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Feb 1st, 2017
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  1. [23:16] Mirkrali: [sub]honestly if she cant take constructive criticism then she's not gonna become a good artist >>'[/sub]
  2. [23:17] Creoste Fenn: Tfw
  3. [23:18] Mirkrali: [sub]ps, dont ever rp with kagelan. He's the creepy dude that used t obother me and he's only gotten creepier[/sub]
  4. [23:18] Mirkrali: [sub]he found someone I know's personal information[/sub]
  5. [23:19] Creoste Fenn: Ew gross
  6. [23:19] Mirkrali: yup
  7. [23:19] Creoste Fenn: Thank you for warn
  8. [23:19] Mirkrali: ye np
  9. [23:19] Mirkrali: he has an obnoxious amount of alts, so it's always hard to tell what's him
  10. [23:19] Creoste Fenn: Blegh
  11. [23:20] Mirkrali: yeah
  12. [23:20] Mirkrali: apparently when i cut contacts he just got crazier
  13. [23:21] Creoste Fenn: Yetch x_x
  14. [23:21] Mirkrali: /me also might attempt to lood cree
  15. [23:21] Creoste Fenn: Do it
  16. [23:21] Creoste Fenn: I dunno how detailed I can get on my phone but we can find out
  17. [23:21] Mirkrali: it's oke
  18. [23:21] Mirkrali: just fun stuff
  19. [23:27] Mirkrali: o, cree is smol!
  20. [23:27] Creoste Fenn: Compared to most dergns ye
  21. [23:28] Mirkrali: mirk is smol, but not that smol
  22. [23:31] Creoste Fenn: She's about the size of an anthro
  23. [23:31] Mirkrali: /me lays on Cree. Smish
  24. [23:37] Creoste Fenn: Oh gods I forgot how overwhelming fchat got so quickly
  25. [23:37] Mirkrali: yeaaah
  26. [23:37] Mirkrali: maybe no rp XD
  27. [23:37] Creoste Fenn: I'm sorry ;;
  28. [23:37] Mirkrali: it is nbd
  29. [23:37] Creoste Fenn: I was feeling all weirdly shy ;;;;;;
  30. [23:38] Mirkrali: shhhh everyone loves you
  31. [23:39] Creoste Fenn: ;;;;;;;;; whyyyy
  32. [23:39] Mirkrali: cause ur great
  33. [23:40] Creoste Fenn: Oh jeez ;;;;;
  34. [23:40] Mirkrali: /me petpats all over
  35. [23:40] Creoste Fenn: I am like, a fat sweaty goblin who stresses himself out into not leaving the house
  36. [23:41] Mirkrali: /me kneads vigorously
  37. [23:41] Creoste Fenn: Ooooooof wow I'm like just ultra bad head right now
  38. [23:41] Mirkrali: D: I'm sorry
  39. [23:42] Creoste Fenn: I have been completely flipping out about my doctor emailing me my paranoid brain tells me that it means I'm gonna die
  40. [23:42] Creoste Fenn: Even though it probably just means that he got my test results back and he's a competent doctor
  41. [23:43] Mirkrali: ur not gonna die
  42. [23:43] Creoste Fenn: Oh my God. OK. My brain is Ultra bad. I almost like vomited a huge panic attack at you
  43. [23:43] Mirkrali: it's okay
  44. [23:44] Mirkrali: I'm here to listen friendo
  45. [23:44] Creoste Fenn: I might have to go bother my housemate to listen to me and help me with my stupid head
  46. [23:44] Creoste Fenn: Or something
  47. [23:44] Mirkrali: okay ;w;
  48. [23:44] Mirkrali: I wanna be here for yooooou
  49. [23:44] Creoste Fenn: I don't want anyone to see me like this._.
  50. [23:44] Mirkrali: I mean you saw me break down last night
  51. [23:44] Creoste Fenn: Weh
  52. [23:45] Creoste Fenn: I'm just like
  53. [23:45] Mirkrali: /me [b]aggressively supports[/b]
  54. [23:46] Creoste Fenn: Constantly trying not to fucking hate myself, terrified that my agoraphobia is actually just laziness bc I'm having trouble getting around with the current bus arrangement even tho the train is a km away and being seen sweating and stinking as a fat person is ungodly sin and I'm disgusting anyway I can't let people see
  55. [23:46] Creoste Fenn: Can't do that to people
  56. [23:47] Mirkrali: What my gf taught me is that, if you have to doubt yourself, then you're probably not lazy or faking it
  57. [23:47] Creoste Fenn: But what if I'm tricking you
  58. [23:47] Mirkrali: Well that's my problem :V
  59. [23:48] Mirkrali: I trust you m8
  60. [23:48] Creoste Fenn: I do not feel trustworthy
  61. [23:48] Mirkrali: You are a soff that has issues, and that is ok
  62. [23:49] Creoste Fenn: I keep reacting to my family and what happened with Bob and snow like it was serious and it was just words for the most part and I shouldnt let it define me
  63. [23:50] Creoste Fenn: I'm a spoiled disgusting symbol of western indulgence and unawareness of real suffering
  64. [23:51] Mirkrali: I wouldnt say you're spoiled and disgusting. And it's like... That's a fallacy. Just cause someone else has it worse doesn't mean you're not allowed to suffer
  65. [23:51] Mirkrali: experience is relative, and you cant make the hurt go away just cause someone else has a different kind of hurt
  66. [23:52] Creoste Fenn: There is nothing making me suffer but my own personality and my memories
  67. [23:52] Mirkrali: We're creatures of emotion and memory. That shit is gonna haunt us, and it's not insignificant
  68. [23:53] Mirkrali: I'd sure as hell be a better person if I could do what my parents keep telling me-- just getting off my ass and /doing/ things. But it's not that easy
  69. [23:53] Creoste Fenn: I just. I feel really lonely and technically there's people I should bond with but I'm not comfortable with them and it's my fault
  70. [23:53] Mirkrali: I understand v-v
  71. [23:54] Mirkrali: It's hard not feeling lonely
  72. [23:54] Creoste Fenn: Also I'm worried about maybe having to move to keep myself from self combustion but honestly I don't know if that will stop and agoraphobia flare up
  73. [23:55] Mirkrali: move as in exercise?
  74. [23:55] Mirkrali: Could you like... find a way to grab one of those cycling exercise thingies that you can shove in a room? I swear I see at least one in every thrift store around here
  75. [23:56] Creoste Fenn: Because I feel like no one I've ever lived with has truly wanted me there except for people who live so far away I would need 10000 at least to immigrate with them securely
  76. [23:56] Creoste Fenn: Move as in house to better bus line, closer
  77. [23:57] Mirkrali: oooh. blup :c
  78. [00:00] Creoste Fenn: But I just got here
  79. [00:00] Mirkrali: idk what to tell you :c I guess... do what you have to do to keep your life happy and healthy?
  80. [00:01] Creoste Fenn: And I feel like I have to choose between saving for long term mental health with loved ones and doing nothing but sitting in my room and reading and watching YouTube and documentaries, or going out and doing things and looking like a normal person short term but screwing my ability to be with those I love
  81. [00:02] Creoste Fenn: And feeling really frustrated and upset because I try to get help but as soon as people hear everything they get kind of quiet and pass me on...
  82. [00:03] Mirkrali: ;w; I'm sorry. That sounds really shitty
  83. [00:04] Mirkrali: I'm sorry if I seem quiet. Im just sitting here wanting to hug you n' not sure what to say cause I'm trying to get out of advice mode
  84. [00:04] Creoste Fenn: Hugs are good
  85. [00:04] Creoste Fenn: I mean you can try advice
  86. [00:04] Creoste Fenn: I really should start up with the gym near by
  87. [00:05] Mirkrali: /me squeezes tight
  88. [00:05] Creoste Fenn: I'm just... Having a lot of trouble feeling OK about being visible moving
  89. [00:05] Mirkrali: when I give advice it just ends up annoying people |D
  90. [00:05] Creoste Fenn: Is ok
  91. [00:05] Creoste Fenn: I know you just want to help
  92. [00:05] Creoste Fenn: I trust you too you know
  93. [00:06] Mirkrali: /me nests on and kneads
  94. [00:06] Mirkrali: maybe try the gym? Hopefully it's air conditioned ._.
  95. [00:06] Creoste Fenn: Yeah I think so
  96. [00:06] Mirkrali: I mean at least you'd be trying, yeah?
  97. [00:06] Creoste Fenn: I think I will ask my support worker to walk there with me
  98. [00:07] Mirkrali: Ye good idea!
  99. [00:07] Creoste Fenn: So uh, I have someone to help if I melt down
  100. [00:07] Creoste Fenn: And I really, really need to invest in a vacuum cleaner
  101. [00:08] Creoste Fenn: And set an alarm for watering my plants
  102. [00:08] Mirkrali: I forget the value of vacuum cleaners until I live by myself and have nothing to schwoomp up the dirt
  103. [00:10] Creoste Fenn: Tfw
  104. [00:10] Creoste Fenn: I found one on ebay that looks good
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