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Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. "A fancy little superstition. The more respect yo ugive your dice, the more obligated it is to work better for you. the more nad more it feels like it needs to be in tune for the cosmic forces that allow it to give you luck.
  3. However, not all die can be trained. some are locked. so if you don't praise it enough, it will on purpose give you bad rolls. if you praise it too much, it becomes lazy and slothful. Some die, like the golden die in this video, must be praised and handled with extreme care, not just by it's user. but by the entire party.
  5. Only the luckiest of die could even begin to demand this treatment. however, I shall educate you on the requirements for appeasing these divine rollers.
  7. First things first. Like royalty, nobility. It will never roll with other dice. It will not speak with other dice. Nor will it see other dice to be fit to be in the same presence as itself. You must give it it's own box. a glass and silver case with a special golden key required to open it.
  9. It must only face, 20 sided up on an expensive, delicate cushion. made only of the finest materials, with fresh cotten. and a very, very light ammount of warmth beneath the die's pillow. most likely installed in the pedestal.
  11. A relief of the goddess Tymora must be carved on the north side of the pedestal. Bahamut must be carved on the east. Haela, on the south. And finally, Vergadain on the west.
  13. Each of them must be holding a different gem, and those gems must cradle the platform on which the glass case lies. The platform itself must be Pure oak, polished to perfection with no mechanical tampering outside of a good oiling.
  15. Finally. The roof of the room must be a skylight, and the die must be mathematically parralel to it. If the sun does not pass over the die each day, a darkness will begin to grow within it. For that is the power of these pieces. If they are not cleansed by divine light, they shall go from true neutral, to chaotic.
  17. Further more. Die like these do not like ot be alone. Even if every other die is beneath it. The only way to ensure it is truly respect is to give it it's own pack. Beggining with the D20. You then need a D12 behind it. with the D10 to the left, and the D10-percentile to the right. Your D-8 to the top-left corner, and the D-6 to the top left.
  19. Finally, a mini-pedastol shall sit besides the D-20. Where it's loyal adviser, the D-4, shall sit. Waiting patiently until it is needed.
  21. They are all to be given the same treatment as the D20. with the exception of hte pedestol, only one god may be carved into each one. The deities must be primarily focused on your D20. do not feel bad however. the other die understand the importance of this, as the D20 rules all other cosmos of the DND world. The ammount of divine luck they need in comparison to the D20 is a vast difference. Their gap in power, will always be unmeasurable.
  23. Side note: when handling this die. do not use tongues. only it's chosen wielder, who it shall have blessed with rolls that never go below 15, must handle it. And only, with white silk gloves. These gloves must also be taken care of in a relatively prestigious manner, blessed by their weavers in the arts of luck.
  25. the keys that let you open the box requires a chest of it's own, in a separate room. but it does not need to be independent. The chest must simply be taken care of. and inside the chest, also carved from holy oak with a velvet lining. shall have a tinier, much more ornate box within it. and inside of it, are the golden keys, quenched in holy oil, that will open them. Each key placed in the same positions as the die in their room. it is obvious the key for the D20 needs to be the most beautiful of them all.
  27. When rolling any of these die, it requires a platform, sheeted with velvet. and wielded by the silk-gloved user, he shall delicately and with great practice, roll the die. if it does not bounce three times, he has done it wrong. if it touched the outer rims that guard the red carpet on which the die dances upon, he has rolled it wrong. if it goes off of the velvet... he has rolled it wrong.
  29. The wielder must have practiced with silver die long enough to have mastered the roll. an un-experienced hand will only face the die's wrath.
  31. BE WARNED!!! this die is a cruel when another die has committed heresy against the gods of luck. if you have a die that has rolled a 1 in the past, and the golden die roll's a 1, that points towards that particular die. it is demanding that said die is to be executed. That die may also roll one mroe time, as a plea of mercy. rolling a 20 means it is to be spared, and cleansed in both warm and cold waters. The cold water must exactly 0.7 grams of sea-salt in it, stirred until you have made a full circle seven times. The golden die meanwhile will have blessed the warm waters for you. dunk the heretic die exactly seven times into the warm water, before soaking it in the cold. Dry it off with a purple washcloth, and repeat until the die has been cleansed of it's sins.
  33. if the heretic die rolls a 2-19, it is to be smashed by a purely silver warhammer, shaped like a dice. with a 20 etched into the back of it, parallel to the striking surface. Do so in a special container, so none of the pieces of said die go missing. afterwards, the die is ready to be melted down and re-incarnated. purified by the lucky flames of creation, it is ready to serve you once more.
  36. if it dares to roll a 1 in retaliation however... Then there is no forgiveness. there is nothing that can be done to say this die, and even touching it with your bare hand now may leave yo vulnerable to the curse of hte golden die's wrath. This die's punishment, is to be split down the middle, via a black iron chisel and a cursed rubber mallet. You are to attack the 20 on the heretic die. seperating the 2 and the 0 from one another, so it may never tamper with the laws of luck again. afterwards, using a mild acid or rubbing alcohol, wash away it's coloration. Shed it of any identity.
  38. And finally... Chip it away piece by piece. shedding it of every number it has, from 19 down to 2 in order. and when only the one remains, seal it away in a vile case. Defiled by it's other heretics, and hid away in teh darkness of either your basement or your atic. Never to see the light of day again, with the exception of when another heretic die is to join it's ranks.
  40. You have now been trained in the ways, of divine die. Cherish this knowledge, should the day come that it is needed... and woe be to he, who forgets even a single step in placating the fury, of a die blessed with godly luck."
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