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a guest
May 21st, 2018
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  1. object PcaLvmOutput extends MistFn {
  2. implicit val resultMessageEnc = mist.api.encoding.generic.encoder[ResultMessage]
  3. override def handle: Handle = {
  4. withArgs(
  5. arg[String]("table_prefix"),
  6. arg[Int]("nod_histogram_length", 31)
  7. .validated(nodHistogramLength => nodHistogramLength > 0, "nod_histogram_length value should be positive"),
  8. arg[Int]("limit_value", 250),
  9. arg[String]("sources", " 'ai_6010' "),
  10. arg[Int]("scaling_factor_days_processed", 90),
  11. arg[Int]("cross_device_level", 2),
  12. arg[String]("date_end"),
  13. arg[String]("ref_table_url", "jdbc:mysql://"),
  14. arg[String]("ref_table_user", "pca_ro"),
  15. arg[Seq[String]]("views", Seq(
  16. "Time to 1st Visit histogram",
  17. "LCI Visits by Dimensions",
  18. "LCI visit metrics by All",
  19. "LCI by store",
  20. "LCI by DMA",
  21. "LCI by All")))
  22. .withMistExtras
  23. .onSparkContext((tablePrefix: String,
  24. nodHistogramLength: Int,
  25. limit: Int,
  26. sources: String,
  27. scalingFactorDaysProcessed: Int,
  28. crossDeviceLevel: Int,
  29. dateEnd: String,
  30. refTableUrl: String,
  31. refTableUser: String,
  32. views: Seq[String],
  33. extras: MistExtras,
  34. sc: SparkContext) => {
  35. val result: ResultMessage = ???
  36. result
  37. })
  38. }
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