: E83807D8E8AEB1B2AC6D9762987C570A
  25. maxplayers set to 64
  26. Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds
  27. ConVarRef cl_embedded_stream_video_playing doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  28. Unknown command "cl_bobamt_vert"
  29. Unknown command "cl_bobamt_lat"
  30. Unknown command "cl_bob_lower_amt"
  31. Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt"
  32. Unknown command "cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt"
  33. Unknown command "cl_teamid_min"
  34. Unknown command "cl_teamid_max"
  35. Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead"
  36. Unknown command "cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist"
  37. Maxplayers is deprecated, set it in gamemodes_server.txt.example or use -maxplayers_override instead.
  38. NET_CloseAllSockets
  39. SteamDatagramClient_Init succeeded
  40. ---- Host_NewGame ----
  41. Host_NewGame on map kz_spacemario_h
  42. L 01/16/2019 - 17:35:22: -------- Mapchange to kz_spacemario_h --------
  43. L 01/16/2019 - 17:35:22: [GEOIP] GeoIP database info: GEO-106FREE 20160202 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2016 MaxMind
  44. CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_win_panel' unknown.
  45. CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'teamplay_restart_round' unknown.
  46. CGameEventManager::AddListener: event 'arena_win_panel' unknown.
  47. GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
  48. GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
  49. GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
  50. ammo_grenade_limit_default - 1
  51. ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang - 1
  52. ammo_item_limit_healthshot - 4
  53. ammo_grenade_limit_total - 3
  54. bot_allow_grenades - 1
  55. bot_allow_machine_guns - 1
  56. bot_allow_pistols - 1
  57. bot_allow_rifles - 1
  58. bot_allow_rogues - 1
  59. bot_allow_shotguns - 1
  60. bot_allow_snipers - 1
  61. bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - 1
  62. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high - 5.0
  63. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low - -2.0
  64. bot_chatter - normal
  65. bot_defer_to_human_goals - 0
  66. bot_defer_to_human_items - 1
  67. bot_difficulty - 1
  68. bot_quota - 10
  69. bot_quota_mode - normal
  70. cash_player_bomb_defused - 300
  71. cash_player_bomb_planted - 300
  72. cash_player_damage_hostage - -30
  73. cash_player_get_killed - 0
  74. cash_player_interact_with_hostage - 150
  75. cash_player_killed_enemy_default - 300
  76. cash_player_killed_enemy_factor - 1
  77. cash_player_killed_hostage - -1000
  78. cash_player_killed_teammate - -300
  79. cash_player_rescued_hostage - 1000
  80. cash_player_respawn_amount - 0
  81. cash_team_elimination_bomb_map - 3250
  82. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct - 2000
  83. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t - 1000
  84. cash_team_hostage_alive - 0
  85. cash_team_hostage_interaction - 500
  86. cash_team_loser_bonus - 1400
  87. cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds - 500
  88. cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused - 800
  89. cash_team_rescued_hostage - 0
  90. cash_team_survive_guardian_wave - 1000
  91. cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb - 3500
  92. cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb - 3250
  93. cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue - 3500
  94. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb - 3250
  95. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage - 3250
  96. contributionscore_assist - 1
  97. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor - 1
  98. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major - 3
  99. contributionscore_bomb_planted - 2
  100. contributionscore_bomb_exploded - 1
  101. contributionscore_cash_bundle - 0
  102. contributionscore_crate_break - 0
  103. contributionscore_hostage_kill - -2
  104. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor - 1
  105. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major - 3
  106. contributionscore_kill - 2
  107. contributionscore_kill_factor - 0
  108. contributionscore_objective_kill - 3
  109. contributionscore_suicide - -2
  110. contributionscore_team_kill - -2
  111. ff_damage_reduction_bullets - 0.1
  112. ff_damage_reduction_grenade - 0.25
  113. ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self - 1
  114. ff_damage_reduction_other - 0.25
  115. global_chatter_info -
  116. healthshot_healthboost_time - 0
  117. healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier - 1
  118. healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier - 1
  119. mp_afterroundmoney - 0
  120. mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 - 0
  121. mp_autokick - 1
  122. mp_autoteambalance - 1
  123. mp_buy_allow_grenades - 1
  124. mp_buy_allow_guns - 255
  125. mp_buy_anywhere - 0
  126. mp_buy_during_immunity - 0
  127. mp_buytime - 90
  128. mp_c4_cannot_be_defused - 0
  129. mp_c4timer - 40
  130. mp_consecutive_loss_max - 4
  131. mp_coop_force_join_ct - 0
  132. mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset - 0
  133. mp_coopmission_mission_number - 0
  134. mp_ct_default_grenades -
  135. mp_ct_default_melee - weapon_knife
  136. mp_ct_default_primary -
  137. mp_ct_default_secondary - weapon_hkp2000
  138. mp_damage_headshot_only - 0
  139. mp_damage_scale_ct_body - 1.0
  140. mp_damage_scale_ct_head - 1.0
  141. mp_damage_scale_t_body - 1.0
  142. mp_damage_scale_t_head - 1.0
  143. mp_damage_vampiric_amount - 0
  144. mp_death_drop_c4 - 1
  145. mp_death_drop_defuser - 1
  146. mp_death_drop_grenade - 2
  147. mp_death_drop_gun - 1
  148. mp_deathcam_skippable - 1
  149. mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - -1
  150. mp_defuser_allocation - 0
  151. mp_display_kill_assists - 1
  152. mp_dm_bonus_percent - 50
  153. mp_dm_bonus_respawn - 0
  154. mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags - 0
  155. mp_dm_dogtag_score - 0
  156. mp_dm_kill_base_score - 10
  157. mp_dm_teammode - 0
  158. mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score - 1
  159. mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score - 0
  160. mp_dm_teammode_kill_score - 1
  161. mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death - 1
  162. mp_dogtag_despawn_time - 120
  163. mp_dogtag_pickup_rule - 0
  164. mp_drop_grenade_enable - 0
  165. mp_drop_knife_enable - 0
  166. mp_economy_reset_rounds - 0
  167. mp_equipment_reset_rounds - 0
  168. mp_force_assign_teams - 0
  169. mp_force_pick_time - 15
  170. mp_forcecamera - 1
  171. mp_free_armor - 0
  172. mp_freezetime - 6
  173. mp_friendlyfire - 0
  174. mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay - 15.0
  175. mp_ggtr_always_upgrade - 0
  176. mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus - 1
  177. mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus - 1
  178. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash - 4
  179. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he - 3
  180. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov - 5
  181. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade - 2.0
  182. mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay - 0.0
  183. mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus - 1
  184. mp_ggtr_halftime_delay - 0.0
  185. mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half - 0
  186. mp_give_player_c4 - 1
  187. mp_global_damage_per_second - 0.0
  188. mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave - 800
  189. mp_guardian_loc_adjective -
  190. mp_guardian_loc_condition -
  191. mp_guardian_loc_icon -
  192. mp_guardian_loc_mission - default
  193. mp_guardian_loc_override -
  194. mp_guardian_loc_weapon -
  195. mp_guardian_player_dist_max - 2000
  196. mp_guardian_player_dist_min - 1300
  197. mp_guardian_special_kills_needed - 10
  198. mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed - awp
  199. mp_guardian_target_site - -1
  200. mp_halftime - 0
  201. mp_halftime_pausetimer - 0
  202. mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown - 5
  203. mp_hostagepenalty - 10
  204. mp_hostages_max - 2
  205. mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions -
  206. mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round - 1
  207. mp_items_prohibited -
  208. mp_limitteams - 2
  209. mp_match_can_clinch - 1
  210. mp_match_end_changelevel - 0
  211. mp_max_armor - 2
  212. mp_maxmoney - 16000
  213. mp_maxrounds - 0
  214. mp_molotovusedelay - 15.0
  215. mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages - 1
  216. mp_plant_c4_anywhere - 0
  217. mp_playercashawards - 1
  218. mp_radar_showall - 0
  219. mp_randomspawn - 0
  220. mp_randomspawn_dist - 0
  221. mp_randomspawn_los - 1
  222. mp_respawn_immunitytime - 4.0
  223. mp_respawn_on_death_ct - 0
  224. mp_respawn_on_death_t - 0
  225. mp_respawnwavetime_ct - 10.0
  226. mp_respawnwavetime_t - 10.0
  227. mp_round_restart_delay - 7.0
  228. mp_roundtime - 5
  229. mp_roundtime_defuse - 0
  230. mp_roundtime_hostage - 0
  231. mp_solid_teammates - 1
  232. mp_starting_losses - 0
  233. mp_startmoney - 800
  234. mp_tagging_scale - 1.0
  235. mp_t_default_grenades -
  236. mp_t_default_melee - weapon_knife
  237. mp_t_default_primary -
  238. mp_t_default_secondary - weapon_glock
  239. mp_taser_recharge_time - -1
  240. mp_teamcashawards - 1
  241. mp_teammates_are_enemies - 0
  242. mp_timelimit - 5
  243. mp_use_respawn_waves - 0
  244. mp_warmup_pausetimer - 0
  245. mp_warmuptime - 30
  246. mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected - 0
  247. mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount - 0
  248. mp_weapons_allow_heavy - -1
  249. mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit - 0
  250. mp_weapons_allow_map_placed - 0
  251. mp_weapons_allow_pistols - -1
  252. mp_weapons_allow_rifles - -1
  253. mp_weapons_allow_smgs - -1
  254. mp_weapons_allow_typecount - 5
  255. mp_weapons_allow_zeus - 1
  256. mp_weapons_glow_on_ground - 0
  257. mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match - -1
  258. mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed - 130
  259. mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale - 0.8
  260. mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch - 1.0
  261. mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale - 1.0
  262. mp_win_panel_display_time - 3
  263. inferno_child_spawn_max_depth - 4
  264. inferno_max_flames - 16
  265. inferno_max_range - 150
  266. molotov_throw_detonate_time - 2.0
  267. occlusion_test_async - 0
  268. spec_freeze_panel_extended_time - 0.0
  269. spec_freeze_time - 3.0
  270. spec_replay_enable - 0
  271. spec_replay_leadup_time - 5.3438
  272. spec_replay_bot - 0
  273. sv_accelerate - 5.5
  274. sv_airaccelerate - 12
  275. sv_air_pushaway_dist - 0
  276. sv_allow_votes - 1
  277. sv_alltalk - 0
  278. sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after - 0
  279. sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty - 1
  280. sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end - 1
  281. sv_autobunnyhopping - 0
  282. sv_autobuyammo - 0
  283. sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight - 1
  284. sv_bot_buy_flash_weight - 1
  285. sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance - 33
  286. sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight - 6
  287. sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight - 1
  288. sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight - 1
  289. sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round - 0
  290. sv_bots_get_easier_each_win - 0
  291. sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave - 0
  292. sv_bounce - 0
  293. sv_buy_status_override - -1
  294. sv_deadtalk - 0
  295. ConVarRef sv_disable_show_team_select_menu doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  296. sv_disable_radar - 0
  297. sv_disable_immunity_alpha - 0
  298. sv_duplicate_playernames_ok - 0
  299. sv_enablebunnyhopping - 0
  300. sv_env_entity_makers_enabled - 1
  301. sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons - 0
  302. sv_falldamage_scale - 1
  303. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier - 1
  304. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio - 0
  305. sv_force_reflections - 0
  306. sv_friction - 5.2
  307. sv_grassburn - 0
  308. sv_gravity - 800
  309. sv_guardian_heavy_all - 0
  310. sv_guardian_heavy_count - 0
  311. sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy - 0
  312. sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy - 0
  313. sv_health_approach_enabled - 0
  314. sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier - 1
  315. sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier - 1
  316. sv_ignoregrenaderadio - 0
  317. sv_infinite_ammo - 0
  318. sv_knife_attack_extend_from_player_aabb - 0
  319. sv_maxspeed - 320
  320. sv_maxvelocity - 3500
  321. sv_occlude_players - 1
  322. sv_outofammo_indicator - 0
  323. ConVarRef sv_show_ragdoll_playernames doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  324. sv_show_team_equipment_force_on - 0
  325. sv_staminajumpcost - .080
  326. sv_staminalandcost - .050
  327. sv_stopspeed - 80
  328. sv_talk_enemy_dead - 0
  329. sv_talk_enemy_living - 0
  330. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec - 0
  331. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist - 0
  332. sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point - 0
  333. sv_wateraccelerate - 10
  334. sv_waterfriction - 1
  335. sv_water_movespeed_multiplier - 0.8
  336. sv_water_swim_mode - 0
  337. sv_weapon_encumbrance_per_item - 0.85
  338. sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale - 0
  339. tv_delay - 10
  340. weapon_accuracy_nospread - 0
  341. weapon_air_spread_scale - 1.0
  342. weapon_max_before_cleanup - 0
  343. weapon_recoil_scale - 2.0
  344. weapon_reticle_knife_show - 0
  345. weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier - 1.0
  346. Executing dedicated server config file
  347. Unknown command "sv_maxcmdrate"
  348. Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
  349. Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
  350. exec: couldn't exec gamemode_casual_server.cfg
  351. CHostage::Precache: missing hostage models for map kz_spacemario_h. Adding the default models.
  352. PrecacheScriptSound 'Snowball.Bounce' failed, no such sound script entry
  353. PlayerModelInfo: missing terrorist models for map kz_spacemario_h. Adding the default model tm_phoenix.
  354. PlayerModelInfo: missing counter-terrorist models for map kz_spacemario_h. Adding the default model ctm_st6.
  356. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  359. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  361. LOCALS
  362. [this] TABLE
  363. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  365. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  368. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  370. LOCALS
  371. [this] TABLE
  372. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  373. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/fire flower/firess00"!
  374. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/1up/1-upss00"!
  375. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/bowser statue/bowsss00"!
  376. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/bowser statue/bowsss01"!
  377. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/lifemushroom/lifess00"!
  378. Uncached query for bone (12) transform. Please verify that there is an attachment or bounding box associated with this bone.
  379. Error! Flag "$nocull" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_eyeball"!
  380. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_eyeball"!
  381. Error! Flag "$nocull" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_all"!
  382. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_all"!
  383. Error! Flag "$nocull" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_clothe"!
  384. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_clothe"!
  385. Error! Flag "$nocull" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/princess peach/peacsspeach_eye_lid"!
  386. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/marioragdoll/super mario galaxy/book/rosamm00"!
  387. Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/kz_spacemario_h_commentary.txt'.
  388. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  389. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  390. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  391. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  392. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  393. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  394. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  395. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  396. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  397. ****************************************************
  398. * *
  399. * No Steam account token was specified. *
  400. * Logging into anonymous game server account. *
  401. * Connections will be restricted to LAN only. *
  402. * *
  403. * To create a game server account go to *
  404. * *
  405. * *
  406. ****************************************************
  407. SteamDatagramServer_Init succeeded
  408. --------------------------------------------------------
  409. sv_pure set to 0.
  410. Note: Changes to sv_pure take effect when the next map is loaded.
  411. --------------------------------------------------------
  413. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  416. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  418. LOCALS
  419. [this] TABLE
  420. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  422. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  425. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  427. LOCALS
  428. [this] TABLE
  429. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  430. Uncached query for bone (12) transform. Please verify that there is an attachment or bounding box associated with this bone.
  431. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwz'.
  432. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'ghel'.
  433. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'ggru'.
  434. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pww'.
  435. Connection to Steam servers successful.
  436. Public IP is
  437. Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A:1:494086151:11799].
  438. Gameserver logged on to Steam, assigned SteamID [A:1:494086151:11799]
  439. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwg'.
  440. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwj'.
  441. Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwt'.
  442. VAC secure mode is activated.
  443. Communications with routing cluster 'pwg' established.
  444. GC Connection established for server version 849, instance idx 1
  445. Ping measurement completed
  446. Ping location: ord=16+1,iad=40+4/31+1,okc=51+5/33+1,atl=33+3/34+1,sea=69+6/61+1,mwh=68+6/67+1,lax=71+7/67+1,lhr=106+10/103+1,ams=109+10/108+1,fra=124+12/122+1,gru=151+15/165+1,sgp=263+26/235+16
  447. Communications with routing cluster 'pwu' have been disrupted.
  448. -> Reservation cookie 81ef0977a34aede2: reason [R] Connect from
  449. Client "Jakobe" connected (
  450. Server waking up from hibernation
  451. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] Exception reported: <KZTIMER> Mapcycle.txt is empty or does not exists.
  452. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] Blaming: KZTimerGlobal.smx
  453. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] Call stack trace:
  454. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] [0] SetFailState
  455. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] [1] Line 1225, D:\GlobalAPI\kztimerglobal\scripting\KZTimerGlobal.sp::OnConfigsExecuted
  456. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [nextmap.smx] FATAL: Cannot load map cycle. Nextmap not loaded.
  457. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] Exception reported: Mapcycle Not Found
  458. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] Blaming: nextmap.smx
  459. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] Call stack trace:
  460. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] [0] SetFailState
  461. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] [1] Line 143, D:\builds\build-sourcemod-msvc12\windows-1.9\build\plugins\nextmap.sp::FindAndSetNextMap
  462. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:07: [SM] [2] Line 113, D:\builds\build-sourcemod-msvc12\windows-1.9\build\plugins\nextmap.sp::OnConfigsExecuted
  463. ---- Host_Changelevel ----
  464. *** Map Load: kz_spacemario_h: Map Group L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:08: -------- Mapchange to kz_spacemario_h --------
  465. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:08: Error log file session closed.
  466. GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
  467. GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
  468. GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
  469. ammo_grenade_limit_default - 1
  470. ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang - 1
  471. ammo_item_limit_healthshot - 4
  472. ammo_grenade_limit_total - 3
  473. bot_allow_grenades - 1
  474. bot_allow_machine_guns - 1
  475. bot_allow_pistols - 1
  476. bot_allow_rifles - 1
  477. bot_allow_rogues - 1
  478. bot_allow_shotguns - 1
  479. bot_allow_snipers - 1
  480. bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - 1
  481. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high - 5.0
  482. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low - -2.0
  483. bot_chatter - normal
  484. bot_defer_to_human_goals - 0
  485. bot_defer_to_human_items - 1
  486. bot_difficulty - 1
  487. bot_quota - 10
  488. bot_quota_mode - normal
  489. cash_player_bomb_defused - 300
  490. cash_player_bomb_planted - 300
  491. cash_player_damage_hostage - -30
  492. cash_player_get_killed - 0
  493. cash_player_interact_with_hostage - 150
  494. cash_player_killed_enemy_default - 300
  495. cash_player_killed_enemy_factor - 1
  496. cash_player_killed_hostage - -1000
  497. cash_player_killed_teammate - -300
  498. cash_player_rescued_hostage - 1000
  499. cash_player_respawn_amount - 0
  500. cash_team_elimination_bomb_map - 3250
  501. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct - 2000
  502. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t - 1000
  503. cash_team_hostage_alive - 0
  504. cash_team_hostage_interaction - 500
  505. cash_team_loser_bonus - 1400
  506. cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds - 500
  507. cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused - 800
  508. cash_team_rescued_hostage - 0
  509. cash_team_survive_guardian_wave - 1000
  510. cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb - 3500
  511. cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb - 3250
  512. cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue - 3500
  513. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb - 3250
  514. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage - 3250
  515. contributionscore_assist - 1
  516. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor - 1
  517. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major - 3
  518. contributionscore_bomb_planted - 2
  519. contributionscore_bomb_exploded - 1
  520. contributionscore_cash_bundle - 0
  521. contributionscore_crate_break - 0
  522. contributionscore_hostage_kill - -2
  523. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor - 1
  524. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major - 3
  525. contributionscore_kill - 2
  526. contributionscore_kill_factor - 0
  527. contributionscore_objective_kill - 3
  528. contributionscore_suicide - -2
  529. contributionscore_team_kill - -2
  530. ff_damage_reduction_bullets - 0.1
  531. ff_damage_reduction_grenade - 0.25
  532. ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self - 1
  533. ff_damage_reduction_other - 0.25
  534. global_chatter_info -
  535. healthshot_healthboost_time - 0
  536. healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier - 1
  537. healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier - 1
  538. mp_afterroundmoney - 0
  539. mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 - 0
  540. mp_autokick - 1
  541. mp_autoteambalance - 1
  542. mp_buy_allow_grenades - 1
  543. mp_buy_allow_guns - 255
  544. mp_buy_anywhere - 0
  545. mp_buy_during_immunity - 0
  546. mp_buytime - 90
  547. mp_c4_cannot_be_defused - 0
  548. mp_c4timer - 40
  549. mp_consecutive_loss_max - 4
  550. mp_coop_force_join_ct - 0
  551. mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset - 0
  552. mp_coopmission_mission_number - 0
  553. mp_ct_default_grenades -
  554. mp_ct_default_melee - weapon_knife
  555. mp_ct_default_primary -
  556. mp_ct_default_secondary - weapon_hkp2000
  557. mp_damage_headshot_only - 0
  558. mp_damage_scale_ct_body - 1.0
  559. mp_damage_scale_ct_head - 1.0
  560. mp_damage_scale_t_body - 1.0
  561. mp_damage_scale_t_head - 1.0
  562. mp_damage_vampiric_amount - 0
  563. mp_death_drop_c4 - 1
  564. mp_death_drop_defuser - 1
  565. mp_death_drop_grenade - 2
  566. mp_death_drop_gun - 1
  567. mp_deathcam_skippable - 1
  568. mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - -1
  569. mp_defuser_allocation - 0
  570. mp_display_kill_assists - 1
  571. mp_dm_bonus_percent - 50
  572. mp_dm_bonus_respawn - 0
  573. mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags - 0
  574. mp_dm_dogtag_score - 0
  575. mp_dm_kill_base_score - 10
  576. mp_dm_teammode - 0
  577. mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score - 1
  578. mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score - 0
  579. mp_dm_teammode_kill_score - 1
  580. mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death - 1
  581. mp_dogtag_despawn_time - 120
  582. mp_dogtag_pickup_rule - 0
  583. mp_drop_grenade_enable - 0
  584. mp_drop_knife_enable - 0
  585. mp_economy_reset_rounds - 0
  586. mp_equipment_reset_rounds - 0
  587. mp_force_assign_teams - 0
  588. mp_force_pick_time - 15
  589. mp_forcecamera - 1
  590. mp_free_armor - 0
  591. mp_freezetime - 6
  592. mp_friendlyfire - 0
  593. mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay - 15.0
  594. mp_ggtr_always_upgrade - 0
  595. mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus - 1
  596. mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus - 1
  597. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash - 4
  598. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he - 3
  599. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov - 5
  600. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade - 2.0
  601. mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay - 0.0
  602. mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus - 1
  603. mp_ggtr_halftime_delay - 0.0
  604. mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half - 0
  605. mp_give_player_c4 - 1
  606. mp_global_damage_per_second - 0.0
  607. mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave - 800
  608. mp_guardian_loc_adjective -
  609. mp_guardian_loc_condition -
  610. mp_guardian_loc_icon -
  611. mp_guardian_loc_mission - default
  612. mp_guardian_loc_override -
  613. mp_guardian_loc_weapon -
  614. mp_guardian_player_dist_max - 2000
  615. mp_guardian_player_dist_min - 1300
  616. mp_guardian_special_kills_needed - 10
  617. mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed - awp
  618. mp_guardian_target_site - -1
  619. mp_halftime - 0
  620. mp_halftime_pausetimer - 0
  621. mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown - 5
  622. mp_hostagepenalty - 10
  623. mp_hostages_max - 2
  624. mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions -
  625. mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round - 1
  626. mp_items_prohibited -
  627. mp_limitteams - 2
  628. mp_match_can_clinch - 1
  629. mp_match_end_changelevel - 0
  630. mp_max_armor - 2
  631. mp_maxmoney - 16000
  632. mp_maxrounds - 0
  633. mp_molotovusedelay - 15.0
  634. mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages - 1
  635. mp_plant_c4_anywhere - 0
  636. mp_playercashawards - 1
  637. mp_radar_showall - 0
  638. mp_randomspawn - 0
  639. mp_randomspawn_dist - 0
  640. mp_randomspawn_los - 1
  641. mp_respawn_immunitytime - 4.0
  642. mp_respawn_on_death_ct - 0
  643. mp_respawn_on_death_t - 0
  644. mp_respawnwavetime_ct - 10.0
  645. mp_respawnwavetime_t - 10.0
  646. mp_round_restart_delay - 7.0
  647. mp_roundtime - 5
  648. mp_roundtime_defuse - 0
  649. mp_roundtime_hostage - 0
  650. mp_solid_teammates - 1
  651. mp_starting_losses - 0
  652. mp_startmoney - 800
  653. mp_tagging_scale - 1.0
  654. mp_t_default_grenades -
  655. mp_t_default_melee - weapon_knife
  656. mp_t_default_primary -
  657. mp_t_default_secondary - weapon_glock
  658. mp_taser_recharge_time - -1
  659. mp_teamcashawards - 1
  660. mp_teammates_are_enemies - 0
  661. mp_timelimit - 5
  662. mp_use_respawn_waves - 0
  663. mp_warmup_pausetimer - 0
  664. mp_warmuptime - 30
  665. mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected - 0
  666. mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount - 0
  667. mp_weapons_allow_heavy - -1
  668. mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit - 0
  669. mp_weapons_allow_map_placed - 0
  670. mp_weapons_allow_pistols - -1
  671. mp_weapons_allow_rifles - -1
  672. mp_weapons_allow_smgs - -1
  673. mp_weapons_allow_typecount - 5
  674. mp_weapons_allow_zeus - 1
  675. mp_weapons_glow_on_ground - 0
  676. mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match - -1
  677. mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed - 130
  678. mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale - 0.8
  679. mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch - 1.0
  680. mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale - 1.0
  681. mp_win_panel_display_time - 3
  682. inferno_child_spawn_max_depth - 4
  683. inferno_max_flames - 16
  684. inferno_max_range - 150
  685. molotov_throw_detonate_time - 2.0
  686. occlusion_test_async - 0
  687. spec_freeze_panel_extended_time - 0.0
  688. spec_freeze_time - 3.0
  689. spec_replay_enable - 0
  690. spec_replay_leadup_time - 5.3438
  691. spec_replay_bot - 0
  692. sv_accelerate - 5.5
  693. sv_airaccelerate - 12
  694. sv_air_pushaway_dist - 0
  695. sv_allow_votes - 1
  696. sv_alltalk - 0
  697. sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after - 0
  698. sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty - 1
  699. sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end - 1
  700. sv_autobunnyhopping - 0
  701. sv_autobuyammo - 0
  702. sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight - 1
  703. sv_bot_buy_flash_weight - 1
  704. sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance - 33
  705. sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight - 6
  706. sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight - 1
  707. sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight - 1
  708. sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round - 0
  709. sv_bots_get_easier_each_win - 0
  710. sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave - 0
  711. sv_bounce - 0
  712. sv_buy_status_override - -1
  713. sv_deadtalk - 0
  714. ConVarRef sv_disable_show_team_select_menu doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  715. sv_disable_radar - 0
  716. sv_disable_immunity_alpha - 0
  717. sv_duplicate_playernames_ok - 0
  718. sv_enablebunnyhopping - 0
  719. sv_env_entity_makers_enabled - 1
  720. sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons - 0
  721. sv_falldamage_scale - 1
  722. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier - 1
  723. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio - 0
  724. sv_force_reflections - 0
  725. sv_friction - 5.2
  726. sv_grassburn - 0
  727. sv_gravity - 800
  728. sv_guardian_heavy_all - 0
  729. sv_guardian_heavy_count - 0
  730. sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy - 0
  731. sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy - 0
  732. sv_health_approach_enabled - 0
  733. sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier - 1
  734. sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier - 1
  735. sv_ignoregrenaderadio - 0
  736. sv_infinite_ammo - 0
  737. sv_knife_attack_extend_from_player_aabb - 0
  738. sv_maxspeed - 320
  739. sv_maxvelocity - 3500
  740. sv_occlude_players - 1
  741. sv_outofammo_indicator - 0
  742. ConVarRef sv_show_ragdoll_playernames doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  743. sv_show_team_equipment_force_on - 0
  744. sv_staminajumpcost - .080
  745. sv_staminalandcost - .050
  746. sv_stopspeed - 80
  747. sv_talk_enemy_dead - 0
  748. sv_talk_enemy_living - 0
  749. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec - 0
  750. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist - 0
  751. sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point - 0
  752. sv_wateraccelerate - 10
  753. sv_waterfriction - 1
  754. sv_water_movespeed_multiplier - 0.8
  755. sv_water_swim_mode - 0
  756. sv_weapon_encumbrance_per_item - 0.85
  757. sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale - 0
  758. tv_delay - 10
  759. weapon_accuracy_nospread - 0
  760. weapon_air_spread_scale - 1.0
  761. weapon_max_before_cleanup - 0
  762. weapon_recoil_scale - 2.0
  763. weapon_reticle_knife_show - 0
  764. weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier - 1.0
  765. Executing dedicated server config file
  766. Unknown command "sv_maxcmdrate"
  767. Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
  768. Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
  769. exec: couldn't exec gamemode_casual_server.cfg
  770. CHostage::Precache: missing hostage models for map kz_spacemario_h. Adding the default models.
  772. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  775. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  777. LOCALS
  778. [this] TABLE
  779. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  781. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  784. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  786. LOCALS
  787. [this] TABLE
  788. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  789. Uncached query for bone (12) transform. Please verify that there is an attachment or bounding box associated with this bone.
  790. Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/kz_spacemario_h_commentary.txt'.
  791. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  792. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  793. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  794. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  795. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  796. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  797. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  798. Error parsing BotProfile.db - unknown attribute 'Rank'
  799. --------------------------------------------------------
  800. sv_pure value unchanged (current value is 0).
  801. --------------------------------------------------------
  803. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  806. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  808. LOCALS
  809. [this] TABLE
  810. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  812. AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong number of parameters]
  815. *FUNCTION [main()] soundscape_choose_trigger.nut line [15]
  817. LOCALS
  818. [this] TABLE
  819. Error running script named 8bo/soundscape_choose_trigger.nut
  820. Uncached query for bone (12) transform. Please verify that there is an attachment or bounding box associated with this bone.
  821. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] Exception reported: <KZTIMER> Mapcycle.txt is empty or does not exists.
  822. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] Blaming: KZTimerGlobal.smx
  823. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] Call stack trace:
  824. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] [0] SetFailState
  825. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] [1] Line 1225, D:\GlobalAPI\kztimerglobal\scripting\KZTimerGlobal.sp::OnConfigsExecuted
  826. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [nextmap.smx] FATAL: Cannot load map cycle. Nextmap not loaded.
  827. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] Exception reported: Mapcycle Not Found
  828. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] Blaming: nextmap.smx
  829. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] Call stack trace:
  830. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:09: [SM] [0] SetFailState
  831. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:10: [SM] [1] Line 143, D:\builds\build-sourcemod-msvc12\windows-1.9\build\plugins\nextmap.sp::FindAndSetNextMap
  832. L 01/16/2019 - 17:36:10: [SM] [2] Line 113, D:\builds\build-sourcemod-msvc12\windows-1.9\build\plugins\nextmap.sp::OnConfigsExecuted
  833. PutClientInServer: no info_player_start on level
  834. Inserted trigger_teleport with no model
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