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- Floors 1-44 courtesy of Devil6Lair (Added floors 45-50 since they're required in HD)
- This bin was initially designed for the purpose of seeing the floors a bit better since it's easier on the eyes.
- 1. B-Charge Bulblin, Transform Human Once It Explodes (
- 2. GS Most Keese + Rats Then Stab Ones Around Edge (3 of Each)
- 3. Bombarrow 3 Deku Babas Before Jumping Down, Then GS One On Floor
- 4. GS 3 Spiders (They Won't Block If You GS As They Approach)
- 5. Jump Down Stright And Roll-Stab First Bulblin, Then Repeat With Bulbin On Right And Left
- 6. Jump Down Slightly Left Into GS 3 Torchslugs, Clawshot The Rest Around
- 7. GS 1st Dodongo (Can Reach From Front), Then GS 2nd Dodongo, Then Kill Rest Of Keese
- 8. GS Tektikes
- 9. Hang Off Edge + Drop Into GS To Kill Bulblins, Then GS Lizalfos
- 10. Fairy 1 (Stamp #38)
- 11. Hang Off Edge + Drop Into GS To Kill Rats, Then GS 3 Helmasaurs. Spinner To Door
- 12. Bombarrow Huge Chuchu Into Small Chus Then GS Them All
- 13. Clawshot Chuworms, Slash Once Then GS, Repeat For Them All
- 15. B-Charge Bulblins + Turn Human
- 16. GS Keese + Rats, Then Stab Rats Around Edge
- 17. Jump Straight Down, Backflip Into GS, Roll forward Once Then GS Again To Kill Last Stalhounds. Then Wolf For Poe (
- - Poe #51 Then Transform Back To Human
- 18. Jump Down Sideways To Spawn In Single Spot. Backflip Into GS To Kill (
- 19. Jump Down Left And Go Around In Semi-Circle GS Chus As They Drop Down
- 20. Fairy 2 (Stamp #39)
- 21. GS Bokoblins + Keese Then B&C To Reveal Door
- 22. GS Rats Until Can't Move, Then Transform When Safe And Kill Rest Of Rats + Ghost Rats
- 23. GS Stalkin
- 24. Jump Down Into Middle, GS Redead In Front, Then GS Other 4 From Distance
- 25. Arrow Should Go Over You, GS Bulblins Below Then Bombarrow Bulblin On Tower
- 26. Bombarrow Stalfos
- 27. Bombarrow Left Spider, Jump Attack Down Cutting Down Middle Spider, GS All Bubbles + Spider, Bombarrow Right Spider
- 28. GS Lizalfos and Bokoblins
- 29. GS Bubbles + Knock Down Both Stalfos, Finish Last Bubbles Then Bombarrow Stalfos On Floor
- 30. Fairy 3 (Stamp #40)
- 31. STAY UP TOP, Bombarrow 5 Beamos From Top, Then Jump Down, GS Keese, Move Statues For Door
- 32. Instant Jumpattack Down Into GS 1st Dodongo, GS 2nd Dodongo, GS Rest Of Enemies Coming Towards You, Roll Around Making All Torchslugs Drop, Clawshot All Torchslugs
- 33. Go Down To Side, GS All Redeads From Distance While Avoiding Poe.
- - Poe #52 And Stay Wolf
- 34. Wait In Room For Chus And Let Ghost Rats On You, Jump Attack Spam To Kill Chus, Then Kill All Ghost Rats
- 35. Jump Off To A Side, GS All Keese, B&C Freezard, Bombarrow/B&C Mini-Freezards
- 36. B&C 4 Chilfos.
- - You Are Expected To Take Damage Here Or If Not On Floor 38
- 37. Quick Spin All Enemies
- 38. Go Down Right, Kill First Freezard, Kill More Stuff Around The Place, Last Freezard (Honestly Just Do What You Can)
- 39. Drop Off Left And Take Armour Off Left Darknut, Block Right Darknut Few Times While Transition To Phase 2, Kill 1st Darknut, Kill Right Darknut.
- - DIG UP 200R IN FLOOR + Stay Wolf
- 40. Fairy 4. (Stamp #41)
- 41. DON'T GO DOWN, Bombarrow 9 Armos From Top, Clawshot Over Wall To Door.
- 42. GS Everything, Bokoblins More Important Then Dekubabas (Not A Huge Deal If You Get Damaged). If You Had To Use Fairy Tears As Back-Up Just Mortal Draw Bokoblins
- 43. Jump Attack Down Into GS To Kill Lizalfos (Or Quickspin If You Got Hit), Roll Stab All Bokoblins Around Edge, Finish Lizalfos If Didn't Have GS
- 44. Hang Off Edge And Drop Down To Alert Poe Only. Poe #54
- 45. Tranform Human, Jump down and kill redeads and chus, Use B&C on wooden platforms to kill Bokoblins
- 46. Drop down, Transform Wolf and kill Ghoul Rats, use Helm Splitter on every Chilfos, kill additional Ghoul Rats that crawl on you, B&C Freezard's and Mini Freezard's
- 47. GS stalkins
- 48. Jump down, shoot an arrow at Aeralfos and clawshot him down, three stabs into a combo, shield bash and then rinse repeat for both, take off armor for Darknut and finish him off with B&C
- 49. DON'T JUMP DOWN, take care of Darknut in corner, take care of armor and finish off with B&C (Same strategy follows with other Darknuts)
- 50. Fairy 5 (Stamp #42) (You'll be warped to Lanayru Spring)
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