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May 21st, 2017
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  1. 0:00ah yes this is the big question this is
  2. 0:03the one I was waiting for now in case
  3. 0:05you don't recall in case you don't
  4. 0:07recall kiddos I was one of the very
  5. 0:09first to advocate for white sharia what
  6. 0:11the white Sharia Space Marine rape Game
  7. 0:14Boy Sirius Space Marine rape gang song
  8. 0:18is saying for the war room now that was
  9. 0:20back in January when the term was so
  10. 0:22risky business before it was being
  11. 0:24promoted by our leaders before it was
  12. 0:26cool and I sure as hell got a lot of
  13. 0:28flack from it look how far the meme has
  14. 0:30come now and all those who criticize me
  15. 0:32for seeing that beautiful song can now
  16. 0:34be officially counted as low tea cups I
  17. 0:37think it's an excellent need and the
  18. 0:39name is perfect why because we finally
  19. 0:42found something that shots that
  20. 0:43radicalizes even US Nazis and as a shock
  21. 0:46artist for 10 years I know just how
  22. 0:47important that is for getting an idea
  23. 0:49through someone's skull also it's funny
  24. 0:51because feminists will be ravenously
  25. 0:53advocating for Sharia law until you put
  26. 0:55white in front of it clearly they want
  27. 0:56to really they're begging for it and
  28. 0:58deep down they only want to date their
  29. 1:00own race so why not give them just what
  30. 1:01they want the stats are there with their
  31. 1:04porn searches their greatest fantasy is
  32. 1:06to be dominated and raped by man they
  33. 1:08trust so what better way to trust what
  34. 1:10better man a trust the neural oil
  35. 1:12provider husband that's assigned to them
  36. 1:14hmm
  37. 1:15yes yes indeed mmm-hmm all means aside
  38. 1:20though the fact is that we need a form
  39. 1:22of emergency racial reconstruction an
  40. 1:24extreme method in reaction to the insane
  41. 1:26female Leimert liberation that is
  42. 1:27destroying us today 2% of white women
  43. 1:30are a childbearing age two freaking
  44. 1:32percent people 2% of the worldwide
  45. 1:34population or white women childbearing
  46. 1:37age can you believe it if we don't act
  47. 1:39with immediate force we will die out
  48. 1:41simple as that
  49. 1:42at first I thought I would like white
  50. 1:43sharia to be temporary her to eventually
  51. 1:45work its way to being a trad Society
  52. 1:47trad and the vena Victorian where we
  53. 1:49don't necessarily have to force our
  54. 1:51women to marry and breed but then I
  55. 1:53realized that trad society is synonymous
  56. 1:55with white sharia no ifs ands or buts
  57. 1:58just as brewers can't truly argue for
  58. 2:01the Constitution without arguing for
  59. 2:02white nationalism you can't truly argue
  60. 2:04for traditionalism without advocating
  61. 2:06for white sharia weaves article on the
  62. 2:09subject said it best and I quote
  63. 2:11coverture was the reality for all
  64. 2:13European history up until the mid and
  65. 2:15late 19th century the basic principle of
  66. 2:18coverture is that the rights of the
  67. 2:20woman are completely subsumed into that
  68. 2:22of her husband a married woman cannot
  69. 2:24own property
  70. 2:25signed legal documents are entered into
  71. 2:26a contract obtain an education against
  72. 2:29their husband wishes or keep a salary
  73. 2:31for herself any restoration of
  74. 2:33traditional gender roles starts by
  75. 2:34restoring coverture end quote similarly
  76. 2:38a woman was her father's property until
  77. 2:40she married then became her husband
  78. 2:42that's how the true son of the Father
  79. 2:43giving away his daughter at her wedding
  80. 2:44came about it's not just a means it's
  81. 2:47literal so bingo white Sharia so if you
  82. 2:50really want to be tried I'm sorry but
  83. 2:52there's no other way if you truly want
  84. 2:54to reinstate patriarchy you must
  85. 2:56reinstate all that it's fundamentally
  86. 2:58included unless you want some
  87. 2:59bastardized form of trad like the 1950s
  88. 3:02but the great demise was already well on
  89. 3:03its way by then kids were being rapidly
  90. 3:05we're out of wedlock traditionalism had
  91. 3:08already been murdered and it was just a
  92. 3:09matter of time until the average
  93. 3:10american family felt it and died out
  94. 3:13I'll admit for a while I thought it
  95. 3:15sounded harsh but then I don't Facebook
  96. 3:17and see these women with healthy wombs
  97. 3:18literally wasting all hours of their
  98. 3:20youth posting pictures of themselves and
  99. 3:22knowing absolutely nothing one at the
  100. 3:24very least they could be reconstructing
  101. 3:25the race and it's absolutely disgusting
  102. 3:27there's an época there's if you guys go
  103. 3:29on Twitter there's an epidemic of girls
  104. 3:31turning into twin boys get twink boys
  105. 3:34and by that they cut their hair really
  106. 3:36short put on some glasses get a lip here
  107. 3:38so you can say I'm a boy now I'm
  108. 3:39boyfriend material and and they really
  109. 3:42believe this and it's disgusting and if
  110. 3:44you ever seen of the blue whale suicide
  111. 3:46cult there was a good article on a sperm
  112. 3:48about that the young girls are just
  113. 3:50mutilating themselves with the whale
  114. 3:52pictures and killing themselves for no
  115. 3:53no reason at all these white women need
  116. 3:56to be removed from the internet
  117. 3:57reprogrammed and bred until the mind
  118. 4:00virus is eradicated wasting perfectly
  119. 4:02good wounds and perhaps tulino gains in
  120. 4:04return nothing 90% have no passion no
  121. 4:07goals no ambitions
  122. 4:08nothing they need to be put to work and
  123. 4:11unfortunately for the female masses
  124. 4:12breeding is the only work they'll ever
  125. 4:14be somewhat decent at they're telling
  126. 4:16themselves drinking themselves to death
  127. 4:17and drowning in their own narcissism in
  128. 4:19social media also they can get a mate
  129. 4:21well it clearly isn't working and they
  130. 4:24certainly have been proven incapable of
  131. 4:25securing a mate for the
  132. 4:26selves so the only sensible solution
  133. 4:28would be to assign mates for them high
  134. 4:30IQ mate with with a best possible speed
  135. 4:33to ensure good offspring which
  136. 4:35unfortunately for some unfortunately for
  137. 4:37others would require the best amount
  138. 4:39inseminating multiple wins at least
  139. 4:41until we have inflated a number of white
  140. 4:42childbearing age women to at least 10% a
  141. 4:44worldwide population and reverse the
  142. 4:46descent just this genic trend I really
  143. 4:50really don't want to advocate for
  144. 4:51polygamy and believe me I'm not but we
  145. 4:53at least need to find a way for high tea
  146. 4:55men to produce the most children as our
  147. 4:57race has already been disgustingly
  148. 4:58eroded by dis genex and even mercy
  149. 5:00reconstruction we need more geniuses
  150. 5:03moldy Laxus approached her child for why
  151. 5:05we need white Sharia she was the last
  152. 5:07straw for me to go all in now I myself
  153. 5:10would have strongly benefited from from
  154. 5:12white Sharia as much as it pains me to
  155. 5:15say it I can identify with that crusty
  156. 5:17whore a moldy lock I was the result of a
  157. 5:20broken home no father being raised by a
  158. 5:23single mother which caused me to almost
  159. 5:24completely go off the edge I went on a
  160. 5:27path of self-destruction once I left
  161. 5:28College rode my bike compulsively across
  162. 5:30highways hung out under bridges the deep
  163. 5:33hood walks all for the rush in the
  164. 5:34thrill in reality I was just looking for
  165. 5:36a home the home I never had the
  166. 5:38discipline and guidance of a man to keep
  167. 5:40me out of danger an atrocity I would
  168. 5:43have been married off by the time I was
  169. 5:4416 to an equally virginal man and the
  170. 5:47pair bonding that is so important when
  171. 5:48each partner is a version would have
  172. 5:49ensured a stable marriage I could have
  173. 5:52stayed home and been cared for not
  174. 5:53worrying about basic survival and paying
  175. 5:55bills I could have used more of my time
  176. 5:57to animate made my own delicious meals
  177. 5:59instead of eating zog waist raise the
  178. 6:01family I could have had a couple of
  179. 6:03beautiful white children by now animated
  180. 6:05a few more sober coherent masterpieces
  181. 6:07instead of the bits of trash I produced
  182. 6:09half-baked during my college years
  183. 6:11instead I damaged my brain and my spirit
  184. 6:14with drugs and alcohol pointless and
  185. 6:15dangerous misadventures wasting my
  186. 6:17precious early womanhood I could have
  187. 6:19had a good husband an older male in my
  188. 6:21life to take care of me and teach me
  189. 6:22things a male role model that I could
  190. 6:24look up to like I craved for so many
  191. 6:26years I could have giggled and blushed a
  192. 6:28few years longer before the brainwashing
  193. 6:30eroded my spirit and soul becoming a
  194. 6:32stump of what I could have been in my
  195. 6:33most important fertile years I have to
  196. 6:36come to painful terms with the fact that
  197. 6:38I'll never be a pure virginal 2d
  198. 6:40a wife wave fool with no pain or torment
  199. 6:43in her heart the Jews with their
  200. 6:47calculated plans turn me into a depraved
  201. 6:49to generate a monster devoid of all
  202. 6:51things natural and feminine and tried to
  203. 6:53suck my soul out and folks they almost
  204. 6:55succeeded
  205. 6:56for while I was hanging by a thread I
  206. 6:58had nearly become yet another victim on
  207. 7:00the altar of feminism another dead end
  208. 7:02on our waste bloodline another on her
  209. 7:05racist bloodline another wasted womb I
  210. 7:07was ravaged by dog for years and when I
  211. 7:10finally started to race wake up and
  212. 7:12IRISA resist when I finally started to
  213. 7:13stand up for myself and told the world I
  214. 7:15was not going to go down like the other
  215. 7:17ones but I wanted to live in love and
  216. 7:18let my people with the twos tried to
  217. 7:20snuff me out entirely by getting me
  218. 7:22tired and ensuring I never make money or
  219. 7:24have a normal life again but I didn't
  220. 7:27suck my soul out folks no matter how
  221. 7:28much they tried and and I still have it
  222. 7:31and i reconstructing and rebuilding it
  223. 7:33piece by broken piece thanks to white
  224. 7:35nationalism I have a purpose i briefed
  225. 7:37in a community where i didn't have one
  226. 7:39before i have a whole history of white
  227. 7:41male role models to look up to and now I
  228. 7:43know that one day I can have a family a
  229. 7:45husband and children one before they
  230. 7:47told me that wasn't possible and that I
  231. 7:48would die alone but until that day comes
  232. 7:50I'm nothing to live for in this wretched
  233. 7:52hellhole except to get revenge
  234. 7:54to ensure what happened to me doesn't
  235. 7:56happen to more white girls to make sure
  236. 7:58it's odd doesn't destroy any more white
  237. 7:59children fight for the 14 words the Jew
  238. 8:03is destroying my youth and now I will do
  239. 8:05everything in my human Lea power to
  240. 8:06destroy them I think that was the
  241. 8:10greatest Schill video for fucking white
  242. 8:13sharia ever I'm really I'm just saying
  243. 8:16like I want to edit that out
  244. 8:18so it's its own Pro Sharia thing it's
  245. 8:22great I think you should I think we
  246. 8:24should cut right to that and we could
  247. 8:26seek an independent video Emily you
  248. 8:27could come white Sharia and I think it's
  249. 8:29gonna go viral not add more I'm not done
  250. 8:32yet
  251. 8:32you're not done I'm not done right I'm
  252. 8:35sorry no no son it's sad how these kids
  253. 8:39moldy walks and the other wretches know
  254. 8:41they're ruined by society but don't put
  255. 8:43the blame on the Jews instead they
  256. 8:45redirect the blame onto their white
  257. 8:46parents blame it on the last safe haven
  258. 8:48left in this world
  259. 8:49the suburban household law and dad
  260. 8:50raised them in and then turn all white
  261. 8:52people and while
  262. 8:54a white parents must take responsibility
  263. 8:55for their faulty parenting those kids
  264. 8:57still can't see the root of the problem
  265. 8:59that is the deliberate calculated plan
  266. 9:01for the total breakdown and destruction
  267. 9:03of the family it's designed by the Jews
  268. 9:04these crusty kids are rebelling against
  269. 9:07the Jews and they don't even realize it
  270. 9:08an see fellas fighting against banks
  271. 9:10capitalism and usery just as we are only
  272. 9:12they could reason and realize that
  273. 9:14Hitler fought against the very same
  274. 9:15things but back to white Shariat
  275. 9:18don't worry girls the burka is a mean
  276. 9:20we'd be going back to the lovely modest
  277. 9:22clothes of real traditionalism which
  278. 9:24give women infinitely more dignity than
  279. 9:26the gross objectifying slut shit they
  280. 9:27sell in stores all the twelve-year-old
  281. 9:29girls ladies do you want to stop being
  282. 9:32objectified stop being all of that
  283. 9:34stop being seen as just a body get your
  284. 9:36dignity back if you truly want that and
  285. 9:39girls it's time to vote for white Sharia
  286. 9:41if you were allowed to vote that is okay
  287. 9:45and lady if you're worried that this is
  288. 9:48going to mean you're going to get the
  289. 9:49shit beat out of you daily don't luckily
  290. 9:51for you your husbands won't be shit
  291. 9:53skins and the vast majority of white men
  292. 9:54are nonviolent unfortunately it seems to
  293. 9:57that when women are allowed to freely
  294. 9:58choose their partners they gravitate
  295. 10:00towards the worst possible men those
  296. 10:02that do beat them and they keep
  297. 10:03returning no matter what help they get
  298. 10:05you think that in a white Shriya world a
  299. 10:07good father would allow his daughter to
  300. 10:09marry a man who eats her of course not
  301. 10:11and so she would be spared the chance of
  302. 10:13falling into the wrong hands and don't
  303. 10:15forget ladies according to numerous
  304. 10:16study women commit the vast majority of
  305. 10:18domestic violence and so it seems quite
  306. 10:22Sharia will be the big divide in the
  307. 10:23white nationalist movement much like the
  308. 10:25alt-right versus all-white it's official
  309. 10:28white sharia is the new destination for
  310. 10:30the Overton Window so if you bash white
  311. 10:32area you're punching right whether you
  312. 10:34like it or not and for you man you think
  313. 10:36white Sharia men for you men you think
  314. 10:39white Sharia is too raunchy too barbaric
  315. 10:42that is for shift skin we're not looking
  316. 10:44up to the ubermensch Muslims as you like
  317. 10:47to say we're literally just looking back
  318. 10:48to the European societies of old the
  319. 10:50ones that got it here in the first place
  320. 10:52true traditionalism so quit it with that
  321. 10:54mean we don't have time to be nice pure
  322. 10:56and polite we're at war we need white
  323. 10:59sharia now
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