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a guest
Sep 5th, 2018
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  1. Builder {
  2. client:
  3. Client_PG {
  4. config:
  5. { client: 'pg',
  6. connection: [Object],
  7. migrations: [Object],
  8. seeds: [Object] },
  9. logger:
  10. Logger {
  11. _debug: undefined,
  12. _warn: undefined,
  13. _error: undefined,
  14. _deprecate: undefined },
  15. connectionSettings:
  16. { host: '',
  17. user: 'postgres',
  18. password: '',
  19. database: 'dvdrental' },
  20. driver:
  21. PG {
  22. defaults: [Object],
  23. Client: [Object],
  24. Query: [Object],
  25. Pool: [Object],
  26. _pools: [],
  27. Connection: [Object],
  28. types: [Object],
  29. native: [Getter] },
  30. pool:
  31. Pool {
  32. creator: [Function: create],
  33. destroyer: [Function: destroy],
  34. validate: [Function: validate],
  35. log: [Function],
  36. acquireTimeoutMillis: 60000,
  37. createTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  38. idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,
  39. reapIntervalMillis: 1000,
  40. createRetryIntervalMillis: 200,
  41. propagateCreateError: true,
  42. min: 2,
  43. max: 10,
  44. used: [],
  45. free: [],
  46. pendingCreates: [],
  47. pendingAcquires: [],
  48. destroyed: false,
  49. interval: null },
  50. valueForUndefined:
  51. Raw {
  52. client: [Circular],
  53. sql: 'DEFAULT',
  54. bindings: undefined,
  55. _wrappedBefore: undefined,
  56. _wrappedAfter: undefined,
  57. _debug: undefined },
  58. _events:
  59. { start: [Function],
  60. query: [Function],
  61. 'query-error': [Function],
  62. 'query-response': [Function] },
  63. _eventsCount: 4,
  64. makeKnex: [Function: makeKnex] },
  65. and: [Circular],
  66. _single: { table: 'rental', only: false },
  67. _statements:
  68. [ { grouping: 'columns', value: [Array] },
  69. JoinClause {
  70. schema: undefined,
  71. table: 'customer',
  72. joinType: 'left',
  73. and: [Circular],
  74. clauses: [Array],
  75. _boolFlag: 'and' },
  76. { grouping: 'where',
  77. type: 'whereIn',
  78. column: 'rental_id',
  79. value: [Array],
  80. not: false,
  81. bool: 'and' } ],
  82. _method: 'select',
  83. _debug: undefined,
  84. _joinFlag: 'inner',
  85. _boolFlag: 'and',
  86. _notFlag: false }
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