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a guest
Dec 4th, 2018
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text 31.78 KB | None | 0 0
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'{"data":[{"0":"65","id":"65","1":"Sherizay","name":"Sherizay","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":" OTHER disculpen asi de la nada se resolvio lo de la task","report_description":" OTHER disculpen asi de la nada se resolvio lo de la task","6":"Tue Dec 4 22:34:36 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 22:34:36 2018"},{"0":"64","id":"64","1":"Sherizay","name":"Sherizay","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":" OTHER Hola, disculpen la molestia, pedi las task de Grizzly adams de Giant Spider, bonebeast y anciet scrab, termine la de Gian spider y fui a reportar con adams, no me aparecio completa y en el quest log ya aparece completa, le digo a adams RANK para saber los puntos y me dice 0 y ya complete una task","report_description":" OTHER Hola, disculpen la molestia, pedi las task de Grizzly adams de Giant Spider, bonebeast y anciet scrab, termine la de Gian spider y fui a reportar con adams, no me aparecio completa y en el quest log ya aparece completa, le digo a adams RANK para saber los puntos y me dice 0 y ya complete una task","6":"Tue Dec 4 22:33:10 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 22:33:10 2018"},{"0":"63","id":"63","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":" TECHNICAL HOLA","report_description":" TECHNICAL HOLA","6":"Tue Dec 4 21:15:43 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 21:15:43 2018"},{"0":"61","id":"61","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"31179","posx":"31179","3":"32799","posy":"32799","4":"7","posz":"7","5":" MAP POSITION ADE","report_description":" MAP POSITION ADE","6":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:58 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:58 2018"},{"0":"62","id":"62","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"31179","posx":"31179","3":"32799","posy":"32799","4":"7","posz":"7","5":"ADE","report_description":"ADE","6":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:58 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:58 2018"},{"0":"60","id":"60","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"asdasdasdasdTECH\\n","report_description":"asdasdasdasdTECH\\n","6":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:45 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:45 2018"},{"0":"59","id":"59","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd","report_description":"asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd","6":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:15 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 21:09:15 2018"},{"0":"58","id":"58","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"31179","posx":"31179","3":"32799","posy":"32799","4":"7","posz":"7","5":" MAP POSITION asdasdasdad","report_description":" MAP POSITION asdasdasdad","6":"Tue Dec 4 21:07:01 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 21:07:01 2018"},{"0":"56","id":"56","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"32385","posx":"32385","3":"32214","posy":"32214","4":"7","posz":"7","5":" MAP POSITION Test para michael","report_description":" MAP POSITION Test para michael","6":"Tue Dec 4 20:35:41 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 20:35:41 2018"},{"0":"57","id":"57","1":"GM Michy","name":"GM Michy","2":"32385","posx":"32385","3":"32214","posy":"32214","4":"7","posz":"7","5":"Test para michael","report_description":"Test para michael","6":"Tue Dec 4 20:35:41 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 20:35:41 2018"},{"0":"55","id":"55","1":"Asajj","name":"Asajj","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"15:41 You see a monk exercise dummy.\\nWrap it in your own house to create a <decoration kit>.\\nno se wrapea, ni se puede mover","report_description":"15:41 You see a monk exercise dummy.\\nWrap it in your own house to create a <decoration kit>.\\nno se wrapea, ni se puede mover","6":"Tue Dec 4 19:43:39 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 19:43:39 2018"},{"0":"54","id":"54","1":"Halloween","name":"Halloween","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"la wand of darkness (exevo gran mort) no hace animacion del disparo","report_description":"la wand of darkness (exevo gran mort) no hace animacion del disparo","6":"Tue Dec 4 19:33:46 2018","date":"Tue Dec 4 19:33:46 2018"},{"0":"52","id":"52","1":"Sherizay","name":"Sherizay","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"no se pueden hacer flechas ni runas dentro de los DP","report_description":"no se pueden hacer flechas ni runas dentro de los DP","6":"Sun Dec 2 23:44:36 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 23:44:36 2018"},{"0":"50","id":"50","1":"Sherizay","name":"Sherizay","2":"33287","posx":"33287","3":"32479","posy":"32479","4":"6","posz":"6","5":" MAP POSITION la quest de montura de leon esta bug, falta el primer scroll (el que esta en el squeleto) luego que se pasa por el portal se busca el otro scroll y falta que se reconozca un lugar para poder poner las gemas y salga la fuente que da el item.","report_description":" MAP POSITION la quest de montura de leon esta bug, falta el primer scroll (el que esta en el squeleto) luego que se pasa por el portal se busca el otro scroll y falta que se reconozca un lugar para poder poner las gemas y salga la fuente que da el item.","6":"Sun Dec 2 22:09:38 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 22:09:38 2018"},{"0":"51","id":"51","1":"Sherizay","name":"Sherizay","2":"33287","posx":"33287","3":"32479","posy":"32479","4":"6","posz":"6","5":"la quest de montura de leon esta bug, falta el primer scroll (el que esta en el squeleto) luego que se pasa por el portal se busca el otro scroll y falta que se reconozca un lugar para poder poner las gemas y salga la fuente que da el item.","report_description":"la quest de montura de leon esta bug, falta el primer scroll (el que esta en el squeleto) luego que se pasa por el portal se busca el otro scroll y falta que se reconozca un lugar para poder poner las gemas y salga la fuente que da el item.","6":"Sun Dec 2 22:09:38 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 22:09:38 2018"},{"0":"49","id":"49","1":"Burbuja Grasosa","name":"Burbuja Grasosa","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"no deja avanzar en la mision, dice que faltan monster por matar pero solo estoy yo xd\\n","report_description":"no deja avanzar en la mision, dice que faltan monster por matar pero solo estoy yo xd\\n","6":"Sun Dec 2 05:17:25 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 05:17:25 2018"},{"0":"48","id":"48","1":"Ezreal","name":"Ezreal","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"Otra sugerencia mia, aumentar el limite del autoloot aunque sea a 20 si se puede","report_description":"Otra sugerencia mia, aumentar el limite del autoloot aunque sea a 20 si se puede","6":"Sun Dec 2 03:49:27 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 03:49:27 2018"},{"0":"47","id":"47","1":"Ezreal","name":"Ezreal","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"Hola, env\\u00edo la sugerencia de agregar m\\u00e1s braindeath en la cave de bonelords liberty bay, solo hay 3","report_description":"Hola, env\\u00edo la sugerencia de agregar m\\u00e1s braindeath en la cave de bonelords liberty bay, solo hay 3","6":"Sun Dec 2 03:24:43 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 03:24:43 2018"},{"0":"46","id":"46","1":"Kuuhaku","name":"Kuuhaku","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"NPC Adonai\\nTask Ativas:Rat e Orc\\n\\nTasks Inativas:Frost Dragons, Dragons Lords, Dragons, Cyclops, Skeletons, Amazons, Giant Spiders, Frazzlemaws, Guzzlemaws, Wyverns, Silencers, Grim Reapers, Orc Warriors, Hydras, Demons, Orc Leaders, Trolls, Black Knights, Dwarf Soldiers, Wild Warriors, Nomads, Ghouls.","report_description":"NPC Adonai\\nTask Ativas:Rat e Orc\\n\\nTasks Inativas:Frost Dragons, Dragons Lords, Dragons, Cyclops, Skeletons, Amazons, Giant Spiders, Frazzlemaws, Guzzlemaws, Wyverns, Silencers, Grim Reapers, Orc Warriors, Hydras, Demons, Orc Leaders, Trolls, Black Knights, Dwarf Soldiers, Wild Warriors, Nomads, Ghouls.","6":"Sun Dec 2 02:29:30 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 02:29:30 2018"},{"0":"45","id":"45","1":"Kuuhaku","name":"Kuuhaku","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"cyclops drone n\\u00e3o lootea gold","report_description":"cyclops drone n\\u00e3o lootea gold","6":"Sun Dec 2 02:12:37 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 02:12:37 2018"},{"0":"44","id":"44","1":"Kuuhaku","name":"Kuuhaku","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"npc Adonai n\\u00e3o da a task de cyclops,orc warrior e nem de troll no quest log fora que n\\u00e3o conta quando mata.","report_description":"npc Adonai n\\u00e3o da a task de cyclops,orc warrior e nem de troll no quest log fora que n\\u00e3o conta quando mata.","6":"Sun Dec 2 02:08:26 2018","date":"Sun Dec 2 02:08:26 2018"},{"0":"53","id":"53","1":"Sherizay","name":"Sherizay","2":"0","posx":"0","3":"0","posy":"0","4":"0","posz":"0","5":"imbui mi arco le coloque critico, mana leach y life leach y no funciona","report_description":"imbui mi arco le coloque critico, mana leach y life leach y no funciona","6":"Mon Dec 3 05:14:10 2018","date":"Mon Dec 3 05:14:10 2018"}],"dbInfo":"inppprd"}' }
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