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a guest
Jan 21st, 2019
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text 0.93 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Widget _colorsButton() => Column(
  2. mainAxisAlignment:,
  3. children: <Widget>[
  4. SizedBox(height: 10),
  5. RaisedButton(
  6. onPressed: () {
  7. print("click");
  8. },
  9. child: Text(
  10. "color:PURPLE\ntextColor: Colors.white\nhighlightColor: RED\nsplashColor: BLUE_DEEP",
  11. style: TextStyle(fontSize: 40),
  12. ),
  13. color: PURPLE,
  14. textColor: Colors.white,
  15. highlightColor: RED,
  16. splashColor: BLUE_DEEP,
  17. ),
  18. SizedBox(height: 10),
  19. RaisedButton(
  20. onPressed: null,
  21. child: Text(
  22. " onPressed: null \ndisabledColor: YELLOW,\n disabledTextColor: TEXT_BLACK,",
  23. style: TextStyle(fontSize: 40),
  24. ),
  25. disabledColor: YELLOW,
  26. disabledTextColor: TEXT_BLACK,
  27. ),
  28. ],
  29. );
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