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a guest
Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. git version 2.20.1
  2. BuildTools
  4. Attempting to build version: '1.15' use --rev <version> to override
  5. Found version
  6. {
  7. "name": "2517",
  8. "description": "Jenkins build 2517",
  9. "refs": {
  10. "BuildData": "f845c6ee8a6d41562c71dc218c7d5b7b9eeb03d6",
  11. "Bukkit": "333b9f02897384708573682fa35605d71a78a4db",
  12. "CraftBukkit": "e43416a342cbb52a9b524e504c4bb7edfe317db0",
  13. "Spigot": "047b6f86bc7927f729039fb212aae9ca676da019"
  14. },
  15. "toolsVersion": 101,
  16. "javaVersions": [52, 57]
  17. }
  19. Pulling updates for /opt/minecraft/BuildData/.git
  20. Successfully fetched updates!
  21. Checked out: f845c6ee8a6d41562c71dc218c7d5b7b9eeb03d6
  22. Pulling updates for /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/.git
  23. Successfully fetched updates!
  24. Checked out: 333b9f02897384708573682fa35605d71a78a4db
  25. Pulling updates for /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/.git
  26. Successfully fetched updates!
  27. Checked out: e43416a342cbb52a9b524e504c4bb7edfe317db0
  28. Pulling updates for /opt/minecraft/Spigot/.git
  29. Successfully fetched updates!
  30. Checked out: 047b6f86bc7927f729039fb212aae9ca676da019
  31. Attempting to build Minecraft with details: VersionInfo(minecraftVersion=1.15,, classMappings=bukkit-1.15-cl.csrg, memberMappings=bukkit-1.15-members.csrg, packageMappings=package.srg, minecraftHash=9320057153cdc411166ed78759a78a92, classMapCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map --only . --only net/minecraft --auto-lvt BASIC --auto-member SYNTHETIC -e BuildData/mappings/bukkit-1.15.exclude -i {0} -m {1} -o {2}, memberMapCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map --only . --only net/minecraft --auto-member LOGGER --auto-member TOKENS -i {0} -m {1} -o {2}, finalMapCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource.jar --only . --only net/minecraft -i {0} --access-transformer {1} -m {2} -o {3}, decompileCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/fernflower.jar -dgs=1 -hdc=0 -asc=1 -udv=0 -rsy=1 -aoa=1 {0} {1}, serverUrl=, toolsVersion=101)
  32. Found good Minecraft hash (9320057153cdc411166ed78759a78a92)
  33. Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:
  34. [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  35. [INFO]
  36. [INFO] ------------------< org.apache.maven:standalone-pom >-------------------
  37. [INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
  38. [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
  39. [INFO]
  40. [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install-file (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
  41. [INFO] Installing /opt/minecraft/work/mapped.e341bf68.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/minecraft-server/1.15-SNAPSHOT/minecraft-server-1.15-SNAPSHOT.jar
  42. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [INFO] Total time: 0.621 s
  46. [INFO] Finished at: 2019-12-15T23:04:24Z
  47. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. Applying CraftBukkit Patches
  49. Backing up NMS dir
  50. Patching with EntityHuman.patch
  51. Patching with EnchantmentWeaponDamage.patch
  52. Patching with ItemRecord.patch
  53. Patching with BlockPressurePlateAbstract.patch
  54. Patching with EntityArmorStand.patch
  55. Patching with WorldGenMegaTreeProvider.patch
  56. Patching with IDispenseBehavior.patch
  57. Patching with EntityWither.patch
  58. Patching with DedicatedServer.patch
  59. Patching with PathfinderGoalEatTile.patch
  60. Patching with ArgumentEntity.patch
  61. Patching with BlockSoil.patch
  62. Patching with TileEntitySign.patch
  63. Patching with ItemBlock.patch
  64. Patching with SecondaryWorldServer.patch
  65. Patching with EntityLlamaSpit.patch
  66. Patching with DedicatedServerSettings.patch
  67. Patching with CommandDispatcher.patch
  68. Patching with BlockMonsterEggs.patch
  69. Patching with EntitySlime.patch
  70. Patching with CommandTeleport.patch
  71. Patching with ItemWaterLily.patch
  72. Patching with WorldMap.patch
  73. Patching with EntityCow.patch
  74. Patching with BlockScaffolding.patch
  75. Patching with ArgumentBlock.patch
  76. Patching with CommandSpreadPlayers.patch
  77. Patching with InventoryLargeChest.patch
  78. Patching with FoodMetaData.patch
  79. Patching with BlockDiodeAbstract.patch
  80. Patching with EntityRavager.patch
  81. Patching with BlockMagma.patch
  82. Patching with EntityTurtle.patch
  83. Patching with EntityThrownExpBottle.patch
  84. Patching with ServerConnection.patch
  85. Patching with BlockConcretePowder.patch
  86. Patching with BlockPlant.patch
  87. Patching with BlockWitherSkull.patch
  88. Patching with ItemFlintAndSteel.patch
  89. Patching with RecipeSmoking.patch
  90. Patching with CommandListenerWrapper.patch
  91. Patching with EntityPigZombie.patch
  92. Patching with ContainerAccess.patch
  93. Patching with TileEntityBarrel.patch
  94. Patching with PathfinderGoalRemoveBlock.patch
  95. Patching with EntityMinecartContainer.patch
  96. Patching with CommandGamemode.patch
  97. Patching with BlockLever.patch
  98. Patching with LootItemConditionSurvivesExplosion.patch
  99. Patching with EntityLeash.patch
  100. Patching with PathfinderGoalFollowOwner.patch
  101. Patching with ItemWorldMap.patch
  102. Patching with ItemMilkBucket.patch
  103. Patching with InventorySubcontainer.patch
  104. Patching with EntityVillagerTrader.patch
  105. Patching with RecipeBlasting.patch
  106. Patching with World.patch
  107. Patching with BlockSnow.patch
  108. Patching with BlockCoralFan.patch
  109. Patching with IInventory.patch
  110. Patching with NameReferencingFileConverter.patch
  111. Patching with FluidTypeFlowing.patch
  112. Patching with EntityZombieVillager.patch
  113. Patching with ContainerMerchant.patch
  114. Patching with DedicatedServerProperties.patch
  115. Patching with BlockTallPlant.patch
  116. Patching with CommandEffect.patch
  117. Patching with EntityGuardianElder.patch
  118. Patching with HandshakeListener.patch
  119. Patching with ItemBucket.patch
  120. Patching with TileEntityShulkerBox.patch
  121. Patching with BlockTNT.patch
  122. Patching with PathfinderGoalBreakDoor.patch
  123. Patching with BlockSapling.patch
  124. Patching with PathfinderGoalOwnerHurtByTarget.patch
  125. Patching with EntityProjectile.patch
  126. Patching with EntityLlamaTrader.patch
  127. Patching with EntitySmallFireball.patch
  128. Patching with EntityTypes.patch
  129. Patching with BlockDragonEgg.patch
  130. Patching with PathfinderGoalOwnerHurtTarget.patch
  131. Patching with BlockBamboo.patch
  132. Patching with EntityTrackerEntry.patch
  133. Patching with FurnaceRecipe.patch
  134. Patching with PersistentRaid.patch
  135. Patching with EntityZombieHusk.patch
  136. Patching with CustomFunctionData.patch
  137. Patching with EntityFireball.patch
  138. Patching with ContainerChest.patch
  139. Patching with BlockFire.patch
  140. Patching with EntityZombie.patch
  141. Patching with EntitySpider.patch
  142. Patching with BlockMinecartDetector.patch
  143. Patching with ItemEndCrystal.patch
  144. Patching with PathfinderGoalTempt.patch
  145. Patching with ShapedRecipes.patch
  146. Patching with BlockObserver.patch
  147. Patching with ContainerStonecutter.patch
  148. Patching with ItemSign.patch
  149. Patching with TileEntityHopper.patch
  150. Patching with BlockCampfire.patch
  151. Patching with EntityPhantom.patch
  152. Patching with ItemArmorStand.patch
  153. Patching with ItemDye.patch
  154. Patching with PlayerChunk.patch
  155. Patching with BlockRedstoneComparator.patch
  156. Patching with BlockStem.patch
  157. Patching with InventoryCraftResult.patch
  158. Patching with WorldNBTStorage.patch
  159. Patching with EntitySpectralArrow.patch
  160. Patching with BlockFluids.patch
  161. Patching with BlockCommand.patch
  162. Patching with WorldUpgrader.patch
  163. Patching with BlockDirtSnowSpreadable.patch
  164. Patching with BlockPressurePlateWeighted.patch
  165. Patching with EntityHorseAbstract.patch
  166. Patching with ContainerGrindstone.patch
  167. Patching with DataConverterMap.patch
  168. Patching with BlockDoor.patch
  169. Patching with EntityInsentient.patch
  170. Patching with BlockDropper.patch
  171. Patching with ItemCrossbow.patch
  172. Patching with EntityPainting.patch
  173. Patching with EntityCat.patch
  174. Patching with DataWatcher.patch
  175. Patching with BlockWaterLily.patch
  176. Patching with EntityPanda.patch
  177. Patching with EntityShulker.patch
  178. Patching with RemoteControlCommandListener.patch
  179. Patching with PlayerConnection.patch
  180. Patching with CommandGamerule.patch
  181. Patching with BlockOre.patch
  182. Patching with LootEnchantFunction.patch
  183. Patching with EntityWitherSkull.patch
  184. Patching with IBlockAccess.patch
  185. Patching with WorldProvider.patch
  186. Patching with EntityVillager.patch
  187. Patching with MinecraftServer.patch
  188. Patching with PathfinderGoalTame.patch
  189. Patching with EntityEnderman.patch
  190. Patching with TileEntityContainer.patch
  191. Patching with EntitySheep.patch
  192. Patching with BlockPortal.patch
  193. Patching with EntityCreature.patch
  194. Patching with GameRules.patch
  195. Patching with EntityChicken.patch
  196. Patching with ContainerHopper.patch
  197. Patching with EntityCreeper.patch
  198. Patching with Explosion.patch
  199. Patching with EntityPlayer.patch
  200. Patching with FluidTypeLava.patch
  201. Patching with EntitySnowman.patch
  202. Patching with CrashReport.patch
  203. Patching with WorldServer.patch
  204. Patching with DispenseBehaviorBoat.patch
  205. Patching with BlockChorusFlower.patch
  206. Patching with LegacyPingHandler.patch
  207. Patching with BlockGrass.patch
  208. Patching with EntityEnderCrystal.patch
  209. Patching with AttributeRanged.patch
  210. Patching with EntityHanging.patch
  211. Patching with EntityVillagerAbstract.patch
  212. Patching with PathfinderGoalPanic.patch
  213. Patching with ArgumentParserSelector.patch
  214. Patching with EntityFallingBlock.patch
  215. Patching with RegionFileCache.patch
  216. Patching with ItemPotion.patch
  217. Patching with EntityAnimal.patch
  218. Patching with ChunkProviderServer.patch
  219. Patching with RecipeStonecutting.patch
  220. Patching with EntitySelector.patch
  221. Patching with BlockDispenser.patch
  222. Patching with BlockNote.patch
  223. Patching with ItemTrident.patch
  224. Patching with DispenseBehaviorProjectile.patch
  225. Patching with BlockEnderPortal.patch
  226. Patching with CommandBlockListenerAbstract.patch
  227. Patching with EntityPig.patch
  228. Patching with PathfinderGoalHorseTrap.patch
  229. Patching with PacketPlayInCloseWindow.patch
  230. Patching with WorldProviderHell.patch
  231. Patching with ItemSkullPlayer.patch
  232. Patching with BehaviorInteractDoor.patch
  233. Patching with WorldGenStronghold.patch
  234. Patching with Entity.patch
  235. Patching with TileEntityDispenser.patch
  236. Patching with EntityOcelot.patch
  237. Patching with RecipeCampfire.patch
  238. Patching with ContainerFurnace.patch
  239. Patching with BlockPiston.patch
  240. Patching with MobEffects.patch
  241. Patching with BlockMobSpawner.patch
  242. Patching with DispenseBehaviorShulkerBox.patch
  243. Patching with ShapelessRecipes.patch
  244. Patching with LootContextParameters.patch
  245. Patching with ItemBow.patch
  246. Patching with MobSpawnerTrader.patch
  247. Patching with PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTarget.patch
  248. Patching with ItemHanging.patch
  249. Patching with ItemMinecart.patch
  250. Patching with EntityPotion.patch
  251. Patching with EntityTNTPrimed.patch
  252. Patching with EntityBat.patch
  253. Patching with TileEntityBanner.patch
  254. Patching with ChunkGenerator.patch
  255. Patching with BlockReed.patch
  256. Patching with DragonControllerManager.patch
  257. Patching with EnchantmentFrostWalker.patch
  258. Patching with EntityTippedArrow.patch
  259. Patching with ContainerAnvil.patch
  260. Patching with BlockDaylightDetector.patch
  261. Patching with BehaviorProfession.patch
  262. Patching with EntitySkeletonAbstract.patch
  263. Patching with PlayerInventory.patch
  264. Patching with TicketType.patch
  265. Patching with EntityShulkerBullet.patch
  266. Patching with ContainerBrewingStand.patch
  267. Patching with DataConverterFlatten.patch
  268. Patching with StructureGenerator.patch
  269. Patching with EntityLightning.patch
  270. Patching with EntityVex.patch
  271. Patching with MobSpawnerPatrol.patch
  272. Patching with EntityExperienceOrb.patch
  273. Patching with PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.patch
  274. Patching with BlockMushroom.patch
  275. Patching with BehaviorMakeLove.patch
  276. Patching with DefinedStructureManager.patch
  277. Patching with PlayerInteractManager.patch
  278. Patching with BlockRedstoneLamp.patch
  279. Patching with EntityWitch.patch
  280. Patching with BiomeStorage.patch
  281. Patching with EntityMinecartAbstract.patch
  282. Patching with BlockCoral.patch
  283. Patching with JsonList.patch
  284. Patching with EntityFox.patch
  285. Patching with RayTrace.patch
  286. Patching with ItemChorusFruit.patch
  287. Patching with BlockSweetBerryBush.patch
  288. Patching with EntityAgeable.patch
  289. Patching with DispenseBehaviorItem.patch
  290. Patching with Advancement.patch
  291. Patching with EntityPufferFish.patch
  292. Patching with EntityBee.patch
  293. Patching with ContainerCartography.patch
  294. Patching with Block.patch
  295. Patching with DispenserRegistry.patch
  296. Patching with ItemBoat.patch
  297. Patching with DefinedStructure.patch
  298. Patching with EntityDolphin.patch
  299. Patching with TileEntityChest.patch
  300. Patching with BlockCoralPlant.patch
  301. Patching with IChunkLoader.patch
  302. Patching with EntityMushroomCow.patch
  303. Patching with WorldProviderNormal.patch
  304. Patching with MobSpawnerPhantom.patch
  305. Patching with BlockCrops.patch
  306. Patching with Advancements.patch
  307. Patching with EntityCaveSpider.patch
  308. Patching with PathfinderGoalHurtByTarget.patch
  309. Patching with PathfinderGoalSit.patch
  310. Patching with DimensionManager.patch
  311. Patching with TileEntityLectern.patch
  312. Patching with EntityMinecartCommandBlock.patch
  313. Patching with BlockCake.patch
  314. Patching with BlockLeaves.patch
  315. Patching with MobSpawnerAbstract.patch
  316. Patching with EntityRabbit.patch
  317. Patching with CraftingManager.patch
  318. Patching with BlockTripwire.patch
  319. Patching with BlockCoralFanWall.patch
  320. Patching with BlockPoweredRail.patch
  321. Patching with EntityItemFrame.patch
  322. Patching with TileEntityConduit.patch
  323. Patching with ContainerBeacon.patch
  324. Patching with TileEntityCampfire.patch
  325. Patching with BlockVine.patch
  326. Patching with WorldGenWitchHut.patch
  327. Patching with BlockIce.patch
  328. Patching with BlockJukeBox.patch
  329. Patching with TileEntity.patch
  330. Patching with BlockCactus.patch
  331. Patching with CommandSummon.patch
  332. Patching with EntityEnderDragon.patch
  333. Patching with TileEntityBeacon.patch
  334. Patching with PathfinderGoalTarget.patch
  335. Patching with UserCache.patch
  336. Patching with InventoryMerchant.patch
  337. Patching with BlockChest.patch
  338. Patching with ChunkMapDistance.patch
  339. Patching with Enchantments.patch
  340. Patching with ContainerDispenser.patch
  341. Patching with ScoreboardServer.patch
  342. Patching with BlockTurtleEgg.patch
  343. Patching with EntityDamageSourceIndirect.patch
  344. Patching with TileEntityEndGateway.patch
  345. Patching with WorldBorder.patch
  346. Patching with WorldData.patch
  347. Patching with PortalTravelAgent.patch
  348. Patching with ContainerShulkerBox.patch
  349. Patching with BlockRedstoneWire.patch
  350. Patching with ItemSnowball.patch
  351. Patching with RegionLimitedWorldAccess.patch
  352. Patching with LoginListener.patch
  353. Patching with PlayerChunkMap.patch
  354. Patching with ContainerEnchantTable.patch
  355. Patching with InventoryCrafting.patch
  356. Patching with RecipeItemStack.patch
  357. Patching with SpawnerCreature.patch
  358. Patching with PathfinderGoalBreed.patch
  359. Patching with EntityAreaEffectCloud.patch
  360. Patching with BlockTrapdoor.patch
  361. Patching with BlockRedstoneOre.patch
  362. Patching with ExpirableListEntry.patch
  363. Patching with EntityProjectileThrowable.patch
  364. Patching with MobEffectList.patch
  365. Patching with PacketStatusListener.patch
  366. Patching with EntityWolf.patch
  367. Patching with ContainerWorkbench.patch
  368. Patching with EntityIronGolem.patch
  369. Patching with BlockSponge.patch
  370. Patching with EntityArrow.patch
  371. Patching with BehaviorCareer.patch
  372. Patching with TileEntityFurnace.patch
  373. Patching with DamageSource.patch
  374. Patching with EntityFish.patch
  375. Patching with EntityRaider.patch
  376. Patching with ItemLeash.patch
  377. Patching with BlockStateInteger.patch
  378. Patching with EntitySilverfish.patch
  379. Patching with EntityThrownTrident.patch
  380. Patching with BehaviorUtil.patch
  381. Patching with ItemStack.patch
  382. Patching with WorldProviderTheEnd.patch
  383. Patching with EntityParrot.patch
  384. Patching with BlockNetherWart.patch
  385. Patching with BlockRedstoneTorch.patch
  386. Patching with EntityIllagerIllusioner.patch
  387. Patching with NetworkManager.patch
  388. Patching with IRecipe.patch
  389. Patching with BlockBambooSapling.patch
  390. Patching with TagRegistry.patch
  391. Patching with PlayerList.patch
  392. Patching with BlockBed.patch
  393. Patching with MerchantRecipe.patch
  394. Patching with ItemFireball.patch
  395. Patching with EntityLiving.patch
  396. Patching with ItemArmor.patch
  397. Patching with EntityItem.patch
  398. Patching with Raid.patch
  399. Patching with EntityEnderPearl.patch
  400. Patching with BlockButtonAbstract.patch
  401. Patching with EntityEgg.patch
  402. Patching with PathfinderGoalDefendVillage.patch
  403. Patching with BossBattleCustom.patch
  404. Patching with ItemEnderPearl.patch
  405. Patching with BlockCocoa.patch
  406. Patching with EntityFireworks.patch
  407. Patching with BlockComposter.patch
  408. Patching with BlockTripwireHook.patch
  409. Patching with WorldGenTreeProvider.patch
  410. Patching with BlockCauldron.patch
  411. Patching with EntitySkeletonWither.patch
  412. Patching with Chunk.patch
  413. Patching with BlockKelp.patch
  414. Patching with ChunkProviderGenerate.patch
  415. Patching with VillageSiege.patch
  416. Patching with EntityPillager.patch
  417. Patching with EntityGhast.patch
  418. Patching with ContainerLectern.patch
  419. Patching with SlotFurnaceResult.patch
  420. Patching with PlayerConnectionUtils.patch
  421. Patching with BlockPumpkinCarved.patch
  422. Patching with ICommandListener.patch
  423. Patching with IWorldWriter.patch
  424. Patching with RecipeBookServer.patch
  425. Patching with Container.patch
  426. Patching with TickListServer.patch
  427. Patching with AdvancementDataPlayer.patch
  428. Patching with EntityBoat.patch
  429. Patching with LootItemConditionRandomChanceWithLooting.patch
  430. Patching with DataConverterRegistry.patch
  431. Patching with EntityEvokerFangs.patch
  432. Patching with ItemFishingRod.patch
  433. Patching with TileEntityBrewingStand.patch
  434. Patching with BlockPressurePlateBinary.patch
  435. Patching with Containers.patch
  436. Patching with StatisticManager.patch
  437. Patching with IMerchant.patch
  438. Patching with PacketDataSerializer.patch
  439. Patching with InventoryEnderChest.patch
  440. Patching with CustomFunction.patch
  441. Patching with ContainerPlayer.patch
  442. Patching with IRecipeComplex.patch
  443. Patching with EntityLargeFireball.patch
  444. Patching with ContainerLoom.patch
  445. Patching with PropertyManager.patch
  446. Patching with ContainerHorse.patch
  447. Patching with TagsServer.patch
  448. Patching with EntityFishingHook.patch
  449. Patching with BehaviorFarm.patch
  450. Patching with TileEntityCommand.patch
  451. Patching with WorldGenGroundBush.patch
  452. Compiling Bukkit
  453. Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:
  454. [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  455. [INFO]
  456. [INFO] -------------------------< org.bukkit:bukkit >--------------------------
  457. [INFO] Building Bukkit 1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  458. [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
  459. [INFO]
  460. [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ bukkit ---
  461. [INFO] Deleting /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/target
  462. [INFO]
  463. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ bukkit ---
  464. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  465. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/src/main/resources
  466. [INFO]
  467. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ bukkit ---
  468. [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
  469. [INFO]
  470. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ bukkit ---
  471. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  472. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/src/test/resources
  473. [INFO]
  474. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ bukkit ---
  475. [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
  476. [INFO]
  477. [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ bukkit ---
  478. [INFO] Tests are skipped.
  479. [INFO]
  480. [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ bukkit ---
  481. [INFO] Building jar: /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/target/bukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  482. [INFO]
  483. [INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:3.2.1:shade (default) @ bukkit ---
  484. [INFO] Including commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.6 in the shaded jar.
  485. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
  486. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
  487. [INFO] Including org.yaml:snakeyaml:jar:1.25 in the shaded jar.
  488. [INFO] Attaching shaded artifact.
  489. [INFO]
  490. [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ bukkit ---
  491. [INFO] Installing /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/target/bukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/bukkit/bukkit/1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/bukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  492. [INFO] Installing /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/pom.xml to /root/.m2/repository/org/bukkit/bukkit/1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/bukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
  493. [INFO] Installing /opt/minecraft/Bukkit/target/bukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/bukkit/bukkit/1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/bukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar
  494. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. [INFO] Total time: 9.943 s
  498. [INFO] Finished at: 2019-12-15T23:04:37Z
  499. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  500. Compiling CraftBukkit
  501. Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:
  502. [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  503. [INFO]
  504. [INFO] -----------------------< org.bukkit:craftbukkit >-----------------------
  505. [INFO] Building CraftBukkit 1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  506. [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
  507. [INFO]
  508. [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ craftbukkit ---
  509. [INFO] Deleting /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/target
  510. [INFO]
  511. [INFO] --- scriptus:0.2:describe (default) @ craftbukkit ---
  512. [INFO] Set property "describe" to "git-Bukkit-e43416a"
  513. [INFO]
  514. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ craftbukkit ---
  515. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  516. [INFO] Copying 4 resources
  517. [INFO]
  518. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ craftbukkit ---
  519. [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
  520. [INFO]
  521. [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ craftbukkit ---
  522. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
  523. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/src/test/resources
  524. [INFO]
  525. [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ craftbukkit ---
  526. [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
  527. [INFO]
  528. [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ craftbukkit ---
  529. [INFO] Tests are skipped.
  530. [INFO]
  531. [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ craftbukkit ---
  532. [INFO] Building jar: /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  533. [INFO]
  534. [INFO] --- maven-shade-plugin:3.2.1:shade (default) @ craftbukkit ---
  535. [INFO] Including org.bukkit:bukkit:jar:1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
  536. [INFO] Including commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.6 in the shaded jar.
  537. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
  538. [INFO] Including in the shaded jar.
  539. [INFO] Including org.yaml:snakeyaml:jar:1.25 in the shaded jar.
  540. [INFO] Including org.spigotmc:minecraft-server:jar:1.15-SNAPSHOT in the shaded jar.
  541. [INFO] Including jline:jline:jar:2.12.1 in the shaded jar.
  542. [INFO] Including org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.2 in the shaded jar.
  543. [INFO] Including com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:jar:1.1.1 in the shaded jar.
  544. [INFO] Including org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:jar:3.28.0 in the shaded jar.
  545. [INFO] Including mysql:mysql-connector-java:jar:5.1.48 in the shaded jar.
  546. [WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
  547. [WARNING] gson-2.8.0.jar, minecraft-server-1.15-SNAPSHOT.jar define 174 overlapping classes:
  548. [WARNING] -
  549. [WARNING] -$GsonContextImpl
  550. [WARNING] -
  551. [WARNING] -
  552. [WARNING] -$6
  553. [WARNING] -$5
  554. [WARNING] -$Gson$Types
  555. [WARNING] -$KeySet
  556. [WARNING] -$2
  557. [WARNING] -$1
  558. [WARNING] - 164 more...
  559. [WARNING] guava-21.0.jar, minecraft-server-1.15-SNAPSHOT.jar define 1837 overlapping classes:
  560. [WARNING] -$1
  561. [WARNING] -
  562. [WARNING] -$5
  563. [WARNING] -$StandardBaseEncoding$2
  564. [WARNING] -
  565. [WARNING] -
  566. [WARNING] -
  567. [WARNING] -$StatsCounter
  568. [WARNING] -$Policies
  569. [WARNING] -$LexicographicalComparator
  570. [WARNING] - 1827 more...
  571. [WARNING] craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, minecraft-server-1.15-SNAPSHOT.jar define 720 overlapping classes:
  572. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.EntityTurtle$d
  573. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.TickListServer
  574. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.BlockWaterLily
  575. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.PathfinderGoalHurtByTarget
  576. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.IDispenseBehavior$12
  577. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.BlockGrass
  578. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.TileEntityConduit
  579. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.EntityBee$e
  580. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.EntityPhantom$g
  581. [WARNING] - net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman
  582. [WARNING] - 710 more...
  583. [WARNING] maven-shade-plugin has detected that some class files are
  584. [WARNING] present in two or more JARs. When this happens, only one
  585. [WARNING] single version of the class is copied to the uber jar.
  586. [WARNING] Usually this is not harmful and you can skip these warnings,
  587. [WARNING] otherwise try to manually exclude artifacts based on
  588. [WARNING] mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true and the above output.
  589. [WARNING] See
  590. [INFO] Replacing original artifact with shaded artifact.
  591. [INFO] Replacing /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar with /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar
  592. [INFO] Dependency-reduced POM written at: /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/dependency-reduced-pom.xml
  593. [INFO]
  594. [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ craftbukkit ---
  595. [INFO] Installing /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  596. [INFO] Installing /opt/minecraft/CraftBukkit/dependency-reduced-pom.xml to /root/.m2/repository/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/craftbukkit-1.15-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
  597. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  599. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  600. [INFO] Total time: 37.234 s
  601. [INFO] Finished at: 2019-12-15T23:05:15Z
  602. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  603. 2:
  604. : not found
  605. Rebuilding Forked projects....
  606. 6:
  607. : not found
  608. 11:
  609. : not found
  610. 12: cd: can't cd to /opt/minecraft/Spigot
  612. 43: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")
  613. Error compiling Spigot. Please check the wiki for FAQs.
  614. If this does not resolve your issue then please pastebin the entire BuildTools.log.txt file when seeking support.
  615. java.lang.RuntimeException: Error running command, return status !=0: [sh,]
  616. at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess0(
  617. at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess(
  618. at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.main(
  619. at org.spigotmc.builder.Bootstrap.main(
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