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a guest
Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. Senior (enterprise)
  3. Analyse and profile an application for performance and memory issues
  4. Analyses and profile an application for security issues
  5. Understand database modeling and query analysis
  6. Tune a production deployment (Passenger, Thin, Apache etc)
  7. Understand and use Ruby metaprogramming
  8. Mentoring skills
  9. Communication skills
  10. Planning and Estimation
  12. Mid-level (startup and mid corp)
  14. Setup and deploy a Rails App for production
  15. Understand the Rails stack - callbacks, filters, plugins, engines, gems, rack
  16. Understand and use Active Record associations
  17. Understand and use scopes to define model abstractions
  18. Define tests using Cucumber and rSpec
  19. Understand and use Object Orientation
  20. Understand and use Design Patterns (explain what they are, know some basic patterns)
  22. Entry Level (rails beginner)
  24. Create and setup a Rails environment
  25. Use generators to create models, controllers and migrations
  26. Create and use a migration to manage the database
  27. Create a unit test using rspec/etc
  28. Create a model and basic validations
  29. Handle a GET request using a Controller, Model, and View
  30. Handle a POST request using a Controller, Model, and View
  31. Basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  32. Basic GIT - clone, commit, push
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