

Mar 19th, 2019
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  1. luaB_auxwrap __cdecl - 0x007F41D0
  2. luaB_ipairs __cdecl - 0x007F4260
  3. luaB_newproxy __cdecl - 0x007F42C0
  4. luaB_pairs __cdecl - 0x007F4370
  5. luaC_barrierf __cdecl - 0x007F43D0
  6. luaC_callGCTM __cdecl - 0x007F4410
  7. luaC_freeall __cdecl - 0x007F4570
  8. luaC_fullgc __cdecl - 0x007F4650
  9. luaC_separateudata __cdecl - 0x007F46E0
  10. luaC_step __thiscall - 0x007F47B0
  11. luaD_call __cdecl - 0x007F4910
  12. luaD_callhook __cdecl - 0x007F4B20
  13. luaD_checkstack __cdecl - 0x007F4C70
  14. luaD_pcall __cdecl - 0x007F4CB0
  15. luaD_poscall __thiscall - 0x007F4D90
  16. luaD_precall __cdecl - 0x007F4E30
  17. luaD_rawrunprotected __cdecl - 0x007F5100
  18. luaD_reallocCI __cdecl - 0x007F51F0
  19. luaD_growstack __cdecl - 0x007F52A0
  20. luaD_seterrorobj __cdecl - 0x007F5320
  21. luaD_throw __cdecl - 0x007F53A0
  22. luaE_freethread __cdecl - 0x007F5470
  23. luaE_newthread __cdecl - 0x007F5510
  24. luaF_close __cdecl - 0x007F55B0
  25. luaF_findupval __cdecl - 0x007F56B0
  26. ??? __cdecl - 0x007F5750
  27. luaF_freeproto __cdecl - 0x007F57A0
  28. luaF_freeupval __cdecl - 0x007F58C0
  29. luaF_getlocalname __cdecl - 0x007F5900
  30. luaF_newcclosure __cdecl - 0x007F5970
  31. luaF_newfclosure __cdecl - 0x007F59E0
  32. luaF_newupval __thiscall - 0x007F5A60
  33. luaG_concateerror __cdecl - 0x007F5AB0
  34. luaG_errormsg __cdecl - 0x007F5AE0
  35. luaG_ordererror __cdecl - 0x007F5B90
  36. luaG_runerror __cdecl - 0x007F5BF0
  37. luaG_typeerror __cdecl - 0x007F5C20
  38. luaH_free __cdecl - 0x007F5CB0
  39. luaH_get __cdecl - 0x007F5D50
  40. luaH_getn __cdecl - 0x007F5E70
  41. luaH_getnum __cdecl - 0x007F5EF0
  42. luaH_getstr __cdecl - 0x007F5FA0
  43. luaH_new __cdecl - 0x007F5FF0
  44. luaH_next __thiscall - 0x007F6070
  45. luaH_resizearray __fastcall - 0x007F6180
  46. luaH_set __cdecl - 0x007F61D0
  47. luaH_setnum __cdecl - 0x007F6260
  48. luaI_openlib __cdecl - 0x007F62B0
  49. luaL_addlstring __cdecl - 0x007F6470
  50. luaL_addvalue __fastcall - 0x007F64E0
  51. luaL_argerror __cdecl - 0x007F65B0
  52. luaL_callmeta __cdecl - 0x007F66A0
  53. luaL_checkinteger __cdecl - 0x007F6760
  54. luaL_checklstring __cdecl - 0x007F6840
  55. luaL_checknumber __cdecl - 0x007F6870
  56. luaL_checkoption __cdecl - 0x007F6950
  57. luaL_checkstack __cdecl - 0x007F6A10
  58. luaL_checktype __cdecl - 0x007F6A50
  59. luaL_error __cdecl - 0x007F6A90
  60. luaL_findtable __cdecl - 0x007F6AC0
  61. luaL_getmetafield __cdecl - 0x007F6C60
  62. luaL_loadfile __cdecl - 0x007F6CF0
  63. luaL_newmetatable __cdecl - 0x007F6EC0
  64. luaL_optinteger __cdecl - 0x007F6FB0
  65. luaL_optlstring __cdecl - 0x007F6FF0
  66. luaL_optnumber __cdecl - 0x007F7070
  67. luaL_ref __cdecl - 0x007F70C0
  68. luaL_register __cdecl - 0x007F7220
  69. luaL_typename __cdecl - 0x007F7240
  70. luaL_typerror __cdecl - 0x007F7310
  71. luaL_unref __cdecl - 0x007F7350
  72. luaL_where __cdecl - 0x007F73B0
  73. luaM_realloc_ __thiscall - 0x007F7430
  74. luaM_toobig __cdecl - 0x007F7480
  75. luaO_chunkid __cdecl - 0x007F74A0
  76. luaO_pushfstring __cdecl - 0x007F75F0
  77. luaO_pushvfstring __cdecl - 0x007F7610
  78. luaO_rawequalObj __cdecl - 0x007F7940
  79. luaO_str2d __cdecl - 0x007F79B0
  80. ??? __cdecl - 0x007F7A60
  81. luaS_newlstr __cdecl - 0x007F7AC0
  82. luaS_newudata __cdecl - 0x007F7BD0
  83. luaS_resize __cdecl - 0x007F7C70
  84. luaV_execute __thiscall - 0x007F85C0
  85. luaV_gettable __cdecl - 0x007FB350
  86. luaV_lessthan __cdecl - 0x007FB4D0
  87. luaV_settable __cdecl - 0x007FB560
  88. luaV_tonumber __cdecl - 0x007FB750
  89. luaV_tostring __cdecl - 0x007FB7B0
  90. luaX_init __cdecl - 0x007FB820
  91. luaX_lexerror __cdecl - 0x007FB970
  92. luaZ_init __cdecl - 0x007FB990
  93. lua_atpanic __cdecl - 0x007FBA60
  94. lua_call __fastcall - 0x007FBAF0
  95. lua_checkstack __cdecl - 0x007FBB80
  96. lua_close __cdecl - 0x007FBC50
  97. lua_concat __cdecl - 0x007FBCD0
  98. lua_createtable __cdecl - 0x007FBDA0
  99. lua_cpcall __cdecl - 0x007FBE40
  100. lua_gc __cdecl - 0x007FBEE0
  101. lua_getfenv __cdecl - 0x007FC020
  102. lua_getfield __fastcall - 0x007FC0F0
  103. lua_gethook __cdecl - 0x007FC1B0
  104. lua_gethookmask __cdecl - 0x007FC1C0
  105. lua_gethookcount __cdecl - 0x007FC1D0
  106. lua_getinfo __cdecl - 0x007FC1E0
  107. lua_getlocal __cdecl - 0x007FC300
  108. lua_getmetatable __stdcall - 0x007FC3C0
  109. lua_getstack __cdecl - 0x007FC490
  110. lua_gettable __cdecl - 0x007FC570
  111. lua_gettop __cdecl - 0x007FC5F0
  112. lua_getupvalue __cdecl - 0x007FC610
  113. lua_insert __cdecl - 0x007FC6C0
  114. lua_iscfunction __cdecl - 0x007FC770
  115. lua_isstring __cdecl - 0x007FC7A0
  116. lua_isnumber __fastcall - 0x007FC7F0
  117. lua_lessthan __cdecl - 0x007FC820
  118. lua_load __cdecl - 0x007FC8C0
  119. lua_newstate __cdecl - 0x007FC9C0
  120. lua_newthread __cdecl - 0x007FCBA0
  121. lua_newuserdata __fastcall - 0x007FCC90
  122. lua_next __cdecl - 0x007FCD50
  123. lua_objlen __cdecl - 0x007FCDE0
  124. lua_pcall __cdecl - 0x007FCED0
  125. lua_pushboolean __cdecl - 0x007FCFA0
  126. lua_pushcclosure __fastcall - 0x007FD020
  127. lua_pushfstring __thiscall - 0x007FD160
  128. lua_pushinteger __cdecl - 0x007FD1F0
  129. lua_pushlightuserdata __cdecl - 0x007FD280
  130. lua_pushlstring __cdecl - 0x007FD300
  131. lua_pushnil __cdecl - 0x007FD3A0
  132. lua_pushnumber __stdcall - 0x007FD410
  133. lua_pushstring __fastcall - 0x007FD4A0
  134. lua_pushthread __cdecl - 0x007FD4D0
  135. lua_pushvalue __fastcall - 0x007FD550
  136. lua_pushvfstring __cdecl - 0x007FD5E0
  137. lua_rawequal __thiscall - 0x007FD670
  138. lua_rawget __fastcall - 0x007FD6B0
  139. lua_rawgetf __stdcall - 0x007FD740
  140. lua_rawgeti __cdecl - 0x007FD800
  141. lua_rawset __fastcall - 0x007FD890
  142. lua_rawseti __cdecl - 0x007FD980
  143. lua_remove __cdecl - 0x007FDAB0
  144. lua_replace __cdecl - 0x007FDB50
  145. lua_resume __cdecl - 0x007FDC70
  146. lua_setfenv __cdecl - 0x007FDDC0
  147. lua_setfield __fastcall - 0x007FDED0
  148. lua_sethook __cdecl - 0x007FDF90
  149. lua_setlocal __cdecl - 0x007FDFC0
  150. lua_setmetatable __cdecl - 0x007FE080
  151. lua_setreadonly __cdecl - 0x007FE1B0
  152. lua_settable __fastcall - 0x007FE230
  153. lua_settop __fastcall - 0x007FE2C0
  154. lua_setupvalue __cdecl - 0x007FE370
  155. lua_toboolean __cdecl - 0x007FE440
  156. lua_tointeger __cdecl - 0x007FE470
  157. lua_tolstring __cdecl - 0x007FE500
  158. lua_tofstring __cdecl - 0x007FE630
  159. lua_tonumber __stdcall - 0x007FE7E0
  160. lua_topointer __cdecl - 0x007FE870
  161. lua_tostring __cdecl - 0x007FE8E0
  162. lua_tothread __cdecl - 0x007FE900
  163. lua_touserdata __cdecl - 0x007FE920
  164. lua_type __cdecl - 0x007FE950
  165. lua_typename __cdecl - 0x007FE980
  166. lua_xmove __cdecl - 0x007FE9A0
  167. lua_yield __cdecl - 0x007FEA60
  168. spawn __cdecl - 0x007E9020
  170. base 20
  171. top 32
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