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Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. # Autotable
  3. ## Functionality
  4. Displays a table based on an array of objects. Each object is interpreted as a table row, and its properties as the table’s columns. Columns can be configured individually. The table supports:
  6. - Sortable columns
  7. - Filterable rows
  8. - Render hyperlink based on cell value
  9. - Pagination in the form of “load more” button
  11. **Note**: the table assumes it can load _all_ required data at once on initialization, and rerenders itself after each user interaction. No data is retrieved from the server as long as the page is not reloaded.
  13. ## Usage in Nunjucks template
  14. Import and call the macro:
  16. ``` nunjucks
  17. {% import "components/core/auto-table/autotable.html" as autoTable %}
  18. {{ autoTable.autoTable(id, url, sortby, config) }}
  19. {{ autoTable.autoTableTemplates() }}
  20. ```
  22. **Note**: The autotable templates need to be loaded _just once_ on the page, even if you have multiple auto tables:
  24. ## Usage in Python
  25. The front-end server should return JSON for the configured endpoint. The autotable’s fetch method sends an `'Accept': 'application/json'` header that can be used in Python as follows:
  27. ``` python
  28. from dashboard.lib.ajax import prefers_json
  30. if (prefers_json(request)):
  31. return jsonify({'rows': rows})
  32. ```
  34. The API endpoint payload should be an object containing the property `rows` with a list of items that all have the same properties:
  36. ``` json
  37. {
  38. "rows": [
  39. {
  40. "id": 1,
  41. "name": "Jesse",
  42. "has_kids": False,
  43. "money": 9000
  44. },
  45. {
  46. "id": 2,
  47. "name": "Anne",
  48. "has_kids": True,
  49. "money": 0
  50. },
  51. ...
  52. ]
  53. }
  54. ```
  56. ## Configuration
  58. The Nunjucks macro supports the following parameters:
  60. | Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
  61. | ------------ | ------ | -------- | ----------- |
  62. | id | String | _(required)_ | The unique ID of the table, to make sure it doesn’t interfere with other `auto-table` on the page |
  63. | url | String | _(required)_ | The API endpoint where the table should get its data from (formatted as JSON object; see more information below) |
  64. | sortby | String | _(required)_ | The column that is sorted on by default |
  65. | config | Object | _(required)_ | The column configuration for the table. This is where you can define what columns are displayed, whether they are sortable, filterable, etc. (see more below) |
  67. The configuration is passed like this (for `config` contents, see below):
  69. ``` nunjucks
  70. {{ autoTable.autoTable(
  71. id = 'users',
  72. url = '/users/',
  73. sortby = 'name',
  74. config) }}
  75. ```
  77. ### Configuring the table
  78. The table’s config is an object set in Nunjucks that contains all info on how to display each of the columns in the autotable.
  80. | Property | Type | Description |
  81. | ------------ | ------ | ----------- |
  82. | column | String | Corresponds to the property in the rows received from the API |
  83. | title | String | Column’s title to be displayed in the table header |
  84. | filterable | Boolean | Whether the column can be filtered. Renders a dropdown with all unique values of the data set for this column |
  85. | sortable | Boolean | Whether the column can be sorted (A-Z). Ascending by default, user can switch between asc/desc |
  86. | link | Object | Will display a hyperlink instead of the column’s value. Uses `text` as link text, and `path` as base path appended by the `column` property (Ex: `/user/1` for Jesse in the examples above)
  88. Example:
  90. ``` nunjucks
  91. {% set config = [
  92. {
  93. "column": "name",
  94. "title": "Name"
  95. },
  96. {
  97. "column": "has_kids",
  98. "title": "Has kids?",
  99. "filterable": true
  100. },
  101. {
  102. "column": "money",
  103. "title": "Happiness level",
  104. "sortable": true
  105. },
  106. {
  107. "column": "id",
  108. "title": "",
  109. "link": {
  110. "text": "Details",
  111. "path": "/user/"
  112. }
  113. }
  114. ] %}
  115. ```
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