
Cave Of Ordeals Detailed Guide (HD)

Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. Floors 1-44 courtesy of Devil6Lair (Added floors 45-50 since they're required in HD)
  3. This bin was initially designed for the purpose of seeing the floors a bit better since it's easier on the eyes.
  5. 1. B-Charge Bulblin, Transform Human Once It Explodes (
  6. 2. GS Most Keese + Rats Then Stab Ones Around Edge (3 of Each)
  7. 3. Bombarrow 3 Deku Babas Before Jumping Down, Then GS One On Floor
  8. 4. GS 3 Spiders (They Won't Block If You GS As They Approach)
  9. 5. Jump Down Stright And Roll-Stab First Bulblin, Then Repeat With Bulbin On Right And Left
  10. 6. Jump Down Slightly Left Into GS 3 Torchslugs, Clawshot The Rest Around
  11. 7. GS 1st Dodongo (Can Reach From Front), Then GS 2nd Dodongo, Then Kill Rest Of Keese
  12. 8. GS Tektikes
  13. 9. Hang Off Edge + Drop Into GS To Kill Bulblins, Then GS Lizalfos
  14. 10. Fairy 1 (Stamp #38)
  16. 11. Hang Off Edge + Drop Into GS To Kill Rats, Then GS 3 Helmasaurs. Spinner To Door
  17. 12. Bombarrow Huge Chuchu Into Small Chus Then GS Them All
  18. 13. Clawshot Chuworms, Slash Once Then GS, Repeat For Them All
  20. 15. B-Charge Bulblins + Turn Human
  21. 16. GS Keese + Rats, Then Stab Rats Around Edge
  22. 17. Jump Straight Down, Backflip Into GS, Roll forward Once Then GS Again To Kill Last Stalhounds. Then Wolf For Poe (
  23. - Poe #51 Then Transform Back To Human
  24. 18. Jump Down Sideways To Spawn In Single Spot. Backflip Into GS To Kill (
  25. 19. Jump Down Left And Go Around In Semi-Circle GS Chus As They Drop Down
  27. 20. Fairy 2 (Stamp #39)
  29. 21. GS Bokoblins + Keese Then B&C To Reveal Door
  30. 22. GS Rats Until Can't Move, Then Transform When Safe And Kill Rest Of Rats + Ghost Rats
  31. 23. GS Stalkin
  32. 24. Jump Down Into Middle, GS Redead In Front, Then GS Other 4 From Distance
  33. 25. Arrow Should Go Over You, GS Bulblins Below Then Bombarrow Bulblin On Tower
  34. 26. Bombarrow Stalfos
  35. 27. Bombarrow Left Spider, Jump Attack Down Cutting Down Middle Spider, GS All Bubbles + Spider, Bombarrow Right Spider
  36. 28. GS Lizalfos and Bokoblins
  37. 29. GS Bubbles + Knock Down Both Stalfos, Finish Last Bubbles Then Bombarrow Stalfos On Floor
  38. 30. Fairy 3 (Stamp #40)
  39. 31. STAY UP TOP, Bombarrow 5 Beamos From Top, Then Jump Down, GS Keese, Move Statues For Door
  40. 32. Instant Jumpattack Down Into GS 1st Dodongo, GS 2nd Dodongo, GS Rest Of Enemies Coming Towards You, Roll Around Making All Torchslugs Drop, Clawshot All Torchslugs
  41. 33. Go Down To Side, GS All Redeads From Distance While Avoiding Poe.
  42. - Poe #52 And Stay Wolf
  43. 34. Wait In Room For Chus And Let Ghost Rats On You, Jump Attack Spam To Kill Chus, Then Kill All Ghost Rats
  44. 35. Jump Off To A Side, GS All Keese, B&C Freezard, Bombarrow/B&C Mini-Freezards
  45. 36. B&C 4 Chilfos.
  46. - You Are Expected To Take Damage Here Or If Not On Floor 38
  47. 37. Quick Spin All Enemies
  48. 38. Go Down Right, Kill First Freezard, Kill More Stuff Around The Place, Last Freezard (Honestly Just Do What You Can)
  49. 39. Drop Off Left And Take Armour Off Left Darknut, Block Right Darknut Few Times While Transition To Phase 2, Kill 1st Darknut, Kill Right Darknut.
  50. - DIG UP 200R IN FLOOR + Stay Wolf
  51. 40. Fairy 4. (Stamp #41)
  52. 41. DON'T GO DOWN, Bombarrow 9 Armos From Top, Clawshot Over Wall To Door.
  53. 42. GS Everything, Bokoblins More Important Then Dekubabas (Not A Huge Deal If You Get Damaged). If You Had To Use Fairy Tears As Back-Up Just Mortal Draw Bokoblins
  54. 43. Jump Attack Down Into GS To Kill Lizalfos (Or Quickspin If You Got Hit), Roll Stab All Bokoblins Around Edge, Finish Lizalfos If Didn't Have GS
  55. 44. Hang Off Edge And Drop Down To Alert Poe Only. Poe #54
  56. 45. Tranform Human, Jump down and kill redeads and chus, Use B&C on wooden platforms to kill Bokoblins
  57. 46. Drop down, Transform Wolf and kill Ghoul Rats, use Helm Splitter on every Chilfos, kill additional Ghoul Rats that crawl on you, B&C Freezard's and Mini Freezard's
  58. 47. GS stalkins
  59. 48. Jump down, shoot an arrow at Aeralfos and clawshot him down, three stabs into a combo, shield bash and then rinse repeat for both, take off armor for Darknut and finish him off with B&C
  60. 49. DON'T JUMP DOWN, take care of Darknut in corner, take care of armor and finish off with B&C (Same strategy follows with other Darknuts)
  61. 50. Fairy 5 (Stamp #42) (You'll be warped to Lanayru Spring)
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