

Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. Everyone, all animals, have the basic emotions. The basic emotions are things like anger, joy, sadness. With evolution, emotions get more complex with the ability to form thoughts and follow rules and control impulses. Scientists wanted to explore in what way the big five was present in animals and how the traits were portrayed. Some of the animals that were looked at were chimps, guppies, octopuses, dogs, rats, gorillas, chimps. The research did find that various primates, dogs, cats, donkeys, pigs, guppies, and octopuses all showed individual differences that could be organized along dimensions akin to the big five. The structure of the personality trait in human most closely resembles that of the chimp who are the only ones besides the humans to have traits related to C. When the way we view personality is changed to fit the animal, they hit a lot of the big five. Everyone has a personality, it is just that certain animals display their traits differently and each are at a different evolutionary stage. Overall, it was found that animal personality can be assessed quite reliably, that the structure of personality traits in humans resembles that of chimps, nonprimate mammals like dogs and cats seem to have a less differentiated personality structure with three dimensions showing considerable, though not perfect, generality across many species, and that the descriptions of personality for animals is not anthropomorphic.
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