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a guest
Jul 6th, 2018
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  1. if (Test-PendingReboot) { Write-Warning "mikesigs - Reboot pending right from the start!" }
  2. $GitUserName='Mike Sigsworth'
  3. $GitUserEmail=''
  5. # Boxstarter Options
  6. $Boxstarter.RebootOk=$true # Allow reboots?
  7. $Boxstarter.NoPassword=$false # Is this a machine with no login password?
  8. $Boxstarter.AutoLogin=$true # Save my password securely and auto-login after a reboot
  10. # Windows Configuration
  11. Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  12. if (Test-PendingReboot) { Write-Warning "mikesigs - Reboot pending after update-executionpolicy" }
  13. Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions
  14. if (Test-PendingReboot) { Write-Warning "mikesigs - Reboot pending after setting explorer options" }
  15. Disable-InternetExplorerESC
  16. if (Test-PendingReboot) { Write-Warning "mikesigs - Reboot pending after disabling IE ESC" }
  18. if (Test-PendingReboot) { Write-Warning "mikesigs - Reboot pending before UAC change..." }
  19. Disable-UAC
  20. if (Test-PendingReboot) { Write-Warning "mikesigs - Reboot pending after UAC change..." }
  22. # DotNet Runtime
  23. #cinst dotnet3.5
  24. #cinst dotnet4.6.1
  26. # Chocolatey Installs
  27. #chocolatey feature enable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation
  28. chocolatey feature enable -n=allowEmptyChecksums
  29. #cinst 7zip.commandline -y
  30. #cinst 7zip.install -y
  31. #cinst cmder -y
  32. #cinst diffmerge -y
  33. #cinst expresso -y
  34. #cinst firefox -y
  35. cinst git -params '"/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath"' -y
  36. #cinst gittfs -y
  37. #cinst googlechrome -y
  38. #cinst hxd -y
  39. cinst linqpad -y
  40. #cinst lockhunter -y
  41. #cinst nvm -y #Sadly there is no nvm package... yet. But I handle the install later in this script
  42. #cinst notepadplusplus -y
  43. #cinst notepadplusplus.commandline -y
  44. #cinst nuget.commandline -y
  45. cinst -y
  46. #cinst papercut -y
  47. #cinst python2 -y
  48. #cinst resharper-platform -y
  49. #cinst slack
  50. #cinst sourcetree -y
  51. cinst sysinternals -y
  52. #cinst tightvnc -y -installarguments '"ADDLOCAL=Viewer"'
  53. cinst virtualclonedrive -y
  55. #Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
  56. #chocolatey feature disable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation
  57. chocolatey feature disable -n=allowEmptyChecksums
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