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Oct 9th, 2017
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  1. Part 4
  3. Both retaking the city and freeing its citizens were trivial before the power of the Sorcerer King.
  4. 无论都市的夺还,民众的解放,在魔导王的力量面前都变得简单起来。
  6. The attacking paladins and conscripts were virtually unhurt, and while some of the imprisoned residents lost their lives in the chaos, it was a shockingly small amount.
  7. 进攻一方的圣骑士和民兵们几乎没有损伤,被囚禁的居民中虽有人在混乱中不幸殒命,但数量惊人的少。
  9. This outcome was only possible due to the Sorcerer King’s presence, to the point where some people thought, if only we had handed everything to him from the start, we might not have needed to lose anyone.
  10. 这正是因为魔导王的存在才获得的结果。要是最初就把一切都交给他,说不定谁都不用牺牲了吧,甚至到了让人不禁这么想的地步。
  12. Whether they were rejoicing over being freed or shedding tears over a bowl of hot soup, everyone was smiling as Neia and the Sorcerer King walked down the street.
  13. 为解放而欢喜的人们,为一碗热汤而落泪的人们。涅娅和魔导王走在满是笑容的街道上。
  15. Although they had been told that their freedom was thanks to the Sorcerer King’s aid, once they saw the Sorcerer King moving around in person, the residents’ eyes were filled with shock, confusion and dread, but that could not be helped either.
  16. 尽管听说了获得解放是多亏了魔导王的帮助,但在实际看到了魔导王行走的身姿后,居民们的眼中还是浮现出惊愕、混乱还有忌讳感,但这也是没有办法的事吧。
  18. Of course, whether Neia could accept this state of affairs was a different matter entirely. While she wanted to do something in case the Sorcerer King was displeased, it would seem the man himself did not seem to mind. That being the case, it would be very rude of Neia to do something on her own.
  19. 不过,这件事能否被涅娅接受就得另当别论了。虽然想着要是魔导王感到不悦的话就采取些措施,但本人看起来并没有在意的样子。那么涅娅自作主张反而会很失礼吧。
  21. Neia addressed the back of the Sorcerer King, who was walking in front of her.
  22. 涅娅向着走在前方的魔导王的背影搭话了。
  24. “Your Majesty, where are you going now?”
  25. 「魔导王殿下,您这是要去哪里?」
  27. The Sorcerer King was looking at his palms, and he did not look back at Neia.
  28. 看向手掌的魔导王头也不回地对着涅娅说明起来。
  30. “Umu. I’m heading for this big building in the center of town. If that’s an enemy base, I’ll need to investigate it as soon as possible. The paladins are all tied up with tasks like freeing the captured residents, distributing food, treating the wounded, imprisoning the captured demihumans, and other things.”
  31. 「哼嗯。位于这座都市中枢的、那栋巨大的建筑物。如果那是敌人的据点就得尽快去调查一下。圣骑士们也在为了解救被囚禁的居民、发放食物、为民众疗伤,监禁抓起来的亚人们等等各种事情忙的不可开交啊」
  33. Neia nodded slightly.
  34. 涅娅将头微倾。
  36. “That building is quite large. If the paladins judged it to be a base, shouldn’t they have already investigated it?”
  37. 「那座建筑物可是相当的大啊。圣骑士们判断为据点的话,难道不是会在最开始就进行调查吗?」
  39. While the Sorcerer King was the one who had conquered the city, the many assorted tasks after that were given over to the citizen-soldiers and the paladins to complete. In that case, surely they would have inspected the building that was the Sorcerer King’s objective.
  40. 虽然攻陷了都市的确实是魔导王,但那之后的繁琐事务都是交给圣骑士和民兵们完成的。那样的话,魔导王目的地的建筑物也就理所当然的被搜查过了吧。
  42. The Sorcerer King stopped walking for a moment and then looked intently at Neia. Then he shrugged and continued walking.
  43. 魔导王一下子停止了脚步,紧紧盯向了涅娅。接着耸了耸肩,再次迈步前进起来。
  45. “Ah, mm. Actually, I posted my subordinates outside to make sure the paladins did not draw near. So I doubt they’ve checked it yet.”
  46. 「啊,嗯。实际上,为了不让圣骑士们靠近,我将我的部下安排在入口处待机了。所以应该还没有被调查过才是」
  48. “Eh? Then what you said earlier--”
  49. 「诶?那和之前说的——」
  51. “--Baraja-san. I have told you many things until now, but from time to time it would be best if you considered matters on your own. For instance, the reason why we are the ones who are going to investigate the building.”
  52. 「——巴拉哈小姐。虽然至今我告诉了你各种事情,但有时还是自己去思考会比较好。比如、应该由我们作为代表前去调查的理由」
  54. “Ah! Yes, Your Majesty!”
  55. 「啊,是的!魔导王陛下」
  57. The Sorcerer King looked at his palm again. Within it was an item once worn by that demihuman -- the late Buser. The Sorcerer King was evaluating the item as he walked, using the power of magic to carefully examine it.
  58. 魔导王再次看向自己的手掌。那里是那位亚人——巴扎装备着的道具。魔导王在行走的同时对这些道具进行鉴定,并用魔法之力仔细调查着。
  60. From what the Sorcerer King said, the sword was called Sand Shooter, the armor was known as Turtle Shell, the shield was named Lancer’s Merit, the horn coverings were called Charge Without Hesitation, the rings were Ring of Second Eye and Ring of Running, while the cape was called the Mantle of Protection.
  61. 根据从魔导王那里听来的,剑是沙之射手[Sand Shooter],铠甲是龟之甲壳[TurtleShell],盾是兰萨的功勋[Lanza's Merit],镶在角上的外壳叫毫不犹豫的突击[Charge of Without Hesitation],戒指是第二只眼的戒指[Ringof Second Eye]和疾奔之戒[Ring of Run],披风则是防护披风[Mantle of Protection]的样子。
  63. There also seemed to be other magic items like the necklace and the like. Although he said none of them possessed any impressive enchantments, the Sorcerer King still seemed quite happy about them.
  64. 其他好像还有项链等魔法道具,虽然嘴上说着没什么了不起的魔力,但魔导王看起来却很开心的样子。
  66. Neia shifted her eyes from the Sorcerer King’s back to the ground, and then she did as the Sorcerer King said, which was to ponder the reason why the Sorcerer King had to personally investigate that building. However, she did not reach any answer which made her think, “that’s it!”
  67. 将视线从那样的魔导王的后背移开,目不转睛地盯向地面的涅娅按照魔导王所说的,自己思考起魔导王亲自探索的原因。然而却没能找到「就是这个!」之类的答案。
  69. However, if she asked the Sorcerer King for the answer because of that, surely he would be speechless. The thought of the Sorcerer King she so respected thinking of her as useless and casting her aside was far too frightening.
  70. 可是,这样就去询问答案的话不会让魔导王无语么。让尊敬着的魔导王觉得自己无能、将自己舍弃什么的太可怕了。
  72. While she desperately tried to find the answer, the aforementioned building had already appeared before her eyes.
  73. 还在拼命考虑着的时候,提到的建筑物却已经出现在眼前了。
  75. Two undead beings -- High Wraiths -- stood at the entrance to the building.
  76. 两只不死者——上位死灵站在公馆的入口前。
  78. As the Sorcerer King approached, they stepped aside to allow the Sorcerer King and Neia to pass.
  79. 随着魔导王的靠近,那两只就让开道路、让魔导王和涅娅通过。
  81. “This… seems to be the residence of the city’s former lord.”
  82. 「这里……好像是这座都市的领主的住所啊」
  84. Neia was not too sure which noble had ruled this city. However, given the size of the city, he must have been more than a baron, but less than a count.
  85. 涅娅还不至于清楚统治这座都市的贵族具体是谁。不过,既然是这种规模的都市,应该是男爵以上,伯爵以下吧。
  87. “Yes. Not even the undead have entered this place. Be careful. There might be more demihumans who have not yet been subdued.”
  88. 「是啊。这里连不死者也没进去过。我们是第一批。多加注意,说不定还有没被镇压的亚人」
  90. “Eh!? Your Majesty! Then--”
  91. 「诶!?魔导王陛下!那——」
  93. She hesitated over whether she should say “You should stop”, but the other Neia in her quietly said that it ought to be fine if it were the Sorcerer King.
  94. 犹豫着要不要说出“请停下”这句话。但魔导王的话应该不要紧的吧,心中另一个涅娅却如此低语着。
  96. “I have to be here. This is the enemy headquarters, and it might be the lair of the demihumans’ leader. While the only reason for that conclusion is because this building is very large -- there might be a powerful being on par with Buser ahead of us. I want to tie off all the loose ends in this city.”
  97. 「这里我不得不去。此处是敌人的大本营,也可能是亚人首领的休息处。虽然理由就只有建筑很大这一点——但说不定前方有着能匹敌巴扎的强者。我想要漂亮地为都市解放收个尾啊」
  99. “Ah!”
  100. 「啊!」
  102. After learning the answer to the question from just now, Neia suddenly pressed her head in realization. At the same time, gratitude flowed forth in her heart for the Sorcerer King’s compassion.
  103. 得知了刚才问题的答案,涅娅恍然大悟,按住了自己的额头。同时对魔导王的慈悲为怀心生感激。
  105. He didn’t let the paladins get close because there might be powerful foes within! Unlike what he said just now, could it be that he wasn’t willing to tell me about this because he felt embarrassed about fighting as someone else’s shield?”
  106. (因为说不定有强者存在,才不让圣骑士们靠近啊!和之前所说的不一样,是因为魔导王觉得让人瞧见、自己作为他人之盾而战斗的身姿会有些不好意思么,所以才不愿意告诉我吗?)
  108. While Neia knew that thinking this way about the Sorcerer King was very rude, for some reason she felt the Sorcerer King was a little cute.
  109. 虽然涅娅很清楚抱有此种感情是非常失礼的事情,但不知怎么的总觉得魔导王有点可爱。
  111. “...Well? Do you understand?”
  112. 「……怎么样?能理解了吗?」
  114. The Sorcerer King looked at Neia’s face as he asked that question. Neia nodded, and the Sorcerer King seemed happy as he replied, “Ah, that’s good.”
  115. 看向涅娅的脸的魔导王如此问道。涅娅点头后,面露喜色的魔导王「是么,那太好了」这么说着。
  117. He’s actually happy that I can understand him… what a gentle and kind person he is.
  118. (竟对我能理解感到如此开心……真是温柔呢,这位大人)
  120. “Your servant understands why Your Majesty does not wish to draw attention from others!”
  121. 「魔导王陛下不愿引人注意的想法,属下理解了!」
  123. “...Hm? Ah… exactly. Then… you understand, right? I don’t wish to stand out too much.”
  124. 「……嗯?啊……正是如此。那……明白的吧?我不想太张扬」
  126. “Understood!”
  127. 「谨遵钧命!」
  129. The Sorcerer King looked like he was pondering something. For some reason that also looked very adorable.
  130. 魔导王看起来像是在考虑些什么。不知为何这样子看起来也很可爱。
  132. “...Ah-- let’s go then.”
  133. 「………………啊—,那么我们走吧」
  135. “Yes!”
  136. 「是!」
  138. As a squire, she felt it was wrong to let the Sorcerer King walk out in front, but the Sorcerer King did not allow Neia to walk ahead of him. Neia looked with admiration at the back of the generous and magnanimous person before her. Watching a king lead from the front was truly a sight to make her heart swell up.
  139. 虽然觉得作为侍从让魔导王打头阵很不妥当,但让涅娅走在前面是魔导王所不允许的。面对那宽容大量的背影,涅娅送去了憧憬的视线。看着王者身先士卒的身姿,作为下属果然会觉得胸潮澎湃啊。
  141. After passing through the wide entrance, Neia asked a question.
  142. 走进广阔入口处的涅娅提出了疑问。
  144. “Where shall we start looking from? There doesn’t seem to be any sign of others around…”
  145. 「要从哪里开始调查呢?好像没有其他人存在的迹象……」
  147. “Mm… your eyesight and hearing are both quite keen, Baraja-san, but how about your sense of smell?”
  148. 「嗯。……巴拉哈小姐的视觉和听觉似乎都十分灵敏,不过嗅觉又是怎样呢?」
  150. “Frankly speaking, I’m not too confident in my sense of smell. However, I think I’m better than most in that field. As for taste, I think mine is just average. However, I’ve never tasted poison before, so I can’t be a poison-taster or anything…”
  151. 「嗅觉的话,说实在没什么自信。但是,想来要比普通人优秀些。而味觉的话我想也是差不多的水准。不过,因为没尝过毒药所以做不到试毒之类的事情……」
  153. “Really now. Then, can you detect the smell of death and hatred?”
  154. 「是么。那你有感受到这股死与憎恶的气味吗?」
  156. As he said “death and hatred”, his kingly aura of dominion coiled up around him.
  157. 在将死与憎恶说出口时,魔导王身上缠绕着作为王者的霸气。
  159. “Death and hatred?”
  160. 「死与憎恶吗?」
  162. “--This way.”
  163. 「——这边」
  165. The Sorcerer King set off. There was no trace of hesitation in his footsteps. He walked as though he was familiar with this place and what lay ahead of him.
  166. 魔导王走了起来。那步伐间感受不到一丝犹豫。那步伐简直就像已经熟悉了这里,清楚前方有着什么一样。
  168. Death and hatred… these things should not have a smell… or could it be that His Majesty, who is undead, can make out such smells? That means whoever’s making that smell is waiting here!
  169. (死与憎恶……那种东西不该有气味的……莫非,是作为不死者的陛下才能分辨的气味吗?那就是说发出这气味的家伙就等在这前面——!)
  171. Neia clutched the bow she had borrowed from the Sorcerer King. Depending on the circumstances, she would have to serve as the Sorcerer King’s shield and step forward to fire her bow. Yet she had not been able to do anything during the battle with Buser. If she did not make herself more useful, there would be no reason for her to be here.
  172. 涅娅握紧了向魔导王借来的弓。根据情况有作为魔导王的盾牌,上前开弓射击的必要吧。和巴扎战斗的时候自己什么都没能做到。如果不派上些用场,自己就失去了存在于此的意义。
  174. They did not encounter any demihumans along the way, and before long, they came to a door that was about the same size as the one they had passed through earlier. It was made of steel, and iron, and thus looked very sturdy.
  175. 一路上没有发现亚人的身姿,不久,前方出现了与之前氛围大相径庭的一扇门。因是由铁制成,看起来格外厚重。
  177. There was what looked like a prison door in the middle of a regular noble’s residence. This juxtaposition filled Neia with a powerful sense of foreboding. It felt like she had been thrown into an unfamiliar and spine-chilling place.
  178. 在这一般的贵族风建筑里出现了一扇简直像是犯罪者收容设施的门。涅娅因为这非同一般的违和感而强烈地感到不适。这感觉像是被扔到了来路不明又令人毛骨悚然的地方。
  180. “This is…”
  181. 「这是……」
  183. “This is the place… you can stay outside if you want, you know?”
  184. 「就是这里面……不跟着进去也可以哦?」
  186. That choice did not even exist for Neia. After seeing Neia shake her head, the Sorcerer King shrugged and opened the door.
  187. 那对涅娅来说是不存在的选项。看着涅娅摇头拒绝的魔导王耸了耸肩,接着推开了门。
  189. The Sorcerer King’s strength opened the iron door with ease. However, it was surprisingly thick, so it must have been specially made.
  190. 靠着魔导王的臂力,铁制的门格外轻松地被打开了。不过,因为那厚度相当惊人,想来是特别定制的物品吧。
  192. The Sorcerer King entered the room.
  193. 魔导王进入了房间。
  195. Oh no! I can’t believe I actually let His Majesty walk into this unknown place first! I’m an idiot!
  196. (糟了!竟然让陛下先进入这来路不明的地方!我这个笨蛋!)
  198. Neia hurriedly entered the room as well.
  199. 涅娅也慌张地进入了房间。
  201. While the heavy door had given her some inkling of what to expect, the interior of the room felt strange. It gave her the impression of being a torture chamber -- although she had only heard descriptions of those.
  202. 虽然已经从那厚重的门上有所预料了,室内有种异样感。简直就像是拷问室——虽然只是听说过——这是间给人带来如此感受的房间。
  204. For starters, there were no windows.
  205. 首先,没有窗户。
  207. There were sticks set into the wall which glowed with a faint red light. This was not a natural occurrence, but a magical creation.
  208. 嵌入墙壁的棒上依稀闪烁着红光,这并非自然现象,而是魔法的造物。
  210. There was a table made of wood and two wooden chairs. Further inside was another door, also made of iron.
  211. 木制的桌子一张,木制的椅子两个。深入的话还有另外的一扇——同样是铁制品的——门。
  213. The Sorcerer King stood in the center of the room, carefully surveying every corner of it. This was when Neia noticed something on the table.
  214. 魔导王站在室内的中央,仔细地环视房间各处。其中,涅娅注意到桌上有着什么东西。
  216. “...Your Majesty. This looks like a piece of paper, but what’s that written on it?”
  217. 「……魔导王陛下。这好像是张纸,到底写着些什么呢?」
  219. The piece of paper Neia picked up was covered in illegible characters. They were certainly not written in Holy Kingdom script.
  220. 涅娅在拿起的纸上看到了不认识的文字。并非圣王国的文字这点绝对可以保证。
  222. “Mmm… they seem to be written in words from the demonic language.”
  223. 「嗯……似乎像是恶魔们使用的文字啊」
  225. The Sorcerer King took out a monocle from a pocket. Perhaps he had noticed the surprised look on Neia’s face, but he then proceeded to explain it.
  226. 魔导王从怀中取出了单片眼镜。是注意到了涅娅那讶异的目光了么,他对此进行了说明。
  228. “This is a magic item that can decipher written languages. Because it drains a vast amount of mana -- Baraja-san, do you know of any humans who can decipher these characters?”
  229. 「这是能解读文字的魔法道具。这道具我也只有一个。因为它会消耗庞大的魔力——巴拉哈小姐,你是否知道有能解读这类文字能力的人类呢?」
  231. “The ability to comprehend languages?”
  232. 「解读文字的能力吗?」
  234. “Indeed. Or at least, someone who knows what these letters are. Also… any humans who have a talent which lets them decipher languages.”
  235. 「没错。或是知道这种文字的人也可以。还有就是……因为有着天生异能而获得解读文字能力的人之类」
  237. “My deepest apologies, I don’t know about…”
  238. 「非常抱歉,关于这些我不是……」
  240. Neia was simply a squire for the paladin order. She had not had the chance to come into contact with news about people like those.
  241. 涅娅只不过是圣骑士团的侍从。完全没机会接触关于这类人物的情报。
  243. Granted, she had heard some rumors from her squire friends. For instance, “My friend has a talent that lets him know exactly how hot water is. Of course, nobody knows the exact temperature,” or “My relative’s a boat pilot who can walk five steps on water, but more than that and he’ll sink,” and so on. Most of them were abilities which would make people sigh and fall silent. There was no information about people who possessed abilities which the Sorcerer King wanted to know about.
  244. 确实侍从的朋友那里有听说过一些传闻。比如,「我的朋友里有拥有天生异能的家伙,那家伙能知道热水现在具体是多少度的样子。不过真正温度什么的谁也不清楚就是了」或者「亲戚的船夫有着天生异能,他可以在水面上走五步,虽然超过的话就会沉下去呢」之类。大多是让人嗯一声沉默下去的微妙能力,没有关于魔导王想知道的那种能力的持有者的情报。
  246. “Really now. What a shame. Do you think Captain Custodio would know?”
  247. 「是么。那还真是遗憾。那么你认为卡斯特迪奥团长会知道吗?」
  249. Surely the Captain of the paladin order would have come into contact with all sorts of intelligence. However, Neia did not know what to think of Remedios. Would the Captain really allocate her headspace to information?
  250. 想来要是圣骑士团的团长这种地位,应该能接触到更多的各种各样的情报吧。然而,涅娅不知该如何评价蕾梅蒂欧丝这人。那位团长真的会为情报而分配她的脑容量吗。
  252. “...I am not sure about that either. However, I feel it would be better to ask the Vice-Captain.”
  253. 「……这我也不清楚。但我想还是询问副团长会更好」
  255. ‘Well, that’s true. If I ask him…”
  256. 「嘛,也是啊。问他的话……」
  258. The Sorcerer King was probably stumbling over his words for the same reason Neia had.
  259. 魔导王的话语会有些支吾的原因,应该是有着和涅娅一样的感想吧。
  261. “However, what do you intend to do if such a person does not exist?’
  262. 「不过,要是那种人并不存在的话,您打算怎么办呢?」
  264. “Hm? Ah, I did not intend anything. But if there was someone who could decipher the intelligence Jaldabaoth left behind, our future plans would change, no?”
  265. 「嗯?啊,并不是有什么打算。要是能解读亚达巴沃这边留下的情报的话,之后的行动方针当然也会改变吧?」
  267. This was an obvious question she could have understood if she had just thought a little, yet she had needed the Sorcerer King to explain it to her. Neia was almost unbearably ashamed about asking such a foolish question because she had not even given it any thought.
  268. 明明是只要动动脑筋、就能明白的理所当然的问题,却还让魔导王进行说明。涅娅不禁因自己不经大脑就问出的愚蠢问题而感到羞愧难耐。
  270. “If there’s nobody who can translate this, then I’ll just have to expend mana to decipher it. However, doing so would lead to a disadvantageous state where I would have to be more wary of Jaldabaoth. If I encountered Jaldabaoth after expending a great deal of mana, my only option would be to flee… although, this makes me quite curious. If it’s just one piece of paper, then I shall read it.”
  271. 「要是没有能翻译的人,就只能由我来消耗魔力解读了吧。但那么做我就会陷入不得不进一步警戒亚达巴沃这种不妙的处境。要是在魔力大量消耗的情况下遭遇了亚达巴沃,再怎么说也只能选择逃了啊……不过,还真是叫人好奇啊。只是一张纸的话就让我解读一下吧」
  273. “Will it be alright?”
  274. 「不要紧吗?」
  276. “Yes. I just need to pay more attention to my mana reserves.”
  277. 「啊。只要在魔力的余量上多加些留意就好」
  279. The Sorcerer King put on his monocle and looked at the paper. Although there were no visible signs of activation, it ought to have taken effect. The Sorcerer King looked like he was deciphering it now. That said, the Sorcerer King had no eyes, so it simply looked like he was reading it.
  280. 魔导王戴上了单片眼镜,看向了纸张。虽没有以可见的形式发动道具,但应该已经在发挥它的力量吧。魔导王像是正在解读。话虽如此魔导王没有眼睛,所以只是觉得他大概在读而已。
  281. 经过了短暂的时间,魔导王摘下了眼镜。
  283. “It was quite a bit of mana after all.”
  284. 「果然耗费了大量的魔力啊」
  286. Neia had seen priests wobble around shakily after using a great deal of mana, but she saw no signs of that in the Sorcerer King. However, comparing the Sorcerer King to an average magic caster was the height of rudeness. Yes, it must have been because he had enormous stores of mana.
  287. 在见过使用大量魔力后摇摇晃晃的神官的涅娅看来,魔导王身上没有那种迹象,但把魔导王和一般的魔法咏唱者相提并论未免也太失礼了吧。恐怕是因为有着巨大得多的魔力,没错。
  289. As Neia contemplated this, the Sorcerer King approached the door further within and gently slid open the vision slit.
  290. 在涅娅考虑着这些的时候,魔导王靠近了深处的房间,轻轻推开并向其中窥视。
  292. Neia heard many weak breathing sounds from inside, and her nose picked up the scent of blood.
  293. 涅娅的听觉捕捉到了多道微弱的呼吸声,嗅觉则是辨认出了血腥味。
  295. She gripped her bow tightly, thinking to squeeze between the Sorcerer King and the door, but the Sorcerer King stopped her with his hand.
  296. 涅娅张弓用力握住,想要跻身插进魔导王和门的中间,但魔导王在那之前用手制止了她。
  298. In other words, don’t come here.
  299. 是不要过来的意思。
  301. “Mm… Baraja-san. The people using this room were not demihumans, but demons. The reason why I say that is because this paper contains details on the experiments the demons were performing.”
  302. 「嗯……巴拉哈小姐。在使用这个房间的并非亚人、而是恶魔。之所以会这么说,是因为这张纸上的内容是关于恶魔们进行的试验的」
  304. “...The demons’ experiments?”
  305. 「……恶魔们的实验吗?」
  307. Even without further explanation, she was sure that these experiments were not decent or proper by any means.
  308. 说明之前就能确定绝对不会是什么正经的实验。
  310. “Yes. They seemed to have done things like chopping arms off and then reattaching them to other creatures, or cutting open the subjects abdomens and exchanging the internal organs within. They started with blood relatives as a control group, and they branched out to combinations of humans and other lifeforms -- not just demihumans, but animals too -- and then they healed them with magic to see what changes occurred.”
  311. 「是的。似乎在进行像是砍下手臂再接上其他生物的手臂,或是切开腹部交换其中内脏之类的实验。从以血亲之间为素材的例子开始,还有在使用人类与其他生物——不只是亚人哦,包括动物等等的组合,似乎还会用魔法治愈后再观察其变化的样子啊」
  313. “What frightening experiments! Especially that blood relatives and body swapping stuff, how could any sane person think of such things?”
  314. 「多么毛骨悚然的实验啊!特别是粘合血亲的肉体什么的,头脑清醒的家伙怎么可能会想得出来!」
  316. “...Alright. After conducting these experiments, it’s natural that they’d want their test subjects to live. In particular, they want to keep them alive as long as possible until they find out why they die.”
  317. 「……好了,进行这种实验的话,理所当然的,必须让试验者们活下来才行。尤其是在知道会因为什么原因而死掉之前,要尽可能长的让他们活着、呐」
  319. Saying so, the Sorcerer King turned around, his back to the door. Then, he indicated the door behind him over his shoulder with his thumb. For some reason, Neia knew what was coming next.
  320. 说到这里魔导王转过头来,背对着门,将大拇指越过肩头向门示意。涅娅不知怎么的就预测到了接下来的话。
  322. “Some of those test subjects are in there. They’re still alive despite having their bellies cut open.”
  323. 「这里面有着那些试验者。就那么以腹部裂开的状态活着」
  325. She had anticipated this, but the cruel reality still dyed Neia’s mind stark white for an instant. After that, she burned with hatred for the demons who had conducted such inhumane experiments.
  326. 虽然预测到了,但涅娅还是因为过于残酷的事实,而在一瞬间脑中变得一片空白。接着产生的是对进行着如此不人道实验的恶魔们的憎恶。
  328. “Baraja-san! Get the priests right away! Fetch Captain Custodio too! Hurry!”
  329. 「巴拉哈小姐!立刻把神官们叫来!还有卡斯特迪奥团长们!赶快!」
  331. “Understood!”
  332. 「遵命!!」
  334. There was no need to question the reason why they had to be called over. Neia ran with all her might.
  335. 没必要去问叫他们过来的原因。涅娅全力地跑了起来。
  337. In the corner of her mind, she heard a voice ask, “is it really alright to leave His Majesty here by himself,” but this was an order from a powerful man who was both trustworthy and wise. There was no need to worry. He would not be wrong. The voice vanished in an instant.
  338. 脑海一隅中能听到“让魔导王陛下一个人留在那里没问题吗”这种声音,但这是值得信赖又充满智慧的强者的命令。没有任何担忧的必要,不会错的。声音瞬时就被打消了。
  340. ♦ ♦ ♦
  342. The priests opened the door and entered the room. The way their shoulders trembled for an instant illustrated the hideous conditions inside the cells better than words ever could.
  343. 神官们将门打开走进房间。那一瞬间肩膀的一哆嗦,这比言语更好的说明了屋内的景象是多么的凄惨而阴森可怖。
  345. In front of her, the Sorcerer King showed the paper to Remedios and Gustav.
  346. 眼前,魔导王正把那张纸递给蕾梅蒂欧丝和古斯塔博。
  348. “Have a look at this. This paper contains the names of the people in there and what happened to them. In addition, there are other papers with similar things written on them, or perhaps other things -- Jaldabaoth’s plans, for instance. I’m not too sure about that. Can you understand what’s written on this paper?”
  349. 「请看看这个。这里写着里面人物的名字与他们的遭遇。除此之外也有着一定数量的纸,那些上面写的是同样的东西,还是说是其他的——比如亚达巴沃的计划之类呢,有关这点尚且不明。你们能读懂纸上的字么?」
  351. Remedios looked at the paper and wrinkled her brows, then immediately handed it to Gustav.
  352. 蕾梅蒂欧丝只是看了一眼就皱起了脸,立刻把纸递给了古斯塔博。
  354. Gustav shook his head too.
  355. 古斯塔博也摇了摇头。
  357. “I have no idea. But Your Majesty understands it, right?”
  358. 「完全不懂啊。不过魔导王陛下读懂了这一张吧?」
  360. “Ah, yes, by using the power of this magic item. However, that item drains a tremendous amount of mana. That mana must be conserved for the sake of doing battle with Jaldabaoth. And what I want to know is, do any of you know anyone who can read these characters? Anyone who might have the chance of understanding it will do.”
  361. 「啊啊,借用了魔法道具的力量。但是那魔法道具会消耗相当多的魔力。那为了与亚达巴沃战斗,而不得不保留的重要魔力。而我想知道的是,你们中是否有哪位知道能解读这文字的人物。解读系能力的持有者,就算是有可能性的程度也不要紧」
  363. “No, I have no leads at all. While I feel there might be someone like them among the southern nobles… I think the possibility of that is very low.”
  364. 「不,完全没有头绪。虽然觉得南方的贵族也不是没有藏起这种人的可能性……但那可能性在我看来相当的低」
  366. “I see… then how shall we handle this? To me, I would hope you would put more effort into trying to decipher their script.”
  367. 「是么……那这要怎么处理?就我而言,还是希望能由你们那边努力解读出来」
  369. “Can we not borrow Your Majesty’s magic item?”
  370. 「不能把魔导王陛下的魔法道具借给我们吗?」
  372. “I refuse. This is a treasure of my nation. It is just as how you would not easily loan out the holy sword at your waist. And to magic casters like myself, magic items like these are more valuable than swords.”
  373. 「我拒绝。这是我国的宝物。就像你不会轻易地把腰间的圣剑借给其他人一样。而对我这样的魔法咏唱者来说,比起剑还是这类道具更为贵重」
  375. Remedios and Gustav looked at each other once more.
  376. 蕾梅蒂欧丝和古斯塔博对视了一瞬。
  378. “I understand. Then let us work hard together. Also -- we have a new problem. It would seem there are Orc captives. How shall they be dealt with?”
  379. 「明白了。那么就让我们努力一下吧。然后——我们又发现了新的问题、半兽人[orc]们好像被作为俘虏囚禁了起来。该如何处理呢?」
  381. It would seem the Orcs had not attacked the Holy Kingdom out of their own will, but they were brought over by Jaldabaoth. They did not yield any useful information when questioned, and the paladin order was at a loss as to how to deal with them.
  382. 半兽人们似乎不是出于自己的意识来进攻圣王国,而是被亚达巴沃带过来的。就算询问也没什么有用的情报,骑士团正在为他们之后的处理而发愁着。
  384. “Mm… I understand. Can you tell me where they are? Can you leave them to me?”
  385. 「嗯……我清楚了。能告诉我地点吗?他们的应对交给我也没问题吧?」
  387. “Yes. Thank you for your trouble.”
  388. 「是的。就麻烦您了」
  390. Gustav supplied a rough location. Since the city was not very big they would probably not get lost.
  391. 古斯塔博粗略地说明了一下地点。因为都市本身不是很大,应该还不至于迷路。
  393. After sketching a rough map in her mind, the cell door opened and an utterly exhausted-looking priest showed up.
  394. 当大致的地图在头脑中画好的时候,里屋的门被推开,一位表情疲倦至极的神官出现了。
  396. “Ohhh! What happened!? What about the condition of the people inside?”
  397. 「哦哦!怎么样了!?里面的民众们状况如何!?」
  399. “We started by using healing magic on the survivors. Since this is the first time we’ve tried to heal the subjects of such inhumane experiments, so we’ll stay here and observe them. If they’re fine, we’ll move them outside. At least, that’s what I think.”
  400. 「总之先为幸存者们使用了治愈魔法。再怎么说也是第一次为受到、那样不人道实验的人们回复,我
  401. 们就暂时留在这里,观望一下状况。要是感觉没什么问题,就该把他们带出去到外面了,这是我的想法」
  403. “Understood. Then, we’ll send some paladins and militiamen over to help you move these people out.”
  404. 「明白了。那就派几名圣骑士和民兵过来,协助你们把这些人运出去好了」
  406. “Understood, Captain Custodio. Then, I’ll take my leave, Your Majesty.”
  407. 「了解,卡斯特迪奥团长。那么魔导王陛下,我就此失礼了」
  409. The priest opened the door again and went back into the cell.
  410. 神官再一次推开门,回到了屋里。
  412. After watching the priest leave and concluding that there was nothing left to do, the four of them each went to their respective destinations.
  413. 目送神官离去,做出这样已经无事可做的判断后,四人各自走向接下来的目的地。
  415. Naturally, the Sorcerer King and Neia parted ways with the other two and headed for the location of the Orcs.
  416. 魔导王和涅娅当然就和另两人分开,前往半兽人们所在的地方。
  418. “That said, since there are demons around, it would be good if we had someone who could see the original forms of shapeshifters,” the Sorcerer King said as he walked.
  419. 「话虽如此,因为有恶魔在,要是谁有着能看穿变身者原形的力量就好了啊」
  421. 一边走着,魔导王一边向涅娅搭话道。
  423. While they could not verify the presence of demons in this city, the piece of paper with demonic characters on it suggested the possibility that there might be demons about, or that there might have been demons here recently.
  424. 虽然没在这座都市确认到恶魔的身姿,但因为刚才的纸上写有恶魔的文字,是考虑到了有恶魔,或者说曾有恶魔存在的可能性吧。
  426. “Can demons transform themselves?”
  427. 「恶魔会变身的吗?」
  429. “Ahh, demons like that do exist. They can shapeshift into men, women, or even animals.”
  430. 「啊啊,也有那种恶魔存在。男人或女人,有时会变化为动物的恶魔,呐」
  432. “I see… Someone with the talent to see through shapeshifting… My deepest apologies. I have not heard of anyone with these abilities. Ah, no, I’ve heard legends about such things. I remember reading about them in a book. However, if you asked me if there were any of them around now…”
  433. 「这样啊……。持有看穿变身的能力——天生异能么。非常抱歉。我没有听说过关于那样能力的情报。啊,不,传说之类的倒是有听过。记得在什么书上读到过。不过,要说现在有没有的话……」
  435. “... It seems I would be best served discussing this matter again with Captain Custodio, then.”
  436. 「……这部分也是再和卡斯特迪奥团长商量一下比较好的样子啊」
  438. “Is shapeshifting a form of illusion? I’m more familiar with petty tricks like illusions.”
  439. 「所谓变身是和幻术在同一分类么?说到幻术的话小把戏的印象比较强就是了」
  441. “For starters, shapeshifting is vastly different from illusions, but explaining that will take a long time so I’ll skip it for now. However, looking down on illusions is very dangerous, you know? Illusions are a type of spell that become scarier the more skilled the caster is. Also, there are those illusionists who aren’t satisfied with a surface understanding and choose to specialize along that path.”
  442. 「首先变身和幻术有着很大的区别,但要说明起来会花很长时间在此就先割爱吧。不过,小瞧幻术是很危险的哦?这是种会随着术者的机敏程度而变得可怕的魔法。还有就是术者并非满足于肤浅的水准,选择在这条道路上进行特化的状况」
  444. “So it’s when they specialize?”
  445. 「特化的状况吗」
  447. “Ahh, yes. For example, there are spells like 「Perfect Illusion」 which can defy all five senses. And beyond that, there are those who have refined their illusions to the utmost limit, who can use a certain skill once every few days to deceive the world itself.”
  448. 「啊啊,是的。举例的话像是<完全幻觉[Perfect Illusion]>这种连五感都能欺骗的幻术。而且在此之上还有将幻术修炼到极限的人可以在数日间使用一次的技能,所谓的欺骗世界的幻术技能」
  450. An illusion that could deceive a world was beyond her capacity to imagine.
  451. 就算说欺骗世界的幻术,这已经是无法想象的等级了。
  453. “Ah, how exactly does that worldly illusion work?”
  454. 「那个,欺骗世界的幻术是怎样的事情呢?」
  456. “From what I know, it’s a spell that lets you rewrite any aspect of the world, I think. Well, simply put, using an illusion like that could even bring the dead back to life?”
  457. 「据我所知的话,是可以改写这世界任何系统的魔法、吧。说的浅显些,用那种幻术的话就连死者也能让他起死回生」
  459. “Eh!? You’re talking about an illusion, right?”
  460. 「诶!?是说幻术对吧?」
  462. “Oh yes. The worldly illusion -- the ultimate secret of illusion. By deceiving the world itself, an illusion can be made real.”
  463. 「是的。欺骗世界的幻术——幻术的究极奥义。将世界欺骗了的话那就会变为真实了吧」
  465. All she could think was wahhh~ Even if one said that the pinnacle of illusion could do such a thing, it was so incredible that she did not quite understand what he was saying.
  466. 哇—,只能产生这样的感想了。就算说将幻术修炼到极致可以做到这种事情,因为太厉害有点不明白在说些什么了。
  468. “So, does nobody manage the inborn talents of this country?”
  469. 「那么,这个国家没有人在对天生异能进行管理吗?」
  471. “No, I’ve never heard of it before. Does the Sorcerous Kingdom do such things?”
  472. 「没有,我从未听说过。在魔导有进行管理吗?」
  474. “My country does not have that practice either. I plan to do so in the future, but that will require considerable effort… it might end up being a matter of ten or more years in the future.”
  475. 「我的国家也还没有啊。将来是这样打算的,不过需要相当的劳力吧……会变成十年、或者更长时间以后的事情也说不定啊」
  477. The Sorcerer King had already envisioned the events of the next ten years in his mind. This was the difference between a king and a commoner.
  478. 魔导王好像已经预见了十年时间以后这样长远的事情了。这种地方就是王者和平民之间的差距吧。
  480. In other words, a tremendous difference.
  481. 就是说——很巨大的差距啊。
  483. ♦ ♦ ♦
  485. The Orcs were held in a building whose windows were boarded up from the outside. This was quite a big structure, probably the second or third largest in this city.
  486. 半兽人们所在的是个窗户从外面被木板钉上的建筑物。这是个相当大的建筑物,恐怕论大小在这都市里排的上第二、三名吧。
  488. There were many paladins gathered at the entrance. It would seem they were on guard against what was inside.
  489. 入口处的门旁聚集着多位圣骑士,好像在警戒着里面。
  491. After seeing the Sorcerer King approach, the paladins genuflected before him to express their respect.
  492. 看见魔导王在靠近,圣骑士们都单膝跪下以示敬意。
  494. “I’ve heard from Captain Custodio that the Orcs are in this building. May I enter?”
  495. 「从卡斯特迪奥团长那里听说半兽人就在这建筑物里面。可以让我进去么?」
  497. “Yes! Of course you may, Your Majesty!”
  498. 「是!当然可以,魔导王陛下」
  500. “Then you should go from this place and return to what you should be doing.”
  501. 「那么你们就离开这里,去做自己应该做的工作吧」
  503. The paladins looked up.
  504. 圣骑士们抬起了头。
  506. “But the Captain ordered us to be stationed here. We may not leave our posts.”
  507. 「可是,我们收到了团长驻守于此的指示。不能离开半步」
  509. “...Did she now. Then I take back my previous words.”
  510. 「……是么。那就让我收回刚才的话吧」
  512. Saying so, the Sorcerer King passed between the paladins and pushed open the door. Naturally, Neia was following him.
  513. 魔导王这么说着,从圣骑士中间穿过,推开了门。当然,涅娅也跟在后面。
  515. There was a sour odor in the air which seared Neia’s nose. This was not poison gas, but the smell reminded Neia of when she had once followed a paladin to a jail. In addition, there were other smells mixed into it -- smells that made her want to throw up.
  516. 建筑物里面飘浮的闻起来很酸的气味刺激着涅娅的鼻子。并非是毒气,这气味让涅娅回忆起曾经跟随某位圣骑士前往监狱时的体验。除此之外还混杂着各种各样的气味——让人想吐的气味。
  518. “This is…”
  519. 「这究竟是……」
  521. When she heard the captain mention it earlier, she had thought about why the Orcs had been specially brought along.
  522. 从团长那里听说时就曾想过,半兽人们为什么会被特意带过来呢。
  524. Neia knew that she was about to learn the truth, but at the same time she deployed the wings of her imagination. If this was not just a problem that the Orcs faced, if there was a grand alliance against Jaldabaoth, would the demihumans who wanted to fight back against him rally to their banner?
  525. 涅娅清楚自己马上就要知道真相,但同时也展开了想象的翅膀。如果这不仅是半兽人们面临的问题的话,假如有一面与亚达巴沃战斗的大旗,想要反抗的亚人们会不会也聚集到这旗下呢。
  527. As Neia thought all this, the Sorcerer King kept pushing doors open as he advanced. One could say that letting the Sorcerer King go first was a matter of fact now.
  528. 涅娅这么想着的期间,魔导王也在不断地推门前进。可以说魔导王走在前面已经成了理所当然的事情了。
  530. They crossed rooms and passed through corridors.
  531. 穿过房间,越过通道。
  533. Just by walking, she realized that this place was filthier than a jail.
  534. 只要走走就能明白,这座建筑比监狱还要肮脏。
  536. The place was filthy with blood, vomit and other detritus. The conditions here were so terrible that there was no way to imagine what had happened here.
  537. 血和呕吐物,污物将各种地方弄得脏兮兮的。无法想象这里都发生了些什么,真是太过恶劣的环境。
  539. Orcs were demihumans around the height of a man, with porcine facial features. They were said to be a species that loved cleanliness. They would not be happy to live in such a place.
  540. (TL Note: The pigman depiction of orcs apparently derives from Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, where they had piggish features. Other depictions include the original corrupted-elf Uruks by Tolkien and the Warhammer greenskins. It seems Maruyama has decided to make them full-on pig beastmen. No, this is not a translation of the CN TL note below.)
  541. 所谓半兽人[Orc]是身高与人相近的有着一张像猪一样面孔的亚人,据说是一个喜欢干净的种族。他们是绝不会开开心心地待在这种地方的。
  542. 【译注:当托尔金所写的《魔戒》出版之后,Orc成了奇幻文学和角色扮演游戏中必然会出现的种族。在这些小说以及游戏当下,Orc和Goblin常常被想像成是哥布林类的远方种族。他们常常会被描述成有着猪鼻子外表的生物,即使在托尔金的作品里并没有这样子的描述。而这可能是因为在爱尔兰,Orc这个字有着“猪”的意思的关系。对于Orc “猪鼻子”的描述可见于Ludovico Ariosto的史诗Orlando Furioso】
  544. Neia watched the hem of the Sorcerer King’s cloak. While she was worried about how his magnificent garments might be stained, she could not tell him to wait outside either. After all, nobody could possibly speak for the wise Sorcerer King.
  545. 涅娅看着走在前面的魔导王的长披风下摆,虽然很在意魔导王那华丽的服饰不会脏掉么,但也不能说让他在外面等着。因为谁都无法胜任睿智的魔导王的代言人啊。
  547. Soon, Neia’s keen senses picked up traces of many creatures breathing and moving ahead of them.There was also what sounded like crying children and mothers trying to comfort them.
  548. 不久之后,涅娅敏锐的听觉捕捉到了前方传来的众多生物的气息和动静。还有孩童般的哭泣声和进行安慰的母亲般的声音。
  550. Orcs…? Not humans?
  551. (半兽人……?不是人类吗?)
  553. Neia was confused. She had never considered the possibility that Orcs might have families and raised children. The Orcs who came to the Holy Kingdom were invaders. They were hated enemies. Therefore, she had stopped thinking about them in any other sense.
  554. 涅娅感到困惑。因为他们也是有家庭,会养育孩子的这种事情,至今为止从没有想过。来到圣王国的半兽人是侵略者。是要憎恨的敌人。所以才停止了思考,从未想过除那以外的事情。
  556. As Neia sank into confusion, the Sorcerer King opened the door.
  557. 在涅娅混乱的时候魔导王推开了门。
  559. The vile odor intensified, and there were several screams.
  560. 难闻的气味变得更为强烈,传出了好几声悲鸣。
  562. “The undead!”
  563. 「不死者!」
  565. “It’s a Skeleton! Why!?”
  566. 「是骷髅啊!为什么!」
  568. “Those bastard humans! They sold us to the undead!”
  569. 「可恶的人类!居然把我们卖给了不死者啊!**!」
  571. “They’re actually using the undead! Those filthy humans!”
  572. 「竟然使役不死者!肮脏的人类!」
  574. “Mama--! Save me--!”
  575. 「妈妈—!救救我—!」
  577. “Darling--!!!”
  578. 「孩儿—!!!」
  580. The Sorcerer King stopped at the entrance. Surely even the Sorcerer King would be puzzled by this.
  581. 魔导王在入口处停下的动作。就算是魔导王也会感到困惑吧。
  583. “Ah -- ahem! Silence!”
  584. 「那——咳咳!闭嘴!!」
  586. After the Sorcerer King bellowed his order, the noisy room fell silent. Of course, that was only for a moment. It immediately filled back up with a racket that was several times louder than before. They were wailing about roughly the same things. No, there seemed to be more voices bemoaning their fate and begging for mercy for their children, regardless of what happened to themselves.
  587. 魔导王大声发令后,吵闹的室内瞬间鸦雀无声。然而,那也只是一瞬。立刻就响起了比刚才大几倍的声音。内容和之前也没什么两样。不,哀叹命运的声音或是自己怎样都好还请放过孩子的声音似乎变多了。
  589. “...Haaah.”
  590. 「…………哈」
  592. The Sorcerer King sighed, as though he were tired. After that -- he slammed on the door. His bony white hands possessed incredible power, and the door bounced away, swinging out until it struck the wall with an incredible sound. The demihumans fell silent immediately.
  593. 魔导王像是感到疲倦般漏出了叹息。接着——突然就捶向了门。白骨的手臂有着惊人的力量,活页被弹开,门朝着横向飞了出去。然后撞到墙壁的响起了大得惊人的声音。亚人们就像是打翻了水一样安静了下来。
  595. “Shut up. The next one of you who speaks without permission had better be ready to die.”
  596. 「闭嘴。下一个不经许可就开口的家伙给我做好觉悟」
  598. The Sorcerer King took a step into a room that seemed to have been frozen in silence -- with some parents trying desperately to cover their children’s mouths -- and the demihumans all retreated from him.
  599. 在像是空间被冻结了般的寂静中——其中还有像是拼命捂住孩子的嘴的父母的身姿——魔导王向房间内迈出了一步,而亚人们也随之一起退向了后方。
  601. “I did not come here to kill you. On the contrary, I am here to save you.”
  602. 「我并不是为了杀死你们才过来这里的。与之相反,是为了拯救你们而来」
  604. Usually, Neia the human would have a lot of difficulty trying to read the face of a demihuman such as an Orc. However, just this one, Neia was absolutely confident in herself.
  605. 想要从半兽人那猪一样的脸上读出感情,对于人类的涅娅来讲太过困难。然而只有这次涅娅可以说有着绝对的自信。
  607. Every single one of them was going no wai~
  608. 骗人—,全是这么一副表情。
  610. “Explaining to everyone at once is troublesome. Send out a representative.”
  611. 「对所有人一起讲也很麻烦。代表者,站出来」
  613. A moment later, an Orc looked like he was about to rise, but the Orc beside him stopped him. However, he still took a step forward.
  614. 停顿片刻,一个半兽人打算站出来,却被旁边的半兽人制止了。可是他仍向前迈出了一步。
  616. He might have been a skinny Orc, but he had clearly possessed a strong body once.
  617. 虽是个消瘦的半兽人,但看起来他曾经有着健壮的体格。
  619. “...May I assume that you are the representative?”
  620. 「……我可以认为你就是代表吧?」
  622. The Orc said nothing and simply nodded.
  623. 半兽人什么都没说,只是点了点头。
  625. “...What’s wrong? Why do you not speak?”
  626. 「……怎么了?为什么一言不发?」
  628. “Ah, perhaps it is because Your Majesty ordered them to shut up just now?”
  629. 「那个、说不定是因为刚刚陛下“闭嘴”这么命令过的缘故吧?」
  631. “While I felt that I had given my permission, it would seem nobody understood it that way. You Orc who has stepped forward, I permit you to speak. Begin by stating your name.”
  632. 「虽然觉得给出了许可,但好像没有被理解的样子啊。站出来的半兽人,我允许你发言。首先把你的名字告诉我吧」
  634. “I am DYEL of the Gan Zu tribe -- Dyel Gan Zu.”
  635. 「甘·兹部族的狄叶尔——狄叶尔·甘·兹」
  637. “Dyel, then. Here is my first question. Are there people here you do not know, or whose personalities have changed drastically?”
  638. 「狄叶尔啊。这是最初的问题。这里面有没有混着你们不认识,或者性格大变的人?」
  640. “No, no, there’s nobody like that.”
  641. 「不、不,没有那样的人」
  643. “Next, tell me why you were imprisoned here.”
  644. 「那么其次,告诉我你们为什么会被关在这里」
  646. “...You know that demon called Jaldabaoth, right?”
  647. 「……你知道那叫做亚达巴沃的恶魔吧」
  649. “Of course I do. He is my enemy. Rather, you could say I came here -- to the Holy Kingdom -- in order to kill him.”
  650. 「当然知道。那是我的敌人。不如说我正是为了杀死那家伙才来到这里——这个圣王国」
  652. Their faces still said no wai, as expected. Indeed, Neia might have thought the same way before she had come to understand the Sorcerer King. However, Neia was different now.
  653. 果然还是一副、骗人啊,这样的表情。确实,要是在了解魔导王之前,涅娅说不定也会是同样的想法。然而,现在的涅娅则不一样。
  655. Neia looked at the Sorcerer King’s profile, and then she spoke.
  656. 看着魔导王的侧影,涅娅开口了。
  658. “It is as His Majesty says. I am a person of this country. In that case, you should be able to understand, right? Jaldabaoth led an allied army of demihumans to invade the Holy Kingdom.”
  659. 「事实正如陛下所述。我是这个国家的人。这样的话你们也就能够理解了吧?因为正是亚达巴沃率领你们的联合军入侵了圣王国啊」
  661. Dyel’s face changed slightly.
  662. 狄叶尔的表情微微变化了。
  664. “Wait, a human -- probably, female.”
  665. 「等等,人类的——大概、雌性哟」
  667. What did they mean by that, she thought, but to Neia, judging the sex of an Orc would be very difficult. It would probably be the same way for them as well.
  668. 大概,是什么意思啊,虽然这么想,但对涅娅而言想要靠外表区分半兽人的雌雄十分困难。对他们来讲也是同样的道理吧。
  670. “We did not attack this country. Nobody from the Orc tribes should have helped Jaldabaoth. Because of that, he brought we -- who defied him -- along to this place.”
  671. 「我们并没有袭击这个国家。半兽人的部族里应该没有任何人协助亚达巴沃。正因如此,作为惩罚才会把反抗他的我们带来这里」
  673. “Mm… and what did Jaldabaoth do after he brought you here?”
  674. 「嗯……亚达巴沃把你们带过来后做了些什么?」
  676. The Sorcerer King’s question seemed to elicit a powerful reaction from Dyel and the other Orcs. The Orcs who looked like mothers clutched their children tightly. After that, there were sounds of moaning and vomiting.”
  677. 听到魔导王的问题,不只是狄叶尔,似乎所有半兽人都收到了强烈的刺激。像是母亲的半兽人紧紧抱住了孩子。接着响起了呜咽声,也能听到呕吐般的声音。
  679. “...What did he do here, seriously?” the Sorcerer King could not help but say.
  680. 「……到底做了些什么啊、真的」魔导王不禁吐露出如此话语。
  682. “Ah, it seems I’ve asked a question I shouldn’t have asked. Shall I bring some water? Or do you want something else?”
  683. 「呃,好像问了些不该问的事情。要拿些水过来吗?还是说有什么别的想要的吗?」
  685. The Sorcerer King’s attitude seemed to have changed. For some reason, he seemed very nervous. Perhaps he felt guilty about asking the Orcs about a question that had dredged up bad memories. While it might be somewhat rude to think of him that way, the Sorcerer King looked like a parent trying to comfort another child which their own offspring had driven to tears.
  686. 魔导王的氛围一下子变化了。不知为何十分的慌张。恐怕是对于让半兽人们想起了不好的回忆而抱有罪恶感吧。虽然这么想有些失礼,看起来就像是父母在安慰被自己孩子弄哭的别人家的孩子一样。
  688. This is something only a king who counted both humans and demihumans as his citizens would do...
  689. (这是只有无论亚人还是人类都会视为子民的魔导国的国王才会有的行动啊……)
  691. To the people of the Holy Kingdom, demihumans were the enemy. Therefore, under identical circumstances, they would not say anything kind or comforting.
  692. 对圣王国的人民来说亚人是敌人。因此,在同样的处境下他们就不会说出温柔的话语吧。
  694. “We do not want anything else. But we beg you not to ask us what happened. It would displease you to hear it, and it was like hell to us. If you order us to speak of it we will do so, but I pray you will do it away from others. Please.”
  695. 「没有什么特别想要的。只是请您不要问我们身上发生过什么。即使听了也不会高兴,那对我们来说就像地狱一样。命令的话我会说的,但至少请在没有其他人的地方、拜托了」
  697. After hearing the sobs and weeping of the female Orcs, Neia began to feel a little afraid of what had happened to them.
  698. 听着呜呜抽泣的雌性半兽人的声音,涅娅对他们身上到底发生了些什么感到了恐惧。
  700. “...How vexing,” The Sorcerer King muttered to himself, but so much had happened that Neia did not know what he was referring to.
  701. 「……令人困扰啊」
  703. 魔导王如此喃喃起来,但因为发生了太多的事情涅娅也不清楚具体在指什么。
  705. “Ah, erm, well. Since you seem to be enemies of Jaldabaoth, why not discuss the matter of joining forces with us, since we have a common foe?”
  706. 「那么,这样、的话。既然你们也与亚达巴沃处于敌对状态,那么同样是作为敌人不与我们联手吗,让我们就此谈谈吧」
  708. Dyel shifted his gaze downwards.
  709. 狄叶尔的视线下移了。
  711. “We had thought of fighting once, but now we no longer think of such things. We`ve been broken by the fiendish things which happened here. We no longer have the will to fight.”
  712. 「虽然曾经想要战斗,但现在已经完全了没有那种想法。我们已经因为来到这里后恶魔般的作为而心灰意冷。已经提不起战斗的勇气了」
  714. “Then if I free you, what will you do?”
  715. 「那要是我将你们解救出去,你们又会怎样做呢?」
  717. “If possible, we would like to return to our villages. If there are still people who are safe there, we would like to take them and run far, far away, until we find a place where Jaldabaoth cannot reach us.”
  718. 「可以的话想要返回村落,要是有还平安无事的人就带着他们远远地避难去。到亚达巴沃无法触及的场所」
  720. The Sorcerer King nodded.
  721. 魔导王点了点头。
  723. “Then, come to the domain which I rule--”
  724. 「那就到我所统治的领地——」
  726. “--Please allow me to refuse! I am keenly aware that this will upset you, but even if we agree here, we will surely flee once we reach a place where we can escape. However, betrayal is a low and vile act. Then, we should refuse here, since what awaits us is a death that will not be so agonizing.”
  727. 「——请容我拒绝!我们深知这样会让您很不愉快。但即使在这里同意,等到了可以逃跑的地方我们一定会全力逃走的吧。但是,背叛是最低劣的行为。那么不如在这里拒绝,等着我们的也不至于是那么痛苦的死法吧」
  729. “What…”
  730. 「什么……」
  732. The Sorcerer King was probably a little baffled by this staunch refusal. However, Neia keenly understood what Dyel was thinking. That was because until she had met the Sorcerer King, Neia had felt that the undead were the enemy of all that lived.
  733. 面对这过于强硬的拒绝,魔导王看起来有些困惑。然而涅娅非常理解狄叶尔的想法。因为直到与魔导王相会之前,涅娅也觉得不死者是所有生者的敌人。
  735. “...No, but my domain is not a fearsome place, you see? There’s many demihumans who live there, you know?”
  736. 「……不,我的领地并不是什么可怕的地方哦?有各种各样的亚人生活在那里哦?」
  738. “You’re lying! It sounds like a lie! We, we won’t be tricked! You’re talking about demihuman undead, aren’t you?”
  739. 「你骗人!觉得是在骗人!我、我们才不会被骗呢!是在说亚人的不死者吧!」
  741. Dyel seemed to have gone mad, but he was just like how she had been in the past. Then, as one who had some experience in these matters, she ought to tell him about the true face of the Sorcerous Kingdom.
  742. 近乎狂乱的狄叶尔的身姿就是曾经的自己。那么作为先驱者,就应该告诉后辈自己所看到的魔导王真实的姿态。
  744. “His Majesty is telling the truth. He is a great man who, while being undead, also possesses a heart filled with compassion for all living things. He loves children, he rules demihumans fairly, and he receives the respect of his subordinates. As proof of that, they have even built enormous statues of him which astound all who see them--”
  745. 「陛下说的都是真实的。这位大人正是在身为不死者的同时,又有着对生者的慈悲之心的人啊。爱护孩童,平等地统治着亚人,还受到属下们的尊敬。作为证据他们还建造了让人震惊的巨大雕像——」
  747. “--Baraja-san! Really, that, that’s enough…”
  748. 「——巴拉哈小姐!真的,就、到这里吧……」
  750. “But, Your Majesty!”
  751. 「可是,陛下!」
  753. “Please… say no more…”
  754. 「拜托了……真的拜托了……」
  756. Since he had said “please”, she had no choice but to keep quiet.
  757. 既然都说了拜托就只有沉默了。
  759. “Human, have you been brainwashed!?”
  760. 「人类,你是被洗脑了吗!?」
  762. “I have not. I have seen His Majesty’s kingdom with my own eyes. The first demihuman I saw was a Naga.”
  763. 「不是的。我亲眼看到了魔导王陛下的国家。最先看到的亚人是那伽」
  765. The demihumans looked at each other amidst a hubbub. There were voices asking, “what’s a Naga?” but they were ignored.
  766. 亚人们哗然间面面相觑着。「那伽是啥?」虽然也有这样的声音、无视。
  768. “Also, I saw a rabbit-like demihuman. I am not a citizen of the Sorcerous Kingdom. Therefore, my time there was short. Even so, it was enough for me to understand what was going on. The people living there did not have pained and frightened looks on their faces like you do. And of course, none of them were covered in cuts and bruises like you.”
  769. 「其他还有脸像兔子一样的亚人我也看见了。我并非魔导国的居民。因此滞留的时间确实很短暂。即便如此,我也能明白。生活在那里的人们并没有像刚才的各位那样露出痛苦和恐怖的表情。当然也没有像现在的各位这样遍体鳞伤」
  771. The demihumans looked down at their stick-thin bodies. Their muscles had shrivelled up, and they were little more than skin and bone.
  772. 亚人们低头看向自己消瘦的身体。肌肉萎缩,骨瘦如柴的身体。
  774. “It is as she -- as Baraja-san says. However, even if I say that, you will probably not believe me. However, once you become my vassals, I will never allow you to suffer such cruelty again. I can swear that to you upon my name, Ainz Ooal Gown. The reason for that is because all that I rule belongs to me. Should it be damaged, it is the same as damaging my property. And you may be at ease. If you do not wish to accept my rule, I will not force you to do so. Live as you please. In any case, I shall prepare to send you back to your homes.”
  775. 「正如她——巴拉哈小姐所言。不过即使这么说你们也不会信任我的吧。只不过,成为我的属下后绝对不会让你们遭受那样残酷的事情这一点,我可以用我的名字,安兹·乌尔·恭起誓。要说为何,在我统治之下的即是我的东西。它们要是受伤了,就等同于我个人财产的损失。而且放心吧。要是你们不想接受我的统治,我也不会强求。按自己喜欢地活下去就好。总之先为送你们回村落做好准备吧」
  777. “...Why are you being so kind to us?”
  778. 「……为什么要对我们如此亲切?」
  780. This was the first time Dyel had cast aside his preconceived notions. Neia could feel him looking at the Sorcerer King himself.
  781. 这是第一次,狄叶尔抹去了固定观念,正视了魔导王本人,涅娅如此感受到了。
  783. “Kuku… I wish to defeat Jaldabaoth. Therefore, the demihumans under him are quite troublesome. Having you go back to your villages is also a way of eroding his power.”
  784. 「呵呵……我想要打败亚达巴沃。为此他手下的亚人们很碍事。因此,让你们回到村落也是削减其力量的一种手段」
  786. “What do you mean?”
  787. 「那是怎样一回事?」
  789. “Unlike Jaldabaoth, I am a merciful king. If you spread the word for me, that will surely spread unrest throughout his forces, and there might even be those who decide to turn coat and support us, don’t you think?”
  790. 「我和亚达巴沃不同是位亲切的君王,如果你们能这样为我宣传的话,就可以期待那家伙的军队出现内部不和,甚至有人会叛变投靠过来也说不定的吧?」
  792. “I see, so that’s how it is.”
  793. 「原来如此,这样一回事啊」
  795. It was difficult for people to put their faith in benefits offered to them with no strings attached, but a mutually beneficial transaction was more trustworthy. It would seem the same logic applied to demihumans.
  796. 单方面的提出有利条件难以让人信服,而互惠互利的交易才则更可信,这对亚人来讲似乎也是同样的。
  798. “However, don’t you think that’ll be difficult? Many of Jaldabaoth’s vassals are bloodthirsty maniacs. Even if we spread the word in our villages, it would not have much effect.”
  799. 「不过,我觉得那有些困难哦?亚达巴沃的属下大多是渴求鲜血的狂徒。就算我们回到村落散布传闻也不会有什么效果的吧」
  801. “That’s fine too. I intend to use everything I can use. And if Jaldabaoth carries out a reign of terror, there might be demihumans who will betray him too. Mm, speaking of which, will you not help me fight Jaldabaoth?”
  802. 「那样也没关系。我打算把能用的手段都用上。而且要是亚达巴沃在进行恐怖统治,说不定会也有背
  803. 叛他的亚人存在。嗯,话又说回来了啊,不来帮我一起与亚达巴沃战斗吗?」
  805. “...We can’t. We’ve told you before, right? We don’t have the will for that now.”
  806. 「……做不到。说过的吧。现在的我们已经没有那种意志了」
  808. “Huh. What a shame. And you still do not wish to come to the Sorcerous Kingdom?”
  809. 「是么。那真是遗憾。果然还是不想来魔导国生活吗?」
  811. “Indeed, it would be a good thing to live under the protection of a mighty being like yourself. However, this is not a decision I can make alone. Depending on the result of my discussion with others, we might end up relying on you.”
  812. 「要是能在你这样强大存在的庇护下生活也确实不错。然而,这不是能仅由我们决定的问题。根据和其他人讨论的结果,说不定要受您照顾了」
  814. “Dyel!”
  815. 「狄叶尔!」
  817. “Donbass. I know what you want to say. However, with the appearance of Jaldabaoth, a fiend against whom we are helpless, we cannot protect our villages by ourselves. In the end, this is what will become of us.”
  818. 「冬巴斯。我知道你想说什么。可是,已经出现了亚达巴沃这样我们无可奈何的恶魔,这样下去仅靠我们根本无法守护好村落。是终究会变成这样的命运啊」
  820. The Orc called Donbass bit his lip and looked down. He understood that point as well.
  821. 叫做冬巴斯的半兽人立刻咬住了嘴唇,垂下了视线。他也理解了这一点吧。
  823. “Is that so. Then, if you come to my country, then I, the Sorcerer King will offer you my full support. Many species live upon my land. At that time, I hope you will work together with them -- live with them as people of my country.”
  824. 「这样啊。若是来到我的国家,我、魔导王会全面地支援你们。在我的土地上生活着各种各样的种族。届时希望能与他们协力——作为我国子民共同生存下去」
  826. The Sorcerer King’s tone softened.
  827. 魔导王的语气变得温柔起来。
  829. Demihumans were viewed as the enemy in the Holy Kingdom, yet in the Sorcerous Kingdom they were seen as beings with whom one could coexist. From where did this enormous difference spring? As Neia thought about it, she immediately found the answer.
  830. 明明在圣王国亚人被视作敌人,但在魔导王看来却是可以共生的存在。这种巨大的差距是由何而来的呢。这么考虑着的涅娅立刻找到了答案。
  832. It’s because of His Majesty, huh… Because His Majesty possesses such incredible power. As I thought… power is what’s important, huh.
  833. (正因为是魔导王陛下、么。……正因为是有着强大力量的陛下啊。果然……重要的还是力量、么……)
  835. “Alright, then after this, I will provide the rations you will need until you return to your villages. In addition, I will supply soldiers to defend you. Returning home safely with those bodies of yours will require much time and effort.”
  836. 「好了,那么接下来就为你们提供回到村落期间的食物吧。还有护卫的士兵。以那种身体想平安返回要花费相当多的时间和劳力吧」
  838. “You would go this far for us?”
  839. 「为我们做到这种地步吗?」
  841. “Of course I would. Do weep and wail at great length about the generosity and magnanimity of the Sorcerous Kingdom and spread my name. After this, Baraja-san, could I trouble you to leave the room? I am about to use a national secret of the Sorcerous Kingdom which I do not wish to allow anyone from another country to see.”
  842. 「当然会为你们做到这种地步。尽情地为魔导国之王的宽容大量而哭泣、好好地为我宣传吧。然后巴拉哈小姐,能请你先离开这个房间吗?我要使用不怎么想让他国人看见的,魔导国的秘法了」
  844. “Understood.”
  845. 「谨遵钧命」
  847. Neia stepped out of the room after answering, and she felt a little lonely. The Sorcerer King’s words made perfect sense, and while she could understand them, she could not accept them.
  848. 这样回答着退出房间的涅娅稍稍感到了些寂寞。魔导王所说的是理所当然的事情,自己可以理解却又无法接受。
  850. As she stood outside the broken door, the breathing sounds of Orcs from within the room began to dwindle. It was as though they were vanishing from the room, but in truth that was probably the case.
  851. 站在坏掉的门外,从里面传来的半兽人们的呼吸声逐渐在减少。简直就像是在从房间中消失一样,然而实际上就是那样吧。
  853. The Sorcerer King had once said that as long as he remembered a location, he could teleport to it. He must have used such a spell on them.
  854. 魔导王在旅途中说过,只要记得场所就能进行转移。就是对他们用了这种魔法吧。
  856. Soon, the room was silent. A moment later, the sound of footsteps approached Neia. As her mind registered that fact, she saw that the only person on the other side of the door was the Sorcerer King.
  857. 不久,房间内变得悄然无声,稍过片刻后传来了一道向着涅娅靠近的脚步声,这么想着的时候,门对面就只剩下魔导王一人了。
  859. “Forgive the long wait.”
  860. 「久等了」
  862. “No, it was not long at all.”
  863. 「不,并未久等」
  865. The room was empty. He must have used magic potent beyond the ability of Neia to imagine to teleport all the Orcs away. Or perhaps he had used some other means -- he had teleported them with an item.
  866. 房间变成了空壳。是使用了涅娅这种程度无法想象的强大魔法把半兽人们全部转移了吧。或者说是通过其他手段——魔法道具来进行转移的吧
  868. “Then, let’s meet with Captain Custodio and hear about our future plans from her.”
  869. 「那么就与卡斯特迪奥团长汇合,听听接下来的预定吧」
  871. “Yes! Your servant understands!”
  872. 「是!属下明白!」
  874. ♦ ♦ ♦
  876. After exiting the Orc internment camp, the two of them asked a paladin they met along the way about Remedios’ location. There was no sign of her at the building they were directed to, but Gustav was there.
  877. 走出半兽人收容所的两人向途中遇见的圣骑士问到了蕾梅蒂欧丝所在的位置。在被告知的建筑入口处虽然没有她的身影,但有古斯塔博在。
  879. “Ohhhh! Your Majesty! We were just about to invite you over!”
  880. 「哦哦!魔导王陛下!现在,正打算去请您过来呢!」
  882. Gustav seemed completely different from when they had met him. He was lively, as though the light of hope was spilling out from him, and his voice had perked up too. Had something appeared which had changed the currently-dire situation? Perhaps the Sorcerer King had the same question in his heart, and so he asked:
  883. 古斯塔博身上的氛围和之前见面时截然不同。就像希望之光从内部向外洒落般开朗,声调也上扬起来。是出现了什么能够打破严峻现状的东西吧。是抱有同样的疑问么,魔导王也发出了质问。
  885. “What happened? Did you receive some good news?”
  886. 「怎么了?像是收到了什么喜讯啊?」
  888. “Yes! There’s a very important person you must see. Come, this way.”
  889. 「是的!有一位请您务必见一面的大人。来、这边请」
  891. If they wanted to show him somebody, he must be a powerful noble, or someone related to the royal family.
  892. 想要让我一见的话,是有权力的贵族,或者是和王族有关系的人物吧。
  894. The Sorcerer King -- trailed by Neia for some reason -- was guided to a certain room by Gustav.
  895. 魔导王——不知为何涅娅也跟着——在古斯塔博的引领下来到了一个房间。
  897. It contained several simple wooden chairs. Remedios was seated there, as was a skinny man.
  898. 摆着几张素朴木椅的房间里,坐着蕾梅蒂欧丝,和另一个瘦削的男人。
  900. The two of them turned to look at the Sorcerer King as he entered, and they both rose in welcome.
  901. 两人看见魔导王进入了房间,就一同起身欢迎。
  903. “This is the royal brother in whose veins flows the blood of our Holy King, Caspond-sama.”
  904. 「这位是流着我国圣王家血脉的王兄,卡斯邦德大人」
  906. Indeed, his face resembled the profile of the second Holy King which adorned the Holy Kingdom’s gold coins. Neia blinked at the fact that someone like this had actually been imprisoned here.
  907. 确实说起来的话,看着和圣王国金币上的二代圣王陛下的侧脸有几分相像。对于这样的人物真的被囚禁在这里一事。涅娅瞪大了眼睛。
  909. “Caspond-sama. This is the king of the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown, His Majesty Ainz Ooal Gown, who has come to aid our nation.”
  910. 「卡斯邦德大人。这位是对我国鼎力相助的安兹·乌尔·恭魔导国国王、安兹·乌尔·恭陛下」
  912. “Ohhh! Words cannot express my gratitude, Your Majesty. I am honored to meet you. As others have said, I am the brother who was eclipsed by my outstanding little sister.”
  913. 「哦哦!感激之情无以言表,魔导王陛下。很荣幸与您见面。正如现在介绍的那样,我就是被优秀的妹妹超过了的哥哥」
  915. As the royal brother said something that was very difficult to respond to, Remedios had a put-upon look on her face which seemed to say, are you making fun of her? Still, he was the next successor for the late Holy Queen’s position, so she could not put on the same attitude she had held all this time. Thus, Remedios simply cast her eyes downward.
  916. 对着说起话来难以回应的王兄,蕾梅蒂欧丝摆出了,你是在嘲讽吗,这样无奈的表情。但毕竟是拥有着仅次于圣王女的王位继承权的人物,在其面前难以使用以往的态度,蕾梅蒂欧丝只是默默地垂下了视线。
  918. “Ahhh, is that so. An honor to meet you, Royal Brother-dono.”
  919. 「啊啊,这样啊。很荣幸与您见面,王兄殿下」
  921. Then, their eyes met again.
  922. 接着两人对视了一会。
  924. Neia watched and wondered what they were doing, and a moment later the Sorcerer King extended his hand, which Caspond took.
  925. 涅娅想着这是在做什么呢,片刻后魔导王伸出了手,卡斯邦德将其握住。
  927. Shaking hands was a practice that arose among those of higher status.
  928. 握手基本是由地位较高的人发起的。
  930. When one compared a man who was simply in the line of succession to the throne to someone who ruled a country of his own, however small it was, the latter would be of higher status. The fact that the latter was also aiding the country of the former only served to heighten his importance. The fact that the Sorcerer King had not immediately extended his hand was probably a sign of respect to the other side.
  931. 一般来说只不过是有着王位继承权的男人,和或许有些小但却是一国之主之间,后者的地位会更高。而且还是提供了支援的人物,以其为重就更加理所当然,没有立刻伸出手来的魔导王是在向对方表示敬意吧。
  933. Truly, he is a thoughtful and generous man.
  934. (真是位心思缜密,宽容大量的大人啊)
  936. That convinced Neia. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Caspond was also nodding and making noises of approval.
  937. 涅娅为之折服。用眼睛的余光看得见古斯塔博也是同样地感叹着点头称赞。
  939. “Your Majesty, I apologize for greeting you in this shabby attire. It would have been well if I could have changed before your arrival, but…”
  940. 「魔导王陛下。抱歉以如此不体面的打扮和您会面。要是能在您面前装扮得与之相应些就好了,但是……」
  942. “There is nothing to be ashamed about. Mere clothes cannot degrade a man of class. You must be exhausted from your long imprisonment. Will you not take a seat before speaking?”
  943. 「没什么值得羞愧的。区区服装无以降低您的品味。那长时间的牢狱之身想来已十分疲倦了吧。不坐下来说话么」
  945. “I am grateful for your kindness. Then please allow me to avail myself of your goodwill.”
  946. 「十分感谢您的关怀。那就让我接受您的好意吧」
  948. The Sorcerer King was the first to release their handshake, and Caspond sat down after he did.
  949. 将手分开的两人以魔导王为先,古斯彭德为后的顺序坐到了椅子上面。
  951. “I am glad to see Your Highness is safe and sound. Still, how did you come to be imprisoned here?”
  952. 「不管怎样殿下平安无事真是太好了。不过、为什么会被囚禁在这里呢?」
  954. “That was because I happened to flee here. Baron Bagnen took very good care of me. --How is he? Captain Custodio. I believe you took him away after he spoke to me.”
  955. 「那是因为我刚好逃到了这附近啊。真的是受到了巴格内男爵许多照顾。——他的状况如何?卡斯特迪奥团长。他在和我谈话后被你们带走了呢」
  957. “Baron Bagnen’s wounds are not severe, and his life is not in danger. However, due to his poor physical condition and great exhaustion, he is still sound asleep.”
  958. 「是的。巴格内男爵的伤势并不是很重,没有生命危险。不过,因为肉体在恶劣的环境下累积了大量的疲劳,现在还在沉睡中」
  960. “Can the priests not use their magic to aid him? Now would be the time to draw on his intellect, no?”
  961. 「不能让神官们用魔法做些什么吗?正是想要借助他那智慧的时候啊?」
  963. “The priests have exhausted their remaining mana on healing the wounded, and they are currently resting. I sincerely apologize, but if the situation is not critical, I feel it is better to let them conserve their mana.”
  964. 「神官们为了治愈伤者的伤势耗费了残余的魔力,当下正在休息。非常抱歉,不过要是没有紧急状况的话,我认为应该要让他们温存些魔力才是」
  966. “If that’s the case, then it can’t be helped, Captain. However, he was the one who brought me here and fought desperately to protect me. If possible, please-- you understand what I’m saying, right?”
  967. 「要是这样的话就没办法了,团长。不过,将我带到这附近拼命保护起来的正是他。请尽可能的——明白我的意思吧?」
  969. It was not Remedios, but Gustav who nodded deeply.
  970. 并非蕾梅蒂欧丝,而是古斯塔博在理解后深深地低下了头。
  972. “Alright, then there is one thing I must verify first. Is there anyone in this country who can see through shapeshifting or illusions?”
  973. 「好了,那么有件事必须尽早确认一下,这个国家有人拥有看穿变身或幻术的能力吗?」
  975. “Why do you ask, Your Majesty?”
  976. 「为什么要问这个问题呢,魔导王陛下?」
  978. “That is because I am wary of demons using magic to hide themselves among the imprisoned people.”
  979. 「因为我在戒备着会不会有恶魔使用了魔法潜伏在被囚禁的民众里」
  981. Caspond looked at Remedios.
  982. 卡斯邦德看向了蕾梅蒂欧丝。
  984. “Captain, can you answer His Majesty’s question?”
  985. 「团长。能回答陛下的问题吗?」
  987. “Ah, my apologies. Please answer on my behalf, Vice-Captain. I do not recall anyone like that.”
  988. 「啊,非常抱歉。请由副团长的我来回答吧。在我的印象中并未听说过有那样的人物」
  990. The Sorcerer King went “Mm--” and sank into contemplation. Caspond then asked Remedios another question.
  991. 魔导王「嗯—」的陷入沉思,卡斯邦德也再一次问向蕾梅蒂欧丝。
  993. “If it troubles the Sorcerer King so, that clearly indicates that this must be a vital question. I shall ask you again. Can you swear to the gods that you do not know?”
  994. 「能让魔导王烦恼至此,就说明这是非常重要的问题。我再问你一次哦?能对神发誓说你不知道吗?」
  996. The two paladins nodded, and then Caspond’s gaze turned to Neia. Surely he would not know a squire like herself, right? As Neia thought that, she hurriedly nodded as well.
  997. 两位圣骑士点头了,卡斯邦德的视线移向了涅娅。不可能会认识像自己这样的侍从吧,这样想着的涅娅也慌张的点了点头。
  999. “So even Squire Baraja does not know… what’s wrong? You look puzzled. I’ve heard your name from the Captain. I’m very grateful that you can serve by His Majesty’s side.”
  1000. 「侍从巴拉哈也不知道吗……怎么了?一脸不可思议的表情,你的名字我从团长那里听过了哦。对你能服侍在魔导王陛下身边一事我很感谢哦」
  1002. “My deepest thanks!”
  1003. 「万分感谢!」
  1005. Neia hurriedly bowed to Caspond.
  1006. 涅娅慌张地向着卡斯邦德低下了头。
  1008. “Just so. She is exceptional. I would like a follower like that.”
  1009. 「正是如此。她非常的优秀。我想要的就是这样的侍从啊」
  1011. “What, surely, you must jest…”
  1012. 「什,您在说笑些什么……」
  1014. Neia’s voice was trembling. As he saw her in that state, the Sorcerer King and Caspond laughed happily. Then, they resumed their -- although the Sorcerer King had no facial expressions, of course -- serious looks.
  1015. 涅娅的声音在颤抖。看到她这个样子,魔导王和卡斯邦德都开心地笑了起来。然后立刻回到了——虽然魔导王毫无表情——认真的表情。
  1017. “While it shames me to admit my ignorance, do demons possess the power to transform into other people?”
  1018. 「虽对显露出无知感到汗颜至极,恶魔有着变化成其他人的力量吗?」
  1020. “Demons can take human form to make people fall, but that does not mean they can transform into others. It is simply that they can take human form, not that they can imitate anyone’s looks. Therefore... if the people imprisoned are all unfamiliar… there will be a need to be careful.”
  1021. 「恶魔虽然可以为了让人堕落而化为人形,但这并非是变成别人的模样。只不过是变身成人类。并不能模仿谁的面貌。所以……被囚禁的人里要是都不认识的人……就有警戒的必要」
  1023. “In that case, we will need to have the people who were captured vouch for each other…”
  1024. 「这样的话有必要让被抓的人们互相确认一下啊……」
  1026. “Now, illusions are more troublesome. With illusions, one can take the faces of others. For instance…”
  1027. 「至于幻术就有些麻烦了。用幻术就可以做到变成其他人的样子了。这样吧……」
  1029. The Sorcerer King cast a spell, and his skeletal face transformed into that of Caspond.
  1030. 魔导王使用了魔法,那张骸骨的脸变成了卡斯邦德的模样。
  1032. “This is an illusion. However, low-level illusions like this one might be able to change one’s attire, but not one’s voice. Also, they cannot imitate memories and thoughts, naturally enough. Therefore, they will be immediately exposed if someone close to the subject speaks to them.”
  1033. 「这就是幻术。不过,低位的幻术就像现在展示的这样,即使改变了服装,声音也不会变化。还有就是理所当然的,无法将记忆和思想一起复制下来。为此让亲近的人与之对话就会立刻被发现吧」
  1035. The Sorcerer King’s face resumed its skeletal form.
  1036. 魔导王的脸回到了骸骨的模样。
  1038. “There are many ways to disguise one’s clothes and voice. Therefore, the best way is to speak to them and check for a sense of wrongness.”
  1039. 「服装和声音有很多蒙混过去的方法。所以果然最好的方法,还是通过对话时的违和感来调查吧」
  1041. His questions to the Orcs must have been intended to guard against that, Neia mused.
  1042. 刚才对半兽人们的询问就是在戒备着这个啊,涅娅如此惊叹着。
  1044. As expected of His Majesty. His considerations are surprisingly thorough.
  1045. (不愧是陛下。考虑之多真是让人吃惊啊)
  1047. “I see… well, you heard that, no? Go check it out immediately.”
  1048. 「原来如此……听见了吧,立刻去调查」
  1050. “A moment please. You should also consider the possibility of a demon running amok once it is exposed. Do you not think that letting a powerful person like Captain Custodio stay by your side to protect you would be better?”
  1051. 「请等一下。还要考虑到显露本性的恶魔大闹起来的可能性。不觉得让卡斯特迪奥团长这样的强者守在旁边会比较好吗?」
  1053. “I see. I understand. I will perform investigations with the Captain as a witness.”
  1054. 「原来如此。谨遵钧命。会在团长的见证下进行排查」
  1056. Caspond bowed his head.
  1057. 古斯塔博低下了头。
  1059. “Royal Brother-dono. That is all I wished to verify. If you have more to say, then by all means.”
  1060. 「王兄殿下。我想要确认的就是这些了。还有什么要说的就请吧」
  1062. “Then -- Your Majesty. As for our future plans, I feel it is necessary for us to head south, link up with the local forces and then launch a full-scale attack. That is because there were several nobles imprisoned with me, and I wish to ask them to see who can lend their strength to us. That is the plan I intend to adopt.”
  1063. 「那么——魔导王陛下。关于今后的计划,我认为有向南方行进,与当地部队合流后再全军进攻的必要。因为有几位和我一样被囚禁着的贵族,就想详细地问问他们,看看有谁能把力量借给我们,打算这样制定作战计划」
  1065. “Mm. I do not understand this country’s nobles, so if you feel that is best, then by all means… Will you not attack the other prison camps and rescue the prisoners there?”
  1066. 「嗯。我并不了解这个国家的贵族,你们要是觉得这样比较好那就这么做吧。……不去袭击其他的收容所,将俘虏们解救出来吗?」
  1068. “It is not yet time for that. Leading many people to areas controlled by Jaldabaoth is very eye-catching, and our rate of advance will become very slow. I wish to avoid an outcome where we lose more than we gain by helping others.”
  1069. 「现在还不是时候。在亚达巴沃所支配的地区率领众多人马会十分显眼,行军速度也会变得很慢吧。想要尽可能避免为了帮助他们而失去更多的生命这种结果」
  1071. “...Then why not let the civilians flee south while we alone attack the prison camps?”
  1072. 「……那么让民众们逃去南方,仅由我们来袭击俘虏收容所怎么样?」
  1074. “Captain Custodio. You were allowed to be present, but I did not seek your opinion.”
  1075. 「卡斯特迪奥团长。虽然允许你同席,但我没在询问你的意见」
  1077. Caspond spoke in a tone that was completely different from how he addressed the Sorcerer King.
  1078. 卡斯邦德发出了和刚才同魔导王讲话时完全不同种类的声音。
  1080. Remedios clenched her teeth as that comment got her blood up, banking the flames of her anger.
  1081. 血气上涌的蕾梅蒂欧丝咬紧牙关,把燃起的怒火压了下去。
  1083. “I also approve of Royal Brother -- no, Gaspond-dono’s opinion. However, you have already taken two prison camps, including this place. I imagine you can continue to skilfully apply the experience gained here, do you not?”
  1084. 「我也赞同王兄——不,卡斯邦德殿下的意见。不过,包含这里,已经攻下了两座俘虏收容所。我想也有这种经验可以继续适用下去的可能性,怎样?」
  1086. “We shall do nothing,” Caspond shrugged. “I do not feel we can take this land back without deaths or wounded. The number of casualties will grow from the tens, to the hundreds, to the thousands. There is something else which is more important than this.”
  1087. 「什么也不做」卡斯邦德耸了耸肩。「我不觉得能够不出死伤地将这片土地夺还。无非是那死者会增加到数十人、数百人、或者数千人的程度吧。比起这个还有其他更为重要的事情」
  1089. As they heard his words, which cast the people aside, Neia saw looks of shock cross Remedios’ and Gustav’s faces. As for Neia herself, all she thought was that this was how ordinary royals were.
  1090. 听到这打算抛弃民众的发言,蕾梅蒂欧丝和古斯塔博那震惊的模样进入了涅娅的视野。至于涅娅本人则只是,果然普通的王族就是这种程度的家伙啊,这样无感情地感慨着。
  1092. “Caspond-sama, you’ve changed. In the past, you were a great man who was as kind to the masses as Her Majesty.”
  1093. 「卡斯邦德大人,您变了啊。曾经的您是位与陛下一样对民众饱含慈悲的大人啊」
  1095. “What’s this, Captain Custodio? Are you disappointed? Hmph!”
  1096. 「怎么,卡斯特迪奥团长?失望了吗?哼!」
  1098. Caspond’s face twisted. His lips curled, baring his teeth. His razor-sharp gaze was full of mockery.
  1099. 卡斯邦德的表情深深扭曲了。嘴唇歪斜,露出了牙齿。锐利的眼神中满是嘲笑之色。
  1101. “Your heart would be as twisted as mine if you had tasted the same hell I did. I can’t spout empty platitudes any more, huh. How disgusting… what did they do to us… I guess you haven’t heard yet. Then go find someone and ask them. That way, you’ll know exactly how evil and blasphemous demons are.”
  1102. 「你要是尝过那种地狱的滋味也会像我这样性格扭曲的吧。变得说不出好听的场面话了,呐。真让人恶心……我们到底被做了些什么……看来是还没有听说啊。那就去找个人问一问吧。这样你就会知道恶魔们究竟是多么邪恶而冒渎的存在」
  1104. He was like a completely different person, Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the inky black substance under his forcibly-repaired personality had emerged again.
  1105. 简直就像是变成了别人。或者说他强行修补好的感情下面那漆黑的东西又再度冒了出来,才更为正确吧。
  1107. “If possible, I’d like to kill all those demihumans…”
  1108. 「可以的话真想把亚人全都杀掉啊……」
  1110. He glanced at the Sorcerer King, who shrugged and answered:
  1111. 向着魔导王偷瞄了一眼,而魔导王则是耸肩回答道。
  1113. “You may do as you please after you’ve questioned them. I’ve already liberated the Orcs.”
  1114. 「问出情报之后就任您喜欢了。半兽人们已经被我解放了呢」
  1116. “That can’t be helped, then. What a shame. Well, the Orcs tasted misery alongside me… although, could you hand them over to me in exchange for the holy sword?”
  1117. 「那就没有办法了呢。真的是非常遗憾。嘛,半兽人们也是品尝着同样痛苦的伙伴啊……不过,要是用圣剑来交换的话能把那些交给我吗?」
  1119. “I am a magic caster. What would I do with a sword even if you gave it to me?”
  1120. 「我是个魔法咏唱者啊,就算把剑给我什么的」
  1122. Caspond chuckled at the Sorcerer King’s playful reply.
  1123. 听到魔导王那含着玩笑的回答,卡斯邦德也发出了轻笑声。
  1125. On the other hand, Remedios’ blank face stood as a contrast to Gustav’s pale features.
  1126. 而蕾梅蒂欧丝那消去了感情的脸和古斯塔博那变得铁青的表情则与二人形成了对照。
  1128. It sounded like a joke, but Caspond was probably serious.
  1129. 听起来太像是在开个小玩笑,但卡斯邦德是认真的吧。
  1131. Neia’s body trembled. To think he hated those imprisoned demihumans enough that he was willing to hand over a national treasure just to get them back in his hands… what on earth had happened to him?
  1132. 涅娅的身体颤抖起来。就算对被囚禁起来的亚人,也抱有着愿意交出国宝程度的憎恨,这究竟是被做了怎样的事情啊。
  1134. “So you will abandon this city?”
  1135. 「那么要放弃这座都市吗?」
  1137. “I would like to if I could. But before that, I want to interview some of the prisoners and send messengers to the south. I think that will take a week at the earliest. When we take this land back, I shall offer you a gratuity corresponding to your kindness in addition to what Captain Custodio has already arranged.”
  1138. 「可以的话我希望这么做。在那之前首先是进行被囚禁者们的回复,派遣使者前去南方吧。我想最快也要在这里等待一周左右。到了将这片土地夺还的拂晓之刻,包含卡斯特迪奥团长约好的东西,让我送上与您的恩义相应的谢礼吧」
  1140. “I do look forward to that.”
  1141. 「那还真是,令人期待啊」
  1143. ♦ ♦ ♦
  1145. The Sorcerer King left with Neia a minute later. Caspond went, “Alright. Since the Sorcerer King is already gone, let’s get to the main event.”
  1146. 魔导王在涅娅陪同下离开的一分后。卡斯邦德「好了」这么出声说道
  1148. 「既然魔导王已经不在场了,就让我们进入正题吧」
  1150. “Yes. Protecting this many people at once will be very difficult. If possible, I believe we will need to borrow reinforcements from the south, or perhaps obtain some sort of transport like horses and carriages.”
  1151. 「是。要想在守护着这么多民众的同时移动是相当困难的。可以的话我认为有必要从南方借一些援军,或者说入手马车之类的移动手段」
  1153. Caspond smiled coldly as he heard Gustav’s suggestion.
  1154. 听到古斯塔博的提案,卡斯邦德脸上浮出了冷笑。
  1156. “What nonsense are you spouting? Who said we’re talking about that?”
  1157. 「你在说些什么蠢话。谁说要谈那种话了」
  1159. “Were we not supposed to consider how to move ourselves south?”
  1160. 「所谓正题,不是要考虑如何向南方移动,这件事吗?」
  1162. “Let me speak plainly. We will not flee south right away. We will do battle with Jaldabaoth’s army here.”
  1163. 「我就直说了吧。不会立刻逃向南方的。要在这里和亚达巴沃的军队打一仗」
  1165. “That’s far too rash!”
  1166. 「太鲁莽了!」
  1168. As she heard Gustav’s words, Remedios continued speaking.
  1169. 听到古斯塔博的话,蕾梅蒂欧丝也接着说了下去。
  1171. “While we have city walls, we’ll be finished once we’re surrounded and the food runs out. A siege would be foolish without reinforcements to count on.”
  1172. 「虽说有着城墙,但要是被包围住之后食物耗尽的话就全完了。在没有援军的状况下进行笼城战是愚者的作为」
  1174. While Remedios might not be good at thinking, she was very reliable when it came to battle. Gustav nodded as he heard his captain’s confident words.
  1175. 蕾梅蒂欧丝虽说不怎么动脑子想事情,但有关战斗是值得信赖的。听到团长那与她自信相符的话语,古斯塔博也同意的点头了。
  1177. “Even so, we must fight here.”
  1178. 「即便如此也有在这里战斗的必要」
  1180. As the two of them turned questioning gazes on him, Caspond smiled coldly and explained himself.
  1181. 受到两人询问般的视线,卡斯邦德将更冷酷的笑容摆在脸上,开始了说明。
  1183. “You heard it too, right? The Sorcerer King is conserving his mana for the battle with Jaldabaoth…”
  1185. After seeing Gustav nod, Caspond continued.
  1187. “That would be troublesome. After he defeats Jaldabaoth and takes the maid demons, the Sorcerer King will return to the Sorcerous Kingdom. Before that, we need to have him decrease the amount of demihumans who have invaded this nation. Therefore, we must place ourselves in dire straits.”
  1188. 「你们也听到了,魔导王说要在与亚达巴沃战斗之前温存魔力……」看到古斯塔博点头同意,卡斯邦德把话继续了下去。「那就太困扰了。在打败了亚达巴沃,入手了女仆恶魔之后,魔导王就会回到魔导国。在那之前必须让他帮我们减少入侵这个国家的亚人的数量才行啊。为此必须要被逼入绝境」
  1190. “But our agreement with the Sorcerer King…”
  1191. 「那么和魔导王的约定……」
  1193. “Everytime the Sorcerer King slays several demihumans with his magic, fewer people of the Holy Kingdom will be lost, no? Which will you choose? Your pact with the undead, or the lives of the Holy Kingdom’s innocent civilians?”
  1194. 「每当魔导王用魔法杀了几只亚人,圣王国的人民的牺牲也就会相应地减少一些哦?你们要选那一边?和不死者的约束,还是圣王国无辜民众的性命」
  1196. Gustav had a bitter look on his face, while the blank-faced Remedios promptly answered:
  1197. 古斯塔博露出了苦涩的表情,而面色不改的蕾梅蒂欧丝立即回答了。
  1199. “The innocents of the Holy Kingdom, of course.”
  1200. 「那当然是圣王国的无辜民众们」
  1202. “That’s how it is, Captain. Therefore, you must make the Sorcerer King fight. Since we have made an agreement, there must be a good reason to break it.”
  1203. 「就是这么回事,团长。所以才必须让魔导王战斗。然而,既然已经立下了约定,想要将之打破就必须要有相应的理由」
  1205. “And so we must fight Jaldabaoth’s army for that?”
  1206. 「为此才要与亚达巴沃的军队交战吗?」
  1208. “Correct. Or rather -- we began our work to flee to the south, but since we took more time than we expected, we were surrounded by Jaldabaoth’s army. With no options left, we had no choice but to seek the Sorcerer King’s strength. What do you think?”
  1209. 「没错,正确的说——虽然开始了向南方避难的准备工作,但因为花费的时间比预期要多而被亚达巴沃的军队给包围了。结果就无计可施不得不借助魔导王的力量,怎么样?」
  1211. He’s right, Remedios and Gustav’s eyes seemed to say to each other. However--
  1212. 不错,蕾梅蒂欧丝和古斯塔博的视线如此交流着。可是——
  1214. “I have a question. What if the mana that the Sorcerer King expends becomes a disadvantage during the battle with Jaldabaoth?”
  1215. 「有一个问题。要是让魔导王浪费了魔力使得和亚达巴沃的战斗变得不利的话?」
  1217. “I hear mana can be recovered quickly, no?”
  1218. 「可我听说魔力的回复用不了太长时间的啊?」
  1220. “My sister said so too.”
  1221. 「妹妹也是那么说的」
  1223. Remedios’ little sister was a priestess. If she said, “I heard it from her”, nobody could refute it.
  1224. 蕾梅蒂欧丝的妹妹是神官。若是说出“是从她那里听到的”这种话,就没有人能反驳了。
  1226. “We’ll release a few demihumans on purpose and lure Jaldabaoth’s army here. We need to do it before we run out of rations, remember.”
  1227. 「故意放跑几只亚人。然后把亚达巴沃的军队引来这里吧。记得得在食物耗尽之前、呐」
  1229. “...But how many of Jaldabaoth’s men will come?”
  1230. 「……亚达巴沃的军队会过来多少呢」
  1232. The three of them had already shared what they knew. After a series of battles, Jaldabaoth’s army was less than one hundred thousand strong.
  1233. 这三人间已经共享了情报,亚达巴沃的亚人军队,在一系列战斗的减员之后,想来还剩下不到十万。
  1235. The army was formed of twelve species, as well as six other species who were not numerous enough to qualify as armies in their own right, for a total of eighteen species.
  1236. 构建出军队的总共有十二个种族,加上达不到军队规模的另外六个种族,共计十八种族。
  1238. The twelve races were:
  1239. 十二种族包括——
  1241. Snakemen -- serpent-headed demihumans, considered close relatives of Lizardmen.
  1242. 蛇身人[Snake man]。长着蛇头的亚人种族。被认为是蜥蜴人的近亲种族。
  1244. Armatts -- a bipedal rat-like species with iron-like fur. They were considered close relatives of the Quagoa.
  1245. 铁鼠人[Armot]。长着钢铁般体毛的,两脚行走的老鼠般的种族。被认为是掘土兽人的近亲种族。
  1247. Cabens -- they resembled apes that were slightly larger than human beings, whose eyes had atrophied.
  1248. 穴居人[Cavin]。像是比人大一些的猿猴,眼睛已经退化消失了。
  1250. Zerns -- a slimy species with whose upper bodies were like eels with arms and whose slimy lower bodies were like blue-colored maggots. Some people wondered “are you sure they aren’t heteromorphs?” but they were affected by spells that worked on demihumans, so they were classed as demihumans.
  1251. 蓝蛆[Zern]。上半身就像是鳗鱼长出了手,下半身就像是蛆一样肮脏的种族。虽然有人认为“难道这不是异形种么”,但会受到对亚人有效的魔法的影响,所以是亚人。
  1253. Bladers -- an insectile species whose fingernails sprouted knife-like blades and whose bodies were protected by an armor-like exoskeleton. Much like the Zerns, they were also affected by spells that worked on demihumans, so they were classed as demihumans
  1254. 刀铠虫[Blader]。手上的指甲部分伸出像刀一样的利刃,身体被铠甲般外骨骼包裹的昆虫一样的种族。这也是和蓝蛆一样,因为会受到对亚人有效的魔法的影响,就被分类成亚人了。
  1256. Horuners -- demihumans with horse-like legs who were adept at sprinting. They could run for long periods without rest and possessed shocking mobility.
  1257. 马人[Horuner]。长着马一样的腿,擅长疾奔的亚人。可以毫不休息地持续奔跑,那移动力十分的惊人。
  1259. Spidans -- Spider-like demihumans with four long and slender arms and legs who resembled spiders. They could spit all sorts of silk from their mouths and make all manner of clothes and items with that silk. The silk clothing they made in this way were as hard as steel.
  1260. 人蜘蛛[Spidan]。长着四条又长又细的手臂和腿,外形就像蜘蛛一样的亚人。嘴中能吐出各种各样的丝,用这丝制作着衣服等物品。这样做出来的丝制服装有着钢铁般的硬度。
  1262. Stone Eaters -- armed with crude weapons, their most frightening feature was their ability to spit the rocks they ate. The stone fragments they could easily spit in excess of one hundred meters could put dents in metal armor with ease. However, they could only do so a limited number of times, so if one could endure through it, there was nothing to be afraid of.
  1263. 食石猿[Stone Eater]。拿着素朴的武器。可怕的是能吐出吃下去的石头这一点。能轻易飞出百米外的碎石可以轻松地让铁铠凹陷进去。但是回数有限,所以能挺住的话就没什么好怕的了。
  1265. Orthrous -- they were a version of Centaurs whose lower bodies were replaced by those of carnivorous beasts. They had better fighting power than Centaurs, but conversely they were less mobile.
  1266. 半人半兽[Orthrous]。半人马[Centaur]的下半身变成肉食兽的版本。战斗力更高但相应的移动力比半人马差。
  1268. Magilos -- born with the ability to use spells of up to the fourth tier. The spells they could use apparently appeared on their bodies like tattoos. Their more powerful members were covered in tattoos. Sometimes there were individuals who could develop skills as magic casters, and those were rumored to be able to cast spells of up to the fifth tier. They might be Lord-level entities.
  1269. 魔现人[Magelos]。天生就有着能使用最高第四位阶魔法的能力。而魔法的种类好像会以刺青的形式呈现出来。强者身上刺青到处都是。这种族里有时会出现觉醒魔法咏唱者之力的个体,这种家伙传说可以使用第五位阶的魔法。说不定是王族级别的存在。
  1271. Pteropos -- a species which lived on cliffsides, who were very adept at long distance gliding. While they could fly, it seemed to require a lot of strength, so they could only fly for a while every day, and after that they could not even glide. If they did not fly, they could rend armor with the wind, so defending against it was very difficult. They were a species which was strong when they could not fly.
  1272. 翼亚人[Pteropus]。在断崖边居住的非常擅长滑翔的种族。姑且也可以飞行,不过好像需要相当的体力,一天只能在空中飞一段时间。而且在那之后连滑翔都做不到了。不飞行的话,可以用风割裂铠甲,抵御起来十分困难。是种不在天上飞会更强的种族。
  1274. And then, there were the Bafolk.
  1275. 再加上山羊人[Bafolk]就是全部了。
  1277. The remaining six races were not particularly numerous, but each of them was quite powerful.
  1278. 剩下的六个种族,虽然不成群,但却是每一只都有着相当力量的家伙们。
  1280. Ogres.
  1281. 食人魔[orge]。
  1283. Buri Uns -- an Ogre-like race with the power to control the earth that could be considered a superior species. They possessed special abilities associated with the earth.
  1284. 土精灵大鬼[Buri Un]。和食人魔相似的种族,操控着土之力,可以称作上位种的存在。有着名副其实的土系特殊能力。
  1286. Vah Uns -- Similar to Buri Uns, they were water-controlling beings. They had water-linked special abilities.
  1287. 水精灵大鬼[Vah Un]。和土精灵大鬼类似,操控着水之力的存在。有着名副其实的水系特殊能力。
  1289. Nagarajas -- they looked like snakes with scaly bodies and arms. They were a completely different species from the similarly-named Nagas, and they did not get along well with the latter. They were born with the ability to cast many spells, and sometimes they would even equip themselves with swords and armor.
  1290. 蛇王[Naga Raja]。看上去就像是蛇长出了包裹着鳞片的身躯和手臂。和名字相近的那伽是完全不同的种族,关系也不怎么好。生来就掌握着多种魔法,有时也会用铠甲和剑来武装自己。
  1292. Spriggans -- a species that could freely change their size from small to large. They were fundamentally a good species and evil Spriggans were very rare. That said, both good and bad Spriggans were unmanageable when they went berserk.
  1293. 守护鬼[Spriggan]。可以将自己的体型从小型到大型自由改变的种族。基本上是善良的种族,邪恶的守护鬼非常罕见。然而,善良也好邪恶也好狂暴起来都会失控。
  1295. Zoastia -- carnivores with the upper bodies of beastmen. They were relatives of Centaurs and Orthrous. They wore plate armor and carried round shields. They had no special abilities, but they were heavy cavalry with the savagery and strength of wild beasts. Just one of them was very powerful, and the Orthrous often relied on them. It was apparently a relationship like the one between Goblins and Hobgoblins. However, due to their lack of special abilities, they were not very strong foes against adventurers who could cast the 「Fly」spell. Still, in a head to head clash, even orichalcum-ranked adventurers would have a hard time.
  1296. 兽身四足兽[Zoastia]。上半身是兽人而下半身是肉食兽。和半人马与半人半兽相近的种族。身穿板甲手持椭圆盾。是没有特殊能力,但却有着野兽般凶暴和臂力的重装甲骑兵。单一个体就相当的强悍,经常被半人半兽所依靠。说来就像是哥布林和大哥布林间的关系。不过因为没有特殊能力这一点,对于能使用<飞行>等能力的冒险者来说不是那么强的敌人,但要是想正面交锋的话即使是山铜级冒险者小队也难免一番苦战。
  1298. ♦ ♦ ♦
  1300. “According to the Sorcerer King, your base might be under surveillance, right? Then if they know how many troops we have, they might not send too many troops over. That works to our advantage. However, there’s a problem.”
  1301. 「据魔导王所说你们的据点可能被监视了对吧?那么这边的兵力应该已经被摸清了,不会送来太多兵力。所以对我们来说是有利的。不过还有一个问题」
  1303. “Food.”
  1304. 「食物」
  1306. “Yes. While the priests can make food, they can only make very little even after exhausting their mana. They also can’t feed like demihumans.”
  1307. 「是啊。虽然神官的魔法能做出食物,但即使将魔力耗尽也只能做出很少的分量。也没法像亚人那样把它们给吃掉啊」
  1309. Remedios and Gustav had looks of distaste on their faces. All three of them knew that demihumans preyed on humans.
  1310. 蕾梅蒂欧丝和古斯塔博表情变得难看起来。然而这三人很清楚有亚人会捕食人类。
  1312. Therefore, even if they tried to starve the invading demihumans, they all knew they would lose in the end. That was because the demihumans’ prison camps could be considered larders for them.
  1313. 所以即使对侵略的亚人们发动粮草战,输的也会是自己这方,这一点他们都早已理解。因为所有的收容所都可以说是亚人们的粮草贮藏库啊。
  1315. “Go check how long our food can hold--”
  1316. 「食物最久能挺几天,去调——」
  1318. “We’re checking already. We’re also looking for any blacksmiths who might be able to modify the demihuman gear for use by humans.”
  1319. 「已经在调查了。还有是否有能把亚人的装备调整到人类可用状态的铁匠被囚禁着也在调查中」
  1321. “I expected nothing less of you, Captain.”
  1322. 「不愧是你啊,团长」
  1324. The three of them continued discussing their preparations for the siege. After another hour, they reached a conclusion which all of them could accept, and the three of them smiled.
  1325. 三人继续进行着关于笼城战准备的讨论。又经过了一小时以上的时间,是得出了可以接受的结论吗,三人互相看着脸笑了起来。
  1327. “Alright, then let’s prepare for the siege.”
  1328. 「好了。那么就面向笼城战开始准备吧」
  1330. ♦ ♦ ♦
  1332. One week later, as their food supplies dwindled and it was about time for them to move, the demihuman army appeared from over the horizon.
  1333. 在那之后又过了一周,食物数量减少,差不多必须开始移动的时候,地平线的另一端出现了亚人军队的身影。
  1335. However, it was a massive army whose scale far exceeded their expectations.
  1336. 然而,那却是完全超出了预期的大军。
  1338. Part 5
  1340. Ainz looked out over the city, which was in a panic over the appearance of the demihuman army, and he slowly collapsed.
  1341. 眺望着因亚人们大军压境而慌乱起来的都市,安兹缓缓崩塌了下去。
  1343. This was not a figure of speech.
  1344. 不是在比喻。
  1346. Ainz’s heart and soul were stretched to their limits by fatigue, and despite his undead nature, he fell to his knees from spiritual exhaustion and grabbed his face.
  1347. 心神疲倦积压到了极限的安兹,身为不死者却因为精神上的疲倦而跪倒在地,两手掩面。
  1349. What should I do… what should I do after this...
  1350. (怎么办啊……这之后我该怎么办啊……)
  1352. Fundamentally, Ainz had been following Demiurge’s script.
  1353. 安兹基本上都是在按照迪米乌哥斯写好的剧本在行动。
  1355. Of course, not every word and action was scripted, so he had improvised a fair bit, but even so, Ainz was planning to follow the developments of Demiurge’s plan.
  1356. 当然,并不是一言一行都有指示所以即兴环节比较多,即便如此安兹也打算沿着迪米乌哥斯计划中的发展行动。
  1358. Or rather, the problem was that he had improvised too much.
  1359. 不如说即兴环节太多了才是问题。
  1361. Frankly speaking, the operational directives he had gotten from Demiurge basically said: “Please adapt to the situation” and other things like that.
  1362. 说白了,从迪米乌哥斯那里得到的作战说明上基本就只写着「还就请您随机应变」之类的东西。
  1364. This was too much. That was what Ainz had thought when he first looked at the instructions.
  1365. 这也太过分了吧。这是第一眼看见作战说明时安兹的感想。
  1367. If Ainz was an excellent person, perhaps he could follow those directions and play the role of a perfect Sorcerer King. However, much to his regret, Ainz’s abilities were perfectly normal, or perhaps even worse than that.
  1368. 如果安兹是个优秀的人,那么还有可能按照那说明来演绎出一位完美的魔导王。然而非常遗憾安兹身上就只有很普通的,或者说比那还要劣等的能力。
  1370. He recalled things going like this: Ainz had pleaded, “I don’t understand, write in more detail”, whereupon Demiurge had humbly replied with “How could I possibly do something that rude to the sagacious Ainz-sama”, and this had led to an intense back and forth. He had roped Albedo into this battle halfway, and Ainz -- who had begun at a great disadvantage -- ended it at a complete loss.
  1371. 概述起来就是这样:「这样子我看不懂啦,再写得详细些嘛」安兹的如此哀求,和「对睿智的安兹大人怎么能做那样失礼的事情」迪米乌哥斯的这般谦逊之间激烈地攻防着。途中把雅儿贝德也卷进来的这场战斗,以最初就很不利的安兹的完全败北的形式迎来了终结。
  1373. And so, the operational directives granting him complete discretion ended up in Ainz’s hands.
  1374. 就这样,被全权托付的作战说明留在了安兹手中。
  1376. If this was a prank on Demiurge’s part, he might be able to deal with it in some other way, but this was the fruit of his subordinate’s trust and respect.
  1377. 如果这是迪米乌哥斯在欺负人,说不定还能有其他的应战方式,但这是部下的信任与尊敬的结晶。
  1379. In particular, that was made very clear by such pronouncements as “You will surely be able to reach a better conclusion, Ainz-sama -- how could one as insignificant as myself bind you with my words and deeds?”
  1380. 特别是「要是安兹大人一定能得出更完美的结果,怎能让区区我等的言行举止束缚住大人呢」这种考虑简直看得一清二楚。
  1382. If you went by common sense, why would the king of another country come over alone… what an unreasonable argument… still, I’ve come all this way. Although I stirred up some problems along the way and got careless a few times, I still came all this way...
  1383. (常识来讲他国的国王怎么会一个人过来嘛……多么不讲道理的狡辩啊……可我还是走到了这一步。虽然途中,几次胡搅蛮缠,几次粗心大意,但我还是走到了这一步……)
  1385. He did not believe in the gods, but he wanted to pray to them with all his heart.
  1386. 虽然不信神,但心里全是想要向神祈祷的想法。
  1388. Couldn’t Demiurge and Albedo consider my abilities before dumping missions onto me...
  1389. (迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德就不能至少考虑到我的能力,再把任务丢给我嘛……)
  1391. Being asked to do the impossible made his motivation shrivel up.
  1392. 必须达成不可能的指标啥的,干劲会被连根拔起啊。
  1394. ...Alright, pull it together, me. It’ll be easier after I get through this.
  1395. (……好了,加油,我自己。挺过这里之后就轻松了)
  1397. Ainz poured his strength into his legs, and then he stood up.
  1398. 将力量注入双脚,安兹站了起来。
  1400. The plan had come to the vital middle stages, but that was also a bad thing.
  1401. 计划也迎来了关键的中间阶段,然而,这同样很不妙。
  1403. According to Demiurge, if they formed a defensive line at this city, they would attack until there were 85% casualties.
  1404. 从迪米乌哥斯那里听说,要在这座都市构建防线的话,会攻击到出现85%的死伤者为止。
  1406. Ainz had no idea what he was talking about.
  1407. 对此安兹毫无头绪。
  1409. Since Demiurge felt it ought to be this way, then it should be a better answer than anything Ainz came up with. If all those deaths brought benefits to Nazarick, then let them die. Rather, Ainz would think about whether killing more would bring even more benefits to Nazarick and such things.
  1410. 迪米乌哥斯觉得应该如此的话,那就是比安兹的考虑更正确的答案吧。死这么多就能为纳萨力克带来利益的话,那就死吧。倒不如说安兹还会考虑是不是再多杀些纳萨力克的利益会更大呢,这种事情。
  1412. However, the problem lay in the fact that Demiurge had asked Ainz for humans here which could not be killed.
  1413. 可问题在于,迪米乌哥斯希望安兹能给出、不要在这里杀掉的人类。
  1415. Frankly speaking if that was all, then he would randomly select a few and be done with it, but there was one more thing to note.
  1416. 话要是就这么结束了那随便提几个人名就好,可是有一条注意事项。
  1418. That was humans who were devoted to Ainz, or who might be persuaded to join Ainz’s side.
  1419. 那就是仅限心醉于安兹,或者有可能加入安兹一方的人类。
  1421. 『I feel that there must be several humans who are as devoted to you as those Dwarves, so please tell me their names, and when I make my move, I will take care not to kill them off.』
  1423. When he received that message from Demiurge, he had even thought, “Are you kidding me?” as he doubted Demiurge’s thinking.
  1424. 『因为觉得是安兹大人的话应该已经像那群矮人一样出现几个为您心醉的人类了,请您告诉我那些人类的名字。我行动时好注意着不杀掉他们』当接到迪米乌哥斯的这般联络的时候,心里甚至“这是在说风凉话吧”这样怀疑起了迪米乌哥斯的想法。
  1426. “...There’s nobody like that.”
  1427. 「……没有啊,那样的家伙」
  1429. Those despondent words escaped Ainz.
  1430. 安兹不由得说出了丧气话。
  1432. There were no humans here who were devoted to AInz.
  1433. 心醉于安兹的人类完全没有。
  1435. Rather, he had keenly experienced how much the undead were hated in the Holy Kingdom.
  1436. 不如说能切身体会到不死者在圣王国是怎样地被深恶痛绝着。
  1438. Under these dire circumstances, how many people would be devoted to his undead self?
  1439. 在这种逆境下不死者的自己要如何让人为自己心醉啊。
  1441. Thus, he had told Demiurge that there were none.
  1442. 然而,对迪米乌哥斯说不出一个人也没有这种话。
  1444. Demiurge sincerely believed that Ainz could fascinate several humans. So what would happen if he told Demiurge that he had not managed to do so with anyone?
  1445. 迪米乌哥斯是真心相信着安兹可以让好几个人类为之心醉。这样的话,一个人都做不到,这种话说出来迪米乌哥斯会怎样想呢。
  1447. My stomach hurts...
  1448. (胃好疼……)
  1450. The Dwarf Demiurge was speaking of must have been Gondo Firebeard, but that had simply been lucky. He had scored a critical hit on a weakness in his heart by pure chance, and such luck would not repeat itself.
  1451. 迪米乌哥斯所说的矮人是龚德·法雅比奥德吧,那位说到底是因为运气好。碰巧自己的攻击在他内心脆弱的部分暴击了而已,这种幸运是不可能反复出现的。
  1453. And it was precisely because he had the font of information which was Gondo that he had managed to strike a chord in the hearts of the runesmiths. However, there was nobody like that in the Holy Kingdom.
  1454. 而且正是因为有了龚德这一情报源,才能对矮人的卢恩工匠打出会心一击的一手。然而,在圣王国并没有那样的人物。
  1456. There was one person with whom he had formed a friendly relationship, Neia Baraja, but that was all.
  1457. 唯一一位,和侍从的涅娅·巴拉哈到了构建友好关系的程度,但也就到这种程度为止了。
  1459. Besides, he had given her a magic item to improve their relationship as well as for another reason, but how effective it had been was still unclear.
  1460. 姑且,含着进一步提升友好度的意义,以及另一层意义,把魔法道具借给她了,但其成效还是不明。
  1462. She kept looking at him with murderous eyes, so he probably should not expect anything good to come of it.
  1463. 因为总是在用杀手般的目光盯着自己,恐怕还是不期待为好吧。
  1465. What would Demiurge think if I told him there was only one person, Ainz asked himself.
  1466. (只有一个人,这么说的话迪米乌哥斯又会怎样想?)
  1468. 安兹质问自己。
  1470. Would the image of Ainz which Demiurge held in his heart not crumble completely?
  1471. 迪米乌哥斯心中的安兹像不会彻底崩塌吗?
  1473. And then, what would happen in the future?
  1474. 那么今后究竟会变成怎样啊。
  1476. In the Dwarven Kingdom, I told Demiurge that I wasn’t that smart, but at that time it didn’t seem like he believed me completely… this is bad. How great a person am I in his eyes? Or rather, it seems I’m getting greater and greater; am I imagining things? Normally, wouldn’t it be the other way around?
  1477. (在矮人国对迪米乌哥斯说,我没那么聪明哦,的时候好像完全没被相信……不妙。在那家伙眼中我究竟是怎样伟大的存在啊……不如说好像还变得越来越伟大了,是我的错觉么?普通来说不该反过来吗?)
  1479. The wait hurt. It was not weighty; it just hurt.
  1480. 期待好疼痛。不是沉重而是疼痛。
  1482. In the past, he had pondered how heavy and painful the word “duty” could be. In particular, the part where his subordinates viewed Ainz as a great being was the most painful of all.
  1483. 曾经的自己未曾想过忠义一词是如此沉重,痛苦的东西。特别是部下们把安兹看着伟大的存在这一点最为痛心。
  1485. I guess I should take this opportunity to tell Demiurge that I’m not really that amazing, but what would happen if I did? What should I do if it caused the plan that Demiurge labored for so long over to end in failure? If I spent several years courting a big client, only to have it fall through because of a word from a bastard boss who didn’t care about all that...
  1486. (这时候果然,就此机会告诉迪米乌哥斯,我不是那么了不起的家伙,怎么样呢?但那要是导致迪米乌哥斯长时间苦心策划的计划以失败告终该怎么办?要是自己花费数年才搞好关系的大客户,毫不顾虑这些的**上司的一句话就让一切泡汤的话……)
  1488. Ahhh, Ainz said as he scratched his hairless head.
  1489. 啊啊啊,这么说着的安兹挠起了一根头发也没有的头。
  1491. What should he do?
  1492. 怎么办才好?
  1494. What was the best answer he could give?
  1495. 怎么做才是最好的答案?
  1497. No matter how he tried to simulate it, it all ended in Demiurge looking at him in disappointment. He could not reach a conclusion that he could accept.
  1498. 无论再怎么进行模拟,都会是让迪米乌哥斯失望地看着自己的结果。得不出能够接受的结论。
  1500. He’s expecting too much of me -- the higher the climb, the longer the fall. That’s why I said i”m nobody amazing...
  1501. (期待太大了——爬得越高摔得越痛。所以我才说自己不是什么了不起的家伙的……)
  1503. And then, Ainz’s own plan had been quite the failure.
  1504. 而且安兹自己的计划相当的失败。
  1506. Ainz reached into his pocket space and drew a sword.
  1507. 安兹将手伸入空间,拿出了一把剑。
  1509. It was an ordinary sword inscribed with runes.
  1510. 刻着卢恩的平凡的剑。
  1512. However, it contained power comparable to the bow he had lent to Neia.
  1513. 然而它却有着可以匹敌借给涅娅的那张弓的力量。
  1515. Of course, these were not Dwarven runes. The runes carved on it had no power at all. This was a piece of equipment made with YGGDRASIL techniques.
  1516. 当然,这不是矮人们制造的卢恩武器。刻着的卢恩什么力量也没有,这是用YGGDRASIL的技术做出来的装备。
  1518. “Haaaa…”
  1519. 「哈……」
  1521. Ainz sighed. He had several weapons like this. The original plan was to lend these weapons to the Holy Kingdom.
  1522. 安兹吐出了一声叹息。这样的武器安兹准备了好几把。根据当初的预定,是打算把这些武器借给圣王国那边的。
  1524. The people of the Holy Kingdom would be awed by the overwhelming power of the sword and think, “so this is the power of runic weaponry” which would in turn improve the reputation of the Sorcerous Kingdom’s rune weapons.
  1525. 对着因为剑那压倒性的力量而吃惊的圣王国的人们「这就是卢恩武器的完成品」这样,提高魔导国制作的卢恩装备的评价才是安兹的目的。
  1527. This was the other reason why he had lent Neia the weapon.
  1528. 这正是把武器借给涅娅的另一个理由。
  1530. He felt that the people of the Holy Kingdom would see that weapon and secretly borrow them from Ainz.
  1531. 本觉得看到那武器的圣王国的人们,会偷偷地过来问朝安兹借武器的。
  1533. However--
  1534. 然而——
  1536. Ainz grabbed his head.
  1537. 安兹抱住了头。
  1539. Why didn’t anyone borrow them? I even thought people would talk about it because it was so flashy… I guess I should have forced her onto the frontlines and made her fight, huh...
  1540. (为什么谁都不来借啊?还觉得看上去那么华丽所以肯定会变成话题的……果然,即使强硬点也应该把她送去前线,让她战斗么)
  1542. Just then, there was a tok tok tok as someone knocked on the door.
  1543. 这时,咚咚的敲门声响起了,安兹的肩膀抖了一下。
  1545. He quickly checked his robe and other messy places before putting the sword back into his pocket dimension. Then he put his hands behind his back, looked at the door like a sovereign, and spoke loudly:
  1546. 对下摆之类凌乱的地方进行高速检查。将剑放回空间,把手背在后面,以支配者的姿势向着门高声放话。
  1548. “Who is it?”
  1549. 「来者何人?」
  1551. “Your Majesty, may your servant enter?”
  1552. 「魔导王陛下,属下可以入室吗?」
  1554. There was no way to tell if it was a male or female voice through the door. Normally, he should have asked the visitor’s name, but Demiurge had already told him that someone was coming, and so Ainz granted his permission without any hesitation.
  1555. 听到了因为隔着门,分不出是男是女的声音。普通来说应该问问名字,但因为从迪米乌哥斯那里听说过要来了,安兹毫不犹豫地给出了入室许可。
  1557. “Ahh, it’s fine. Come in.”
  1558. 「啊啊,没关系。进来吧」
  1560. The person who entered AInz’s room closed the door behind himself, and his body changed as well.
  1561. 进入安兹房间的人物关上了门,外形也随之改变。
  1563. It had an egg-shaped head with a mouth and two eyes that looked like sunken holes. Its three-fingered hands were as slender as stick insects.
  1564. 它有着在眼睛和嘴的部分陷进深洞的蛋一样的头部。三根手指像是竹节虫一样细。
  1566. It was a Doppelganger.
  1567. 二重幻影[Doppelgänger]。
  1569. It was a Doppelganger he had lent Demiurge at his request.
  1570. 经迪米乌哥斯拜托而借出的异形。
  1572. SInce it was a monster Doppelganger, it was not very strong.
  1573. 因为是作为魔物的二重幻影,所以不怎么强。
  1575. Even when transformed, it could only copy level forty abilities, and it was even weaker without transformation. It’s more potent abilities was how it could freely make use of karma-restricted gear. That said, it could not use magic items above relic-class.
  1576. 即使变身也只能模仿四十级程度的能力,变身前就更弱了。谈到比较强的能力,也就是能随意地使用带有罪恶值等限制的装备了吧。话虽如此遗产级以上的魔法道具也是无法使用的。
  1578. Its vacuous hole-like eyes turned to Ainz, and then it bowed deeply.
  1579. 空旷的洞穴一样的眼睛朝向了安兹,然后它深深地低下了头。
  1581. “Your servant sincerely apologizes for the many offenses he has caused you during the course of his duties. He prays you will forgive him.”
  1582. 「任务中对安兹大人多有冒犯之处,属下在此诚挚向您致歉。还望恕罪」
  1584. “Don’t worry about it. You were just doing your job. I have nothing to say about that.”
  1585. 「别在意。你只是做好了你的本职工作。对此我没什么好说的」
  1587. “Your servant is grateful for your generous words.”
  1588. 「感谢您宽宏大量的话语,属下无胜感激」
  1590. Ainz looked at the room’s door.
  1591. 安兹看向房门。
  1593. “Aren’t you busy now? There ought to be many things you need to direct, no? And is there anyone outside? If there’s anyone, we’ll be in trouble if we don’t keep our voices down.”
  1594. 「你现在不是非常的忙碌吗?有很多不得不去指挥的事情吧?还有门外面有人吗?有人的话不把声音压低就不妙了」
  1596. “It is fine. Nobody will object to your servant going alone to see you, Ainz-sama.”
  1597. 「没关系。说要一个人去会见安兹大人的话,谁都不会有意见的」
  1599. “Is that so…”
  1600. 「这样啊」
  1602. Oh yes, the Doppelganger replied. However, it was still important to be careful.
  1603. 是的,二重幻影这样回答。不过小心谨慎还是有必要的。
  1605. “Then, Ainz-sama, please inform your servant of your decision.”
  1606. 「那么安兹大人。请您告诉属下吧」
  1608. “Inform you of what?”
  1609. 「告诉、什么」
  1611. That said, Ainz knew very well why the Doppelganger had come here.
  1612. 话这样说但安兹实际上很清楚,这个二重幻影过来的理由。
  1614. Or rather, it was time to tell this Doppelganger.
  1615. 或者说,应该告诉这个二重幻影了。
  1617. Yes, the question of who he had enthralled.
  1618. 是的,那个让谁心醉了的问题。
  1620. “Forgive me. This one speaks of the matter from earlier -- the matter of those humans who are devoted to you and whose lives must be spared, Ainz-sama.”
  1621. 「失礼了。是之前的愿为安兹大人尽忠的——必须留他们一命的人类的事情」
  1623. “Mm…”
  1624. 「嗯……」
  1626. Ainz nodded forcefully, and began to walk.
  1627. 安兹大气地将头一点,慢慢走了起来。
  1629. Of course, he could not leave the room. Ultimately, he could only pace around inside this room. There was no telling where the Doppelganger’s eyes were looking, but Ainz was certain that they were following his movements, Ainz was certain. In truth, it would be quite scary if they did not look his way.
  1630. 当然,不能出去房间外面。到底只能在这房间里踱步。二重幻影那分不清是在看哪里的眼睛正在追随自己移动,安兹确信着。说起来要是它不看着这里也挺恐怖的。
  1632. Time was running out. As Ainz thought with all his might, he suddenly stopped in place.
  1633. 时间不多。拼命考虑着的安兹忽然停下了脚步。
  1635. --He could not find the right answer. Naturally, he did not have any ideas to allow himself to continue covering things up any more.
  1636. ——找不到正确的答案。然而也没有能让自己继续掩饰下去的主意。
  1638. Surely a human heart would be pounding by now, but his body lacked any organs which could move in that way..
  1639. 要是人类肯定会心脏砰砰直跳吧,可这具身体没有那能跳动的器官。
  1641. A powerful emotion welled up, causing his emotion override to take effect, and as the small ripples bounced around inside his heart, Ainz told the Doppelganger the answer.
  1642. 强烈的感情沸腾而起,使得强制压抑特性开始生效,微小的波动反复冲击过来的时候,安兹将答案告诉了二重幻影。
  1644. “Umu. I’ll be frank. There are no human beings who need to be saved. Leave a few alive as needed.”
  1645. 「嗯。我直说吧。没有必须救下的人类。适当地留几人就好」
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