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Jan 20th, 2019
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  1. on right click with any sword:
  2. open chest with 3 rows named "&bPvP Shop" to player
  3. set {_n} to 0
  4. loop 27 times:
  5. make gui slot {_n} of player with black glass pane named "&f" to do nothing
  6. add 1 to {_n}
  7. make gui slot 11 of player with enchanted book named "&b&lSharpness" with lore "||&8» &7Left-Click to enchant your sword||||&8» &7Deal Extra Damage To Enemies||||&bMax &8» &7Sharpness 5||&bCost &8» &75000 Gold " to run:
  8. if {gold::%player's uuid%} is greater than or equal to 5000:
  9. if level of sharpness of player's held item <= 4:
  10. send "&3&lEnchants &8| &7You purchased &3Sharpness &7enchant for &35000 Gold&7." to player
  11. remove 5000 from {gold::%player's uuid%}
  12. enchant the tool of player with "sharpness %level of sharpness of player's tool +1%" parsed as enchantment type
  13. stop
  14. else:
  15. send "&cYour Sharpness Is Maxed Out" to player
  16. close {_p}'s inventory
  17. else:
  18. set {_amount} to 5000 - {gold::%player's uuid%}
  19. send "&3&lEnchants &8| &7You need &b%{_amount}% Gold &7more to buy this enchant" to player
  20. close player's inventory
  21. stop
  22. make gui slot 13 of player with enchanted book named "&b&lKnockback" with lore "||&8» &7Left-Click to enchant your sword||||&8» &7Knockback your Enemies Push them away from you||||&bMax &8» &7Knockback 3||&bCost &8» &73500 Gold " to run:
  23. if {gold::%player's uuid%} is greater than or equal to 3500:
  24. if level of knockback of player's held item <= 2:
  25. send "&3&lEnchants &8| &7You purchased &3Knockback &7enchant for &33500 Gold&7." to player
  26. remove 3500 from {gold::%player's uuid%}
  27. enchant the tool of player with "knockback %level of knockback of player's tool +1%" parsed as enchantment type
  28. stop
  29. else:
  30. send "&cYour Knockback Is Maxed Out" to player
  31. close {_p}'s inventory
  32. else:
  33. set {_amount} to 3500 - {gold::%player's uuid%}
  34. send "&3&lEnchants &8| &7You need &b%{_amount}% Gold &7more to buy this enchant" to player
  35. close player's inventory
  36. stop
  37. make gui slot 15 of player with enchanted book named "&b&lFire Aspect" with lore "||&8» &7Left-Click to enchant your sword||||&8» &7Set Your Enemies On Fire||||&bMax &8» &7Fire Aspect 1||&bCost &8» &715000 Gold " to run:
  38. if {gold::%player's uuid%} is greater than or equal to 15000:
  39. if level of fire aspect of player's held item <= 0:
  40. send "&3&lEnchants &8| &7You purchased &3Fire Aspect &7enchant for &315000 Gold&7." to player
  41. remove 15000 from {gold::%player's uuid%}
  42. enchant the tool of player with "fire aspect %level of knockback of player's tool +1%" parsed as enchantment type
  43. stop
  44. else:
  45. send "&cYour Fire Aspect Is Maxed Out" to player
  46. close {_p}'s inventory
  47. else:
  48. set {_amount} to 15000 - {gold::%player's uuid%}
  49. send "&3&lEnchants &8| &7You need &b%{_amount}% Gold &7more to buy this enchant" to player
  50. close player's inventory
  51. stop
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