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a guest
Dec 9th, 2018
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  1. request: POST /password/reset
  2. ** (exit) an exception was raised:
  3. ** (ArgumentError) argument error
  4. :erlang.bit_size(nil)
  5. (api) lib/api/accounts/commands/reset_password_send_email_command.ex:9: Umbrella.Api.Accounts.ResetPasswordSendEmailCommand.operation/1
  7. url = Application.get_env(:api, Umbrella.Api.Mailer)[:reset_path] <> user.reset_password_token
  9. config :api, Umbrella.Api.Mailer,
  10. adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter,
  11. server: "smtp.domain",
  12. hostname: "your.domain",
  13. port: 1025,
  14. username: "", # or {:system, "SMTP_USERNAME"}
  15. password: "pa55word", # or {:system, "SMTP_PASSWORD"}
  16. tls: :if_available, # can be `:always` or `:never`
  17. allowed_tls_versions: [:"tlsv1", :"tlsv1.1", :"tlsv1.2"], # or {":system", ALLOWED_TLS_VERSIONS"} w/ comma seprated values (e.g. "tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2")
  18. ssl: false, # can be `true`
  19. retries: 1,
  20. no_mx_lookups: false, # can be `true`
  21. auth: :if_available, # can be `always`. If your smtp relay requires authentication set it to `always`.,
  22. reset_from_email: "",
  23. reset_path: "localhost:4001/reset_password?resetToken="
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