Guest User


a guest
Jul 31st, 2017
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  1. **************************************Path:
  2. Method: RESTLoyalty.svc/member/validate
  3. Request data: {"UserSessionId":"WTZ14ZDQGB3GF16GIH8SWAJYAXFIYURA","ReturnMember":true,"MemberPassword":"11258FE617599F865556CCC1CACD584E3C51CB6D","CustomerLanguageTag":"en-US","MemberLogin":""}
  5. Response:{
  6. ErrorDescription = "<null>";
  7. IsWebAccountActivated = 0;
  8. LoyaltyMember = {
  9. Address1 = "";
  10. BalanceList = (
  11. {
  12. BalanceTypeID = 3;
  13. IsDefault = 1;
  14. LifetimePointsBalanceDisplay = "84547.5";
  15. Message = "";
  16. Name = "Tartu loyalty points";
  17. NameAlt = "";
  18. NameTranslations = (
  19. );
  20. PointsRemaining = "84547.5";
  21. RedemptionRate = "0.01";
  22. },
  23. {
  24. BalanceTypeID = 7;
  25. IsDefault = 0;
  26. LifetimePointsBalanceDisplay = 1;
  27. Message = "";
  28. Name = "Tartu Popcorn";
  29. NameAlt = "";
  30. NameTranslations = (
  31. );
  32. PointsRemaining = 1;
  33. RedemptionRate = "<null>";
  34. },
  35. {
  36. BalanceTypeID = 8;
  37. IsDefault = 0;
  38. LifetimePointsBalanceDisplay = 5;
  39. Message = "";
  40. Name = "Tartu ticket";
  41. NameAlt = "";
  42. NameTranslations = (
  43. );
  44. PointsRemaining = 5;
  45. RedemptionRate = "<null>";
  46. }
  47. );
  48. CardList = (
  49. );
  50. CardNumber = ",";
  51. City = "";
  52. ClubID = 3;
  53. ClubName = "Cinamon Tartu";
  54. ContactByThirdParty = 0;
  55. DateOfBirth = "/Date(305683200000)/";
  56. EducationLevel = 0;
  57. Email = "";
  58. ExpiryDate = "/Date(4573929600000)/";
  59. ExpiryPointsList = (
  60. {
  61. BalanceTypeId = 3;
  62. ExpireOn = "/Date(1532725200000+0300)/";
  63. PointsExpiring = "84379.5";
  64. },
  65. {
  66. BalanceTypeId = 3;
  67. ExpireOn = "/Date(1535403600000+0300)/";
  68. PointsExpiring = 168;
  69. }
  70. );
  71. ExternalID = "";
  72. FirstName = Andac;
  73. FullName = "Andac Bagioglu";
  74. Gender = Male;
  75. GiftCard = 0;
  76. GiftCardBalance = 0;
  77. HomePhone = "() 521-7610";
  78. HouseholdIncome = 0;
  79. IsAnonymous = 0;
  80. IsBannedFromMakingUnpaidBookingsUntil = "<null>";
  81. LastName = Bagioglu;
  82. LoyaltySessionExpiry = "/Date(1501493172000+0300)/";
  83. MailingFrequency = "";
  84. MaritalStatus = Married;
  85. MemberId = NFTWJL498M1;
  86. MemberItemId = "<null>";
  87. MemberLevelId = 4;
  88. MemberLevelName = "Tartu 1st level";
  89. MembershipActivated = 1;
  90. Memberships = "<null>";
  91. MiddleName = "";
  92. MobilePhone = "() 521-7610";
  93. NationalID = 37909090053;
  94. Occupation = 0;
  95. Password = "";
  96. PersonsInHousehold = 0;
  97. PickupComplex = 0;
  98. Pin = 8879;
  99. PreferenceList = (
  100. );
  101. PreferredComplex = 0;
  102. PreferredComplexList = (
  103. 1
  104. );
  105. PreferredGenres = (
  106. );
  107. PushNotificationSubscription = "<null>";
  108. SendNewsletter = 0;
  109. State = "";
  110. Status = "";
  111. Suburb = "";
  112. UserName = "";
  113. WishToReceiveSMS = 0;
  114. WorkZipCode = "";
  115. ZipCode = "";
  116. };
  117. Member = "<null>";
  118. Result = 0;
  119. }**************************************
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