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Mar 3rd, 2018
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  1. towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User can also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only.
  2.* : User has access to all .town permission nodes.
  3. : User is able to expand his town with /town claim (used when world is set as unclaimable in /townyworld)
  4. : player can delete their town
  5. : User is able to create a town (used only when town_creation_admin_only: true)
  6. : User is able to use the /plot commands, to buy or sell land personally.
  7. : player can rename their town
  8. : User is able to join a town.
  9.* : Grants all Spawn travel nodes
  10. : Ability to spawn to your own town.
  11. : Ability to spawn to other towns in your nation.
  12. : Ability to spawn to towns in nations allied with yours.
  13. : Ability to spawn to unaffilated public towns.
  14.* : User has access to all town toggle commands (if a mayor or assistant).
  15. : If a mayor or assistant, the user is able to toggle pvp on/off in their town.
  16. : If a mayor or assistant....
  17. : If a mayor or assistant....
  18. : If a mayor or assistant....
  19. : If a mayor or assistant....
  20. towny.nation.* : Grants all Nation permission nodes.
  21. towny.nation.delete : player can delete their nation
  22. towny.nation.grant-titles : King can set nation members titles and surnames '/nation set title/surname'.
  23. : User is able to create a nation (used only when nation_creation_admin_only: true)
  24. towny.nation.rename : player can rename their nation
  25. : Allows a player to use townchat
  26. : Allows a player to use nationchat
  27. : Allows a player to use moderatorchat
  28. : Allows a playr to use adminchat
  29. : Gives users access to /towny top command.
  30. towny.wild.*
  32. towny.wild.destroy
  33. towny.wild.switch
  34. towny.wild.item_use
  35. towny.wild.block.{block id}.*
  36. towny.wild.block.{block id}.build
  37. towny.wild.block.{block id}.destroy
  38. towny.wild.block.{block id}.switch
  39. towny.wild.block.{block id}.itemuse
  40. towny.cheat.bypass : User is allowed to fly, use WorldEdit's compass.
  41. For superperms users only:
  42. prefix.prefixhere
  43. suffix.suffixhere
  44. Used for the towny chat configuration's {permprefix} and {permsuffix}.
  45. towny_maxplots.x {with x being a number eg towny_maxplots.2}
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  160. permissions:
  161. iConomy.*:
  162. default: op
  163. description: Gives access to all commands
  164. children:
  165. true
  166. true
  167. true
  168. iConomy.payment: true
  169. iConomy.accounts.create: true
  170. iConomy.accounts.remove: true
  171. iConomy.accounts.give: true
  172. iConomy.accounts.take: true
  173. iConomy.accounts.set: true
  174. iConomy.accounts.status: true
  175. iConomy.accounts.status.set: true
  176. iConomy.accounts.purge: true
  177. iConomy.accounts.empty: true
  178. iConomy.accounts.*:
  179. description: Gives access only to higher level commands
  180. children:
  181. iConomy.accounts.create: true
  182. iConomy.accounts.remove: true
  183. iConomy.accounts.give: true
  184. iConomy.accounts.take: true
  185. iConomy.accounts.set: true
  186. iConomy.accounts.status: true
  187. iConomy.accounts.status.set: true
  188. iConomy.accounts.purge: true
  189. iConomy.accounts.empty: true
  191. description: Gives access to user plus only commands
  192. children:
  193. true
  194. true
  195. true
  196. iConomy.payment: true
  197. iConomy.user:
  198. description: Gives access to user only commands
  199. children:
  200. true
  201. true
  202. iConomy.payment: true
  204. description: Allows you to request help information.
  205. default: op
  206. command: "/money help"
  208. description: Check your balance.
  209. default: op
  210. command: "/money"
  212. description: Check other players balance.
  213. default: op
  214. command: "/money <account-name>"
  215. examples:
  216. - "/money Nijikokun"
  217. iConomy.payment:
  218. description: Send money to others.
  219. default: op
  220. command: "/money pay <account-name> <amount>"
  221. examples:
  222. - "/money pay Nijikokun 30"
  223. iConomy.accounts.create:
  224. description: Create an account.
  225. default: op
  226. command: "/money create <account-name> [amount]"
  227. examples:
  228. - "/money create Nijikokun"
  229. - "/money create Nijikokun 30"
  230. iConomy.accounts.remove:
  231. description: Remove an existing account
  232. default: op
  233. command: "/money remove <account-name>"
  234. examples:
  235. - "/money remove Nijikokun"
  236. iConomy.accounts.give:
  237. description: Give account a certain amount
  238. default: op
  239. command: "/money give <account-name> <amount>"
  240. examples:
  241. - "/money give Nijikokun 30"
  242. iConomy.accounts.take:
  243. description: Take a certain amount from an account
  244. default: op
  245. command: "/money take <account-name> <amount>"
  246. examples:
  247. - "/money take Nijikokun 30"
  248. iConomy.accounts.set:
  249. description: Set an account's balance to this amount
  250. default: op
  251. command: "/money set <account-name> <amount>"
  252. examples:
  253. - "/money set Nijikokun 30"
  254. iConomy.accounts.status:
  255. description: Check to see the status of an account (Visible, Hidden, Etc)
  256. default: op
  257. command: "/money status <account-name>"
  258. examples:
  259. - "/money status Nijikokun"
  260. iConomy.accounts.status.set:
  261. description: Set the status of an account (Visible (1), Hidden (0))
  262. default: op
  263. command: "/money status <account-name>"
  264. examples:
  265. - "/money status Nijikokun"
  266. iConomy.accounts.purge:
  267. description: Purge all accounts with default creation value.
  268. default: op
  269. command: "/money purge"
  270. iConomy.accounts.empty:
  271. description: Empty / Drop entire database of accounts.
  272. default: op
  273. command: "/money empty"
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