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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. //
  2. // Generated by Microsoft (R) D3DX9 Fragment Linker
  3. //
  4. // Parameters:
  5. //
  6. // float4x3 BoneWorldViewT[70];
  7. // float4 FogParams;
  8. // float3 LightAmbientDown;
  9. // float3 LightAmbientUp;
  10. // float3 LightDiffuse;
  11. // float3 LightDirection;
  12. // float3 LightUp;
  13. // float3 MaterialDiffuse;
  14. // float3 MaterialEmissive;
  15. // float4x4 Projection;
  16. // float4 Tex1Transform;
  17. //
  18. //
  19. // Registers:
  20. //
  21. // Name Reg Size
  22. // ---------------- ----- ----
  23. // Projection c0 4
  24. // FogParams c7 1
  25. // LightDirection c8 1
  26. // LightUp c9 1
  27. // LightDiffuse c10 1
  28. // LightAmbientDown c11 1
  29. // LightAmbientUp c12 1
  30. // MaterialDiffuse c14 1
  31. // MaterialEmissive c15 1
  32. // Tex1Transform c17 1
  33. // BoneWorldViewT c31 210
  34. //
  36. vs_1_1
  37. dcl_position v0
  38. dcl_normal v1
  39. dcl_blendindices v2
  40. dcl_texcoord v3
  41. def c241, 0.5, 0, 0, 0
  42. def c242, 256.005005, 3, 1, 0
  43. def c243, 1, 0, 0, 0
  44. mul r0.w, v2.z, c242.x
  45. expp r0.y, r0.w
  46. mov r0.w, r0.y
  47. mad r0.w, v2.z, c242.x, -r0.w
  48. mul r0.w, r0.w, c242.y
  49. mov a0.x, r0.w
  50. dp3 r0.x, c31[a0.x], v1
  51. mov, c31[a0.x]
  52. mul, r1.zxyw, c32[a0.x].yzxw
  53. dp3 r0.y, c32[a0.x], v1
  54. mad, r1.yzxw, c32[a0.x].zxyw, -r2
  55. dp3 r0.z, r1, v1
  56. mov r1.w, c33[a0.x].w
  57. dp4 r1.z, r1, v0
  58. dp4 r1.x, c31[a0.x], v0
  59. dp4 r1.y, c32[a0.x], v0
  60. mov r1.w, c242.z
  61. dp4 oPos.x, r1, c0
  62. dp4 oPos.y, r1, c1
  63. dp4 oPos.z, r1, c2
  64. dp4 oPos.w, r1, c3
  65. mad oFog, r1.z, c7.x, c7.y
  66. mov r2.xy, c33[a0.x]
  67. mad oT0.xy, c17.xzzw, v3, c17.ywzw
  68. mov oD0, c243.x
  69. dp3 r3.x, r0, c9
  70. mul, r2.x, c11
  71. mad r1.w, r3.x, c241.x, c241.x
  72. mad, r1, -r1.w, c11
  73. mad, r1.w, c12, r1
  74. dp3 r0.x, r0, c8
  75. max r0.w, -r0.x, c241.y
  76. mul, r2.x, c10
  77. mad, r0, r0.w, r1
  78. mov, c14
  79. mad, r0, r1, c15
  81. // approximately 36 instruction slots used
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